1,391 research outputs found

    The zika virus disease: An overview

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    The zika virus, another re-emerging Flavivirus transmitted to humans by mosquitoes, is responsible for the most recent fever outbreak in the Americas and the Pacific, starting in 2015. The immunologically naïve population in the Americas favors the spread of epidemics. The zika fever is characterized by febrile illness, malaise, conjunctivitis and a maculopapular rash. Similar to other arboviroses recently spread in the Americas, there is no specific or effective antiviral therapy and vaccines are still in trials. The only effective preventive measures consist of individual protection against mosquito bites and vector control. This febrile illness increases the epidemiological and public health challenge existing in America, where the population is already fighting against dengue and chikungunya fever. Disease prevention is important due to the economic burden it entails. The fact of sexual and transfusion virus transmission is a great challenge to overcome. Doctors need to distinguish between dengue, chikungunya and other diseases to give a successful treatment and prevent the disease spreading

    Influence of CYP1A1*2C on High Triglyceride Levels in Female Mexican Indigenous Tarahumaras

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    Background and Aims High triglyceride levels are closely related to cardiovascular disease. Its development lays on age, diet, physical activity, ethnicity and genetic factors. Among the last, the CYP1A1*2C allele has an influence on the metabolism of cholesterol and other fatty acids. We undertook this study to determine the frequency of CYP1A1*2C and its association with triglyceride levels in Mexican indigenous Tarahumaras and Tepehuanos. Methods Anthropometric and biochemical data were recorded. Genotyping of CYP1A1*2C by RT-PCR was done in 110 Tepehuano, 69 Tarahumara and 64 Mestizo. Results Significant differences in age, waist diameter, BMI, creatinine, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and VLDL measurements were found between Tarahumaras and Tepehuanos (p <0.05). Additionally, Tarahumara women showed the highest values of waist diameter, BMI and triglycerides (p <0.05). It was found that Tarahumaras showed a significant association between high triglyceride levels and CYP1A1*2C allele (OR = 2.57; 95% CI 1.12–5.88, p = 0.024) under a recessive inheritance model. However, the Tepehuano group showed a significant protective association between normal triglyceride levels and CYP1A1*2C polymorphism (OR = 0.28; 95% CI 0.10–0.80, p = 0.015) following a dominant inheritance model. The same pattern was observed after analysis with females of both ethnicities. Conclusion A significant association between CYP1A1*2C and high triglyceride levels in Amerindian Tarahumaras from Chihuahua has been found; this allele was significantly associated with normal triglyceride levels in Tepehuanos from Durango, Mexico. Further studies are needed to elucidate the genetic role of CYP1A1 in cardiovascular disease susceptibility

    Removal of Emerging Pollutants by a 3-Step System: Hybrid Digester, Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland and Photodegradation Post-treatments

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] The removal of emerging pollutants from municipal wastewater was studied for the first time using a three-step pilot-scale system: 1) hybrid digester (HD) as first step, 2) subsurface vertical flow constructed wetland (VF) as second step, and 3) photodegradation (PD) unit as third step or post-treatment. The HD and VF units were built and operated in series with effluent recirculation at pilot scale. For the PD post-treatment, three alternatives were studied at lab-scale, i) UVC irradiation at 254 nm (0.5 h exposure time), ii) UVA irradiation at 365 nm using a TiO2-based photocatalyst and iii) sunlight irradiation using a TiO2-based photocatalyst, the last two for 1 and 2 h. Alternative iii) was also tested at pilot-scale. Degradation of nine compounds was evaluated: acetaminophen (ACE), caffeine (CAF), carbamazepine (CBZ), ketoprofen (KET), ibuprofen (IBU), diclofenac (DCL), clofibric acid (ACB), bisphenol A (BPA), and sotalol (SOT). Overall, the HD-VF-UVC system completely removed (>99.5 %) ACE, CAF, KET, IBU, DCL and ACB, and to a lesser extent SOT (98 %), BPA (83 %) and CBZ (51 %). On the other hand, the HD-VF-UVA/TiO2 system (at 2 h) achieved >99.5 % removal of ACE, CAF, KET, IBU and DCL while ACB, BPA, CBZ and SOT were degraded by 83 %, 81 %, 78 % and 68 %, respectively. Working also at 2 h of exposure time, in summer conditions, the HD-VF-Sol/TiO2 system achieved >99.5 % removal of ACE, CAF, KET, IBU, DCL and ACB, and to a minor extent BPA (80 %), SOT (74 %) and CBZ (69 %). Similar results, although slightly lower for SOT (60 %) and CBZ (59 %), were obtained in the pilot sunlight plus TiO2 catalyst unit. However, the use of sunlight irradiation with a TiO2-based photocatalyst clearly showed lower removal efficiency in autumn conditions (i.e., 47 % SOT, 31 % CBZ).This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through project CTQ2015-71238-R (MINECO/FEDER), and the Xunta de Galicia (project GPC ED431B 2020/52 and project GPC ED431B 2019/44), respectively. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUGXunta de Galicia; GPC ED431B 2020/52Xunta de Galicia; GPC ED431B 2019/4

    Ebola virus disease 2014

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    Ebola virus disease was irst described in 1976 originating from the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, Ebola virus has become an important public health threat in Africa, and now it is of great concern worldwide due to the recent outbreaks (9216 cases with 4555 deaths up to October 20th, 2014), and it is so far the largest and deadliest recorded in history. Five Ebola virus species have been identiied (including Zaire, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Reston, and Bundibugyo Ebola virus), and four of them have proved to be highly pathogenic for both human and non-human primates, causing viral hemorrhagic fever with case fatality rates of up to 90%, for which no approved therapeutics or vaccines are currently available. Ebola virus infections are characterized by immune suppression and a systemic inlammatory response that causes impairment of the vascular, coagulation, and immune systems, leading to multiorgan failure and shock, and thus, in some ways, resembling septic shock. The major affected countries, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, and Nigeria, have been struggling to contain and to mitigate the outbreak. Gene sequencing of the 2014 virus (2014WA) outbreak has demonstrated 98% homology with the Zaire Ebola virus, with a 49% case fatality ratio across the affected countries. In this review the characteristics of the viruses, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and the cases reported in health care workers (HCW) are described, as well as a summary of outbreaks of the virus since its discovery, including these last two outbreaks in Africa

    Relación entre fuerza, aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y riesgo cardio metabólico en preadolescentes chilenos de 7 a 13 años

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física para la Enseñanza Básica, Licenciado en Educación)Introducción: En los últimos años se ha podido investigar que la fuerza muscular como marcador de la salud ha sido un buen predictor de protección de padecer cierto nivel de riesgo cardio metabólico. Por esto, se investigó que factor es más predictivo en el estado de salud y su relación con la morbimortalidad, si la fuerza o la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria. Para evaluar los parámetros de obesidad y riesgo cardio metabólico se utilizaron las medidas de: Relación Cintura Estatura (RCE), para la evaluación de la fuerza del tren superior se evaluó fuerza de prensión manual (FPM), squat jump (SJ) para la fuerza del tren inferior y el test de 6 minutos (TM6) para medir la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria

    Use of Web Tools in University Students for the Elaboration of Their Own Learning Environments (PLE)

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    This article highlights the importance of guiding the student towards the search for new tools that help him to fulfil tasks oriented to work and study. For this, a review of research articles that rescue active methodologies and the implementation of strategies by the teacher to guide students to autonomous learning is carried out. Among the objectives are: to define new ways of coping with a teaching methodology through a flipped classroom, identifying integrating activities that can be developed in a virtual environment to finally design evaluation activities that allow the student to self-evaluate and identify which it is your cognitive conflict and overcome it. The results are based on the coincidences and discrepancies of 11 articles that demonstrate the existing limitations. It is concluded that the responsibility lies with the students to take control and manage their learning

    Interesantes imágenes de fosfato de cobre obtenidas en un microscopio electrónico de barrido

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    Actualmente la tecnología avanza muy rápido y conocer como son los objetos pequeños y muy pequeños ya no es complicado. Se cuenta con herramientas como los últimos microscopios electrónicos de barrido para poder observarlos a detalle, la estructura cristalina puede elucidarse a través de la difracción de rayos X. El material cristalino de fosfato de Cobre tri-hidratado caracterizado por difracción de rayos X de polvos (DRX-P) es afectado por el medio ambiente (su entorno) perdiendo su cristalinidad (pasando a la fase amorfa), las micrografías de barrido en esta transición muestran formas caprichosas de nanoflores o nanolechugas rizadas formadas de nanolaminas dispuestas en forma radial. El tamaño de las partículas es aproximadamente de 80 a 90 nm. Este estudio demuestra que una síntesis tradicional de obtención de fosfato (II) de Cobre trihidratado a partir de soluciones de sulfato de Cobre y fosfato de sodio es un método adecuado para la preparación de nanopartículas con interesantes morfologías.Nowadays, the technology progresses quickly, and to know how small and very small objects are, is no longer complicated. There are tools such as the modern scanning electron microscopes to watch them in detail; crystal structure can be seen through X-ray diffraction. The tri-hydrated copper phosphate crystalline material characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD-P) is affected by the environment (its surroundings) losing its crystallinity (passing to the amorphous phase). The scanning electron microscopy photographs show capricious forms of nanoflowers or nanolettuces formed from nanolayers placed radially. The particles size is approximately 80 to 90 nm. This study shows that to obtain phosphates by traditional synthesis of tri-hydrated copper from copper(II) sulfate and sodium phosphate is an adequate method for the nanoparticles preparation with interesting morphologies

    Técnica de ajuste de las curvas concentración en cinética química

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    El análisis de regresión es una técnica para investigar y modelar la relación entre variables. Aplicaciones de regresión son numerosas y ocurren en casi todos los campos, incluyendo ingeniería. Este artículo muestra la aplicación innovadora del método estadístico a las curvas de concentración u observables versus tiempo para ajustar los datos experimentales en una cinética química, los ejemplos son: cinéticas realizadas por los alumnos de la materia experimental Cinética y Catálisis de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco y de datos obtenidos de la literatura. Los resultados: en la curva de concentración contra tiempo y orden de reacción aplicando el ajuste muestran coeficiente de correlación o regresión aceptables. El aprendizaje se hace significativo al obtener coherencia en los resultados experimentales y/o los reportados en la literatura.Regression analysis is a statistical tool for the investigation of relationships between variables. Applications of regression analysis exist in almost every field of knowledge including engineering. The purpose of the present paper is to show the innovative application of statistical method for concentration versus time curves to fit the experimental data on chemical kinetics, examples are kinetic studies performed by the students of the experimental course Kinetics and Catalysis of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco and data from the literature. The results: in concentration versus time curve and order of reaction show acceptable correlation coefficient or regression. Learning becomes significant to obtain consistency in the experimental results and/or data reported in the literature

    Giraverde: guía pedagógica docente para el uso racional y eficiencia de la energía

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    Esta cartilla contiene una propuesta para desarrollar proyectos de aula que faciliten a niños y jóvenes la comprensión de conceptos relacionados con el uso racional y eficiente de la energía. El propósito es generar en las áreas de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias Sociales de los currículos de preescolar, básica primaria, básica secundaria y media vocacional, y en los proyectos de formación ambiental y de emprendimiento, espacios de reflexión para estimular en las nuevas generaciones una cultura energética responsable

    Magisterio, educación y humanidades

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    172 p.Diversas circunstancias del presente obligan a pensar acerca del papel de la formación humanística en todos los procesos educativos. Las manifestaciones de intolerancia, barbarie, corrupción, falta de pertenencia, ausencia de memoria histórica o espiritualidad, entre otros factores, llevan a analizar, en profundidad y con esperanza, los diferentes conflictos humanos. Así mismo, a procurar alzar la voz para ofrecer algunas reflexiones que iluminen posibilidades de diálogo y reconocimiento, las cuales colaboren con la reconstrucción del tejido social que, por la diversidad de manifestaciones de una realidad en crisis, necesita algunas pistas para atender las necesidades más apremiantes del contexto colombiano, aunque estas sean de carácter teórico, como las que se presentan en el siguiente volumen. La participación activa de los docentes del departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, permite reconocer que cada quien, desde su campo disciplinar y académico, es consciente de la necesidad de asumir la vocería para reflexionar y dialogar sobre diversidad de temas y autores, que pueden orientar las posibilidades de comprensión frente a las situaciones que se viven en el día a día y que no son ajenas a las aulas de clase y a la cotidianidad de la comunidad universitaria. Es por ello que en este libro se presentan reflexiones en torno a: el papel de la educación política; la alteridad; la relación entre filosofía y pintura; los aportes del Magisterio de la Iglesia al concepto de funcionamiento familiar; la consciencia política; Jesucristo como el rostro de la felicidad cristiana; el desarrollo de la Constitución Pastoral Gaudium et Spes en las encíclicas de S.S. Benedicto XVI y su relación con la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia; algunas lecciones sobre la mujer y el hombre en el Magisterio; la pedagogía de la pregunta y la respuesta en la posibilidad de un proyecto de vida; la educación en el Magisterio Pontificio; y las enseñanzas de la teología del cuerpo.Prólogo 1. Educar para pensar políticamente: el papel de la educación política en el contexto colombiano 2. El lenguaje: camino hacia la alteridad 3. Merleau-Ponty: filosofía y pintura. La duda de Cézanne 4. Aportes del Magisterio de la Iglesia al concepto de funcionamiento familiar (APGAR) 5. De la ceguera a la lucidez: camino hacia una consciencia política 6. Jesucristo: el rostro de la felicidad cristiana 7. Desarrollo de la constitución pastoral Gaudium et spes en las encíclicas de S.S. Benedicto XVI y su relación con la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia 8. Algunas lecciones sobre la mujer y el hombre en el Magisterio 9. Un proyecto de vida desde la pedagogía de la pregunta y la respuesta 10. La educación en el Magisterio Pontificio: algunas enseñanzas de la teología del cuerpo Bibliografí