20 research outputs found

    Transmitter and Receiver Equalizers Optimization Methodologies for High-Speed Links in Industrial Computer Platforms Post-Silicon Validation

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    As microprocessor design scales to nanometric technology, traditional post-silicon validation techniques are inappropriate to get a full system functional coverage. Physical complexity and extreme technology process variations introduce design challenges to guarantee performance over process, voltage, and temperature conditions. In addition, there is an increasingly higher number of mixed-signal circuits within microprocessors. Many of them correspond to high-speed input/output (HSIO) links. Improvements in signaling methods, circuits, and process technology have allowed HSIO data rates to scale beyond 10 Gb/s, where undesired effects can create multiple signal integrity problems. With all of these elements, post-silicon validation of HSIO links is tough and time-consuming. One of the major challenges in electrical validation of HSIO links lies in the physical layer (PHY) tuning process, where equalization techniques are used to cancel these undesired effects. Typical current industrial practices for PHY tuning require massive lab measurements, since they are based on exhaustive enumeration methods. In this work, direct and surrogate-based optimization methods, including space mapping, are proposed based on suitable objective functions to efficiently tune the transmitter and receiver equalizers. The proposed methodologies are evaluated by lab measurements on realistic industrial post-silicon validation platforms, confirming dramatic speed up in PHY tuning and substantial performance improvement

    Direct Optimization of a PCI Express Link Equalization in Industrial Post-Silicon Validation

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    Post-silicon validation is a crucial industrial testing process in modern computer platforms. Post-silicon validation of high-speed input/output (HSIO) links can be critical for making a product release qualification. Peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) is a high-performance interconnect architecture widely adopted in the computer industry, and one of the most complex HSIO interfaces. PCIe data rates increase on every new generation. To mitigate channel effects due to the increase in transmission speeds, the PCIe specification defines requirements to perform equalization (EQ) at the transmitter (Tx) and at the receiver (Rx). During the EQ process, one combination of Tx/Rx EQ coefficients must be selected to meet the performance requirements of the system. Testing all possible coefficient combinations is prohibitive. Current industrial practice consists of finding a subset of combinations at post-silicon validation using maps of EQ coefficients, which are obtained by measuring the eye height, eye width, and the eye asymmetries of the received signal. Given the large number of electrical parameters and the multiplicity of signal eyes that are produced by on-die probes for observation, finding this subset of coefficients is often a challenge. In order to overcome this problem, a direct optimization method based on a suitable objective function formulation to efficiently tune the Tx and Rx EQ coefficients to successfully comply with the PCIe specification is presented in this report. The proposed optimization approach is based on a low-cost computational procedure combining pattern search and Nelder-Mead methods to efficiently solve an objective function with many local minima, and evaluated by lab measurements on a realistic industrial post-silicon validation platform

    Reconfigurable FIR Filter Coefficient Optimization in Post-Silicon Validation to Improve Eye Diagram for Optical Interconnects

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    Enhanced small form-factor pluggable (SFP+) is a specification for a new generation of optical modular transceivers. The devices are designed for use with small form factor (SFF) connectors, and offer high speed and physical compactness. SFP+ modules require high-quality ASIC/SerDes transmitters (Tx) because IEEE and fibre channel standards place strict requirements on the optical interface, and linear/limiting SFP+ module types have Tx paths that do not correct for timing jitter. This introduces a design challenge to guarantee performance over process, temperature, and voltage (PVT) conditions. Adjusting the Tx equalization across PVT and different interconnect channels can be a time-consuming task in post-silicon validation. In order to overcome this problem, this paper proposes a direct optimization method based on a suitable objective function formulation to efficiently tune the Tx equalizer and optimize the eye diagram to successfully comply with industrial specifications

    High-Speed Links Receiver Optimization in Post-Silicon Validation Exploiting Broyden-based Input Space Mapping

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    One of the major challenges in high-speed input/output (HSIO) links electrical validation is the physical layer (PHY) tuning process. Equalization techniques are employed to cancel any undesired effect. Typical industrial practices require massive lab measurements, making the equalization process very time consuming. In this paper, we exploit the Broyden-based input space mapping (SM) algorithm to efficiently optimize the PHY tuning receiver (Rx) equalizer settings for a SATA Gen 3 channel topology. We use a good-enough surrogate model as the coarse model, and an industrial post-silicon validation physical platform as the fine model. A map between the coarse and the fine model Rx equalizer settings is implicitly built, yielding an accelerated SM-based optimization of the PHY tuning process

    Machine learning techniques and space mapping approaches to enhance signal and power integrity in high-speed links and power delivery networks

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    Enhancing signal integrity (SI) and reliability in modern computer platforms heavily depends on the post-silicon validation of high-speed input/output (HSIO) links, which implies a physical layer (PHY) tuning process where equalization techniques are employed. On the other hand, the interaction between SI and power delivery networks (PDN) is becoming crucial in the computer industry, imposing the need of computationally expensive models to also ensure power integrity (PI). In this paper, surrogate-based optimization (SBO) methods, including space mapping (SM), are applied to efficiently tune equalizers in HSIO links using lab measurements on industrial post-silicon validation platforms, speeding up the PHY tuning process while enhancing eye diagram margins. Two HSIO interfaces illustrate the proposed SBO/SM techniques: USB3 Gen 1 and SATA Gen 3. Additionally, a methodology based on parameter extraction is described to develop fast PDN lumped models for low-cost SI-PI co-simulation; a dual data rate (DDR) memory sub-system illustrates this methodology. Finally, we describe a surrogate modeling methodology for efficient PDN optimization, comparing several machine learning techniques; a PDN voltage regulator with dual power rail remote sensing illustrates this last methodology.ITESO, A.C

    Transmitter and receiver equalizers optimization for PCI Express Gen6.0 based on PAM4

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    The continuously increasing bandwidth demand from new applications has led to the development of the new PCIe Gen6, reaching data rates of 64 GT/s and adopting PAM4 modulation scheme. While PAM4 solves the bandwidth constraint in high-speed interconnects, it brings new challenges for the physical channel analysis. Equalization (EQ) plays an important role even with PAM4 signaling. PCIe specification defines requirements to perform EQ at the transmitter (Tx) and at the receiver (Rx). During the EQ process, one combination of Tx/Rx EQ coefficients must be selected to meet the performance requirements of the system. Testing all possible coefficient combinations is prohibitive. Current industrial practice consists of finding a subset of combinations at post-silicon validation using maps of EQ coefficients. Finding this subset of coefficients is timeconsuming,along with all the new challenges imposed by PAM4. In this paper, we propose an optimization approach for PCIe Gen6 link EQ. Our proposal is based on a suitable objective function formulated over the channel operating margin (COM), which is a new figure of merit (FOM) adopted by standards of communications for signaling speeds beyond 25 Gbps.ITESO, A.C

    A Holistic Methodology for System Margining and Jitter Tolerance Optimization in Post-Silicon Validation

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    The optimization of receiver analog circuitry in modern high-speed input/output (HSIO) links is a very time consuming post-silicon validation process. Current industrial practices are based on exhaustive enumeration methods to improve either the system margins or the jitter tolerance compliance test. In this paper, these two requirements are addressed in a holistic optimization-based approach. We propose an innovative objective function based on these two metrics. Our method employs Kriging to build a surrogate model based on system margining and jitter tolerance measurements. The proposed method is able to deliver optimal system margins and guarantee jitter tolerance compliance while substantially decreasing the typical post-Si validation time

    Direct Optimization of a PCI Express Link Equalization in Industrial Post-Silicon Validation (poster)

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    Post-silicon validation is a crucial industrial testing process in modern computer platforms. Post-silicon validation of high-speed input/output (HSIO) links can be critical for making a product release qualification. Peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) is a high-performance interconnect architecture widely adopted in the computer industry, and one of the most complex HSIO interfaces. PCIe data rates increase on every new generation. To mitigate channel effects due to the increase in transmission speeds, the PCIe specification defines requirements to perform equalization (EQ) at the transmitter (Tx) and at the receiver (Rx). During the EQ process, one combination of Tx/Rx EQ coefficients must be selected to meet the performance requirements of the system. Testing all possible coefficient combinations is prohibitive. Current industrial practice consists of finding a subset of combinations at post-silicon validation using maps of EQ coefficients, which are obtained by measuring the eye height, eye width, and the eye asymmetries of the received signal. Given the large number of electrical parameters and the multiplicity of signal eyes that are produced by on-die probes for observation, finding this subset of coefficients is often a challenge. In order to overcome this problem, a direct optimization method based on a suitable objective function formulation to efficiently tune the Tx and Rx EQ coefficients to successfully comply with the PCIe specification is presented in this report. The proposed optimization approach is based on a low-cost computational procedure combining pattern search and Nelder-Mead methods to efficiently solve an objective function with many local minima, and evaluated by lab measurements on a realistic industrial post-silicon validation platform

    A Multi-Stage CTLE Design and Optimization for PCI Express Gen6.0 Link Equalization

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    The continuously increasing bandwidth demand from new applications has led to the development of the new peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) Gen6, reaching data rates of 64 giga-transfers per second (GT/s) and adopting the pulse amplitude modulation 4-level (PAM4) signaling scheme. While PAM4 solves the bandwidth requirements, it brings new challenges for the physical channel design. PAM4 is more susceptible to errors due to various noise sources caused by reduced voltage (and timing) ranges, yielding a higher bit error rate (BER). It also introduces new challenges in slicers, transition jitter, and equalizers, making of equalization (EQ) a critical process for PAM4 signaling. In this paper, we propose a multi-stage continuous-time linear equalizer (CTLE) with high-band, mid-band, and low-band frequency boost stages to deal with highly lossy channels. Given the complexity of EQ of multi-level signals, optimization techniques are used, including an efficient optimization of the transmitter finite impulse response (FIR) filter and the receiver CTLE tuning.ITESO, A.C

    System Margining Surrogate-Based Optimization in Post-Silicon Validation

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    There is an increasingly higher number of mixed-signal circuits within microprocessors. A significant portion of them corresponds to high-speed input/output (HSIO) links. Post-silicon validation of HSIO links is critical to provide a release qualification decision. One of the major challenges in HSIO electrical validation is the physical layer (PHY) tuning process, where equalization techniques are typically used to cancel any undesired effect. Current industrial practices for PHY tuning in HSIO links are very time consuming since they require massive lab measurements. On the other hand, surrogate modeling techniques allow to develop an approximation of a system response within a design space of interest. In this paper, we analyze several surrogate modeling methods and design of experiments techniques to identify the best approach to efficiently optimize a receiver equalizer. We evaluate the models performance by comparing with actual measured responses on a real server HSIO link. We then perform a surrogate-based optimization on the best model to obtain the optimal PHY tuning settings of a HSIO link. Our methodology is validated by measuring the real functional eye diagram of the physical system using the optimal surrogate model solution