1,622 research outputs found

    Rap Music Literacy: A Case Study of Millennial Audience Reception to Rap Lyrics Depicting Independent Women

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    Using a feminist lens and a constructivist approach as the theoretical framework, we used rap lyrics and videos to help college students explore mass media’s representation of the “independent” Black woman and the concept of “independence” in general. Students must be able to formulate their own concept of independence to counteract the messages and stereotypes they receive in popular culture through advertisements, film, print and music. The authors found that independence is situationally defined and it is a complex concept that is differentiated in consideration of age, race, and gender. Participants noted that rap music has the potential to influence their definitions and perceptions of rap music. More educational opportunities are needed where students can utilize constructivist pedagogies in order to become more critically aware of the influence of the media and systems of social stratification

    The Effects of COVID-19 on Cognition in the Pediatric Population

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    Coronavirus disease or COVID-19, is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 can affect adults and children by causing long-term symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression, long-term breathing problems, and even heart complications. Children represent about 19% of all reported COVID-19 cases since the pandemic first began. Children also can have trouble concentrating, which can impact their ability to attend school and do their daily activities that require concentration, such as dressing, showering, and social participation. Cognitive deficits due to COVID-19 can impact the pediatric population as they may have decreased occupational performance in desired occupations, such as activities of daily living, or ADLS, instrumental activities of daily living, or IADLs, and social participation. This presentation focuses on the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on cognition in the pediatric population by discussing what areas of cognition are affected and how to improve these areas. Activities and interventions are provided to improve areas of cognition affected by COVID-19, at the clinic and home.https://soar.usa.edu/otdcapstonessummer2023/1002/thumbnail.jp

    El clima organizacional en una empresa de alimentos y bebidas en el área de lácteos en la ciudad de Lima en el año 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación realiza el análisis y evaluación del clima organizacional de una planta de lácteos en una empresa de alimentos y bebidas de la ciudad de Lima, aplicando investigación descriptiva para conocer más sobre el clima organizacional de esta empresa a través de sus diferentes dimensiones. En la primera parte vemos la realidad problemática empezando desde el concepto de clima organizacional, luego la gestión del clima organizacional a nivel mundial, Latinoamérica, en nuestro país y en la empresa que es objeto de estudio, luego vemos los antecedentes que son investigaciones tanto nacionales como internacionales que tocan el Clima organizacional como variable de estudio, así también tenemos las bases teóricas que vendrían a ser las dimensiones sobre la cual trabajaremos. Así mismo enunciamos nuestra pregunta problema de la investigación, el objetivo general de la misma y los objetivos específicos. En el segundo capítulo veremos la metodología de investigación, tomamos la población que es la empresa de estudio y sobre esa tomamos una muestra, se definen las técnicas de recolección de datos y los métodos de procesamiento de información. En el tercer capítulo veremos los resultados de la investigación aplicada y en el cuarto capítulo las implicaciones y conclusiones de nuestra investigación

    La asociación público privada como alternativa de solución de los problemas de distribución de agua potable en la ciudad de Lima

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    En el mundo existen en la actualidad aproximadamente 850 millones de personas que no cuentan con acceso al agua potable, y 2500 millones sin servicios básicos de desagüe y alcantarillado. Dichas carencias generan altas tasas de mortalidad, así como un desmedro en la calidad de vida y dignidad de las personas, sobre todo de las pertenecientes a los sectores de más bajos recursos. Esta situación se presenta también en nuestro país, y en particular en la ciudad de Lima, en donde se agrava por la alta densidad poblacional de la ciudad y por las características geográficas e hidrográficas propias de la misma, que generan que el servicio de saneamiento se torne insuficiente e inadecuado para el abastecimiento de sus 10 millones de habitantes. El problema del servicio de saneamiento (que abarca en nuestro país tanto los relacionados con el suministro de agua potable, como los relacionados con el tratamiento de residuos sólidos y alcantarillado) tendría como causa principal la falta de recursos económicos y humanos para efectuar importantes inversiones en infraestructura en el sector, indispensables para poder proveer de un adecuado servicio de saneamiento a la gran ciudad.Tesi

    Engaging in “dangerous discussions”: Fostering cultural competence through the analysis of depictions of college life in popular films.

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    This qualitative case study utilized critical media literacy to guide the analysis of the depiction of racially and ethnically diverse college students in contemporary popular films. Participants in this study were racially and ethnically diverse undergraduate students enrolled at a private, predominantly White institution in the United States. Three primary themes emerged from this study. First, students of color were more apt to recognize stereotypical portrayals of people of color in the films, whereas White students’ responses were more attuned with color-blind racial ideology (CBRI). Second, media-centered discussions provided an outlet for students of color to share their personal experiences with racism, stereotyping, and prejudice. In doing so, students of color seek to build the cultural competence of peers who may hold CBRI beliefs. Finally, this study presents a need for critical media literacy. Regardless of race and/or ethnicity, the undergraduates who participated in our study communicated an importance of examining media messages, such as stereotypes of people of color, from a critical perspective. For college and university administrators, such as chief diversity officers, this study is significant in presenting a means for engaging students, faculty, and other stakeholders in dialogue about racial issues in the hopes of fostering a more welcoming campus racial climate for students of color

    Critical Mirrors: Diverse College Students\u27 Perspectives on Stereotypes Depicted in Popular Films About College Life

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    This qualitative study explored diverse college students’ perspectives on the portrayal of college life in recent popular films. Results from this study suggest that White college students dismiss stereotypes as comedic satire whereas their non-White peers readily identify the influence of negative media representations upon their academic and ethnic identities. These findings exemplify the need to promote positive representations of college students from racially and culturally diverse backgrounds. Findings suggest the need for Critical Media Literacy education to help young adults dismantle stereotypes in mainstream society while developing cultural competence

    Smarcad1 mediates microbiota-induced inflammation in mouse and coordinates gene expression in the intestinal epithelium

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    Background How intestinal epithelial cells interact with the microbiota and how this is regulated at the gene expression level are critical questions. Smarcad1 is a conserved chromatin remodeling factor with a poorly understood tissue function. As this factor is highly expressed in the stem and proliferative zones of the intestinal epithelium, we explore its role in this tissue. Results Specific deletion of Smarcad1 in the mouse intestinal epithelium leads to colitis resistance and substantial changes in gene expression, including a striking increase of expression of several genes linked to innate immunity. Absence of Smarcad1 leads to changes in chromatin accessibility and significant changes in histone H3K9me3 over many sites, including genes that are differentially regulated upon Smarcad1 deletion. We identify candidate members of the gut microbiome that elicit a Smarcad1-dependent colitis response, including members of the poorly understood TM7 phylum. Conclusions Our study sheds light onto the role of the chromatin remodeling machinery in intestinal epithelial cells in the colitis response and shows how a highly conserved chromatin remodeling factor has a distinct role in anti-microbial defense. This work highlights the importance of the intestinal epithelium in the colitis response and the potential of microbial species as pharmacological and probiotic targets in the context of inflammatory diseases

    TutorEasy App

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    El presente trabajo de investigación académica busca evaluar la implementación de un modelo de negocio digital que busca conectar estudiantes de secundaria de Lima Metropolitana de NSE A, B y C que estén presentando problemas en el rendimiento académico por la falta de apoyo en casa en sus estudios, ya sea por la falta de tiempo de los padres y/o apoderados o el desconocimiento de los mismos en relación a los temas que ven los estudiantes en clase, con tutores académicos que han sido seleccionados bajo estrictos estándares de experiencia académica y laboral, todo esto con un solo clic en su celular. En todo el proceso de evaluación del proyecto, se realizaron diversas técnicas de validación que demuestran la viabilidad del proyecto como el análisis de la industria, consumidor, proveedores, competidores y otros factores. Asimismo, se desarrollaron los siguientes planes: Plan Estratégico, Plan de Marketing y el Plan Financiero.This academic research work seeks to evaluate the implementation of a digital business model that seeks to connect high school students from Metropolitan Lima from NSE A, B and C who are presenting problems in academic performance due to the lack of support at home in their studies , either due to the lack of time of parents and / or guardians or their ignorance in relation to the topics that students see in class, with academic tutors who have been selected under strict standards of academic and work experience, all this with a single click on your cell phone. Throughout the project evaluation process, various validation techniques were carried out that demonstrate the viability of the project, such as analysis of the industry, consumer, suppliers, competitors, and other factors. Likewise, the following plans were developed: Strategic Plan, Marketing Plan and Financial Plan.Trabajo de investigació