131 research outputs found

    GDL-objektin kehittäminen Uponorin R2i-kasetista

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    Tietomallien käyttö rakennussuunnittelussa on lisääntynyt nopeaa vauhtia. Tästä syystä Uponor, jolle opinnäytetyö tehtiin, haluaa rakennuselementtien valmistajana tarjota tuotteistaan GDL-objekteja pelkkien CAD-mallien ja -symbolien sijaan. Tässä työssä selvitetään, kuinka GDL-objekti luodaan ja millä tavoilla se voisi olla suunnittelussa apuna. GDL-objekti luotiin Uponorin R2i-kasetista, joka on erityisesti linjasaneerauskohteisiin tarkoitettu seinä-WC -elementti. Opinnäytetyössä on esitelty GDL-objektin rakenne ja R2i-kasetin objektia varten käytössä olleet komennot sekä mitoitukseen liittyvää logiikkaa. GDL-objekti testattiin kehityksen aikana useaan otteeseen Swecon arkkitehdeilla ja jatkokehitystä tehtiin saadun palautteen avulla. Työn tuloksena syntyi helppokäyttöinen ja arkkitehtien vaatimukset täyttävä GDL-objekti, joka vietiin lopulta verkkosivuille jakeluun.This Bachelor’s thesis was commissioned by Uponor Suomi Oy. The use of building information modeling (BIM) has been a growing with an increasing speed. For this reason, Uponor Suomi Oy, as a building material manufacturer, offers GDL objects of their products. The objective of this Bachelor’s thesis was to design a GDL object of a R2i cassette which is a line renovation element manufactured by Uponor. In this graduate study, the structure of a GDL-object as well as different shape creation commands are examined. GDL-object was tested by employees of Sweco, an international architecture and engineering company. The gathered feedback was used to develop the object further. As a result of the project, an easy-to-use GDL object was created, which meets the requirements of architects. This GDL object is distributed on the web

    Gods of Cultivation and Food Supply in the Imperial Iconography of Septimius Severus

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    This article deals with the question of the role of gods involved with cultivation, grain and food supply in the Roman imperial iconography during the reign of Septimius Severus. By evaluating numismatic and written evidence, as well as inscriptions, the article discusses which gods related to grain and cultivation received most attention from Septimius Severus, and how their use helped the emperor to stabilize his rule. It appears that the three main deities used by Severus were Annona, Ceres and Tellus. The use of Annona and Ceres was concentrated in the first years of Severan rule, when the emperor was out of the capital and fighting wars. Apparently, the importance of Annona, the goddess symbolizing imperial food supply, was connected with the acts of the emperor: wars and other crisis were periods when food supplies to the capital were often under threat. When Severus returned to Rome for a somewhat longer period, more emphasis was put on Tellus, traditional goddess of agriculture and a deity connected with a Golden Age – as the emperor was now in the capital, this meant an age of peace and plenty for his subjects. As a result, it could be argued that the use of fertility gods was closely related to the acts of Severus himself – thus legitimizing his image as a protector of his subjects

    Tactile modulation of emotional speech samples

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    Copyright © 2012 Katri Salminen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedTraditionally only speech communicates emotions via mobile phone. However, in daily communication the sense of touch mediates emotional information during conversation. The present aim was to study if tactile stimulation affects emotional ratings of speech when measured with scales of pleasantness, arousal, approachability, and dominance. In the Experiment 1 participants rated speech-only and speech-tactile stimuli. The tactile signal mimicked the amplitude changes of the speech. In the Experiment 2 the aim was to study whether the way the tactile signal was produced affected the ratings. The tactile signal either mimicked the amplitude changes of the speech sample in question, or the amplitude changes of another speech sample. Also, concurrent static vibration was included. The results showed that the speech-tactile stimuli were rated as more arousing and dominant than the speech-only stimuli. The speech-only stimuli were rated as more approachable than the speech-tactile stimuli, but only in the Experiment 1. Variations in tactile stimulation also affected the ratings. When the tactile stimulation was static vibration the speech-tactile stimuli were rated as more arousing than when the concurrent tactile stimulation was mimicking speech samples. The results suggest that tactile stimulation offers new ways of modulating and enriching the interpretation of speech.Peer reviewe

    People stink! : Towards identification of people from breath samples

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    The paper addresses the potential to use breath samples for identifying people. Participants were asked to exhale ten times for a length of five seconds to a tube attached to a commercial ion-mobility spectrometry device on three separate sessions. The data of each participant was divided into training (50% of the samples) and test data sets (50% of the samples) in random order. Classification decision tree (CDT), K nearest neighbor (KNN), naïve Bayes (NB), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) were used to analyze if the data could be classified correctly. Within a session, KNN (75.2%), NB (78.3%), and LDA (85.8%) were able to identify participants. Between sessions, the performance decreased.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Creating Dynamic Vibrotactile Output using Magnetorheological Fluid as Signal Mediator

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    This research proposes the use of an AI-driven dynamically adaptive process to generate, mediate and verify tactile signals created for surface-based interaction. The framework consists of three components: Active Actuation Engine (AAE), Dynamic Real-time Signal Mediation (DRSM) and User Sampling Feedback Loop (USFL).Peer reviewe

    Haptic feedback in eye typing

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    Proper feedback is essential in gaze based interfaces, where the same modality is used for both perception and control. We measured how vibrotactile feedback, a form of haptic feedback, compares with the commonly used visual and auditory feedback in eye typing. Haptic feedback was found to produce results that are close to those of auditory feedback; both were easy to perceive and participants liked both the auditory ”click” and the tactile “tap” of the selected key. Implementation details (such as the placement of the haptic actuator) were also found important

    Evaluation of haptic virtual reality user interfaces for medical marking on 3D models

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    Three-dimensional (3D) visualization has been widely used in computer-aided medical diagnosis and planning. To interact with 3D models, current user interfaces in medical systems mainly rely on the traditional 2D interaction techniques by employing a mouse and a 2D display. There are promising haptic virtual reality (VR) interfaces which can enable intuitive and realistic 3D interaction by using VR equipment and haptic devices. However, the practical usability of the haptic VR interfaces in this medical field remains unexplored. In this study, we propose two haptic VR interfaces, a vibrotactile VR interface and a kinesthetic VR interface, for medical diagnosis and planning on volumetric medical images. The vibrotactile VR interface used a head-mounted VR display as the visual output channel and a VR controller with vibrotactile feedback as the manipulation tool. Similarly, the kinesthetic VR interface used a head-mounted VR display as the visual output channel and a kinesthetic force-feedback device as the manipulation tool. We evaluated these two VR interfaces in an experiment involving medical marking on 3D models, by comparing them with the present state-of-the-art 2D interface as the baseline. The results showed that the kinesthetic VR interface performed the best in terms of marking accuracy, whereas the vibrotactile VR interface performed the best in terms of task completion time. Overall, the participants preferred to use the kinesthetic VR interface for the medical task.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe