136 research outputs found

    Horizontes interpretativos de lo nacional

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    This article examines how memory, configured in the space and time of the national, allows giving meaning, beyond the limits of memory, reshaping experiences in retrospect, filling in gaps, omitting elements, or even working in the critical emancipation of the present through the construction of the pas

    Garifuna Women, Dance Groups and Social Memory

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    Entre garífunas se mantiene vivo en la memoria Yurumei. Con este nombre se conoce a la isla de San Vicente, lugar donde vivieron hace más de dos siglos. Así se titula también el canto entonado por las mujeres durante el exilio. Actualmente, la tonada es considerada como el himno de la nación garífuna. Este canto que marca la partida, acompaña las conmemoraciones en las comunidades, diseminadas principalmente en el caribe centroamericano, siendo crucial por su función cohesionadora. Sin embargo, este no es un hecho excepcional, los cantos en esta cultura son cotidianos y, tradicionalmente, obra de mujeres. A veces, ellas son parte de un cuadro de danza, espacio privilegiado de aprendizaje y práctica de cantos. La finalidad del grupo es entonarlos y bailarlos en los eventos o ferias ante grupos de otras localidades. Esta es la dirección seguida para poner en valor el legado de la mujer garífuna, a partir de una huella matrifocal impresa en la memoria colectiva.Garifuna people keep Yurumei alive in their memory. It is the native name of San Vicente Island, where they lived more than two centuries ago. It is also the title of the chant sung by women during exile. Currently, the tune is considered the anthem of the Garifuna nation. This song that marks the departure, accompanies the remembrances in the communities, mainly spread across the Central America Caribbean region and it is crucial for its cohesive function. However, this is not an exceptional event; songs in this culture are ordinary, and are traditionally the work of women, who as part of a dance group can enjoy a privileged space for learning and practicing songs. Their main purpose is to chant and dance these songs in fairs or celebrations in the presence of other groups. This is the direction given to increase the value of the legacy of Garifuna women, that stems from a matrifocal imprint in their collective memory

    Meditação nos espaços educacionais como fator de proteção contra a violência

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    Introduction. This article explores the impact that meditation has on education as a protective factor against violence. The aim is to determine how meditation promotes the development of peace culture in educational centers, and to demonstrate its positive correlation in the education quality. The objective is to clarify whether meditating can favor school environments of peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution contributing to improve the performance and achievements of the school attendants, as well as promoting greater well-being for the rest of the educational community members. Methods. This is an exploratory qualitative-quantitative constructionist study, based on interviews and questionnaires applied to agents involved in the social process: students, teachers, and volunteers facilitating the meditation technique. Results. According to their perception, it is concluded that meditation in educational contexts promotes protective factors against violence, such as patience, sensitivity, emotional balance, well-being, and relaxation. By having calm and harmony, the levels of stress, aggressiveness, anxiety, and impulsivity decrease. It makes people less conflictive, more pleasant, understanding, respectful, sociable, promoting peaceful coexistence. It improves mood and self-esteem. This allows better social interaction: more and better peer relationships, acceptance, respect, collaboration, support, solidarity, and integration.Introducción. En este artículo se explora el impacto que tiene la meditación en el ámbito educativo como factor protector ante la violencia. Se trata de indagar cómo la meditación promueve el desarrollo de la cultura de paz en el centro educativo, así como evidenciar su correlación positiva en la calidad de la educación. Se busca dilucidar si al meditar se pueden favorecer ambientes escolares de convivencia y resolución pacífica de los conflictos, para así contribuir a mejorar el rendimiento y los logros de la población estudiantil, así como también a fomentar un mayor bienestar para el resto de la comunidad educativa. Metodología. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio de carácter cuali-cuantitativo y construccionista, basado en entrevistas y cuestionarios aplicados a agentes parte del proceso social: estudiantado, profesorado y voluntariado. Resultados. Se concluye, según la percepción de estos sujetos, que la meditación en contextos educativos promueve factores protectores ante la violencia, tales como paciencia, sensibilidad, equilibrio emocional, bienestar y relajación. Al haber calma y armonía, bajan los niveles de estrés, agresividad, ansiedad e impulsividad. Promoviendo la convivencia pacífica, las personas son menos conflictivas, más agradables, comprensivas, respetuosas, sociables. Se mejora el estado de ánimo y la autoestima, lo que permite una mejor interacción social: más y mejores relaciones entre pares, aceptación, respeto, colaboración, apoyo, solidaridad e integración.Introdução. Este artigo explora o impacto que a meditação tem na educação como um fator protetor contra a violência. Trata-se de investigar como a meditação promove o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de paz no centro educacional e demonstrar sua correlação positiva na qualidade da educação. Procura-se elucidar como, através da meditação, os ambientes escolares de convivência e resolução pacífica de conflitos contribuem para melhorar o desempenho; permitindo favorecer as realizações da população estudantil, bem como promover maior bem-estar para o restante dos membros da comunidade educacional. Metodologia. Este estudo exploratório é qualitativo-quantitativo e construcionista, tem base em entrevistas e questionários aplicados a agentes que fazem parte do processo social: estudantes, professores e voluntários. Resultados. Conclui-se, segundo a percepção desse sujeitos, que a meditação em contextos educacionais promove fatores de proteção contra a violência, como paciência, sensibilidade, equilíbrio emocional, bem-estar e relaxamento. Por ter calma e harmonia, os níveis de estresse, agressividade, ansiedade e impulsividade diminuem. Promovendo a coexistência pacífica, as pessoas são menos conflituosas, mais agradáveis, compreensivas, respeitosas e sociáveis. Melhorar o humor e a auto-estima permite uma melhor interação social: mais e melhores relacionamentos entre colegas, aceitação, respeito, colaboração, apoio, solidariedade e integração

    A social constructed human beeing : a (bio)technological approach

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    As a social construction, (bio)technology1 should not be studied out of the social field. From a Social Imaginaries approach, (bio)technology can be considered as a contemporary social magma formed by biological, technical, psychological, sociological and axiological factors. Orbiting around the the cyborg metaphor, in this article we intend to build a multidisciplinary approach of this polycontextureComo una construcción social, la (bio)tecnología no debe ser estudiada fuera del campo social. Desde una perspectiva analítica sobre los imaginarios sociales, la (bio)tecnología puede ser considerada como un magma social formado por factores biológicos, técnicos, psicológicos, sociológicos y axiológicos. Orbitando alrededor de la metáfora del cyborg, en este artículo nos proponemos construir un enfoque multidisciplinar de esta polycontextura

    Gap in Techno-Scientific Activity: The Iberoamerican Context

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    The aim of this paper is to apply the hermeneutic approach to social imaginaries of science and technology. Special attention will be given to discuss how the techno-scientific system intends to face poverty, although the system focuses to a different direction, which is a growing inter-penetration with the economic system. The techno-scientific system, as well as its politics, sets aside poor people. In such a context, the scientific-technologic gap continues to grow, generating gradually two different paces of international development. Factors like the cyborgization, robotization, the development of ITCs, etc., have an impact into the poorest regions, ending up into situations of technologic-scientific neo-colonialism. In spite of peripheral states efforts, the possible development of these regions is an always faced and never overcome challenge. Transformations of the scientific-technologic system, which are more and more scientifically and technologically dependent every day, constitute as a gap. Key words: Science; technology; poverty; scientific-technologic ga

    Imaginarios sociales de un texto escolar garífuna

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    Within the construction of Central American educational historiography, local languages ​​and cultures have great relevance. School textbooks can be a mechanism of cultural hegemony, but also a place of emancipation. This work explores the construction of social imaginaries in a specific school text, constructed primarily with Garifuna songs: Tiyanu Nuguchu Garinagu, I and II cycle of Garífuna Mother Tongue (Secretaría de Educación Pública de Honduras, 2019). From a decolonial approach, it will be shown how, although hegemonic processes stand out, counter-hegemonic elements are also present. The approach will be in accordance with a study of the coloniality of power as a scheme of thought and framework of action that legitimizes the differences between societies, subjects, and knowledge; which therefore brings us closer to the social imaginaries on which they are based. It will be explored whether the text is being a tool to perpetuate a belief system typical of the Garifuna community or it is far from it.Dentro de la construcción de la historiografía educativa centroamericana, las lenguas y culturas locales tienen una gran relevancia. Los textos escolares pueden ser un engranaje de la hegemonía cultural, pero también un lugar de emancipación. En este trabajo se explora la construcción de imaginarios sociales en un texto escolar específico construido primordialmente con cantos garífunas: Tiyanu Nuguchu Garinagu, I y II ciclo de Lengua Materna Garífuna (Secretaría de Educación Pública de Honduras, 2019). Desde un enfoque decolonial, se mostrará cómo si bien destacan los procesos hegemónicos, también se encuentran presentes los elementos contrahegemónicos. El enfoque irá en concordancia a un estudio de la colonialidad del poder como esquema de pensamiento y marco de acción que legitima las diferencias entre sociedades, sujetos y conocimientos, y que por lo tanto nos acerca a los imaginarios sociales en que se basan. Se explorará si el texto es o dista de ser una herramienta para perpetuar un sistema de creencias propios de la comunidad garífuna.Na construção da historiografia educacional centro-americana, as línguas e culturas locais têm grande relevância. Os manuais escolares podem ser um mecanismo de hegemonia cultural, mas também um lugar de emancipação. Este trabalho explora a construção de imaginários sociais em um texto escolar específico construído principalmente com canções Garífunas: Tiyanu Nuguchu Garinagu, ciclo I e II da Língua Materna Garífuna (Secretaría de Educación Pública de Honduras, 2019). A partir de uma abordagem decolonial, será mostrado como embora se destaquem os processos hegemônicos, também estão presentes elementos contra-hegemônicos. A abordagem estará de acordo com um estudo da colonialidade do poder como esquema de pensamento e quadro de ação que legitima as diferenças entre sociedades, sujeitos e conhecimentos, e que, portanto, nos aproxima dos imaginários sociais em que se baseiam. Será explorado se o texto é ou está longe de ser uma ferramenta para perpetuar um sistema de crenças típico da comunidade Garifuna

    Nuevas posibilidades de los imaginarios sociales

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    139 p.Matrices de sentido o esquemas de representación, cada sociedad y cada tiempo tiene sus propios imaginarios. Es a través de éstos que se configura, percibe, explica e interviene en lo que se considera como realidad. La posibilidad de conservar ciertas pautas, y crear incesantemente otras, está condicionada justamente por ciertos imaginarios sociales, y será en función de éstos que dentro de una sociedad se determinará lo plausible o lo inverosímil. Estas son algunas de las ideas centrales a partir de las cuales arrancan los capítulos de este libro, para explorar las Nuevas posibilidades de los imaginarios sociales. Los autores de cada uno de ellos –académicos iberoamericanos de reconocido prestigio– han incorporado en sus ámbitos de investigación esta noción que si bien ha comenzado a ser usada frecuentemente, pocas veces es utilizada con pertinencia y rigor, probablemente porque sigue siendo una noción fácil de intuir pero difícil de explicitar.ÍNDICE GENERAL Introducción. La irremediable intromisión de lo imaginario Francesca Randazzo p. 9 Dialéctica de lo social. El imaginario del iniciar y el iniciar de lo imaginario Celso Sánchez Capdequí p.15 Elementos básicos de una teoría fenomenológica de los imaginarios sociales Manuel Antonio Baeza Imagen, Imaginario y retórica de la ciencia p. 31 Margarita Santana de la Cruz p. 43 Implicaciones de la retórica en el imaginario social tecnocientífico Juan R. Coca, Jesús A. Valero Matas Juan Luis Pintos p. 55 El imaginario social del otro interiorizado. Taxonomía de la alteridad como espejo del yo contemporáneo Rubén Dittus p. 67 Imaginario e identidades sociales. Los escenarios de actuación del «Imaginario social» como configurador de vínculo comunitario Enrique Carretero Pasin p. 99 El imaginario social moderno. Una postmetafísica de la indeterminación y la contingencia Josetxo Beriaín p. 11

    Childhood immunization coverage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Province of Siracusa, Italy

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted routine immunization activities and a decline in vaccination coverage has been documented around the world. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine childhood vaccination coverage in the Province of Siracusa, Italy. Methods: We compared 2020 and 2019 vaccination coverage by age group and vaccine type. Results were considered statistically significant at a two-tailed p-value ≤0.05. Results: Our findings show that vaccination coverage rates for mandatory and recommended vaccinations decreased in 2020 compared with the previous year (range from -1.4 % to -7.8%). Anti-rotavirus vaccination increased (+4.8%, as compared to 2019), while the reductions observed for polio vaccination (hexavalent) and human papillomavirus vaccination in males were not statistically significant. The reduction did not hit the population in the same manner, with the greater decreases observed for children aged >24 months compared to the younger (-5.5% vs. -2.2%) and for booster doses compared to the primary vaccinations (-6.4% vs. -2.6%). Conclusions: This study found that vaccination coverage of routine childhood immunisations was negatively affected during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Province of Siracusa. It is of huge importance to put in place some catch-up programs to ensure vaccinations at the earliest of individuals who missed immunization during the pandemic

    Development of new non-dairy beverages from Mediterranean fruit juices fermented with water kefir microorganisms

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    The aim of this work was to explore the use of several Mediterranean fruit juices as fermentable substrates to develop new non-dairy fermented beverages. Microbiological, chemical and sensory features of kefir-like beverages obtained after the fermentation of juices extracted from fruits cultivated in Sicily (southern Italy) with water kefir microorganisms were investigated. Results indicated that both lactic acid bacteria and yeasts were able to develop in the fruit juices tested, but the highest levels were registered with prickly pear fruit juice. All fruit juices underwent a lactic fermentation, since a lactic acid content was detected in the resulting kefir-like beverages. Except kiwifruit and quince based kefirs, total titratable acidity increased for the other experimental products. A general decrease of the soluble solid content and an increase of the number of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was also observed after fermentation. As expected, the fermentation increased the concentration of alcohols. The main fermentation in KLBs resulted to be yeast-based. Kiwifruit and pomegranate juices possessed a high antioxidant activity. Esters compounds were present at higher amount after the fermentation, especially in grape, pomegranate and quince. Aldehydes showed an opposite trend. Changes in colour attributes were registered as noticeable at human perception scale. The overall quality evaluation indicated that, among the Mediterranean fruit juices tested, apple and grape beverages were the products mostly appreciated by the tasters. Therefore, these findings support the possibility to develop fruit-based kefirlike beverages with high added value and functional properties

    Jaminaea phylloscopi sp. Nov. (microstromatales), a basidiomycetous yeast isolated from migratory birds in the mediterranean basin

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    During a survey of yeasts vectored by migratory birds in the Mediterranean basin, isolations from the cloacae of members of the order Passeriformes collected in Ustica (Italy) were performed. Based on phylogenetic analysis of the D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2 region, five yeast isolates clustered in a new lineage within the Microstromatales clade. The DNA sequences of these isolates differed from those of their closest relatives, Jaminaea angkorensis and Jaminaea lanaiensis, by 20 and 25 nt substitutions in the D1/D2 domain and 119 and 131 nt substitutions in the complete ITS region, respectively. In addition, the five isolates showed phenotypic characteristics not observed in their closest relatives, such as the ability to grow at 44 °C and at pH 2.5, which suggests a possible adaptation to the bird gastrointestinal tract. On the basis of the isolation source, phenotypic features and molecular strain typing carried out with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR and mini-satellite-primed (MSP)-PCR analysis, the five isolates were characterized as five distinct strains of a novel species formally described as Jaminaea phylloscopi sp. nov., with 551B6T (=PYCC 6783T=CBS 14087T) as the type strain. The Mycobank accession number is MB811984