2,267 research outputs found

    Indigenismo : um orientalismo americano

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    Desde os anos 1940, marco importante na sua história, o indigenismo tem desvendado todo um mundo empírico e teórico sobre as relações extremamente desiguais entre os povos indígenas e os Estados-nações, especialmente, na América Latina. Inicialmente dedicado ao papel do Estado como disciplinador dessas relações, o indigenismo tem passado por transformações conceituais ao sabor das mudanças vividas por seus protagonistas. É hora, portanto, de redefinir o que é indigenismo

    Uma crítica da (des)razão indigenista

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    O artigo trata de um aspecto pouco abordado nas análises de Estado e poder: o voluntarismo de agentes de Estado e sua influência no estabelecimento de normas e resoluções que podem afetar povos inteiros. O caso empírico escolhido para demonstrá-lo é o dos Panará e sua saga pelo Parque Xingu sob o comando de Orlando Villas-Bôas nos anos 70. Como estratégia de demonstração, utiliza-se a proposta de Edward Said sobre a importância que o início de uma narrativa tem para o seu desfecho. Portanto, dependendo de onde comecemos a analisar um evento, este pode revelar ou mesmo ocultar contornos relevantes para a sua conclusão. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article deals with a somewhat neglected aspect in State and power analyses, viz., the individual whims of State agents and how these influence decision-making processes that may affect entire peoples. To demonstrate this the article focuses on the case of the Panará Indians and their ordeal as uncomfortable “guests” of Orlando Villas-Bôas in the Xingu Park in the 1970s. Edward Said’s Beginnings has been the analytical inspiration to unravel the Panará situation. Depending on where we begin to tell a story, its outcome may take unpredictable turns

    Da etnografia ao indigenismo : uma trajetória antropológica

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    Relato da trajetória profissional de Alcida Rita Ramos desde suas primeiras incursões na antropologia como aluna do Professor Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira no Museu Nacional, passando pela pós-graduação na Universidade de Wisconsin, Madison, até a sua aposentadoria na Universidade de Brasília, com ênfase nas pesquisas entre os Sanumá, subgrupo Yanomami e, posteriormente, no indigenismo comparado na América Latina. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAlcida Rita Ramos describes her professional trajectory from her first steps as an anthropology student of Professor Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro through her graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, up until her retirement at the University of Brasília. She emphasizes her research work among the Sanumá, a Yanomami subgroup in north Brazil and, more recently, on comparative indigenism in Latin American

    The Origins of Indigenism: Human Rights and the Politics of Identity

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    Book review of The Origins of Indigenism: Human Rights and the Politics of Identity. Ronald Niezen. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. xix + 272 pp., notes, references, index. ISBN 0-520-23554-1, 0-520-23556-8

    Being moved: how do attachment styles and emotion regulation affect the experience of being moved?

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    This work intends to contribute to the empirical body of research on positive emotions in general, having a particular interest in the emotional experience of being moved or touched. The being moved experience was also explored with attachment and emotion regulation strategies (reappraisal and suppression). A sample of Portuguese and Norwegian participants (aged 18 to 66 years old) was collected through an online procedure resulting in a total of 387 answers from the general population. The emotional experience of being moved was elicited by three different videos (presented randomly and previous tested) and manipulated by different instructions that asked participants different emotion regulation strategies – no instructions, reappraisal instructions and suppression instructions. After each movie participants answered a being moved scale and an attachment scale was also rated. Results suggest a significant relation between being moved and the manipulation of emotion regulation strategies (reappraisal and suppression). Reappraisal and suppression downregulate the experience of being moved and tears (comparing with no instructions regarding to emotion regulation strategies). Comparing both emotion regulation strategies, reappraisal downregulates more the being moved experience and tears than suppression. On the other hand, an anxiety attachment style proved to be significant and positively correlated with experiences of being moved as well as with feelings of choking up and tears. Nationality is also an important variable predicting being moved experiences. The comparison between the Portuguese and Norwegian samples showed significant differences in how participants feel touched. Results showed that Portuguese participants reported higher levels of being moved, higher levels of tears and feeling choked up, but lower level of feeling a warmth in their chest. In general, the being moved experience and their bodily sensations are sensitive to emotion regulation activity and to the attachment styles.O presente trabalho procura contribuir para uma melhor compreensão das emoções positivas a nível geral e, mais especificamente, da experiência emocional de nos sentirmos comovidos. Deste modo, foi explorada a sua relação com a vinculação e com as estratégias de regulação emocional (reavaliação e supressão). Foram recolhidas de forma on-line 387 respostas de participantes de nacionalidade Portuguesa e Norueguesa, entre os 18 e 66 anos de idade. A experiência emocional foi desencadeada através da apresentação aleatória de três vídeos, cuja eficácia no desencadear de experiências emocionais de comoção foi previamente testada. Os vídeos foram precedidos por diferentes instruções, com o intuito de manipular o tipo de regulação emocional (ausência de instruções, reavaliação e supressão). Posteriormente a cada vídeo os participantes responderam a uma medida que avaliou a comoção. Foi ainda pedido aos participantes que respondessem a uma medida de vinculação. Verificou-se que tanto a reavaliação como a supressão emocional diminuem a experiência emocional de comoção e o relato de lágrimas (comparativamente com a condição na qual não são dadas instruções específicas de regulação emocional). A redução da comoção e das lágrimas é mais elevada na condição de reavaliação (comparativamente com a condição de supressão). Verificam-se também relações no sentido positivo entre o estilo de vinculação ansioso e sentirmo-nos comovidos, o auto-relato de lágrimas e nó na garganta. Por fim, a nacionalidade é também uma variável preditora desta experiência emocional. Comparações entre a amostra Portuguesa e Norueguesa mostram diferenças significativas na experiência de comoção: os Portugueses referem maior nível de comoção, mais lágrimas e nó na garganta, e menos sensação de calor no peito. De forma geral, conclui-se que a experiência de nos sentirmos comovidos e as sensações corporais que lhe estão associadas são sensíveis às estratégias de regulação emocional que activamos e também ao estilo de vinculação

    Indigenising Development

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    Among the many social groups that have been historically excluded, indigenous people comprise one that offers great challenges to development. Although their assimilation has been a goal of the national societies that engulfed them, it is disputable whether indigenous people desire the type of social inclusion that development, in its many forms, can produce. At the same time, development seems irreversible, and resistance to it might have consequences far more adverse than those brought by acceptance. The best way to overcome the challenges seems to be to indigenise development: to put it to work on behalf of indigenous people instead of putting them to work for a model of development that is not only alien to them but that frequently does violence to their culture. With this in mind: Alcida Rita Ramos, Rafael Guerreiro Osorio and José Pimenta introduce the theme and the challenges to indigenising development, considering points raised by the other contributors. Gersem Baniwa writes about the dilemmas that development poses to indigenous people in Brazil, who simultaneously want to enjoy its benefits, particularly the material and technological resources of the modern world, and to also keep their traditions. Myrna Cunningham and Dennis Mairena explain that the very concept of development is inimical to some core values of many indigenous cultures of Nicaragua, such as collective labour and property, egalitarian distribution, and holistic world views. Jaime Urrutia Cerutti presents his thoughts on why in Peru, unlike Bolivia and Ecuador, there is no massive and strong social movement of indigenous people. The indigenous population comprises the majority in these three Andean countries, and is already integrated into their modern national societies. Stuart Kirsch departs from the concept of human development to show how a mining project in Suriname might enhance the economic freedom of some indigenous groups at the expense of some other important freedoms associated with being indigenous. José Pimenta tells the success story of an Ashaninka group in Brazil who became an archetype of the ecological indian, running sustainable development projects, and managing and protecting the environment. This success was context-specific, however, and was not without cost to their way of life. Charles R. Hale recalls the dramatic impacts of the civil war on the indigenous people of Guatemala. Caught between the state and the guerrillas, they have been through genocide, and modest advancements achieved earlier were reversed. A re-emerging Maya social movement now faces the resistance of the country?s elite. Bruce Grant takes us back to the Soviet Union and pinpoints some of the differences of socialist development, showing how it affected indigenous peoples in Siberia who were paradoxically seen as both a model of primitive communism and of backwardness. It was a dear goal of Soviet planners to make them leap forward as an example of the benefits of socialism. David G. Anderson considers how the dismantling of the Soviet Union affected indigenous peoples in Siberia. Current Russian models of indigenous development are worth considering because they are not purely capitalist: private corporations that take over projects assume many of the roles of the former socialist state in welfare provision, and the overall repercussions are both favourable and otherwise. Bernard Saladin d?Anglure and Françoise Morin discuss the impact of the colonisation and development of the Arctic on the Inuit. Charged by the Soviet Union for neglecting the human development of the Inuit, Canada devised a policy that succeeded in raising their material standards of living while culturally impoverishing them. Carolina Sánchez, José del Val, and Carlos Zolla emphasise the importance of monitoring the welfare and development of indigenous people by devising culturally adequate information systems. They summarise the state-of-the-art proposals, outline the main demands of indigenous leaders and experts as regards such systems, and present the successful experience of their programme in Guerrero, Mexico. We hope that the articles in this issue of Poverty in Focus help raise awareness in the development community about problems that do not have immediate and easy solutions, but that are crucial to shaping the present and future of indigenous people.Indigenising Development

    Investigating electrospinning to prepare nanofibers suitable for neurological disorders

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2020, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar o electrospinning como sistema de veiculação de fármacos no tratamento da epilepsia. As fibras fabricadas por electrospinning serão compostas por um fármaco, a carbamazepina (CBZ), e um polímero, o poli(ácido lático-co-ácido glicólico) (PLGA). Os fenómenos térmicos observados por varredura diferencial de calorimetria (DSC) permitiram a interpretação do comportamento do fármaco e do polímero, em diferentes misturas. Como previsto pelas análises molecular e cristalográfica, as duas moléculas não têm tendência para interagir em mistura, e a carbamazepina tende a permanecer sob forma cristalina. Os resultados de DSC poderão significar uma maior estabilidade a longo prazo devido ao seu conteúdo cristalino, hipótese que deverá ser testada. As várias fibras e partículas foram analisadas por microscopia SEM e os parâmetros foram ajustados de forma a obter fibras uniformes de PLGA. Concluiu-se que não só o peso molecular de PLGA, como também a escolha de solvente influencia a formação de nanofibras em virtude de nanopartículas. As fibras de PLGA foram fabricadas com sucesso e os parâmetros ideais para fibras uniformes foram estabelecidos. Estudos morfológicos demonstraram que a capacidade de electrospinning do PLGA aumentou com o aumento do seu peso molecular e que a escolha do solvente influenciou a formação das fibras devido aos seus efeitos nas propriedades reológicas. A análise por DSC das fibras de PLGA demonstrou ser semelhante à análise inicial de PLGA. No entanto, tal não garante um comportamento semelhante entre as misturas de CBZ e PLGA, e as fibras de PLGA com CBZ, pelo que devem continuar a investigar-se o comportamento das fibras com CBZ. O presente estudo demonstra um potencial para o fabrico de fibras de CBZ-PLGA, mas o seu comportamento exato necessita de mais investigação.The aim of this work was to investigate electrospinning for fabrication of anti-epileptic drug fibers intended for surgical implantation in selected epilepsy patients. Electrospun fibers can potentially be a good alternative to current therapies available, allowing fabrication of coaxial fibers that join chemical and genetic-based therapeutics. Carbamazepine (CBZ) was the selected drug because of its vast therapeutic usage and high efficacy. Thermal analysis with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that CBZ and PLGA (polylactic-co-glycolic acid), the selected polymer, did not interact and, instead, carbamazepine remained crystalline. This was confirmed by crystal structure data analysis of different carbamazepine forms. However, this data hint that the formulation could be more stable long-term, due to its crystalline content. PLGA fibers were successfully fabricated and ideal parameters for uniform fibers under SEM were established. Morphology studies showed that PLGA electrospinnability increased as its grade also increased, and that the choice of solvent influenced the formation of the fibers due to its effects on rheological properties. The final electrospun PLGA-only fibers DSC analysis showed similar thermal behavior to plain PLGA’s, however, this does not guarantee same behavior from CBZ-PLGA mixtures and CBZ-loaded fibers. The present study demonstrated the potential of CBZ-PLGA fibers, but the exact behavior of the electrospun fibers requires further research

    Critical analysis: portuguese 9th grade exam results and socioeconomic factors

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThe typical indicator used to assess school performance is average test score results. Literature has pointed out serious weaknesses of this measure as a school performance indicator. The strongest criticism resides in the bias that may exist in socially disadvantaged schools. In fact, this measure does not take into account socioeconomic and other variables which are relevant in determining student‟s school performance and out of the scope of school control. Using school level cross-section data from Portugal for 9th grade exams between 2005 and 2010, I have explicitly calculated the impact of these variables on school achievement as regards exams. I found an important causal effect between socioeconomic variables and school achievement. This implies that average test scores are an intrinsically flawed instrument. For this reason, this study proposes an adjusted measure of school performance. This measure consists of a ratio between current average school scores and expected average school scores, taking into account the reference variables by municipality

    Caracterização de Puccinia hemerocallidis causadora do primeiro surto de ferrugem de lírio-de-um-dia na Europa

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    Daylily (Hemerocallis spp.) is an ornamental plant widely used in gardens. Daylily rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia hemerocallidis, has disseminated through all continents only in the 21th century, except in Europe, where it has been considered a quarantine disease by the European Plant Protection Organisation. In Portugal, since November 2015, typical rust symptoms were observed in daylily plants in gardens in Lisbon, Alentejo, Algarve and Madeira, attaining high prevalence, incidence and severity. The causal agent was identified as P. hemerocallidis and the Koch’s postulates were fulfilled. Phylogenetic data suggest that this fungus may have been introduced from North America. Using flow cytometry, the genome size of the P. hemerocallidis populations present in Portugal was estimated to be 345 Mbp (0.3533 pg DNA/1C). For such analysis Rhamnus alaternus was validated as a DNA standard, exhibiting a nuclear content of 0.680 pg DNA/2C. The identification of this disease in diverse locations in Portugal represents a threat to European breeding and nursery industries, since there are the appropriate conditions for inoculum maintenance and propagation from Portugal to the rest of Europeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tecnologia digital em ambiente familiar: o caso de crianças dos 0 aos 6 anos

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    Pretendeu-se com esta pesquisa conhecer as práticas com tecnologias de crianças até 6 anos de idade em ambiente familiar. Optei por uma metodologia qualitativa, nomeadamente a Grounded Theory, pois era minha intenção não basear-me em teorias existentes, mas sim criar novas ideias e novas teoria a partir da realidade observada. Para isso, realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observações a 15 famílias portuguesas nas suas habitações. Recorri a uma amostragem teórica, ou seja, procurei realidades onde o fenómeno em estudo existia, por isso as famílias teriam de ter, pelo menos, um filho com menos de 6 anos de idade e preferencialmente um irmão mais velho. Durante a recolha de dados verifiquei que as crianças estão rodeadas de tecnologias e usam-nas, de um modo geral, quando desejam, incluindo as crianças com meio ano de idade. Elas preferem os dispositivos móveis, como o tablet e o smartphone, mas também usam o computador, a televisão e consolas de jogos. O género é decisivo nas atividades escolhidas nos dispositivos, usados geralmente sozinhos e de forma independente, levando as crianças a dominar alguns dos dispositivos melhor do que os pais e os irmão mais velhos pensam.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio