20 research outputs found
Dalam kunjungan wisata atau budaya, panduan terhadap objek menarik sangat
berguna untuk menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman pengunjung di
lokasi tersebut. Dewasa ini, dengan bantuan teknologi modern, aplikasi bergerak
mampu menjadi pemandu wisata mandiri otomatis dengan sistem sadar
konteks. Kebanyakan, unsur konteks yang digunakan dalam aplikasi-aplikasi
ini adalah posisi dua dimensi (2D). Meskipun begitu, ada beberapa kemungkinan
lain agar tiap unsur konteks dari perangkat pintar ini dapat diteliti lebih
Berkat sensor dari ponsel pintar, konteks-konteks tersebut, yang terdiri dari
konteks dalam 3 dimensi (3D) dari posisi dan orientasi (dalam sumbu X, Y,
dan Z), dapat ditangkap oleh ponsel pintar. Dimensi-dimensi ini akan diteliti
untuk mendapatkan kemungkinan keberhasilan digunakannya ponsel pintar
yang digenggam sebagai pointer terhadap objek menarik. Hal ini dilakukan
karena posisi 2D tidak bisa menangani konteks ketinggian. Sehingga, pengalaman
pengguna dapat ditingkatkan karena mereka tidak terhalang secara
visual dan audio. Tetapi, sensor-sensor ini memiliki galat pengukuran yang
tinggi. Sehingga, suatu penggabungan sensor diterapkan untuk menangani
galat tersebut.
Penelitian ini menerapkan metode untuk memperkirakan orientasi sudut
dan posisi dengan berbagai filter, yakni Complementary Filter dan Kalman
Filter. Complementary Filter melibatkan gyroscope, magnetometer, dan accelerometer
dari sensor inersial ponsel pintar. Sedangkan, Kalman Filter melibatkan
accelerometer dan hasil Wi-Fi fingerprinting yang didapatkan dari
pengamatan lingkungan. Evaluasi perkiraan-perkiraan hasil penggabungan
observasi sensor oleh filter-filter tersebut menggunakan ilustrasi grafis dan
evaluasi statistika untuk mengukur kualitas reduksi galat dari tiap filter.
Hasil dari performa filter menunjukkan bahwa kualitas perkiraan orientasi
oleh Complementary Filter cukup baik untuk menghasilkan sudut yang sesuai.
Namun, perkiraan posisi oleh Kalman Filter menunjukkan hasil yang kurang
baik akibat integrasi ganda terhadap derau dan pengaruh besar Wi-Fi fingerprinting.
Hasil Wi-Fi fingerprinting menunjukkan perkiraan posisi yang tidak
akurat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perkiraan posisi tidak dapat digunakan
dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan, dalam percobaan menunjuk objek di laboratorium,
perkiraan orientasi sudut memberikan hasl yang cukup baik dengan
ponsel pintar.
Secara ringkas, perkiraan posisi dan orientasi 3D dengan Complementary
Filter dan Kalman Filter dalam ponsel untuk pointer tidak dapat digunakan menurut penelitian ini. Meskipun begitu, masih perlu diteliti mengenai penerapan
filter lainnya untuk perkiraan posisi dan observasi lain untuk membantu
perkiraan yang baik. Walaupun penggunaan filter dan observasi lain dapat
mengorbankan sumber daya dari ponsel pintar.
During cultural or tourism visits, a guide of the interesting objects is useful to
enhance the knowledge and the experience of the visitors. Nowadays, because
of the modern technologies, mobile applications are capable to be a personal
autonomous guide in the case of context-aware system. Mostly, the context
element used in these applications is the position in two dimension (2D). However,
there are more possibilities using the context elements from smartphone
that can be explored.
Thanks to smartphone sensors, the contexts which can be captured by
smartphone are composed in 3 dimensions (3D) of both position and orientation
(in X, Y, and Z axes). Those dimensions are used to explore the feasibility
of smartphone which can held by hand as pointer to interesting objects, which
can’t be handled by 2D position only. Thus, the user experience can be enhanced,
as they don’t get vision-blocked or audio-blocked. However, those
sensors have erroneous measurements. Hence, a sensor fusion is applied to
overcome this drawback.
The sensor fusion can be implemented not only using the internal smartphone
sensors, but also the external environment. In this case of indoor environment,
the Wi-Fi fingerprinting approach, which widely used as indoor
positioning algorithm, can be considered as external observation. Even though
so, the quality of the fusion should be studied to assure that it is feasible to
use smartphone a pointing device in indoor environment.
This study proposed a method to estimate orientation and position using
different filters, namely Complementary Filter and Kalman Filter respectively.
The complementary filter involves the gyroscope, magnetometer, and
accelerometer from the smartphone inertial navigation sensors, while the Kalman
Filter involves accelerometer and the Wi-Fi fingerprinting result which come
from environmental measurement. To evaluate these estimations, the graphical
representation and statistical evaluation are used to measure the filters’
quality in reducing the errors.
The results of the filters’ performance showed that orientation estimation
was adequate to give acceptable angle. But, unfortunately, position estimation
had resulted in poor performance because of the double integration toward
noise and the heavy influence from Wi-Fi fingerprinting. The Wi-Fi fingerprinting
resulted inaccurate positioning. This concluded that the position
estimation cannot be used at all in this study. In laboratory object pointing
field experiment, the orientation estimation gave passable estimation to locate
an object by a fixed smartphone position. To sum up, the 3D position and orientation estimation using Complementary
Filter and Kalman Filter might not be feasible according to this study.
However, regarding to 3D position estimation, possibly there are other methods
than Kalman Filter which might be used as state estimator. And also,
there are various external measurements which might help to achieve better
estimation. Although, the drawbacks between the more sophisticated methods
and the computation power and capability of smartphone should be considered
for a good user experience
The Fusion of Smartphone Sensors for Indoor 3D Position and Orientation Estimation
The improvement in smartphone technology has encouraged the exploration in field of user experience. The internal inertial navigation system sensors of a smartphone enables it to infer the its three dimensional indoor orientation and position when it is being pointed at certain objects by hand. However, the sensors’ flawed measurements complicate estimation of position and orientation precisely. Previous studies shows that sensor fusion of both internal and external measurements can enhanced the performance. However, those estimations didn’t cover the pointer-like usage. To achieve the possibility of smartphone as pointer, the estimation using sensor fusion has been performed. Unfortunately, these experiments resulted in bad position estimation for small precision, while the orientation estimation was passabl
Ant Colony Optimization for Resistor Color Code Detection
In the early stages of learning resistors, introducing color-based values is needed. Moreover, some combinations require a resistor trip analysis to identify. Unfortunately, a resistor body color is considered a local solution, which often confuses resistor coloration. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a heuristic algorithm that can recognize problems with traveling a group of ants. ACO is proposed to select commercial matrix values to be computed without preventing local solutions. In this study, each explores the matrix based on pheromones and heuristic information to generate local solutions. Global solutions are selected based on their high degree of similarity with other local solutions. The first stage of testing focuses on exploring variations of parameter values. Applying the best parameters resulted in 85% accuracy and 43 seconds for 20 resistor images. This method is expected to prevent local solutions without wasteful computation of the matrix
Image segmentation is typically used to distinguish objects that exist in an image. However, it remains difficult to accommodate favourable thresholding in multimodal image histogram problem with specifically desired number of thresholds. This research proposes a novel approach to find thresholds in multimodal grayscale image histogram. This method consists of histogram smoothing, identification of peak(s) and valley(s), and merging process using hierarchical cluster analysis. Using five images that consisted of grayscale and converted-to-grayscale images. This method yields maximum value of accuracy, precision, and recall of 99.93%, 99.75%, and 99.75% respectively. These results are better than the similar peak finding method in multimodal grayscale image segmentation
Design and implement a smart traffic light controlled by internet of things
The rise of the population produces an increase in the number of vehicles on the road, which creates heavy traffic in the roads and that causes many issues for the citizens and traffic cops an extra two emergency instances so it’s necessary with developing technology to solve this problem. in this research, we used the Arduino UNO microcontroller board to build a new smart traffic light controller (STLC). Signal lights produce traffic congestion, and the system makes every attempt to alleviate it. In this paper, we designed a smart traffic control system by using Arduino to solve the problem of congestion at the intersection of the Dor al Moalemen in Wasit city , working to prevent traffic jam and reduce time, Using Arduino mega, ultrasonic sensor, and a camera esp32, the suggested technique analyses and manages everyday traffic at a three-line intersection. Furthermore, the suggested system achieves three-line intersection sync and implements a balance between the number of vehicles on each side and the green light. when Traffic violation the camera will capture the car number and send it to the database by using telegram
Program Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan tahun ini berfokus mengenai industri sektor pertanian maupun perkebunan seringkali diarahkan untuk mendorong sektor industri lainnya untuk menyediakan bahan baku. Dan hal ini menjadi kelemahan dalam meningkatkan lapangan usaha industri yang seharusnya dapat lebih menguntungkan banyak pihak. Selain itu, penggunaan internet menjadi salah satu media yang tidak tertinggal dalam meningkatkan produktivitas dan interaktif dengan target pasar dalam lapangan usaha sebuah industri. Kami berfokus pada usaha dalam mengoptimalkan hubungan antara sektor perkebunan dengan sektor industri agar bahan baku mentah hasil perkebunan dapat memiliki nilai tambah produk dan dapat menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang produktif. Berjalannya program ini, hasil yang telah tercapai sampai dengan 12 Juni 2021 yaitu, produksi 3 varian sambal (Sambal Bawang, Sambal Bajak, dan Chili Oil) yang di-packing dengan botol 150ml. Proses program ini dalam memproduksi sambal ‘Nyambel Neh’ sudah hampir mencapai tahap penjualan yang diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak dari segi ekonomi Padepokan Siti Dhumillah, Bogor.
The study was aimed to: (1) The consideration of farmers are applied GAP and Non-GAP in dragon fruit farming. (2) Determine factors which influenced dragon fruit production in GAP and Non-GAP. (3) The cost efficiency between GAP and Non-GAP dragon fruit farming. Descriptive analysis, quadratic function, and independent sample t-test are employed to determine the objective of the research. The study showed that: (1) There were some considerations in applying the GAP of dragon fruit farming such the higher selling price to collectors, the affordable manure and fungicide costs, and eco-friendly. Meanwhile, the consideration of farmers in applying Non-GAP of dragon fruit farming was the larger size of fruit, the higher excitement of the consumers, and it was easier to obtain fungicide and manure. (2) In GAP farming number of plants, organic manure and labor force were significantly influenced toward dragon fruit’s production. While cropland acreage and fungicide had no a significant effect. In the other side, dragon fruit’s production in Non-GAP farming was significantly influenced by number of plants, organic manure, and labor force. While cropland acreage, plant lifetime, anorganic manure, fungicide, and growth hormone substances had no a significant effect. (3) The independent sample t-test analysis showed the significant value (sig. 2-tailed) had 0,000 < α (0,05), it means that there were significant differences in cost efficiency between GAP and Non-GAP
kemudahan pelayanan hak atas tanah yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah kepada penanam modal berdasarkan Undang – Undang Penanaman Modal dan Undang – Undang Pokok Agraria. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah penelitian normatif, serta dilakukan pendekatan undang – undang dan juga secara konseptual. Pentingnya suatu pemahaman tentang konsep kemudahan pelayanan terkait hak atas tanah yang diberikan bagi penanam modal, khususnya mengenai Hak Guna Usaha, Hak Guna Bangunan dan juga Hak Pakai, karena tidak semua orang tahu dan konsep tersebut sangat luas jangkauannya yang tersebar dalam berbagai macam undang – undang. Kemudian pemahaman mengenai pentingnya suatu insentif yang harus diberikan pemerintah dalam penerapan kemudahan pelayanan dimana hal tersebut sangat dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan investasi. Pemerintah perlu membuat suatu aturan secara eksplisit terkait fasilitas dan juga jaminan kegiatan investasi yang belum diatur dalam peraturan – peraturan yang telah ada
Sifat Mekanik Rubber Seal Katup Tabung Gas Lpg pada Variasi Ukuran dan Dosis Silika
Keputusan PT. Pertamina (Persero) untuk mengganti warna karet perapat (rubber seal) pada katup tabung gas LPG dari hitam menjadi merah menimbulkan permasalahan tersendiri. Pemakaian warna merah pada karet perapat berpengaruh terhadap desain kompon karena menggunakan silika sebagai bahan pengisi. Berbeda dengan carbon black, silika yang beredar di pasar memiliki keterbatasan ukuran partikel. Ukuran partikel bahan pengisi berpengaruh terhadap sifat mekanik dari produk karet. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis dan dosis silika dengan ukuran partikel yang berbeda terhadap sifat fisika dari vulkanisat karet perapat gas LPG. Silika dengan 3 variasi ukuran partikel (luas permukaan 55, 115, dan 175 m2/g) dan 5 variasi dosis (5, 10, 15, 25, dan 30 bsk) digunakan sebagai bahan pengisi untuk pembuatan kompon karet perapat gas LPG. Kompon yang dirancang kemudian diuji sifat fisikanya sesuai persyaratan di dalam SNI 7655:2010. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar ukuran partikel silika delta torsinya semakin rendah. Adapun perbedaan dosis silika yang digunakan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan silika di atas 15 bsk untuk jenis 115 m2/g, dan di atas 10 bsk untuk jenis 175 m2/g menyebabkan nilai pampatan tetapnya tidak lagi memenuhi persyaratan SNI. Sementara itu pengaruhnya terhadap nilai perpanjangan putus tidak terlalu signifikan untuk silika 115 m2/g, sedangkan untuk silika 175 m2/g, perpanjangan putus naik sampai dosis silika 15 bsk dan turun kembali pada penambahan silika di atas 15 bsk