788 research outputs found

    Modelling of the Ignitor scrape-off layer including neutrals

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    Ignitor is a tokamak project aimed at achieving ignition. In the reference scenario, plasma-surface interactions are controlled by a Mo first-wall/limiter, which constitutes a simple engineering solution but, at the same time, a special challenge for edge plasma modelling. Here the ASPOEL plasma fluid code, already applied to Ignitor in the recent past, is coupled with the neutral Monte Carlo code EIRENE. We study the effects of the neutrals on the plasma density and temperature profiles in the Ignitor scrape-off layer, and compute the particle and heat loads onto the Ignitor first-wall limiter

    High current and low q95 scenario studies for FAST in the view of ITER and DEMO

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    The Fusion Advanced Study Torus (FAST) has been proposed as a possible European satellite, in view of ITER and DEMO, in order to: a) explore plasma wall interaction in reactor relevant conditions b) test tools and scenarios for safe and reliable tokamak operation up to the border of stability c) address fusion plasmas with a significant population of fast particles. A new FAST scenario has been designed focusing on low-q operation, at plasma current IP=10 MA, toroidal field BT=8.5T, with a q95=2.3 that would correspond to IP=20 MA in ITER. The flat-top of the discharge can last a couple of seconds (i.e. half the diffusive resistive time and twice the energy confinement time), and is limited by the heating of the toroidal field coils. A preliminary evaluation of the end-of-pulse temperatures and of the electromagnetic forces acting on the central solenoid pack and poloidal field coils has been performed. Moreover, a VDE plasma disruption has been simulated and the maximum total vertical force applied on the vacuum vessel has been estimated

    D-shaped configurations in FTU for testing liquid lithium limiter: Preliminary studies and experiments

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    The feasibility of getting "D" shaped plasma configurations in FTU, with a possible X point close to the first wall, has been investigated with the aim of achieving an H-mode regime in this machine. This regime could allow both evaluating the thermal effects on the liquid lithium limiter due to the possible Edge Localized Modes and studying the L-H transition properties in low recycling conditions due to the presence of lithium.. An alternative design for the magnetic system in FTU has been also proposed, to realize an X-point inside the plasma chamber, close to the Liquid Lithium Limiter.Preliminary experiments with elongated configurations and limited ECRH additional heating power did not allowed approaching the L-H transition but they were used to develop a proper elongation control. This controller allowed guaranteeing the vertical stability in elongated configurations despite the reduced power available for the horizontal field coils in FTU. The elongation was stably keep over 1.2, while the lithium limiter was very close to the last close flux surface. Neither limiter damages nor plasma pollution were observed in these configurations.A possible alternative connection of the poloidal field coils in FTU is here proposed, with the aim of achieving a true X-point configuration with a magnetic single null well inside the plasma chamber and strike points on the lithium limiter. A preliminary assessment of this design allowed estimating the required power supply upgrade and showed its compatibility with the existing mechanical structure and cooling system, at least for plasmas with current up to 300 kA and flat-top duration up to 4s. Keywords: FTU, Liquid lithium limiter, L-H transition, X-point, Plasma elongatio

    Near term perspectives for fusion research and new contributions by the Ignitor program

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    The main advances made within the Ignitor program, that is aimed at investigating the physics of fusion burning plasmas near ignition, are described. In particular, the operation of the machine in the H and I regimes at the 10 MA plasma current levels has been considered and analyzed. The unique properties of the plasmas that can be generated by operating the machine with reduced parameters (lower magnetic fields and plasma currents) relative to those needed to achieve ignition are identified. A key feature of this operation is the relatively fast duty cycle that can be maintained. The Ideal Ignition Conditions, under which the density barrier due to bremsstrahlung emission in high density plasmas is removed, can be attained in this case. The plasma heating cycles are identified for which the contribution of ICRH is used both to enter the H-regime and to optimize the time needed for ignition. The on going effort to set up a test ICRH facility is described. The initial results (2 km/sec) of the high speed pellet injection system developed for Ignitor and operated at Oak Ridge are reported. The combined structural analysis and integration of the entire machine core (Load Assembly) is discussed. The adopted control system for both the machine and the plasma column has been designed and is described. The design solutions of the vertical field coils made of MgB2 and operating at 10 K have been identified and the relevant R&D program is underway. The analysis of the Caorso site and of its facility for the operation of the Ignitor with approved safety standards is completed. The relevant results are being made available for the operation of Ignitor at the Triniti site within the framework of the Italy-Russia agreement on the joint construction and operation of the Ignitor facility. A development effort concerning the advanced diagnostic systems that is being carried out for fusion burning plasma regimes is described. An initial analysis of the characteristics of a neutron source based on a system of Ignitor-like machines is reported

    Assessment of alternative divertor configurations as an exhaust solution for DEMO

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    Plasma exhaust has been identified as a major challenge towards the realisation of magnetic confinement fusion. To mitigate the risk that the single null divertor (SND) with a high radiation fraction in the scrape-of-layer (SOL) adopted for ITER will not extrapolate to a DEMO reactor, the EUROfusion consortium is assessing potential benefits and engineering challenges of alternative divertor configurations. Alternative configurations that could be readily adopted in a DEMO design include the X divertor (XD), the Super-X divertor (SXD), the Snowflake divertor (SFD) and the double null divertor (DND). The flux flaring towards the divertor target of the XD is limited by the minimum grazing angle at the target set by gaps and misalignments. The characteristic increase of the target radius in the SXD is a trade-off with the increased TF coil volume, but, ultimately, also limited by forces onto coils. Engineering constraints also limit XD and SXD characteristics to the outer divertor leg with a solution for the inner leg requiring up-down symmetric configurations. Capital cost increases with respect to a SND configuration are largest for SXD and SFD, which require both significantly more poloidal field coil conductors and in the case of the SXD also more toroidal field coil conductors. Boundary models with increasing degrees of complexity have been used to predict the beneficial effect of the alternative configurations on exhaust performance. While all alternative configurations should decrease the power that must be radiated in the outer divertor, only the DND and possibly the SFD also ease the radiation requirements in the inner divertor. These decreases of the radiation requirements are however expected to be small making the ability of alternative divertors to increase divertor radiation without excessive core performance degradation their main advantage. Initial 2D fluid modeling of argon seeding in XD and SFD configurations indicate such advantages over the SND, while results for SXD and DND are still pending. Additional improvements, expected from increased turbulence in the low poloidal field region of the SFD also remain to be verified. A more precise comparison with the SND as well as absolute quantitative predictions for all configurations requires more complete physics models that are currently only being developed

    Preliminary analysis of alternative divertors for DEMO

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    A physics and engineering analysis of alternative divertor configurations is carried out by examining benefits and problems by comparing the baseline single null solution with a Snowflake, an X- and a Super-X divertor. It is observed that alternative configurations can provide margin and resilience against large power fluctuations, but their engineering has intrinsic difficulties, especially in the balance between structural solidity and accessibility of the components and when the specific poloidal field coil positioning poses further constraints. A hybrid between the X- and Super-X divertor is proposed as a possible solution to the integration challenge
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