197 research outputs found

    Remedi Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Akibat Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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     Berdasarkan kajian sebelumnya, terdapat relasi antara korupsi dan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Saat ini, putusan tindak pidana korupsi (Tipikor) hanya mampu membuktikan kerugian keuangan negara, namun belum mampu membuktikan kerugian perekonomian negara, biaya sosial, terlebih lagi pelanggaran HAM. Penegakan hukum belum mampu memulihkan pelanggaran HAM sebagai dampak dari Tipikor. Tujuan Penelitian ini, adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana model remedi pelanggaran HAM sebagai dampak dari Tipikor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bersumber pada data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini menganalisis beberapa alternatif jalur hukum baik melalui sistem peradilan pidana, perdata, dan/atau Tata Usaha Negara (TUN). Penelitian ini juga menelaah korporasi sebagai subyek hukum Tipikor, serta kemungkinan perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan agar dapat menjadi dasar hukum model remedi tersebut. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan model remedi pelanggaran HAM akibat Tipikor yang saat ini dapat ditempuh berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dengan berorientasi sebesar-besarnya untuk kepentingan remedi korban, yakni pertama, melalui peradilan perdata dan peradilan TUN berdasarkan putusan peradilan pidana berkekuatan hukum tetap; dan kedua, melalui penggabungan perkara ganti kerugian. Namun demikan model remedi yang paling efektif dan berorientasi sebesar-besarnya untuk perlindungan korban adalah melalui sistem peradilan Tipikor dengan pembaharuan sistem pemidanaan.

    Remedi Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Akibat Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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     Berdasarkan kajian sebelumnya, terdapat relasi antara korupsi dan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Saat ini, putusan tindak pidana korupsi (Tipikor) hanya mampu membuktikan kerugian keuangan negara, namun belum mampu membuktikan kerugian perekonomian negara, biaya sosial, terlebih lagi pelanggaran HAM. Penegakan hukum belum mampu memulihkan pelanggaran HAM sebagai dampak dari Tipikor. Tujuan Penelitian ini, adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana model remedi pelanggaran HAM sebagai dampak dari Tipikor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bersumber pada data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini menganalisis beberapa alternatif jalur hukum baik melalui sistem peradilan pidana, perdata, dan/atau Tata Usaha Negara (TUN). Penelitian ini juga menelaah korporasi sebagai subyek hukum Tipikor, serta kemungkinan perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan agar dapat menjadi dasar hukum model remedi tersebut. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan model remedi pelanggaran HAM akibat Tipikor yang saat ini dapat ditempuh berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dengan berorientasi sebesar-besarnya untuk kepentingan remedi korban, yakni pertama, melalui peradilan perdata dan peradilan TUN berdasarkan putusan peradilan pidana berkekuatan hukum tetap; dan kedua, melalui penggabungan perkara ganti kerugian. Namun demikan model remedi yang paling efektif dan berorientasi sebesar-besarnya untuk perlindungan korban adalah melalui sistem peradilan Tipikor dengan pembaharuan sistem pemidanaan.

    The Effect of Caffeine Supplementation in Egg-Yolk Tris Extender on Motility and Velocity of Garut Sheep Sperm Separation

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    The aims of this research were to know the effect of caffeine in Tris egg yolk extender on motility and velocity of Garut Ram sperm after separation and to find out the optimum dosage of caffeine for both parameters. This research used experimental design with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments on different dosage  (0 mM, 2 mM, 4 mM and 6 mM), each treatment is repeated five times. The result showed that the supplemtation of caffeine significantly influence sperm motility  of Garut Ram sperm after separation. The highest sperm motility was on dosage 4 mM that was 63.57%  on top fraction and 65.90% on below fraction. The highest sperm velocity was on dosage 4 mM that was 62.37 µm/second on top fraction and 64.24 µm/second on below fraction and significantly influence sperm velocity. The conclusion, 4 mM dosage of caffeine  was the optimum dosage to reach the highest motility and velocity of Garut Ram sperm both on top  and below fractions. (Animal Production 12(3): 139-143 (2010)Key Words: spermatozoa, Garut ram, sperm separation, caffein

    The Effect of Fructose Addition in Semen Extender on Quality of Separation of Garut Ram Sperm in Several Storage Length

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    The objective of the research were to find out the effect of fructose addition in semen extender to the quality of separation Garut ram sperm and their length viability (up to 40% motility) in cool storage. Research design was split plot with four treatments of fructose addition in coconut water extender as a main plot i.e.: 1% (P1); 1.25% (P2); 1.50 (P3) and 1.75% (P4) and the length of sperm viability in cool storage (0; 3rd ; 6 th;9 th;12 th and 15 th hour), as a subplot. Each treatment was repeated five times. Sperm separation was done by albumin column method with 10 % concentration in top layer and 30% in lower layer. Parameters of research were sperm motility and abnormality after separation. Research result showed that addition of 1.75% fructose has the best sperm motility of 57.18± 1.43% and abnormality of 5.76±0.20% in 12 hours cool storage (top layer of albumin column). Sperm motility of 57.62 ± 0.65 % and abnormality of 4.35 ± 0.25% in 12 hours cool storage (lower layer of albumin column). As a conclusion, addition of fructose in coconut water semen extender has positive influenced on sperm quality. (Animal Production 11(3): 196-201 (2009

    Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru di SMP Islam Terpadu Babunnajah Menes

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    The principal's administration can influence school activities. This research uses qualitative research and describes the problems studied. This type of research uses qualitative research to identify and describe the role of the principal in improving teacher performance at SMP IT Babunjah Menes. Therefore this type of site-based research is field research where researchers go directly to the field to see firsthand what the purpose of the research is. Qualitative research has three data collection techniques, namely interviews, documentation and observation. Based on the results of this study, there are two things that are in line with the problems that the researchers found, including 1). The principal as a leader can motivate and direct stakeholders to work well in accordance with the school's vision and mission to improve teacher performance. 2). Principal management as a leader provides evaluations to increase teacher effectiveness in advancing schools 3). Among other things, the big role of the school principal in implementing the management process and managing it appropriately according to the work program that has been prepared to produce the best results, greatly influences the change and improvement of teacher performance. school. very good results. The role of the principal in providing directions in improving teacher performance has been fulfilled, but not all of them have increased greatly

    Cytological Characteristics of Mucose Cell and Vaginal Temperature and PH During Estrous Cycle in Local Sheep

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    Aim of this study was to examine the characteristics cytology of mucous cell-,temperature- and pH vagina during estrous cycle in local sheep. 31local sheep were synchronized with vaginal sponge consist of 20 mg progesterone hormone before carried out observations of cytology of cells from the vaginal mucose through vaginal swabs, temperature and pH of the vagina. Vaginal swabs were collected daily at 7 am for a weeks.Vaginal temperature and pH measurement is carried out twice a day, at 07.00 am and 15.00 pm for a weeks after vaginal swabs. Smears of the swab were then prepared on glass slide and they were stained with Giemsa. Vaginal epithelial cells; Parabasal, intermediate and superficial cells were counted and their percentages during pro-estrous, estrous and di-estrous were determined. Di-estrous was characterized by the absent of superficial cells in the epithelial vagina. Pro-estrous was characterized by the increasing progressively of intermediate/superficial cells in epithelial vagina, whereas estrous was characterized by the presence of superficial/cornification cells in most epithelial vagina. Based on the dominance of superficial cell, the number of sheep identified as estrous is highest on third day, with 52%. Observation on vaginal temperature also resulting that the highest temperature values obtained on the third day of 39,08±0.28°C. It could be effected of the vaginal pH during the observation. Underthe influence ofestrogen, the epithelial vaginalcellssynthesizeand accumulateglycogenin large quantitiesdepositedin the lumen ofvagina. Vaginal bacteriametabolizethe glycogenformlactic acid, which causesvaginal pHis low.The pH conditions prevent from pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. Increased estrogenal so cause cell proliferation through the thickening of the epithelium lining of the vagina so that the cells differentiate.Increasing of glycogenin the superficial cells, and ceratin cells found in the cytoplasm of cells, as well as acidic pH in the lumen vagina causing changes in the chemical composition of each cell (Zaid, 2011).It can be concluded that during estrous phase, cytology of vaginal mucose cell is dominated by superficial cell and vaginal temperature is increasing as well as pH of vagina

    Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 in Human Skin Melanoma Cancer Treated by Baccaurea angulata in vitro.

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    This study aims to explore the cytotoxicity effects of B. angulata whole fruits and berries as well as to identify the fruit’s probable role on the level of MMP-13 protein expressions in human cancer cells. Cytotoxicity effects of B. angulata were evaluated in vitro using skin melanoma (A375) through treatment with novel B. angulata fibers (whole fruit and berries) via direct contact method. The growth inhibitions of the samples were evaluated through Methylene Blue Assay (MBA) with incubation time of the fibers on cells at 24, 48 and 72 hours. The results showed significant inhibition of growth in all samples with B. angulata whole fruit exhibiting the highest level of inhibition at 72 hours (87.69 %) while its berries showed a reading of 86.16 %. Consequently, this study indicates that both whole fruit fibers and berries of B. angulata may have cytotoxic effects against human skin melanoma. The quantitative expressions of MMP-13 in A375 cell lines which were subjected to the specified amount of fibers were evaluated through ELISA analysis. The results showed no expression of MMP-13 proteins in A375 cells for both whole fruit fibers (-1217.9 pg/ml) and berries (-1222.9 pg/ml). Furthermore, the results of the ELISA analysis depict a probable regulative effect of the fibers toward MMP-13 protein expressions in cancer cells. Hence, it can be concluded that B. angulata fruit has the potential to be used as a new source of natural substitute for anticancer treatment. Moreover, further study is needed in order to find the specific bioactive compounds involved in the anticancer properties which may have been influential in the regulation of MMP-13 proteins that could be fundamental in future endeavors for prospective therapeutic applications

    Effectiveness of Various Glycerol Concentrations as a Cryoprotectant in Frozen Semen of Pasundan Cattle

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    This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Glycerol as a cryoprotectant with various concentrations on the quality of Pasundan cattle semen.  Semen was collected from seven bulls of Pasundan Cow using an artificial vagina twice a week for three months.  The semen sample was added with a TRIS-Egg Yolk Extender containing 20% (v/v) egg yolk and treated with the addition of Glycerol with five different concentrations (G5=5%, G6=6%, G7=7%, G8= 8%, and G9=9%) were then performed with cryopreservation. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used to examine the effect of five different concentrations of Glycerol on motility, intact plasma membrane (IPM), the integrity of acrosome cap (IAC), abnormalities, and recovery rate (RR) of spermatozoa after cryopreservation (post-thawing).  The results of diluted Pasundan cattle semen evaluation showed that the addition of 7% Glycerol (G7) resulted in the best motility and IAC values (83.68% and 72.84%), the addition of 7% and 8% Glycerol (G7 and G8) resulted in the best IPM values (85.00% and 84.50%).  The addition of 6%, 7%, 8%, and 9% Glycerol (G6, G7, G8, and G9) resulted in the lowest abnormality values (1%).  On the post-thawing Pasundan cattle semen evaluation, the addition of 7% Glycerol (G7) resulted in the best motility, IAC, IPM, and RR values (54.49%, 38.57%, 54.29%, and 72.28%).  Meanwhile, adding various Glycerol concentrations did not significantly affect the abnormality value of post-thawing spermatozoa.  Generally, the addition of 7% Glycerol in semen extenders shows optimal results as a cryoprotectant