147 research outputs found

    Refractory pemphigus foliaceus associated with herpesvirus infection: case report

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    Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is an autoimmune disease characterized by blistering of the skin. Infections caused by members of the herpesviridae family have been suggested as a possible triggering factor for pemphigus vulgaris (PV), but not for PF. The present study aimed to investigate the presence of Human herpesvirus (types 1, 2, 3) in corticosteroid refractory skin lesions from a patient with PF, by a Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The sample collected from cutaneous blisters has tested positive for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) after sequence analysis of the amplified viral genomic segment. The study concluded that when PF patients present corticosteroid or immunosuppressants refractory lesions, herpetic infection should be considered

    Mercado fotovoltaico no Brasil: implantado de políticas governamentais e marcos regulatórios

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    A energia solar fotovoltaica tem atributos que a tornam única. O fato de ser possível incrementar a produção tão rapidamente e a tecnologia se desenvolver a partir de infraestrutura existente faz com que a taxa de inovação no segmento seja muito maior que nos demais setores de energia. Este trabalho apresenta um panorama do mercado fotovoltaico no mundo e no Brasil, mas especificamente destaca o atual processo de desenvolvimento e implantação de políticas governamentais e marcos regulatório para a inserção da energia solar fotovoltaica na matriz de energia elétrica brasileira.The photovoltaic solar energy has attributes that make it unique. The electricity production can be increased rapidly and technology can be developed from existing infrastructure, resulting in a rate of innovation much higher than in other energy sectors. This paper presents an overview of the PV market in the world and in Brazil, focusing on the current development and implementation of government policies and regulatory frameworks for the integration of photovoltaic systems in the Brazilian energy mix.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Implantado de sistemas de geracáo distribuída com telhados fotovoltaicos no sul do Brasil

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    O atual processo brasileiro de regulamentação e incentivo á geração de energias renováveis deve proporcionar um cenário promissor para a energia solar fotovoltaica. Este trabalho apresenta a descrição do projeto de 120 telhados fotovoltaicos no Brasil a serem implantados nos próximos anos e que visa delimitar as condições e impactos da geração distribuída de energia elétrica a partir de sistemas fotovoltaicos em telhados de consumidores na rede de baixa tensão. O trabalho descreve especialmente o estágio atual dos telhados fotovoltaicos que serão instalados em um condomínio de residências na cidade de Porto Alegre localizada no sul do Brasil e destacando os requesitos e condições necessárias exigidas pela concessionária proprietária da rede elétrica de distribuição onde os sistemas fotovoltaicos serão conectados.The recent regulatory law encouraging the implementation of renewable energy sources established a promising scenario for photovoltaics in Brazil. This paper describes the 120 photovoltaic roofs project to be accomplished in several regions of Brazil in the following months and briefly analyzes the impact of distributed generation on the distribution grid. Particular attention is given to the case of 20 photovoltaic roofs to be installed in residences in the city of Porto Alegre, highlighting the conditions and requirements imposed by the electricity utility owner of the distribution grid to which these systems are to be connected.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Long-term outcomes of a pilot CT screening for lung cancer

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    Background: Low-dose computed tomography (CT) screening can detect early stage lung cancer in high-risk populations. However, no data on repeated annual screening over more than 5 years are available, and the impact of screening on lung cancer mortality is controversial. Methods: We analysed outcomes in high-risk asymptomatic volunteers (smokers and former smokers, >50 years) enrolled in a pilot study over 1 year from June 2000, who received annual low-dose CT for 7 years. Cumulative lung cancer incidence and survival were represented by Kaplan 12Meier curves. Standardized incidence and mortality ratios were used to estimate risks relative to the general Italian and US population. Results: Compliance was 86% at the end of the seventh year in 1035 recruited volunteers (71% men, mean age 58 years). Lung cancer was diagnosed in 54 (5.3%); radical surgery was possible in 48/54 (87%); 39/54 (72%) had stage I disease. Five-year survival was 63% overall, 89% for stage I cases. During 6308 person-years of observation, 47 participants had died versus 75 expected in the Italian general population standardised for age and sex. Fourteen lung cancer deaths were registered versus 27 expected in a standardised US smoker population. Conclusions: Seventy percent of screening-diagnosed patients had stage I disease, and the survival of screen-detected cancer patients was high. Lung cancer mortality was favourable compared to age- and sex-matched population of US smokers, suggesting that mortality can be lowered by screening, although larger trials with longer follow-up are necessary to confirm these findings

    Nasoseptal flap with extended pedicle dissection based on the maxillary artery: Clinical series of 55 cases

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    Key points: Nasoseptal flap with extended pedicle dissection is a low morbidity and high success rate flap. It is a flap that can be applied to reconstruct a wide range of ipsilateral skull base defects

    Treatment of loco-regional recurrence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a non-endemic area: oncologic outcomes, morbidity, and proposal of a prognostic nomogram

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    Introduction: The study assessed outcomes and toxicities of different treatment modalities for local and/or regional recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in a non-endemic area. Methods: Patients treated with curative intent for recurrent NPC with salvage surgery, photon-based radiotherapy, proton therapy (PT), with or without chemotherapy, at different Italian referral centers between 1998 and 2020 were included. Adverse events and complications were classified according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events. Characteristics of the patients, tumors, treatments, and complications are presented along with uni- and multivariate analysis of prognostic factors. A survival predictive nomogram is also provided. Results: A total of 140 patients treated from 1998 to 2020 were retrospectively assessed. Cases with lower age, comorbidity rate, stage, and shorter disease-free interval (DFI) preferentially underwent endoscopic surgery. More advanced cases underwent re-irradiation, fairly distributed between photon-based radiotherapy and PT. Age and DFI were independent factors influencing overall survival. No independent prognostic effect of treatment modality was observed. No significant difference in the morbidity profile of treatments was observed, with 40% of patients experiencing at least one adverse event classified as G3 or higher. Conclusion: Recurrent NPC in a non-endemic area has dissimilar aspects compared to its endemic counterpart, suggesting the need for further studies that can guide the choice of the best treatment modality

    Recommendations for implementing lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography in Europe

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    Lung cancer screening (LCS) with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) was demonstrated in the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) to reduce mortality from the disease. European mortality data has recently become available from the Nelson randomised controlled trial, which confirmed lung cancer mortality reductions by 26% in men and 39–61% in women. Recent studies in Europe and the USA also showed positive results in screening workers exposed to asbestos. All European experts attending the “Initiative for European Lung Screening (IELS)”—a large international group of physicians and other experts concerned with lung cancer—agreed that LDCT-LCS should be implemented in Europe. However, the economic impact of LDCT-LCS and guidelines for its effective and safe implementation still need to be formulated. To this purpose, the IELS was asked to prepare recommendations to implement LCS and examine outstanding issues. A subgroup carried out a comprehensive literature review on LDCT-LCS and presented findings at a meeting held in Milan in November 2018. The present recommendations reflect that consensus was reached