1,112 research outputs found

    La villa romana del Benicató: Una visión del pasado

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP319. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016Cuando se habla del uso del patrimonio cultural en las aulas, automáticamente se piensa en visitas puntuales a monumentos, sin más finalidad educativa que transmitir los conocimientos expuestos en el aula de forma más visual, aprovechando el elemento patrimonial. En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster, se busca hacer una propuesta para revalorizar el patrimonio cultural como recurso didáctico. Y no solo eso, también que los alumnos y alumnas puedan llegar a entender de forma distinta la Historia y la profesión de historiador, siendo ellos mismos los que investiguen acerca de una villa romana. He centrado esta Unidad Didáctica en el yacimiento arqueológico de la villa del Benicató de Nules, la cual fue excavada en los años 50 del siglo pasado y cuyos restos arqueológicos se conservan en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Castellón. Mediante una serie de visitas al yacimiento y al museo, el alumnado deberá ir indagando sobre la historia de la villa romana del Benicató, asumiendo el rol de historiador, para terminar explicando de nuevo en el yacimiento y basándose en el mismo, el resultado de sus indagaciones. Se pretende, de esta forma, no tan solo aproximar al alumnado a la historia, a través de fuentes directas e indirectas que ellos mismos deberán tratar con la ayuda del docente, sino también que aprendan a valorar el patrimonio cultural de forma distinta, que no tan solo lo entiendan como un monumento o un resto histórico, sino como un legado de otra época. Otro punto, sería la promoción del patrimonio local entre los jóvenes, pues hay un gran desconocimiento sobre el mismo, exceptuando si se trata de grandes monumentos, potenciados a causa del turismo. Por lo tanto, a través del patrimonio cultural, el alumnado no tan solo podrá alcanzar una nueva perspectiva sobre la Historia, así como de los profesionales que la tratan, también podrá adquirir nuevas habilidades, o mejorarlas, tales como la autogestión, organización, la participación en trabajos en grupo, entre otras, con el objetivo de mejorar su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Stability in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2014, Tutor: Ricardo MayolIn this work the validity of an analytic approximation expression [1] for the critical number of atoms that a Bose-Einstein Condensate can hold before collapsing when the interaction between them is attractive is checked. In order to do this the system is treated in a more precise way by numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. One finds that the variational approach underestimates the number of atoms that can fit in a Bose-Einstein Condensate before it collapses

    Rapid internationalization and long-term performance: The knowledge link

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    Drawing on the knowledge-based view and organizational learning theory, we develop and test a set of hypotheses to provide a first attempt at analyzing the effect of speed of internationalization on long-term performance. Using a panel-data sample of Spanish listed firms (1986-2010), we find that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between speed of internationalization and long-term performance. We also find that whereas technological knowledge steepens this relationship, the diversity of prior international experience flattens it. Our results contribute to the existing IB literature on the performance of FDI, cross-country knowledge transferability, and nonsequential entry

    Modified atmosphere packaging and dark/light refrigerated storage in green leafy vegetables have impact on nutritional value

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    The consumption of zeaxanthin (Z) through a vegetable-rich diet is recommended to reduce the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Due to Z’s intrinsic dynamic character that results from its participation in the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle involving the carotenoids violaxanthin, antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin (VAZ), post-harvest handling practices and storage usually retain low amounts of this bioactive compound (compared to the rest of phytochemicals that are, in general, more stable). Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate in important consumed leafy vegetables the effects of different storage conditions on carotenoids (mainly Z) including i) packaging under three modified atmospheres (MAs), ii) light refrigerated supermarket storage and iii) dark refrigerated domestic storage. The results showed that an MA with low O2 and high CO2 enhanced the Z content under light. Moreover, both light and dark refrigerated storage showed dynamic and circadian pigment changes that enhanced the total VAZ pool. These results can contribute to generating practical recommendations for industries, supermarkets, and consumers when high Z content is a nutritional target.RE received a Juan de la Cierva-incorporación grant IJCI-2014-21452. JB is a holder of a PhD fellowship from the Public University of Navarre. This research was supported by research BFU 2010-15021 and CTM2014- 53902-C2-2-P from the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain and the ERDF (FEDER) and research project UPV/EHU IT-1018-16. Technical and human support by Eroski supermarkets and “Fundación Tecnova” is gratefully acknowledged

    Eficiència relativa del cross-over respecte del disseny de grups paral·lels

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    L'objectiu del projecte és estudiar el benefici en la planificació d'un disseny "cross-over" comparat amb el disseny de grups paral·lels en quant a eficiència relativa, que es defineix com el quocient L'objectiu del projecte és estudiar el benefici en la planificació d'un disseny "cross-over" comparat amb el disseny de grups paral•lels en quant a eficiència relativa,que es defineix com el quocient entre la grandària de mostra d'un paral•lel i la d'un disseny "cross-over" o, equivalentment, el quocient de les variàncies de les respostes respectives

    Evaluation of a Harvester-Baler System Operating in a Rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) Shrubland

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    Biomass collection could contribute to the reduction of wildfire prevention costs by obtaining solid biofuels from shrublands that pose a high fire risk, using mechanical harvesting methods that have not been sufficiently tested in shrub formations. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of a harvester-baler system (Biobaler WB55) for collecting rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) shrublands biomass, to asses the influence of the cutting rotor tool (blades or hammers) on weight and surface productivities and operating costs, as well as to determine the influence of the standing shrub biomass load on productivity and biomass collection efficiency. A 31-hour test was conducted on 21 ha of a typical Mediterranean shrubland in the centre of Spain. Data collection included time study, daily collected area, fuel consumption and bale measurements. Samples of fresh biomass from bales were collected for the determination of moisture content. The average collected biomass was 2.3 tDM·ha-1 (tonnes of dry matter per hectare), with an average productivity of 1.6 tDM·PMH-1 and an average yield of 0.7 ha·PMH-1. Better results were obtained with blades than with hammers in the cutting rotor tool (35% more collected biomass, 42% higher weight productivity, 61% higher collection efficiency and 14% greater surface productivity). The average harvest-baling costs with blades were estimated at 99.5 €∙PMH-1, 142.1 €∙ha-1 and 53.9 €∙tDM-1 (34.0 €∙tWM-1, € per tonne of wet matter), and with hammers 91.5 €∙PMH-1, 152.5 €∙ha-1 and 81.4 €∙tDM-1 (51.1 €∙tWM-1). The analysed harvester-baler was operated without difficulty in this type of vegetation and was able to collect up to 31% of the shrub biomass load in the study area. The amount of uncollected biomass and the decrease in biomass collection efficiency, as shrub biomass load increases, suggest that possible mechanical improvements are needed to improve biomass collection efficiency

    Biomass equations for rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) shrublands in North-central Spain

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    Aims of the study: To construct biomass weight equations for rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) shrublands in North-central Spain comparing different methodologies and evaluating the applicability of the current Spanish open PNOA-LiDAR data. Area of study: The growing extension of Mediterranean shrublands associated with a high wildfire risk in a climate change scenario is considered a relevant source of biomass for energy use and bioproducts. Quantifying the biomass load of the shrublands provides essential information for adequate management, calling for the development of equations to estimate said biomass loads in the most extensive monospecific shrublands. Materials and methods: Biomass dry weight from 290 destructive sampling plots (ø4m) and 426 individual plants along with LiDAR data from PNOA were related to dasometric parameters to fit weight per surface and weight per plant equations. Main results: Three new equations improve rockrose biomass estimations in North-central Spain: a) Weight per unit area (tDM.ha-1) equation (Eq. 1) based on apparent biovolume (product of crown cover in percentage by average height in meters) (Radj2 0.69, MAE 26.1%, RMSE 38.4%); b) Weight per plant (kgDM.plant-1) equation (Eq. 2) from height and crown diameter (Radj2 0.87, MAE 26.5%, RMSE 45.2%) and c) Weight per unit area equation (tDM.ha-1) (Eq. 3) based on LiDAR data contrasted with field data (Radj2 0.89, MAE 15.1%, RMSE 22.9%). Research highlights: Eq. 1 and Eq. 3 combined with high resolution LiDAR information offer rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) biomass estimations without added field work costs that are an improvement on certain more general studies carried out in other areas of Spain. Keywords: Shrub; wildfire prevention; forest energy; LiDAR; weight biomass equations

    Proyecto REGATEA. Recuparación y revalorización de parcelas abandonadas en los regadíos tradicionales de ribera

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    Proyecto financiado por el Gobierno de Aragón, a través del Fondo de Inversiones de Teruel (años 2019 y 2020), con la participación del Gobierno de España (Ministerio de Hacienda