206 research outputs found

    PIN generation using EEG : a stability study

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    In a previous study, it has been shown that brain activity, i.e. electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, can be used to generate personal identification number (PIN). The method was based on brain–computer interface (BCI) technology using a P300-based BCI approach and showed that a single-channel EEG was sufficient to generate PIN without any error for three subjects. The advantage of this method is obviously its better fraud resistance compared to conventional methods of PIN generation such as entering the numbers using a keypad. Here, we investigate the stability of these EEG signals when used with a neural network classifier, i.e. to investigate the changes in the performance of the method over time. Our results, based on recording conducted over a period of three months, indicate that a single channel is no longer sufficient and a multiple electrode configuration is necessary to maintain acceptable performances. Alternatively, a recording session to retrain the neural network classifier can be conducted on shorter intervals, though practically this might not be viable

    Approximate entropy as an indicator of non-linearity in self paced voluntary finger movement EEG

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    This study investigates the indications of non-linear dynamic structures in electroencephalogram signals. The iterative amplitude adjusted surrogate data method along with seven non-linear test statistics namely the third order autocorrelation, asymmetry due to time reversal, delay vector variance method, correlation dimension, largest Lyapunov exponent, non-linear prediction error and approximate entropy has been used for analysing the EEG data obtained during self paced voluntary finger-movement. The results have demonstrated that there are clear indications of non-linearity in the EEG signals. However the rejection of the null hypothesis of non-linearity rate varied based on different parameter settings demonstrating significance of embedding dimension and time lag parameters for capturing underlying non-linear dynamics in the signals. Across non-linear test statistics, the highest degree of non-linearity was indicated by approximate entropy (APEN) feature regardless of the parameter settings

    On the stimulus duty cycle in steady state visual evoked potential

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are useful devices that allow direct control of external devices using thoughts, i.e. brain's electrical activity. There are several BCI paradigms, of which steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) is the most commonly used due to its quick response and accuracy. SSVEP stimuli are typically generated by varying the luminance of a target for a set number of frames or display events. Conventionally, SSVEP based BCI paradigms use magnitude (amplitude) information from frequency domain but recently, SSVEP based BCI paradigms have begun to utilize phase information to discriminate between similar frequency targets. This paper will demonstrate that using a single frame to modulate a stimulus may lead to a bi-modal distribution of SSVEP as a consequence of a user attending both transition edges. This incoherence, while of less importance in traditional magnitude domain SSVEP BCIs becomes critical when phase is taken into account. An alternative modulation technique incorporating a 50% duty cycle is also a popular method for generating SSVEP stimuli but has a unimodal distribution due to user's forced attention to a single transition edge. This paper demonstrates that utilizing the second method results in significantly enhanced performance in information transfer rate in a phase discrimination SSVEP based BCI

    Using EEG and NIRS for brain-computer interface and cognitive performance measures: a pilot study

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    This study addresses two important problem statements, namely, selection of training datasets for online Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) classifier training and determination of participant concentration levels during an experiment. The work also attempted a pilot study to integrate electroencephalograms (EEGs) and Near Infra Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) for possible applications such as the BCI and for measuring cognitive levels. Two experiments are presented, the first being a mathematical task interleaved with rest states using NIRS only. In the next, integration of the EEG-NIRS with reference to P300-based BCI systems as well as the experimental conditions designed to elicit the concentration levels (denoted as ON and OFF states here) during the paradigm, are presented. The first experiment indicates that NIRS can be used to differentiate a concentrated (i.e., mental activity) level from the rest. However, the second experiment reveals statistically significant results using the EEG only. We present details about the equipment used, the participants as well as the signal processing and machine learning techniques implemented to analyse the EEG and NIRS data. After discussing the results, we conclude by describing the research scope as well as the possible pitfalls in this work from a NIRS viewpoint, which presents an opportunity for future research exploration for BCI and cognitive performance measures

    Wavelet Lifting over Information-Based EEG Graphs for Motor Imagery Data Classification

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    The imagination of limb movements offers an intuitive paradigm for the control of electronic devices via brain computer interfacing (BCI). The analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data related to motor imagery potentials has proved to be a difficult task. EEG readings are noisy, and the elicited patterns occur in different parts of the scalp, at different instants and at different frequencies. Wavelet transform has been widely used in the BCI field as it offers temporal and spectral capabilities, although it lacks spatial information. In this study we propose a tailored second generation wavelet to extract features from these three domains. This transform is applied over a graph representation of motor imaginary trials, which encodes temporal and spatial information. This graph is enhanced using per-subject knowledge in order to optimise the spatial relationships among the electrodes, and to improve the filter design. This method improves the performance of classifying different imaginary limb movements maintaining the low computational resources required by the lifting transform over graphs. By using an online dataset we were able to positively assess the feasibility of using the novel method in an online BCI context

    Screening for chronic alcoholic subjects using multiple gamma band EEG: a pilot study

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    Electrophysiological impairments of alcoholism have been researched extensively. However, there is none or few reported research on screening methods for chronic alcoholic subjects. Since chronic alcoholics have serious brain dysfunction, a method to screen for them during specific job applications that require good memory, concentration and/or decision making would be useful. In this paper, a method is proposed to discriminate chronic alcoholic from non-alcoholic subjects while they are sober. Energies of electroencephalogram signals in multiple gamma bands recorded while the subjects performed a picture recognition task are used as features by a neural network to detect the chronic alcoholic subjects. Leave one out cross validation strategy reveals that alcoholics could be discriminated from non-alcoholics with accuracy of 94.55%. This pilot study has shown the potential of the method which could be further developed for use in automatic alcoholic screening procedures.Facultad de Informátic

    Discrimination of alcoholic subjects using second order autoregressive modelling of brain signals evoked during visual stimulus perception

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    In this paper, a second order autoregressive (AR) model is proposed to discriminate alcoholics using single trial gamma band Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) signals using 3 different classifiers: Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP (SFA) neural network (NN), Multilayer-perceptron-backpropagation (MLP-BP) NN and Linear Discriminant (LD). Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded from alcoholic and control subjects during the presentation of visuals from Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set. Single trial VEP signals were extracted from EEG signals using Elliptic filtering in the gamma band spectral range. A second order AR model was used as gamma band VEP exhibits pseudo-periodic behaviour and second order AR is optimal to represent this behaviour. This circumvents the requirement of having to use some criteria to choose the correct order. The averaged discrimination errors of 2.6%, 2.8% and 11.9% were given by LD, MLP-BP and SFA classifiers. The high LD discrimination results show the validity of the proposed method to discriminate between alcoholic subjects

    Arduino based configurable LED stimulus design for multi-frequency SSVEP-BCI

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    Steady state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) are extensively used in the research of brain-computer interface (BCI) and require a configurable light source flashing at different frequencies. Precise control of simultaneous multiple frequencies are essential for SSVEP studies and also for reducing the visual fatigue. Instead of LCD based stimulus which requires more resources and power, light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used as a light source as they are energy efficient, consume lower power, have higher contrast, less tiring visually, have multi-chromatic function and supports wider frequency ranges. In this paper, we propose a visual stimulator using off-shelf components to build a simple and yet customisable LED stimulus for testing the performance and qualitative user comfort using SSVEP electroencephalogram (EEG) data

    DIY hybrid SSVEP-P300 LED stimuli for BCI platform using EMOTIV EEG headset

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    A fully customisable chip-on board (COB) LED design to evoke two brain responses simultaneously (steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) and transient evoked potential, P300) is discussed in this paper. Considering different possible modalities in brain-computer interfacing (BCI), SSVEP is widely accepted as it requires a lesser number of electroencephalogram (EEG) electrodes and minimal training time. The aim of this work was to produce a hybrid BCI hardware platform to evoke SSVEP and P300 precisely with reduced fatigue and improved classification performance. The system comprises of four independent radial green visual stimuli controlled individually by a 32-bit microcontroller platform to evoke SSVEP and four red LEDs flashing at random intervals to generate P300 events. The system can also record the P300 event timestamps that can be used in classification, to improve the accuracy and reliability. The hybrid stimulus was tested for real-time classification accuracy by controlling a LEGO robot to move in four directions