4,438 research outputs found

    Compositional Devices in six Chorale Preludes, Op. 41 (1938), by Paul Pisk

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    The purpose of this article is to shed light on the compositional devices utilized in the organ work Six Chorale Preludes, Op. 41, by Paul Pisk. The analysis and discussion include cantus firmus treatment, motives derived from or related to the cantus firmus, and harmony and form, when they relate to the above. Chorale prelude types have been categorized according to those used by Bach. This study is aimed for organists as well other musicians, since the analytical aspects demonstrate the use of contrapuntal techniques in a composer who belonged to the Second Viennese School. Understanding how the chorale tune and its derivations are employed is essential for an organist to select registration, change manuals, and present a sound performance


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    Nos anos 1990 observou-se na região sul do Brasil um significativo avanço de formas alternativas de produção agrícola lastreada na construção de canais alternativos de comercialização, em especial as feiras ecológicas e lojas especializadas. Mas, nos anos recentes nota-se um arrefecimento do ritmo inicial. As hipóteses levantadas no artigo são de que isto está relacionado a dois aspectos principais: a) o enfraquecimento das formas tradicionais de varejo, ante o avanço dos supermercados modernos; b) as dificuldades de adaptação dos agricultores às novas exigências do mercado de orgânicos, decorrentes da sua institucionalização. Amparado na revisão das mudanças na estrutura do varejo após a segunda metade da década passada e no referencial da sociologia econômica, reflete-se sobre duas possibilidades de inserção destes agricultores no mercado que estão postas no cenário atual. Primeiro, no mercado de singularidades (o aposto do mercado de massa), que é promissor, porém muito exigente em mecanismos que apóiem o julgamento do consumidor. Segundo, aproveitando o crescimento vigoroso da comercialização de frutas, legumes e verduras nos supermercados para construir parcerias, especialmente com os supermercados compactos e minimercados. Partindo das conclusões de pesquisas recentes que comprovam o crescimento do espaço destes formatos de varejo nos mercados agroalimentares e da constatação das dificuldades enfrentadas por estes atores para desenvolver fornecedores, discutem-se algumas condições para que este tipo de vínculo possa acontecer. ----------------------------------------------In the years 1990 it was observed in the South of Brazil a significant progress in alternative ways of production agricultural sustained in the construction of alternative channels of commercialization, especially the ecological fairs and specialized stores. But, in the recent years this process was stagnant. The hypotheses raised in this article is that this stagnation is related to two main aspects: a) the weakness in the traditional types of retail, in front of the progress of the modern supermarkets; b) the adaptation difficulties of the farmers are related the new demands of the market of organic, current of the institutionalization in this market. Supported in the revision of the changes in the structure of the retail in recent years and in the references of the economical sociology, this article reflect about two possibilities of these farmers introduction in the market nowadays. The first possibility is in the market of singularities (the opposite of the mass market), that it is promising, however it is very demanding in mechanisms that support the consumer's judgement. The second possibility is to enjoy the vigorous growth of the commercialization of fruits, vegetables and green vegetables in the supermarkets and to build partnerships, especially with the compact supermarkets and minimarkets. Starting from recent researches that prove the growth of the place of this retail formats in the agroalimentares markets and of the verification of the difficulties faced by these actors to develop suppliers, this article has the objective to discuss which are the necessary conditions for the entail between compact supermarkets/minimarkets and farmers so that the relationships can happen.sistema agroalimentar, sociologia econômica, mercado de orgânicos, agricultura familiar, agroecologia, agroalimentary system, economical sociology, market of organic, family farmers, Agroecology, Agribusiness,


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    O fenômeno da pluriatividade tem sido um tema bastante debatido e controverso. Nesse debate destacam-se duas perspectivas teóricas que polarizam o debate que são: a do “novo rural” e a da pluriatividade como “estratégia de reprodução social”. Essas perspectivas, apesar de vêem esse fenômeno como eixo dinâmico para o desenvolvimento do meio rural, possuem interpretações diferentes do que vem a ser a pluriatividade. Assim, esse artigo tem por objetivo esclarecer as diferenças, no que diz respeito às construções teóricas de cada uma delas, conceitos utilizados e implicações, tanto no que diz respeito aos elementos necessários para a construção de um processo virtuoso de desenvolvimento, quanto às implicações deste em termos de políticas públicas. Aponta-se que, apesar de ambas perspectivas tratarem do mesmo fenômeno, as implicações em termos de políticas públicas são parcialmente distintas, como decorrência das origens teóricas de ambas.---------------------------------------------The phenomenon of the pluriactivities has been a theme quite discussed and controversial. In that debate they stand out two theoretical perspectives that they polarize the debate: the perspective of the "new rural" and the other which the pluriatividade is considerate an "strategy of social reproduction." Those perspectives, in spite of they see that phenomenon as dynamic axis for the development of the rural way, they possess interpretations different from what comes to be the pluriactivities. Like this, that article has for objective to explain the differences between this theoretical perspectives, in what it says respect about, the theoretical constructions, concepts, the elements that are necessary for the construction of a virtuous process of development and the implications of this in terms of public politics. It is appeared that, in spite of both perspectives they treat of the same phenomenon, the implications in terms of public politics are partially different, as consequence of the theoretical origins of both.pluriatividade, atividades não-agrícolas, desenvolvimento rural, pluriactivities, no-agricultural activities, rural development, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Obtaining adjusted prevalence ratios from logistic regression model in cross-sectional studies

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    In the last decades, it has been discussed the use of epidemiological prevalence ratio (PR) rather than odds ratio as a measure of association to be estimated in cross-sectional studies. The main difficulties in use of statistical models for the calculation of PR are convergence problems, availability of adequate tools and strong assumptions. The goal of this study is to illustrate how to estimate PR and its confidence interval directly from logistic regression estimates. We present three examples and compare the adjusted estimates of PR with the estimates obtained by use of log-binomial, robust Poisson regression and adjusted prevalence odds ratio (POR). The marginal and conditional prevalence ratios estimated from logistic regression showed the following advantages: no numerical instability; simple to implement in a statistical software; and assumes the adequate probability distribution for the outcome

    A focus on learners' metacognitive processes: the impact of strategic planning, repetition, strategic planning plus repetition, and strategic planning for repetition on L2 oral performance

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura CorrespondenteThe present study, carried out under an information-processing perspective, investigated the impact of four metacognitive processes - strategic planning (Foster & Skehan, 1996), repetition (Bygate, 2001b), strategic planning plus repetition (D'Ely & Fortkamp, 2003), and strategic planning for repetition (D'Ely, 2004) - on 47 L2 learners' oral performance of a video-based narrative task. The participants of this study, registered in the Licenciatura, Secretariado, and Extra-curricular courses of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, were divided into 5 groups: (1) the control group (2) the strategic planning group, (3) the repetition group, (4) the strategic planning plus repetition group, and (5) the strategic planning for repetition group. Following Foster and Skehan (1996) and Fortkamp (2000), learners' oral production was examined in four dimensions of speech: fluency, complexity, lexical density, and accuracy. Post-task questionnaires were administered for the purpose of assessing learners' appraisal of task type, their oral performance, and the conditions in which they performed. In general, statistical analyses revealed that repetition, strategic planning plus repetition, and strategic planning for repetition exerted a positive and significant impact on some of the dimensions of oral performance such as fluency, lexical density, and accuracy for the repetition group, lexical density for the strategic planning plus repetition group, and accuracy and lexical density for the strategic planning for repetition group. The strategic planning for repetition group also obtained significant gains in complexity. The strategic planning condition, for participants in the strategic planning group, had little impact on participants' oral performance. Overall, these results may be taken as evidence for the trade-off effects among the different dimensions of L2 learners' oral performance. Furthermore, the multifaceted results signal that learners' approach to different experimental conditions is idiosyncratic and that a series of variables interact in different ways when learners perform orally in L2. These variables include the nature of the task, learners' focus of attention during performance, and learners' effectiveness in implementing and retrieving pre-planned ideas. The findings of the present study might contribute to theory building in second language performance as well as to L2 pedagogy

    Resistance through participation: Brazilian students and the conduct of everyday life in schools

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    After 21 years under a violent military dictatorship, institutions’ democratization processes took place in Brazil in the past three decades, starting from the Constitution of 1988. As one of the actors in the struggles for democracy, psychologists whose practices are committed to its consolidation in different contexts are constantly facing challenges due to the contradiction between government´s democratic discourses and its authoritarian practices - which tends to be increasingly constant with the rise of a far-right government to the power. This scenario demands, more than ever, that Brazilian Psychology liberates itself from uncritical conceptions to build decolonizing foundations and practices for strengthening and expanding people´s agency. Considering school as an everyday life context for people in the early stages of development, we understand this place as a privileged space for the intervention of psychologists. We intend to share in this presentation some reflections built from participatory action research on how psychologists can promote the participation of students in school. We argue that, in a context of constant attacks to people’s rights, creating conditions for children to recognize and expand possibilities of action to conduct their everyday lives, as well as producing science that supports it, is a great form of resistance and contribution Psychology can make in such dark days

    Governança corporativa e gerenciamento de resultados em instituições financeiras brasileiras

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    Purpose: This study aimed to verify how corporate governance measures relate to earnings management in Brazilian publicly traded financial institutions. Design/methodology/approach: To carry out the research, 20 financial institutions listed on B3 were analyzed, with annual data from 2010 to 2019 obtained from the websites of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the IF.Data of the Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen). To obtain the results, regression models were estimated for each attribute of corporate governance in comparison with the selected earnings management measure. Findings: The results point to several associations of corporate governance attributes with earnings management measures. That is, corporate governance attributes reduce/increase earnings management in financial entities. Research limitations/implications: The findings of this study aim to assist company managers in improving their corporate governance policies to reduce accounting choices related to accounting management. Originality/value: The study proves to be original by the use of a broad panorama referring to corporate governance measures. Generally, studies that analyze the effects of governance on earnings management use few measures for this attribute. The study also advances by specifically analyzing financial institutions, generally excluded from studies on information quality due to their particularities.Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar como as medidas de governança corporativa se relacionam com o gerenciamento de resultados em instituições financeiras de capital aberto brasileiras. Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Para a realização da pesquisa, foram analisadas 20 instituições financeiras listadas na B3, com dados anuais de 2010 a 2019 obtidos dos sites da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) e do IF.Data do Banco Central do Brasil (Bacen). Para obter os resultados, foram estimados modelos de regressão para cada atributo de governança corporativa em comparação com a medida de gerenciamento de resultados selecionada. Resultados: Os resultados apontam para diversas associações de atributos de governança corporativa com medidas de gerenciamento de resultados. Ou seja, atributos de governança corporativa reduzem/aumentam o gerenciamento de resultados em entidades financeiras. Limitações/implicações da pesquisa: Os achados deste estudo visam auxiliar os gestores das empresas a melhorar suas políticas de governança corporativa para reduzir as escolhas contábeis relacionadas à gestão contábil. Originalidade/valor: O estudo mostra-se original pela utilização de um amplo panorama referente às medidas de governança corporativa. Geralmente, os estudos que analisam os efeitos da governança no gerenciamento de resultados utilizam poucas medidas para esse atributo. O estudo também avança ao analisar especificamente as instituições financeiras, geralmente excluídas dos estudos sobre qualidade da informação por suas particularidades

    KeaA, a Dictyostelium kelch-domain protein that regulates the response to stress and development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The protein kinase YakA is responsible for the growth arrest and induction of developmental processes that occur upon starvation of <it>Dictyostelium </it>cells. <it>yakA<sup>- </sup></it>cells are aggregation deficient, have a faster cell cycle and are hypersensitive to oxidative and nitrosoative stress. With the aim of isolating members of the YakA pathway, suppressors of the death induced by nitrosoative stress in the <it>yakA<sup>- </sup></it>cells were identified. One of the suppressor mutations occurred in <it>keaA</it>, a gene identical to DG1106 and similar to Keap1 from mice and the Kelch protein from Drosophila, among others that contain Kelch domains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A mutation in <it>keaA </it>suppresses the hypersensitivity to oxidative and nitrosoative stresses but not the faster growth phenotype of <it>yakA<sup>- </sup></it>cells. The growth profile of <it>keaA </it>deficient cells indicates that this gene is necessary for growth. <it>keaA </it>deficient cells are more resistant to nitrosoative and oxidative stress and <it>keaA </it>is necessary for the production and detection of cAMP. A morphological analysis of <it>keaA </it>deficient cells during multicellular development indicated that, although the mutant is not absolutely deficient in aggregation, cells do not efficiently participate in the process. Gene expression analysis using cDNA microarrays of wild-type and <it>keaA </it>deficient cells indicated a role for KeaA in the regulation of the cell cycle and pre-starvation responses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>KeaA is required for cAMP signaling following stress. Our studies indicate a role for kelch proteins in the signaling that regulates the cell cycle and development in response to changes in the environmental conditions.</p

    Assessing the Semiotic Inspection Method – The Evaluators’ Perspective

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    This paper presents an assessment of the Semiotic Inspection Methodaimed at understanding its costs, benefits, advantages and disadvantages from the evaluators’perspective. We applied a questionnaire to novice evaluators and interviewedthe authors of the method (representing the experts’ evaluators). An analysis of theresponses shows interesting insights and characteristics of the method