6,012 research outputs found

    Experimental study and modelling of Networked Virtual Environment server traffic

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    The paradigm of virtual world environment arises as an useful tool in diverse fields such as e-Health or education, where they provide a new way of communication and interaction with end users. Networking capabilities play an important role in these systems, which motivates the study and understanding of the gaming network traffic. The present work focuses on Open Wonderland, a system that provides the basis for the development of Networked Virtual Environments with educational or health purposes. The goal of this paper is defining a testing environment and modelling the behaviour of the outgoing network traffic at the server side.Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo AAL-010000-2012-10Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Diavideos: a Diabetes Health Video Portal

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    Diavideos1 is a web platform that collects trustworthy diabetes health videos from YouTube and offers them in a easy way. YouTube is a big repository of health videos, but good content is sometimes mixed with misleading and harmful videos such as promoting anorexia [1].Diavideos is a web portal that provides easy access to a repository of trustworthy diabetes videos. This poster describes Diavideos and explains the crawling method used to retrieve these videos from trusted channels

    Open Source Virtual Worlds and Low Cost Sensors for Physical Rehab of Patients with Chronic Diseases

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    For patients with chronic diseases, exercise is a key part of rehab to deal better with their illness. Some of them do rehabilitation at home with telemedicine systems. However, keeping to their exercising program is challenging and many abandon the rehabilitation. We postulate that information technologies for socializing and serious games can encourage patients to keep doing physical exercise and rehab. In this paper we present Virtual Valley, a low cost telemedicine system for home exercising, based on open source virtual worlds and utilizing popular low cost motion controllers (e.g. Wii Remote) and medical sensors. Virtual Valley allows patient to socialize, learn, and play group based serious games while exercising

    La afiliación del PSUC durante la guerra civil (1936-1939) : volumen, distribución territorial y composición social

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    El PSUC fue un partido integrado, de forma mayoritaria, por trabajadores, con una presencia importante de campesinos y significativa de empleados. Su implantación territorial en Cataluña confirma asimismo ese perfil social. Los datos concretos desmienten las suposiciones, frecuentes pero no demostradas, que identificaban al partido unificado como una formación vinculada a las clases medias y defensora de sus intereses.El PSUC va ser un partit integrat, principalment, per treballadors, amb una presencia important de camperols i significativa d'assalariats. La seva implantació territorial a Catalunya confirma aquest perfil social. Les dades concretes desmenteixen les suposicions, freqüents però no demostrades, que identificaven el partit unificat amb una formació vinculada a les classes mitges i defensora dels seus interessos.The PSUC (Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia) was constituted mainly by workers, with an important and meaningful presence of peasants and white-collar workers. Likewise its territorial implantation in Catalonia confirms this social profile. The facts deny the frequent sup ositions, never demonstrated, which identified the unified party with a formation linked to the middle classes and a and a defender of its interests

    Henry George en la historia del pensamiento económico: razones para una revalorización

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    Henry George ha estado tradicionalmente muy mal considerado entre los economistas profesionales, clasificado como el típico "autor de una sola idea" obsesionado por su panacea: el impuesto único sobre la renta de la tierra. Sin embargo, desde que se cumpliera el centenario de la publicación de su libro más popular -Progreso y Miseria-, la figura de Henry George ha experimentado un importante proceso de revalorización, que se ha visto reflejado en la aparición de numerosos artículos centrados en sus ideas e influencia. Este trabajo pretende investigar las razones concretas de dicha revalorización, realizando un análisis crítico de la obra del economista americano.Traditionally, Henry George was extremely poorly considered among professional economists, as he was considered as the typical author of a single idea and obsessed by his panacea: a single tax on revenue from the land. However, one hundred years on from the publication of his most popular book, Progress and Poverty, there has been a rethink on this approach that has been reflected in numerous articles on his ideas and influence. The aim of this paper is to examine the causes of this new approach by performing a critical analysis of this American economist

    Génesis y desarrollo del teatro popular en Puerto Rico

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    Notas sobre a consideración xurídica das eiras de mallar en Galicia

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    [RESUMO] No presente estudo analízanse de forma crítica os problemas interpretativos xurdidos en relación á natureza xurídica das eiras no ámbito rural galego, tomando como punto de referencia tanto os distintos argumentos sostidos polos tribunais en orde á súa consideración como comunidade de natureza xermánica ou romana, así como os escritos antropolóxicos dedicados á análise da configuración e o funcionamento destas[ABSTRACT]This study critically analyzes the interpretative problems in relation to the legal nature of “eiras” in the Galician rural area, taking as a point of reference the arguments supported by Galician and Spanish Courts in their decisions in order to its consideration as a Common property or Joint ownership of property, as well as the anthropological writings dedicated to the analysis of the configuration and operation of “eira

    Economía y gestión forestal en el movimiento conservacionista americano: Bernhard Fernow

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    Economics of Forestry [1902], de B. Fernow, tiene especial relevancia por dos motivos. Por un lado, es el primer libro en inglés enteramente dedicado al análisis de la gestión forestal desde una perspectiva económica, trasladando así al ámbito anglosajón una disciplina –la economía forestal– que había comenzado a gestarse a mediados del siglo XVIII en Alemania. Por otro lado, el libro posee una clara significación histórica, pues se publicó justo cuando el movimiento conservacionistaamericano comenzaba su etapa de mayor apogeo, encarnando a la perfección el ideal de gestión racional y científica del patrimonio naturalal servicio del progreso económico que guió el desarrollo del citado movimiento bajo el liderazgo de G. Pinchot –discípulo de Fernow. Sin mbargo, el estrecho utilitarismo asociado a esta concepción de la gestión forestal, que a finales del siglo XIX había sido una respuesta efectiva frente a los problemas relacionados con el clima, la escasez de madera y las talas indiscriminadas, acabó dando lugar a las críticas preservacionistas de J. Muir que, desde una visión más amplia del recurso, anticipaba ya planteamientos posteriores.The B. Fernow's Economics of Forestry [19021 is especially relevant for two reasons. On the one hand, it is the first book written in English entirely focused on a systematic discussion of forest management from an economic viewpoint. In fact, Fernow transferred forestry economics –a discipline that had begun to develop in Germany during the eighteenth century- to the English-speaking world. On the other hand, it is a book of great historical significance. It was published in 1902, just when the American Conservation Movement began its golden age, and when forestry itself epitomized the ideals of rational scientific management in the service of economic progress which guided the conservation policy leaded by G. Pinchot –a Fernow's disciple. However, the marked utilitarian bias associated with this conception of forest management -which at the end of the nineteenth century had been an effective response to the social concern about timber famine and the negative effects of fast deforestation- gave rise to the J. Muir's preservationist criticism, His wider view of the forest management anticipated later approaches to this matter