246 research outputs found

    SCOR-IOC Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) Program: Progress Report 2013-2015

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    Presentación para la reunión del Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Bloom coordinado por Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB).-- 26 pagesPeer Reviewe

    Chlorophyll absorption and phytoplankton size information inferred from hyperspectral particulate beam attenuation

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    Electromagnetic theory predicts spectral dependencies in extinction efficiency near a narrow absorption band for a particle with an index of refraction close to that of the medium in which it is immersed. These absorption band effects are anticipated in oceanographic beam-attenuation (beam-c) spectra, primarily due to the narrow red peak in absorption produced by the phytoplankton photopigment, chlorophyll a (Chl a). Here we present a method to obtain Chl a absorption and size information by analyzing an eigendecomposition of hyperspectral beam-c residuals measured in marine surface waters by an automatic underway system. We find that three principal modes capture more than 99% of the variance in beam-c residuals at wavelengths near the Chl a red absorption peak. The spectral shapes of the eigenvectors resemble extinction efficiency residuals attributed to the absorption band effects. Projection of the eigenvectors onto the beam-c residuals produces a time series of amplitude functions with absolute values that are strongly correlated to concurrent Chl a absorption line height (aLH) measurements (r values of 0.59 to 0.83) and hence provide a method to estimate Chl a absorption. Multiple linear regression of aLH on the amplitude functions enables an independent estimate of aLH, with RMSE of 3.19 · 10−3 m−1 (3.3%) or log10-RMSE of 18.6%, and a raw-scale R2 value of 0.90 based on the Tara Oceans Expedition data. Relationships between the amplitude functions and the beam-c exponential slopes are in agreement with theory relating beam-c to the particle size distribution. Compared to multispectral analysis of beam-c slope, hyperspectral analysis of absorption band effects is anticipated to be relatively insensitive to the addition of nonpigmented particles and to monodispersion

    Are We Missing Important Areas in Pelagic Marine Conservation? Redefining Conservation Hotspots in the Ocean

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    The protection of biodiversity is one of the most important goals in terrestrial and marine conservation. Marine conservation approaches have traditionally followed the example of terrestrial initiatives. However, patterns, processes, habitats, and threats differ greatly between the 2 systems - and even within the marine environment. As a result, there is still a lack of congruence as to how to best identify and prioritize conservation approaches moving from the static terrestrial and nearshore realm into a more fluid, 3-dimensional pelagic realm. To address this problem, we investigate how the conservation science literature has been used to inform and guide management strategies in the marine system from coastal to pelagic environments. As cumulative impacts on the health of the oceans continue to increase, conservation priorities have shifted to include highly dynamic areas of the pelagic marine system. By evaluating whether priorities match science with current place-based management approaches (i.e. marine protected areas, MPAs), we identify important gaps that must be considered in current conservation schemes. Effective pelagic MPA design requires monitoring and evaluation across multiple physical, biological, and human dimensions. Because many threatened and exploited marine species move through an ephemeral and ever-changing environment, our results highlight the need to move beyond traditional, 2-dimensional approaches to marine conservation, and into dynamic management approaches that incorporate metrics of biodiversity as well as oceanographic features known to promote multilevel, trophic productivity

    Red and Black Tides: Quantitative Analysis of Water-Leaving Radiance and Perceived Color for Phytoplankton, Colored Dissolved Organic Matter, and Suspended Sediments

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    Using field measurements and quantitative modeling, we demonstrate that red coloration of the sea surface is not associated with any particular group of phytoplankton and is strongly dependent on the physiology of the human visual system. Red or brown surface waters can be produced by high concentrations of most types of algae, colored dissolved organic matter, or suspended sediment. Even though light reflected by red tides commonly peaks in the yellow spectral region (570–580 nm), human color perception requires consideration of the entire spectrum of light relative to receptors within the human eye. The color shift from green to red is not due to any special optical properties of the algae but results from an overlap in spectral response of the eye’s red and green cones (centered at 564 and 534 nm, respectively). The spectral peak in light reflected from dense algal blooms coincides with a critical hinge point in color vision (570–580 nm), where fine-scale shifts in the spectral shape of water-leaving radiance due to algal absorption and backscattering properties lead to pronounced variations in the observed color. Of the taxa considered, only Chlorophytes and Prochlorophytes lacked sufficient accessory pigments to produce a red tide. Chlorophyll fluorescence and enhanced near-infrared reflectance (the ‘‘red edge’’) contribute negligibly to the perceived color. Black water events are produced when water is highly absorbing but lacks backscattering constituents

    Discriminating Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFTs) in the Coastal Ocean Using the Inversion Algorithm Phydotax and Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data

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    There is a need in the Biological Oceanography community to discriminate among phytoplankton groups within the bulk chlorophyll pool to understand energy flow through ecosystems, to track the fate of carbon in the ocean, and to detect and monitor-for harmful algal blooms (HABs). The ocean color community has responded to this demand with the development of phytoplankton functional type (PFT) discrimination algorithms. These PFT algorithms fall into one of three categories depending on the science application: size-based, biogeochemical function, and taxonomy. The new PFT algorithm Phytoplankton Detection with Optics (PHYDOTax) is an inversion algorithm that discriminates taxon-specific biomass to differentiate among six taxa found in the California Current System: diatoms, dinoflagellates, haptophytes, chlorophytes, cryptophytes, and cyanophytes. PHYDOTax was developed and validated in Monterey Bay, CA for the high resolution imaging spectrometer, Spectroscopic Aerial Mapping System with On-board Navigation (SAMSON - 3.5 nm resolution). PHYDOTax exploits the high spectral resolution of an imaging spectrometer and the improved spatial resolution that airborne data provides for coastal areas. The objective of this study was to apply PHYDOTax to a relatively lower resolution imaging spectrometer to test the algorithm's sensitivity to atmospheric correction, to evaluate capability with other sensors, and to determine if down-sampling spectral resolution would degrade its ability to discriminate among phytoplankton taxa. This study is a part of the larger Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) airborne simulation campaign which is collecting Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) imagery aboard NASA's ER-2 aircraft during three seasons in each of two years over terrestrial and marine targets in California. Our aquatic component seeks to develop and test algorithms to retrieve water quality properties (e.g. HABs and river plumes) in both marine and in-land water bodies. Results presented are from the 10 April 2013 overflight of the Monterey Bay region and focus primarily on the first objective - sensitivity to atmospheric correction. On-going and future work will continue to evaluate if PHYDOTax can be applied to historical (SeaWiFS and MERIS), existing (MODIS, VIIRS, and HICO), and future (PACE, GEO-CAPE, and HyspIRI) satellite sensors. Demonstration of cross-platform continuity may aid in calibration and validation efforts of these sensors

    Optimized Merger of Ocean Chlorophyll Algorithms of MODIS-Aqua and VIIRS

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    Standard ocean chlorophyll-a (Chla) products from currently operational satellite sensors Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua and Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) underestimate medium and high in situ Chla concentrations and have approximately 9% bias between each other in the California Current. By using the regional optimization approach of Kahru et al., we minimized the differences between satellite estimates and in situ match-ups as well as between estimates of the two satellite sensors and created improved empirical algorithms for both sensors. The regionally optimized Chla estimates from MODIS-Aqua and VIIRS have no bias between each other, have improved retrievals at medium to high in situ Chla, and can be merged to improve temporal frequency and spatial coverage and to extend the merged time series

    California\u27s Coast and Ocean Summary Report, part of California\u27s Fourth Climate Change Assessment

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    This report synthesizes current scientific understanding about the impacts of climate change on California’s coast and ocean and presents a forward-looking summary of challenges and opportunities for the future. It is one component of California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment (Fourth Assessment). To prepare this report, the state called upon the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) and California Ocean Science Trust (OST) to convene an Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team (OPC-SAT) working group composed of science and policy leaders. Similar to other components of the Fourth Assessment, the 12-member working group was guided by an Advisory Group of end users and high-level decision-makers. This report is intended to provide accessible scientific information that is relevant for policy and decision-makers, build a foundation for policy to address climate change impacts through adaptation and mitigation, highlight best practices and models for coastal adaptation to climate change along the coast, and inform interested members of the public on the impacts of climate change on California’s coast and ocean waters and potential approaches for adaptation and mitigation. It will also inform the next update of the Safeguarding California plan, a policy document serving as California’s climate adaptation strategy, by presenting a scientific grounding to help focus and prioritize future state adaptation efforts

    Identification of harmful cyanobacteria in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Clear Lake, California by DNA barcoding.

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    Accurate identification of cyanobacteria using traditional morphological taxonomy is challenging due to the magnitude of phenotypic plasticity among natural algal assemblages. In this study, molecular approach was utilized to facilitate the accurate identification of cyanobacteria in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and in Clear Lake in Northern California where recurring blooms have been observed over the past decades. Algal samples were collected from both water bodies in 2011 and the samples containing diverse cyanobacteria as identified by morphological taxonomy were chosen for the molecular analysis. The 16S ribosomal RNA genes (16S rDNA) and the adjacent internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were amplified by PCR from the mixed algal samples using cyanobacteria generic primers. The obtained sequences were analyzed by similarity search (BLASTN) and phylogenetic analysis (16S rDNA) to differentiate species sharing significantly similar sequences. A total of 185 plasmid clones were obtained of which 77 were successfully identified to the species level: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Dolichospermum lemmermannii (taxonomic synonym: Anabaena lemmermannii), Limnoraphis robusta (taxonomic synonym: Lyngbya hieronymusii f. robusta) and Microcystis aeruginosa. To date, Dolichospermum and Limnoraphis found in Clear Lake have only been identified to the genus lavel by microscopy. During the course of this study, morphological identification and DNA barcoding confirmed A. flos-aquae as the predominant cyanobacterium in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta indicating a shift from M. aeruginosa that have dominated the blooms in the past decade. Lastly, the species-specific identification of Limnoraphis robusta in Clear Lake is another significant finding as this cyanobacterium has, thus far, only been reported in Lake Atitlan blooms in Guatemala

    Advances in Above- and In-Water Radiometry, Volume 3: Hybridspectral Next-Generation Optical Instruments

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    This publication documents the scientific advances associated with new instrument systems and accessories built to improve above- and in-water observations of the apparent optical properties (AOPs) for a diversity of water masses, including optically complex waters. The principal objective is to be prepared for the launch of next-generation ocean color satellites with the most capable commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) instrumentation in the shortest time possible. The technologies described herein are entirely new hybrid sampling capabilities, so as to satisfy the requirements established for next-generation missions. Both above- and in-water instruments are documented with software options for autonomous control of data collection activities as applicable. The instruments were developed for the Hybridspectral Alternative for Remote Profiling of Optical Observations for NASA Satellites (HARPOONS) vicarious calibration project. The state-of-the-art accuracy required for vicarious calibration also led to the development of laboratory instruments to ensure the field observations were within uncertainty requirements. Separate detailed presentations of the individual instruments provide the hardware designs, accompanying software for data acquisition and processing, and examples of the results achieved

    Large-scale shift in the structure of a kelp forest ecosystem co-occurs with an epizootic and marine heatwave

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in McPherson, M. L., Finger, D. J., I., Houskeeper, H. F., Bell, T. W., Carr, M. H., Rogers-Bennett, L., & Kudela, R. M. Large-scale shift in the structure of a kelp forest ecosystem co-occurs with an epizootic and marine heatwave. Communications Biology, 4(1), (2021): 298, https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-01827-6.Climate change is responsible for increased frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme events, such as marine heatwaves (MHWs). Within eastern boundary current systems, MHWs have profound impacts on temperature-nutrient dynamics that drive primary productivity. Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) forests, a vital nearshore habitat, experienced unprecedented losses along 350 km of coastline in northern California beginning in 2014 and continuing through 2019. These losses have had devastating consequences to northern California communities, economies, and fisheries. Using a suite of in situ and satellite-derived data, we demonstrate that the abrupt ecosystem shift initiated by a multi-year MHW was preceded by declines in keystone predator population densities. We show strong evidence that northern California kelp forests, while temporally dynamic, were historically resilient to fluctuating environmental conditions, even in the absence of key top predators, but that a series of coupled environmental and biological shifts between 2014 and 2016 resulted in the formation of a persistent, altered ecosystem state with low primary productivity. Based on our findings, we recommend the implementation of ecosystem-based and adaptive management strategies, such as (1) monitoring the status of key ecosystem attributes: kelp distribution and abundance, and densities of sea urchins and their predators, (2) developing management responses to threshold levels of these attributes, and (3) creating quantitative restoration suitability indices for informing kelp restoration efforts.M.H.C. received support from the National Science Foundation (OCE‐1538582)