402 research outputs found

    O Inferno de Dante e a simbologia do sétimo círculo

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    O período do século XI ao XIII foi marcante para a expansão do inferno cristão. A crença no maligno aumentou o medo frente ao desconhecido e possibilitou a estruturação de um inferno punitivo. O poeta Dante Alighieri construiu uma geografia para o inferno, paraíso e purgatório cristão por meio das representações coletivas do homem medieval. Utilizaremos o conceito de representação para discutir a simbologia do inferno de Dante, focando na estrutura de seu sétimo círculo, onde são punidas as almas violentas.The period between XI to XIII century was remarkable for the expansion of Christian hell. The belief in evil increased the fear of unknown and enabled the structure of a punitive hell. The poet, Dante Alighieri, made a geography for Christian hell, paradise and purgatory by means of collective representations of medieval man. We'll use the concept of representation to discuss the symbolism of Dante's inferno, focusing in the structure of its seventh circle, where the violent souls are punished

    Hepatobiliary fascioliasis

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    Hepatobiliary fascioliasis is a parasitic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica, which is a trematode that primarily infects cattle and sheep, but may also affect humans in endemic areas.There are two phases of the disease: the acute one - where the parasites infect the liver parenchyma; and the subacute / chronic phase - when the parasites reach the biliary ducts and gallbladder, providing typical imaging findings.Because this disease may mimic several hepatobiliary disorders, misdiagnosis or late diagnosis is a concern. Therefore, knowledge of the typical and specific imaging findings is important in accomplishing a correct diagnosis.The authors describe a case of a 49-year-old male that presented with nonspecific liver symptoms. Liver ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed several typical findings of the disease, which helped achieve the diagnosis

    Distrofia muscular de Duchenne: presentación de un caso

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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) or Progressive Muscular Dystrophy is an inherited pathology with an X-linked recessive pattern caused by a mutation of the gene encoding the protein called dystrophin. This genetic alteration, leads to a proximal muscular atrophy, causing a progressive difficulty for ambulation, deformation of the spine, mental retardation in some cases and death around the age of twenty years due to cardiopulmonary failure. A bibliographical review of this pathology and therefore the study of this particular case, with the aim of notifying and contributing in the registry of the prevalence of this disease in Ecuador. The case of a seven-year-old Indian, from the rural parish of Huambaló, , belonging to the canton of Pelileo (province of Tungurahua), is is reported.He visits the Pelileo Basic Hospital because of difficulty in walking. It is assessed clinically and with a diagnostic approach towards neuromuscular disease, a series of complementary imaging, hemato-metric and histopathological studies are carried out. The algorithm of this study helps the presump-tive and definitive diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. However, as it is a genetic disease, the chromosomal analysis has great relevance and it is corroborated its classic phenotypic character-istics according to the literature and medical evidence. However, it is necessary to improve the quality of life of these patients through the care of a multidisciplinary health team and government support.La Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) o Distrofia Muscular Progresiva, es una patología hereditaria con patrón recesivo ligado al cromosoma X, causada por una mutación del gen que codifica la proteína llamada distrofina. Esta alteración genética, conduce a una atrofia muscular proximal, causante de una dificultad progresiva para la deambulación, deformación de la columna vertebral, retraso mental en algunos casos y muerte alrededor de los veinte años de edad por falla cardiopulmonar. Se emprende una revisión bibliográfica de esta patología y por ende el estudio de este caso en particular, con el objetivo de notificar y contribuir en el registro de la prevalencia de esta enfermedad en el Ecuador. Se reporta el caso de un niño de siete años, indígena, proveniente de la parroquia rural Huambaló, perteneciente al cantón Pelileo (provincia de Tungurahua), que acude al Hospital Básico Pelileo por presentar dificultad en la deambulación. Es valorado clínicamente y con un enfoque diagnóstico hacia una enfermedad neuromuscular, se efectúa una serie de exámenes complementarios de imagen, hematométricos y estudio histopatológico. El algoritmo de este estudio ayuda al diagnóstico presuntivo y definitivo de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne. Sin embargo, al tratarse de una enfermedad genética, el análisis cromosómico tiene gran relevancia y se ve corrobo-rado sus características fenotípicas clásicas conforme a la literatura y evidencias médicas. Sin embargo resulta necesario, mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes a través del cuidado de un equipo multidisciplinar de salud y el apoyo gubernamental

    Distrofia muscular de Duchenne: presentación de un caso

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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) or Progressive Muscular Dystrophy is an inherited pathology with an X-linked recessive pattern caused by a mutation of the gene encoding the protein called dystrophin. This genetic alteration, leads to a proximal muscular atrophy, causing a progressive difficulty for ambulation, deformation of the spine, mental retardation in some cases and death around the age of twenty years due to cardiopulmonary failure. A bibliographical review of this pathology and therefore the study of this particular case, with the aim of notifying and contributing in the registry of the prevalence of this disease in Ecuador. The case of a seven-year-old Indian, from the rural parish of Huambaló, , belonging to the canton of Pelileo (province of Tungurahua), is is reported.He visits the Pelileo Basic Hospital because of difficulty in walking. It is assessed clinically and with a diagnostic approach towards neuromuscular disease, a series of complementary imaging, hemato-metric and histopathological studies are carried out. The algorithm of this study helps the presump-tive and definitive diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. However, as it is a genetic disease, the chromosomal analysis has great relevance and it is corroborated its classic phenotypic character-istics according to the literature and medical evidence. However, it is necessary to improve the quality of life of these patients through the care of a multidisciplinary health team and government support.La Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) o Distrofia Muscular Progresiva, es una patología hereditaria con patrón recesivo ligado al cromosoma X, causada por una mutación del gen que codifica la proteína llamada distrofina. Esta alteración genética, conduce a una atrofia muscular proximal, causante de una dificultad progresiva para la deambulación, deformación de la columna vertebral, retraso mental en algunos casos y muerte alrededor de los veinte años de edad por falla cardiopulmonar. Se emprende una revisión bibliográfica de esta patología y por ende el estudio de este caso en particular, con el objetivo de notificar y contribuir en el registro de la prevalencia de esta enfermedad en el Ecuador. Se reporta el caso de un niño de siete años, indígena, proveniente de la parroquia rural Huambaló, perteneciente al cantón Pelileo (provincia de Tungurahua), que acude al Hospital Básico Pelileo por presentar dificultad en la deambulación. Es valorado clínicamente y con un enfoque diagnóstico hacia una enfermedad neuromuscular, se efectúa una serie de exámenes complementarios de imagen, hematométricos y estudio histopatológico. El algoritmo de este estudio ayuda al diagnóstico presuntivo y definitivo de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne. Sin embargo, al tratarse de una enfermedad genética, el análisis cromosómico tiene gran relevancia y se ve corrobo-rado sus características fenotípicas clásicas conforme a la literatura y evidencias médicas. Sin embargo resulta necesario, mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes a través del cuidado de un equipo multidisciplinar de salud y el apoyo gubernamental

    The divergence and curl in arbitrary basis

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    In this work, the divergence and curl operators are obtained using the coordinate free non rigid basis formulation of differential geometry. Although the authors have attempted to keep the presentation self-contained as much as possible, some previous exposure to the language of differential geometry may be helpful. In this sense the work is aimed to late undergraduate or beginners graduate students interested in mathematical physics. To illustrate the development, we graphically present the eleven coordinate systems in which the Laplace operator is separable. We detail the development of the basis and the connection for the cylindrical and paraboloidal coordinate systems. We also present in [1] codes both in Maxima and Maple for the spherical orthonormal basis, which serves as a working model for calculations in other situations of interest. Also in [1] the codes to obtain the coordinate surfaces are given

    Correção cirúrgica de ureter ectópico bilateral utilizando a técnica de neoureterocistostomia

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    A ectopia ureteral é uma afecção de incidência rara na clínica de pequenos animais, sendo caracterizada como anomalia congênita resultante de falha na diferenciação dos ductos durante a embriogênese. Neste cenário, os ureteres se apresentam fora do seu local anatômico, sendo inseridos no útero, no colo da vesícula urinária, na uretra ou na vagina. Os sinais clínicos comumente apresentados são a incontinência urinária bem como a dermatite perivulvar. O tratamento de eleição para correção da anomalia é o procedimento cirúrgico, no qual a técnica de escolha é baseada na relocação do ureter ectópico e tratamento das alterações associadas. Neste contexto, o presente relato descreve um caso de ectopia ureteral bilateral intramural, corrigido cirurgicamente por meio da técnica neoureterocistostomia, o que possibilitou controle da incontinência urinária do paciente.Ureteral ectopy is a rare disorder in the small animals’ clinic. It is characterized as a congenital anomaly, resulting from the ducts differentiation failure during embryogenesis. In this scenario, the ureters present themselves outside the anatomical site, being inserted into the uterus, urethra, urinary vesicle neck, or vagina. The clinical signs are urinary incontinence and perivulvar dermatitis. Surgery is the accepted treatment to correct the anomaly. The surgical procedure is based on relocating the ectopic ureter and treating associated modifications. This report describes a case of intramural bilateral ureteral ectopy, corrected surgically through the neoureterocystostomy technique, making it possible to control the animal’s urinary incontinence

    An unusual cause of intra-abdominal calcification: A lithopedion

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    AbstractWe report a case of a 77-year-old female who was admitted to the emergency department complaining of diffuse abdominal pain for five days, associated with nausea, vomiting and constipation.Physical examination disclosed a large incarcerated umbilical hernia, which was readily apparent on supine abdominal plain films. These also showed a calcified heterogeneous mass in the mid-abdominal region, which was further characterized by CT as a lithopedion (calcified ectopic pregnancy). This is one of the few cases studied on a MDCT equipment, and it clearly enhances the post-processing abilities of this imaging method which allows diagnostic high-quality MIP images.Lithopedion is a rare entity, with less than 300 cases previously described in the medical literature. However, many reported cases corresponded to cases of skeletonization or collections of fetal bone fragments discovered encysted in the pelvic region at surgery or autopsy. It is thus estimated that true lithopedion is a much rarer entity.The diagnosis may be reached by a suggestive clinical history and a palpable mass on physical examination, while the value of modern cross-sectional techniques is still virtually unknown. Ultrasonography may depict an empty uterine cavity and a calcified abdominal mass of non-specific characteristics, and computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are able to reach a conclusive diagnosis and may additionally define the involvement of adjacent structures.The differential diagnosis includes other calcified pathologic situations, including ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids, urinary tract neoplasms, inflammatory masses or epiploic calcifications

    Sistema Acessível para o Gerenciamento e Apoio ao Centro de Formação de Treinadores e Instrutores de Cães Guia do IFC

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    Resumo. Durante o processo de formação do cão-guia é realizado uma série de etapas, no entanto muitas dessas etapas não são informatizadas acarretando uma grande quantidade de documentos em papel. Como forma de centralizar e aproveitar melhor as informações propõem-se o desenvolvimento de um sistema de gerenciamento de usuários com foco na 3ª etapa do processo de formação de cães-guia.Palavras-chave: Cão-guia, Acessibilidade, Sistema.Abstract. During the process of training the guide dog is carried out a series of steps, however many of these steps are not computerized carrying a large amount of paper documents. As a way to centralize and take better advantage of the information proposes the development of a system of management of users focused on the third stage of the process of formation of guide dogs.Keywords: Guide-dog, Accessibility, System


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    O MIMES – Multi-scale Integrated Model of the Earth Sytems Ecological Services é o primeiro modelo global a relacionar a dinâmica entre a tecnologia, produção e bem-estar econômico e os bens e serviços ecossistêmicos do sistema dinâmico da Terra, de forma espacializada. É um “meta-modelo” que representa uma síntese de uma simplificação dos diversos modelos globais dinâmicos existentes nas ciências naturais e sociais em um nível intermediário de complexidade. O objetivo do MIMES é simular o sistema integrado da Terra e avaliar a dinâmica e os valores dos serviços dos ecossistemas. O presente estudo de caso é a modelagem da dinâmica do uso e cobertura das terras na Bacia-Hidrográfica dos Rio Mogi-Guaçú e Pardo em São Paulo. Ele foca a restauração dos serviços ecossistêmicos do controle da erosão. São descritos os estudos da Bacia Hidrográfica e analisado a dinâmica do uso e cobertura das terras, focado nas suas principais forças tais como a legislação ambiental do país e as mudanças nos preços relativos favorecendo uma forte expansão do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar na região. Esta dinâmica tem importante impacto nas taxas de erosão cujas medidas metodológicas são apresentadas com os resultados obtidos. Para simular esta dinâmica foi desenvolvido um modelo seguindo a metodologia do MIMES. O algoritmo desenvolvido modela as mudanças do uso e cobertura das terras baseado principalmente na força das leis ambientais e movimentos dos preços medindo os impactos do processo de erosão. Espera-se que esta dinâmica contribua para a restauração dos serviços ecossistêmicos da Bacia Hidrográfica. -------------------------------------------------------------------The MIMES – Multi-scale Integrated Model of the Earth Sytems Ecological Services is the first global model it relate to dynamic between the technology, output and economic welfare and the property and ecosystem service of the dynamic system of the Land, of form specialited. It is a "goal-model" that represents a synthesis of a simplification of the diverse existing dynamic global models in the social and natural sciences in an intermediate level of complexity. The MIMES objective is going to simulate the system integrated of the Land and evaluate to dynamic and the values of the service of the ecosystems. This paper aims at modeling the land use and land cover dynamics in a watershed in São Paulo State, Brazil. It focuses on the potential restoration of the ecosystem service erosion control. The studied watershed is described and its land use and land cover dynamics analyzed, focusing on its main driving forces such as the legislation enforcement and crop relative price changes favoring a very strong expansion of sugar-cane in the region. This dynamics has important impacts on erosion rates whose measurement methodology is presented along with the results obtained. To simulate this dynamics a model was built following MIMES. The algorithms developed deal with a process of forest recovery, modeling land use/land cover changes pushed mainly by legislation enforcement and price movements and measuring their impacts on the erosion process. It is expected that this dynamics would lead to a restoration of the ecosystem service erosion control.Modelo de mudanças do uso das terras, valoração dos serviços ecossistêmicos, controle da erosão de solos, modelo dinâmico integrado multi-escala, land use change model, ecosystem services valuation, soil erosion control, multi-scale integrated dynamic modeling, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    A relevância do fluxograma para a análise crítica do PNT 2018-2022 - gestão pública do turismo no Brasil / The relevance of the flowchart for the critical analysis of the PNT 2018-2022 - public management of tourism in Brazil

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    A gestão da qualidade é uma das condições necessárias para qualquer empreendimento que espera manter-se competitivo e se conservar no mundo dos negócios, pois com sua metodologia é capaz por preservar o singelo contento dos clientes, inclusive, surpreendendo fornecedores, funcionários e investidores. o objeto deste artigo será responder a questão de pesquisa, por intermédio de conceitos da revisão da literatura e por intermédio de dados abertos do ministério do turismo do governo federal brasileiro. A natureza dessa pesquisa será do tipo qualitativo e pesquisa descritiva com consultas bibliográficas, pesquisas em artigos científicos publicados em plataformas de estudos digitais e livros que tratem dos referidos assuntos: gestão da qualidade, PNT e fluxograma. É altamente recomendável a continuidade de pesquisas sobre as ferramentas da gestão da qualidade utilizada por profissionais de diferentes áreas envolvidas, sejam na gestão pública ou privada