1,527 research outputs found

    Salud laboral y fisioterapia preventiva en el dolor de espalda

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    [Resumen] El dolor de espalda es una de las quejas más antiguas del ser humano y su prevalencia en la población general de los países industrializados alcanza del 45 al 85%. En este artículo se abordan tanto los mecanismos de lesión implicados en el dolor de espalda como los factores de riesgo presentes durante la realización de trabajos dinámicos y trabajos estáticos. En el apartado de los mecanismos de lesión se analiza cómo se levantan las cargas y en el apartado de los factores de riesgo se discuten las ventajas y desventajas de mantener las posturas básicas. A partir de este análisis se describen medidas preventivas y se ofrecen recomendaciones ergonómicas para la prevención de este síntoma importante dentro del ámbito de la salud laboral. Se describe la labor preventiva de la Fisioterapia en este campo.[Abstract] The prevalence o/ the backache is one o/ the most ancient complaints o/ the human being, its prevalence among the general population o/ the industrialized countries is between the forty-five and the eighty-five per cent. In this descriptive article, both the injuring mechanisms of the backache and the risk factors during the dynamic and static work are included. In the first one, the lifting of loads is analyzed and in the second, the advantages and disadvantages o/ keeping the basic postures are described. Another two points will also be included; the preventive physioterapic measures and the most useful ergonomic recomendations to prevent one o/ the most important symptoms in any work field

    Useful Life of Prescribed Fires in a Southern Mediterranean Basin: An Application to Pinus pinaster Stands in the Sierra Morena Range

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    Prescribed fire is a globally relevant fuel treatment for surface fuel management and wildfire hazard reduction. However, Mediterranean ecosystems are adapted to low and moderate fires; hence, the useful life of prescribed fires is limited. Useful life is defined as the effective rotation length of prescribed fires to mitigate fire spread based on critical surface intensity for crown combustion. In this sense, the useful life of a prescribed fire focuses on surface fuel dynamics and its potential fire behavior. In Pinus pinaster stands, the useful life can be established between 0 and 4 years. Canopy base height, time elapsed from the burning, postfire precipitation, and fine fuel moisture content during the burning were identified as the most important variables in postburn fuel dynamics. Other stand characteristics and postfire precipitation can improve the fine fuel and live fuel dynamics models. Our findings support prescribed fires as an effective fuel treatment in the medium term for forest fire prevention, according to stand characteristics and burning implementation conditions. In this sense, forest managers can use the proposed decision tree to identify the useful life of each prescribed fire based on fine fuel moisture content during burning implementation

    Potential Effects of Climate Change on Fire Behavior, Economic Susceptibility and Suppression Costs in Mediterranean Ecosystems: Córdoba Province, Spain

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    The potentially large ecological, economic, and societal impacts of climate change makes it a significant problem of the 21st century. These consequences have led to tremendous development in climate change scenarios and new technologies to increase knowledge on the effect and efficiency of mitigation and adaptation measures. Large fires will occur at a higher rate than currently because of lower fuel moisture content resulting in a lower resistance to burning. This is also evidenced by more extreme fire behavior that contributes to higher economic impacts, suppression difficulties and suppression costs. The economic susceptibility concept integrates a set of economic valuation approaches for valuing timber and non-timber resources, considering the fire behavior, and as a consequence, the net value changes for each resource. Flame length increased by 4.6% to 15.69%, according to the different future climate scenarios. Climate change is expected to cause widespread changes to economic susceptibility and suppression costs because of higher flame length and fire intensity. Therefore, our outcomes show an increase in the economic susceptibility of Córdoba Province in the medium and long term (2041–2070) between 6.05% and 25.99%, respectively. In addition, we have found an increase between 65.67% and 86.73% in suppression costs in the last decade. The digital version of the economic susceptibility model using Geographic Information Systems improves its operational capabilities enhancing also its dynamism and simplicity to accept modifications and predictions revisions

    Propuesta para el desarrollo de una aplicación para administrar los serviciosm del registro civil de las alcaldías de los municipios del departamento de Managua.

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    Presenta una presenta que consiste en desarrollar un mismo sistema para las ocho municipales, para armonizar los procesos de trabajo utilizando herramientas informáticas. Todo este siempre guiados por el manual del registrador aprobado por el CSE

    Design of Customized TPU Lattice Structures for Additive Manufacturing: Influence on the Functional Properties in Elastic Products

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    [Abstract] This work focuses on evaluating and establishing the relationship of the influence of geometrical and manufacturing parameters in stiffness of additively manufactured TPU lattice structures. The contribution of this work resides in the creation of a methodology that focuses on characterizing the behavior of elastic lattice structures. Likewise, resides in the possibility of using the statistical treatment of results as a guide to find favorable possibilities within the range of parameters studied and to predict the behavior of the structures. In order to characterize their behavior, different types of specimens were designed and tested by finite element simulation of a compression process using Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools. The tests showed that the stiffness depends on the topology of the cells of the lattice structure. For structures with different cell topologies, it has been possible to obtain an increase in the reaction force against compression from 24.7 N to 397 N for the same manufacturing conditions. It was shown that other parameters with a defined influence on the stiffness of the structure were the temperature and the unit size of the cells, all due to the development of fusion mechanisms and the variation in the volume of material used, respectivel

    Influence of pH and temperature in the performance of Zn phosphate conversion coatings

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe influence of variations in temperature (from 50 ◦C to 70 ◦C) and pH (2.4 and 2.9) in the Zn phosphate conversion treatment of a high-strength steel was assessed in this study. The effect of the temperature changes depends on the pH of the bath. The results evidenced an enhanced corrosion resistance with the increased temperature for baths at pH 2.4, whereas no relevant differences were concluded for baths at pH 2.9. This latter pH condition provided a better surface coverage, even with lower coating masses, than the former value. The microstructural analysis showed the development of films composed of smaller crystals for the treatments at pH 2.9. Impedance spectroscopy was established as a powerful tool with great potential for characterising phosphate layers. The accuracy of this methodology greatly depends on the equivalent circuit used for the simulation. A model based on the transmission line allows the reliable estimation of the percentage of exposed area (coating efficiency), the identification of changes in the film conductivity, and the qualitative analysis of its structureXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B2021/1

    Situación de los incendios forestales de vegetación nativa en la región de Valparaíso, Chile central

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    Occurrence and severity are studied of forest fires in a vegetable coastal landscape of the Fifth Region of Chile, for the period 1986-2010. For this purpose an area was selected by presence of species of high scientific value, between them the forest of Jubaea chilensis (Chilean Palm), highly fragmented by the action of the fire and the urban expansion. By means of NDVI’s analysis and principal components based on information of satellite and geographical databasesof fires, it was possible to identify and to qualify areas of high sensibility, where there coexists the conflict of expansion of the cities and at the same time the continuous backward of the former native forest, in the last 25 years.Se estudia ocurrencia de incendios forestales en un paisaje vegetalcostero de la Quinta Región de Chile, para el período 1986-2010. Para este propósitose seleccionó un área con presencia de especies de alto valor científico,entre ellas el bosque de Jubaea chilensis (Palma chilena), altamente fragmentadopor la acción por la acción del fuego y la expansión urbana. Por medio de análisisde NDVI y componentes principales basados en información de satélite ybases de datos geográficas de incendios, fue posible identificar y calificar áreasde alta sensibilidad, en donde coexiste el conflicto de expansión de las ciudadesy el retroceso sostenido del antiguo bosque nativo, en los últimos 25 años

    Ternary Blends for Self-Compacting Mortars Production Composed by Electric Arc Furnace Dust and Other Industrial by-Products

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    This study is framed within the circular economy model through the valorisation of industrial by-products. This research shows the results of producing self-compacting mortars (SCMs) with electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) and other industrial by-products such as fly ash, conforming (FA) or not conforming (NcFA), from coal-fired power plants, or recovery filler (RF) from hot-mix asphalt plants. Three batches of SCMs, each with one industrial-by product (FA, NcFA, or RF), and three levels of EAFD ratio incorporation (0%, 10%, 20%), were tested. An extra batch with a greater amount of FA was manufactured. When the incorporation ratio of EAFD rose, the mechanical strength decreased, due to the presence of a calcium zinc hydroxide dihydrate phase; nevertheless, this decrease diminished over time. All SCM mixes, except the 40C 40FA 20 EAFD mix, were above 20 MPa at 28 days. All mixes named 70C and 40C reached 40 and 30 MPa, respectively, at 90 days. Mixes with EAFD showed less capillarity and no difference in water absorption by immersion with respect to mixes without EAFD after 91 days. The SCMs designed proved to be stable in terms of leaching of the heavy metals contained in EAFD, where all the hardened SCMs were classified as inert

    Plan de Negocios: Empresa Toma corriente Design studio

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    El Siguiente plan de negocios fue elaborado con el propósito de satisfacer las necesidades gráficas de las empresas ubicadas en el sector del Distrito IV de Managua ya que la competencia no ofrece un servicio de calidad tanto estético, Puntual y funcional eh aquí una oportunidad en la cual incursionar en este segmento del mercado, además constamos con un producto estrella(revista) con el fin de obtener contratos y clientes fijos, de este modo tener ingresos constantes, el tema de dicha revista “Salud, entrenamiento físico y nutrición” fue seleccionado ya que según nuestra investigación gran parte de los jóvenes se preocupan por su apariencia y realizan alguna actividad física, donde la salud y el bien personal es básicamente “Moda”