1,023 research outputs found

    Corrosion protection mechanisms of carbon steel by an epoxy resin containing indole-3 butyric acid modified clay

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    This work is an extension of studies into the mechanisms of corrosion protection of mild steel by an epoxy resin containing organically modified clay (Hang et al. [1]; Truc et al. [2]). In a previous study (Truc et al. [2]), it was shown that indole-3 butyric acid (IBA)-modified clay improved the corrosion performance of epoxy. In the present study, it was shown that the IBA is an anodic inhibitor and its efficiency was about 93%. Exfoliation and dispersion of the IBA-modified clay in the epoxy coating were checked by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The improvement of the corrosion performance of the epoxy coating containing IBA-modified clay by comparison with pure epoxy coating was confirmed for a low film thickness (10 ÎŒm). Local electrochemical impedance measurements performed on scratched samples revealed the inhibitive action of IBA at the carbon steel/coating interface. It was shown that the inhibitor release from the IBA-modified clay was favoured for high pH values. Thus, in neutral media, the corrosion process which induces a local increase of pH will increase the self-healing performance

    Thinking about Christian Life in the Turmoil Times of the Middle East - Insights and Reflections from East and West

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    "Studies in the Middle East" is a one-year programme at the Near East School of Theology in Beirut (NEST). In honour of its 20th anniversary, academics and teachers from the NEST and from Germany met at Georg-August University in Göttingen and in the nearby Coptic Orthodox Monastery in Höxter-Brenkhausen to discuss the current situation in the Middle East and possible ways to initiate a spiritual new beginning in this crisis and war-ridden region. The present volume offers various contributions that were made on the subject

    Untersuchungen ĂŒber die Blutkatalase bei Blutkrankheiten

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    Expeditie zingeving

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    Aan het begin van dit onderzoek stelden wij ons de volgende vraag: Welke zin geven alpinisten aan hun ervaringen in expedities en alpiene tochten? Op basis van sociologische bronnen is er in het eerste hoofdstuk een verhaal geconstrueerd over de opkomst van het alpinisme in de westerse samenleving. In het tweede hoofdstuk is een debat uit de psychologie rondom extreme sporten geanalyseerd. In het derde hoofdstuk van deze scriptie wordt het onderzoeksproces en de resultaten die gevonden zijn met Zelfkonfrontatiemethode (ZKM) gepresenteerd. Met behulp van het data-analyseprogramma Atlas.ti hebben wij in het vierde hoofdstuk uitspraken van de respondenten nauwkeurig gespiegeld aan het theoretisch kader. Concluderend stellen wij in het laatste hoofdstuk dat alpiene beklimmingen vallen binnen een categorie ervaringen die zingevend zijn. Wij kozen voor ‘zin geven’ aan de hand van Alma & Smaling (2010): “Zingeven is het plaatsen van iets in een breder verband van betekenissen die ons menselijk bestaan betreffen.” Volgens Alma & Smaling (2010) is zingeven een persoonlijke verhouding tot de wereld die gekenmerkt kan worden door een negental ervaringsaspecten. Aan alle negen aspecten die Alma & Smaling (2010) beschrijven, wordt in het alpinisme, zoals dat door de respondenten uit dit onderzoek beschreven wordt, voldaan (zie pagina 73). Omdat het handelen van de klimmer in grote mate op het genereren van deze ervaringen ingesteld is, reikt deze ervaring verder dan de beleving op zich. De ervaring levert doelen waarnaar de rest van het leven gestuurd kan worden. Door zo boven over de toppen van de bergen te lopen wordt het leven overzichtelijk en daardoor hanteerbaarder. Men voelt de intrinsieke waarde van de natuur die een grotere aanwezigheid representeert waar de alpinisten zich tegelijkertijd ook deel van voelen. Door de tochten te maken en de erkenning die daarbij komt kijken voelen de alpinisten zich competent en zelfverzekerd; dit motiveert hen om zich hier verder in te ontwikkelen. Tot slot zien we dat de tochten doorwerken op het algehele welbevinden van de alpinisten omdat ze vooral in deze context zo kunnen genieten

    1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments of ZCCHC9

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    ZCCHC9 is a human nuclear protein with sequence homology to yeast Air1p/Air2p proteins which are RNA-binding subunits of the Trf4/Air2/Mtr4 polyadenylation (TRAMP) complex involved in nuclear RNA quality control and degradation in yeast. The ZCCHC9 protein contains four retroviral-type zinc knuckle motifs. Here, we report the NMR spectral assignment of the zinc knuckle region of ZCCHC9. These data will allow performing NMR structural and RNA-binding studies of ZCCHC9 with the aim to investigate its role in the RNA quality control in human

    Correlation of Incisura Anatomy With Syndesmotic Malreduction

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    Background: The anatomy of the syndesmosis is variable, yet little is known on the correlation between differences in anatomy and syndesmosis reduction results. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between syndesmotic anatomy and the modes of syndesmotic malreduction. Methods: Bilateral postreduction ankle computed tomography (CT) scans of 72 patients treated for fractures with syndesmotic disruption were analyzed. Incisura depth, fibular engagement into the incisura, and incisura rotation were correlated with degree of syndesmotic malreduction in coronal and sagittal planes as well as rotational malreduction. Results: Clinically relevant malreduction in the coronal plane, sagittal plane, and rotation affected 8.3%, 27.8%, and 19.4% of syndesmoses, respectively. The syndesmoses with a deep incisura and the fibula not engaged into the tibial incisura were at risk of overcompression, anteverted incisuras at risk of anterior fibular translation, and retroverted incisuras at risk of posterior fibular translation. Conclusions: Certain morphologic configurations of the tibial incisura increased the risk of specific syndesmotic malreduction patterns. Level of Evidence: Level III, comparative study

    Digitized Records of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania in Moshi

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    This volume lists those church records housed in Moshi and two other places in Tanzania that have been digitized under a project initially sponsored by the British Library's 'Endangered Archives' programme. Copies of the DVDs, covering a total of 40,000 pages, have been deposited at the Tanzania National Archive in Dar es Salaam and at the British Library, as well as in Moshi itself. They relate to documents written in German or Swahili between 1897 and 1950
