66 research outputs found

    Do Stakeholders Modulate Philanthropic Strategy? Corporate Philanthropy as Stakeholders’ Engagement

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    Corporate philanthropy, as an expression of commitment to the common good, can contribute to the creation of social value in companies. This corporate philanthropy can be managed in various ways. The choice of how to channel corporate philanthropy could be, in accordance with stakeholder theory, the result of companies’ interactions with key stakeholders and, in accordance with the theory of signaling, a signal that companies use to respond to their demands. This approach contributes to the literature on bottom-up initiatives (stakeholder–managers) as opposed to top-down strategies (board–stakeholders) in relation to corporate social responsibility, which is becoming increasingly important in a society where networks of communication, cooperation and interaction are established. To this end, a study was conducted on 221 European companies indexed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices in the year 2018. The findings have several practical implications: The management of corporate philanthropy should take into account the stakeholders’ requirements, and stakeholders show greater affinity and trust with the company when philanthropy is channeled through foundations. By contrast, donations are not associated with stakeholder attitudes. As a theoretical implication, this paper supports the theories of stakeholders and signaling by explaining the role of philanthropy in the relationship with stakeholders.RD PROJECTSEuropean Union (EU) B1-SEJ-387-UGR1

    Does the Use of Social Media Tools in Classrooms Increase Student Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility?

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    This research was funded by R&D Projects. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Andalusia 2014–2020 Operational Program, grant number B1-SEJ-387-UGR18.There is an increasing demand for ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices by companies. This competence has to be introduced in students’ training in business degree programs, and a check must then be done to determine if the students have come to appreciate the importance of CSR commitments. Using the framework of Stakeholders Theory, this work aims to examine students’ perceptions of ethical and CSR practices and commitment to different stakeholders, as well as the factors that lead students to act in a socially responsible way. Furthermore, we hope to identify how the perception of CSR can be improved when Web 2.0 and social media tools that have proven effective in transmitting emotions and values are used in classrooms to teach these ideas. To this end, a survey was carried out in the year 2019 with 1,030 first-year students; it was administered at the beginning of the semester and also at the end of the semester after the training activities had been carried out. The main finding of the research is that students start with the belief that ethics and CSR are developed for reasons of image and legitimacy; however, after receiving training on these topics through tools that take into account emotions and values, they start to value the importance of the company as an agent of social change. The main practical and managerial implication is that methods based on Web 2.0 and social media tools are useful to teach ethics and CSR; the theoretical contribution is that students take into account the welfare of others. This finding contributes to Stakeholder Theory in a higher education context.RD ProjectsEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Andalusia 2014-2020 Operational Program B1-SEJ-387-UGR1

    Increasing the commitment of students toward corporate social responsibility through higher education instruction

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    This research was funded by R&D Projects. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Andalusia 2014–2020 Operational Program, grant number B1-SEJ-387-UGR18.The corporate social responsibility strategies that companies will incorporate depend on the commitments and decisions that future generations will make. Under the Principles for Responsible Management Education framework, universities must foster skills that will influence the ethical behaviours and decisions of their students so that they can respond to the new needs of business. In the business world, ethical commitment is articulated through corporate social responsibility (CSR); therefore, it is of interest to know the extent to which a university’s ethical instruction is received by students and the factors that influence it, as well as the extent to which they are associated with their orientation toward CSR. This study analyses the impact of university instruction in business ethics on students’ economic and social visions and the effect they have on their orientation toward CSR. Based on the answers to a questionnaire from a sample of 151 students, the relationship between ethical instruction and CSR orientation and the factors that reinforce this relationship are analysed using structural equations. The results show that the instruction given, family education (values) and social vision are positively associated with the students’ orientation toward CSR, while economic vision, which is traditionally transmitted through the subjects of the degree, is negatively associated.European Regional Development Fund B1-SEJ-387-UGR1

    A rare paronychia with superinfection with prevotella bivia and staphylococcus haemolyticus: the importance of early microbiological diagnosis

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    Prevotella bivia is an anaerobic, gram-negative bacillus which naturally thrives in the human vagina, and is usually related to vaginal tract infections. However, this microorganism can also cause infections in other body locations. Infections with Prevotella bivia are frequently severe due to the risk of osteomyelitis and the lack of good protocols for adequate therapeutic management. Staphylococcus haemolyticus infection is one of the most frequent etiological factors of nosocomial infections, which hasthe ability to acquire multiple resistance against antimicrobial agents. We report a rare case of foot and hand paronychia with superinfection of Prevotella bivia and Staphylococcus haemolyticus. We highlight the importance of early microbiological diagnosis, and proper therapeutic management to avoid the risk of complications and the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics

    A rare finding of plasma cell leukaemia with hairy-cell morphology.

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    The authors state that there are no conflicts of interest to disclose. This publication was funded by the CNIC. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020- 001041-S funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).S

    Aspectos bioéticos de la relación asistencial de las matronas con las mujeres embarazadas en contexto de violencia de género

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    ObjectivesTo explore the existing welfare models in order to offer elements of reflection, analyze the dynamics that intervene in their development and present the main ethic dilemmas faced by midwives when assisting pregnant women affected by gender-based violence.Materials and MethodWe carried out a systematic bibliographical review of scientific databases, books, practical medical guides and legislation concerning said topic.ResultsGender-based violence is a serious social problem worldwide due to both its elevated presence and consequences on women’s health. Pregnancy is a moment of great vulnerability, when violence and its consequence do not only affect the woman’s health but also her fetus and the child to be. The main dilemmas concerning this issue are related to the respect for the mother’s autonomy while caring for the fetus’ health, violence report and the sense of fear.ConclusionsMidwives must deal with cases of gender-based violence as part of their competences and moral responsibilities. The most adequate approach consists in individualizing every case from a dialogic perspective taking into account the vulnerability of pregnant women in gender-based violence contexts.ObjetivoAnalizar los diferentes modelos asistenciales para ofrecer elementos de reflexión, profundizar en los factores que intervienen y presentar los principales dilemas éticos con los que se pueden encontrar las matronas en la asistencia a embarazadas víctimas de VG.Material y MétodosSe realizó una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos científicas, libros, guías de práctica clínica y legislación sobre el tema.ResultadosLa violencia de género (VG) es un grave problema social en todo el mundo, por su elevada prevalencia y la repercusión que tiene en la salud de las mujeres. El embarazo es un momento de gran vulnerabilidad para sufrir violencia; las consecuencias en la salud de la mujer se amplían al feto en desarrollo y el/la futuro/a hijo/a. Los principales dilemas se asocian con el respeto a la autonomía de la madre a la vez que se vela por el bienestar fetal, con la realización de denuncias y con el miedo.ConclusionesCabe señalar que las matronas deben abordar los casos de VG por ser parte de sus competencias y por obligación moral. La relación asistencial más oportuna sería la que individualiza cada caso, desde una perspectiva dialógica, teniendo en cuenta la vulnerabilidad de las mujeres embarazadas en contextos de VG

    Mutational studies on resurrected ancestral proteins reveal conservation of site-specific amino acid preferences throughout evolutionary history

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    Local protein interactions ("molecular context" effects) dictate amino acid replacements and can be described in terms of site-specific, energetic preferences for any different amino acid. It has been recently debated whether these preferences remain approximately constant during evolution or whether, due to coevolution of sites, they change strongly. Such research highlights an unresolved and fundamental issue with far-reaching implications for phylogenetic analysis and molecular evolution modeling. Here, we take advantage of the recent availability of phenotypically supported laboratory resurrections of Precambrian thioredoxins and β-lactamases to experimentally address the change of site-specific amino acid preferences over long geological timescales. Extensive mutational analyses support the notion that evolutionary adjustment to a new amino acid may occur, but to a large extent this is insufficient to erase the primitive preference for amino acid replacements. Generally, site-specific amino acid preferences appear to remain conserved throughout evolutionary history despite local sequence divergence. We show such preference conservation to be readily understandable in molecular terms and we provide crystallographic evidence for an intriguing structural-switch mechanism: Energetic preference for an ancestral amino acid in a modern protein can be linked to reorganization upon mutation to the ancestral local structure around the mutated site. Finally, we point out that site-specific preference conservation naturally leads to one plausible evolutionary explanation for the existence of intragenic global suppressor mutations

    Effects of Myofascial Induction Therapy on Ankle Range of Motion and Pressure Pain Threshold in Trigger Points of the Gastrocnemius—A Clinical Trial

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    [Abstract] Background: The myofascial induction technique (MIT) has been shown to increase shoulder range of motion (ROM) in breast cancer survivors and decrease pain pressure threshold over the radial nerve in patients with epicondylalgia. To the authors’ best knowledge, no study on trigger points and MIT has been published to date. The effect on ROM of latent trigger points is also unknown. Methods: A total of 20 twins with one latent trigger point of the gastrocnemius muscle were evaluated pre- and post-MIT in the calf. We measured static footprint variables in a pre–post study. Results: We found differences in PPT (p = 0.001) and no differences in ROM with knee flexed (p = 0.420) or stretched (p = 0.069). Conclusions: After Calf MIT, latent myofascial trigger points improve PPT but no change in ankle dorsiflexion with knee bent or knee flexed were found in non-restriction healthy subjects

    Hair cortisol concentrations in a Spanish sample of healthy adults

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    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC), as a novel promising method to retrospectively measure hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation, is being increasingly studied. We tested the relationships between HCC and a range of possible confounding variables in a Spanish sample of healthy adults and pregnant women. In this sample of healthy Spaniards, results suggested an association between HCC and physical exercise and educational level. In pregnant women, the prevalence of HCC was higher than in non-pregnant woman, and was related to educational level. This study emphasises the need to determine the relationship between HCC and confounders such as sociodemographic and lifestyle variables in the general population and specific groups formed by individuals such as pregnant women.This research is part of a doctoral thesis. It has been economically supported by the "PSI2015-63494-P" I+D Project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDE