919 research outputs found

    The importance of input data on landslide susceptibility mapping

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    Landslide detection and susceptibility mapping are crucial in risk management and urban planning. Constant advance in digital elevation models accuracy and availability, the prospect of automatic landslide detection, together with variable processing techniques, stress the need to assess the effect of differences in input data on the landslide susceptibility maps accuracy. The main goal of this study is to evaluate the influence of variations in input data on landslide susceptibility mapping using a logistic regression approach. We produced 32 models that differ in (1) type of landslide inventory (manual or automatic), (2) spatial resolution of the topographic input data, (3) number of landslidecausing factors, and (4) sampling technique. We showed that models based on automatic landslide inventory present comparable overall prediction accuracy as those produced using manually detected features. We also demonstrated that finer resolution of topographic data leads to more accurate and precise susceptibility models. The impact of the number of landslide-causing factors used for calculations appears to be important for lower resolution data. On the other hand, even the lower number of causative agents results in highly accurate susceptibility maps for the high-resolution topographic data. Our results also suggest that sampling from landslide masses is generally more befitting than sampling from the landslide mass center. We conclude that most of the produced landslide susceptibility models, even though variable, present reasonable overall prediction accuracy, suggesting that the most congruous input data and techniques need to be chosen depending on the data quality and purpose of the study

    Spatial variations of tectonic uplift - subducting plate ffects on the Guerrero Forearc, Mexico

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    Uplift is the predominant factor controlling fluvial systems in tectonically deforming regions. Mountains along subduction zones force incision, aggradation, or sinuosity modifications, showing differential uplift and variations in erosion rates, in river incision, and in channel gradient produced by ongoing tectonic deformation. Thus, landscape can provide information on the tectonic activity of a defined region. Here, field studies, analysis of geomorphic indices using a digital elevation model, and dating of river terraces were undertaken to extract the following: (1) determine rates of ongoing tectonic deformation, (2) identify evidence of active faulting, and (3) explain the possible relation of ongoing differential uplift in the topography of the overriding plate with the geometry and roughness effects of subducting slab along the Mexican subduction within the Guerrero sector. Landscape analysis using geomorphic indices suggests segmentation along stream of the studied Tecpan River basin. Rates of tectonic uplift were derived from river incision rates computed with the combination of strath terrace heights and associated dating. Tectonic uplift rates vary from ∼1 ± 0.3 mm/yr up to ∼5 ± 0.6 mm/yr during the Holocene, consistent with inferred high tectonic activity in this zone. These results vary significantly spatially, i.e., increasing upstream. Possible explanations for spatial variations of tectonic uplift rates are most likely related to an effect of the geometry and the rugged seafloor of the oceanic Cocos plate subduction beneath a faulted continental lithosphere

    Efecto anti-tumoral de dos triterpenos aislados de una planta medicinal

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    Los ácidos masticadienónico (1) y 3α-OH masticadienoico (2) son los principales metabolitos secundarios aislados de la corteza de Amphipterygium adstringens. En trabajos previos se han investigado las propiedades biológicas de estos ácidos. Inicialmente, se demostró la actividad antiinflamatoria en dos modelos de inflamación aguda, carragenina y TPA (12-O-tetradecanoilphorbol-13- acetato) (Oviedo, 2004). Por otro lado, se demostró que estos compuestos inhiben la proliferación de las líneas celulares de cáncer humano (Oviedo, 2005). Respecto al mecanismo anti-tumoral recientemente se informó el efecto de 2 sobre las funciones bioenergéticas y la permeabilidad de la membrana mitocondrial (Dalla, 2012). Sin embargo, no se ha investigado su actividad anti-tumoral in vivo. En este trabajo se investigó el efecto de 1 y 2 sobre el crecimiento tumoral en un modelo murino. Los resultados de esta investigación demuestran que los ácidos 1 y 2 tienen un efecto anti-tumoral en xenotransplantes de carcinoma prostático.The masticadienonic acid (1) and 3α-OH masticadienoic acid (2) are the main secondary metabolites of the barck from Amphipterygium adstringens (Navarrete, 2006). In previous works, were investigated the biological properties of these acids. First, was demonstrated their anti-inflamatory activity by TPA (12-Otetradecanoylphorbol- 13-acetate) and carrageenan inflammatory acute models. Also, has been demonstrated that 1 and 2 compounds inhibit the proliferation of the human cancer cell lines, HCT-15 (colon), MCF-7 (breast), U-251 (CNS), PC-3 (prostate), K-562 (leukaemia), (Oviedo, 2005). Respect to the anti-tumor mechanism recently was informed the effect of 2 on bioenergetics functions and permeability of mithocondrial membrane (Dalla, 2012). However, there are no studies about anti-tumor activity of 1 and 2 in vivo. In this work we investigated the effect of 1 and 2 on growth tumor in a murine model. The results of this research showed that acids 1 and 2 have anti-tumor effect in xenografts of prostatic carcinoma

    Sand deposits reveal great earthquakes and tsunamis at Mexican Pacific Coast

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    Globally, instrumentally based assessments of tsunamigenic potential of subduction zones have underestimated the magnitude and frequency of great events because of their short time record. Historical and sediment records of large earthquakes and tsunamis have expanded the temporal data and estimated size of these events. Instrumental records suggests that the Mexican Subduction earthquakes produce relatively small tsunamis, however historical records and now geologic evidence suggest that great earthquakes and tsunamis have whipped the Pacific coast of Mexico in the past. The sediment marks of centuries old-tsunamis validate historical records and indicate that large tsunamigenic earthquakes have shaken the Guerrero-Oaxaca region in southern Mexico and had an impact on a bigger stretch of the coast than previously suspected. We present the first geologic evidence of great tsunamis near the trench of a subduction zone previously underestimated as potential source for great earthquakes and tsunamis. Two sandy tsunami deposits extend over 1.5 km inland of the coast. The youngest tsunami deposit is associated with the 1787 great earthquake, M 8.6, producing a giant tsunami that poured over the coast flooding 500 km alongshore the Mexican Pacific coast and up to 6 km inland. The oldest event from a less historically documented event occurred in 1537. The 1787 earthquake, and tsunami and a probable predecessor in 1537, suggest a plausible recurrence interval of 250 years. We prove that the common believe that great tsunamis do not occur on the Mexican Pacific coast cannot be sustained

    Cuarta transición educativa: secundaria-universidad. Necesidades y soluciones (II)

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    La Red de trabajo “Cuarta transición educativa: Secundaria-Universidad. Necesidades y soluciones (II)” es un equipo y un proyecto de trabajo que se encuentra en el segundo año de una planificación inicial de tres ejercicios investigadores, dentro de la Modalidad III del Programa Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria. La temática que desarrollamos gira en torno a la orientación educativa y acción tutorial, y el eje conductor es la transición del alumnado desde la Educación Secundaria hacia la Universidad. En este segundo ejercicio hemos desarrollado un trabajo importante de puesta en práctica de todas aquellas inquietudes suscitadas a lo largo de los ejercicios anteriores del equipo. La visita a los Centros de Secundaria, y el desarrollo de una línea de investigación novedosa surgida, relacionada con los Ciclos Superiores de Formación Profesional, complementan el trabajo básico de la Red en este segunda curso: el estudio de campo del diseño de investigación iniciado el curso anterior. También se introducen acciones formativas en función de las necesidades básicas de la Red. Y la estructura, en cuanto a miembros de la Red, se mantiene casi al completo, ya que tan sólo causa baja una profesora universitaria, manteniéndose el equipo interdisciplinar e internivelar que viene trabajando

    Reducing pressure ulcers in patients with prolonged acute mechanical ventilation: A quasi-experimental study

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    Objetivo: Determinar a eficácia de um programa de gestão da qualidade para reduzir a incidência e a gravidade de úlceras por pressão em pacientes de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Estudo com metodologia quasi-experimental, antes-e-depois, conduzido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva clínica e cirúrgica. Incluíram-se os pacientes consecutivos que receberam ventilação mecânica por um período igual ou superior a 96 horas. Uma equipe de Melhoria de Processos delineou um processo de intervenção multifacetado, que consistiu de uma sessão educacional, uma lista de verificação de úlcera de pressão, um aplicativo para smartphone para monitoramento de lesões e um conjunto de normas de tomada de decisão, além de prevenção familiar. Resultados: O Grupo Pré-I incluiu 25 pacientes, e o Grupo Pós-I foi constituído por 69 pacientes. A incidência de úlcera de pressão nestes grupos foi de 41 (75%) e 37 (54%), respectivamente. O tempo mediano para o desenvolvimento das úlceras por pressão foi de 4,5 (4-5) dias no Grupo Pré-I e 9 (6-20) dias no Grupo Pós-I após a admissão para cada um dos períodos. A incidência de úlceras por pressão de grau avançado foi de 27 (49%) no Grupo Pré-I e 7 (10%) no Grupo Pós-I. A presença de úlceras por pressão na alta foi de 38 (69%) e 18 (26%), respectivamente, para os Grupos Pré-I e Pós-I (p < 0,05 para todas as comparações). A participação da família totalizou 9% no Grupo Pré-I e aumentou para 57% no Grupo Pós-I (p < 0,05). Utilizou-se um modelo de regressão logística para analisar os preditores de úlcera de pressão com grau avançado. A duração da ventilação mecânica e a presença de falência de órgão associaram-se positivamente com o desenvolvimento de úlceras por pressão, enquanto o programa multifacetado de intervenção atuou como fator de proteção. Conclusão: Um programa de qualidade, com base em um aplicativo para smartphone e na participação da família, pode reduzir a incidência e a gravidade de úlceras por pressão em pacientes com ventilação mecânica aguda prolongada.Objective: To determine the effectiveness of a quality management program in reducing the incidence and severity of pressure ulcers in critical care patients. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental, before-and-after study that was conducted in a medical-surgical intensive care unit. Consecutive patients who had received mechanical ventilation for ≥ 96 hours were included. A "Process Improvement" team designed a multifaceted interventional process that consisted of an educational session, a pressure ulcer checklist, a smartphone application for lesion monitoring and decision-making, and a "family prevention bundle". Results: Fifty-five patients were included in Pre-I group, and 69 were included in the Post-I group, and the incidence of pressure ulcers in these groups was 41 (75%) and 37 (54%), respectively. The median time for pressure ulcers to develop was 4.5 [4 - 5] days in the Pre-I group and 9 [6 - 20] days in the Post-I group after admission for each period. The incidence of advanced-grade pressure ulcers was 27 (49%) in the Pre-I group and 7 (10%) in the Post-I group, and finally, the presence of pressure ulcers at discharge was 38 (69%) and 18 (26%), respectively (p < 0.05 for all comparisons). Family participation totaled 9% in the Pre-I group and increased to 57% in the Post-I group (p < 0.05). A logistic regression model was used to analyze the predictors of advanced-grade pressure ulcers. The duration of mechanical ventilation and the presence of organ failure were positively associated with the development of pressure ulcers, while the multifaceted intervention program acted as a protective factor. Conclusion: A quality program based on both a smartphone application and family participation can reduce the incidence and severity of pressure ulcers in patients on prolonged acute mechanical ventilation.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Reducing pressure ulcers in patients with prolonged acute mechanical ventilation: A quasi-experimental study

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    Objetivo: Determinar a eficácia de um programa de gestão da qualidade para reduzir a incidência e a gravidade de úlceras por pressão em pacientes de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Estudo com metodologia quasi-experimental, antes-e-depois, conduzido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva clínica e cirúrgica. Incluíram-se os pacientes consecutivos que receberam ventilação mecânica por um período igual ou superior a 96 horas. Uma equipe de Melhoria de Processos delineou um processo de intervenção multifacetado, que consistiu de uma sessão educacional, uma lista de verificação de úlcera de pressão, um aplicativo para smartphone para monitoramento de lesões e um conjunto de normas de tomada de decisão, além de prevenção familiar. Resultados: O Grupo Pré-I incluiu 25 pacientes, e o Grupo Pós-I foi constituído por 69 pacientes. A incidência de úlcera de pressão nestes grupos foi de 41 (75%) e 37 (54%), respectivamente. O tempo mediano para o desenvolvimento das úlceras por pressão foi de 4,5 (4-5) dias no Grupo Pré-I e 9 (6-20) dias no Grupo Pós-I após a admissão para cada um dos períodos. A incidência de úlceras por pressão de grau avançado foi de 27 (49%) no Grupo Pré-I e 7 (10%) no Grupo Pós-I. A presença de úlceras por pressão na alta foi de 38 (69%) e 18 (26%), respectivamente, para os Grupos Pré-I e Pós-I (p < 0,05 para todas as comparações). A participação da família totalizou 9% no Grupo Pré-I e aumentou para 57% no Grupo Pós-I (p < 0,05). Utilizou-se um modelo de regressão logística para analisar os preditores de úlcera de pressão com grau avançado. A duração da ventilação mecânica e a presença de falência de órgão associaram-se positivamente com o desenvolvimento de úlceras por pressão, enquanto o programa multifacetado de intervenção atuou como fator de proteção. Conclusão: Um programa de qualidade, com base em um aplicativo para smartphone e na participação da família, pode reduzir a incidência e a gravidade de úlceras por pressão em pacientes com ventilação mecânica aguda prolongada.Objective: To determine the effectiveness of a quality management program in reducing the incidence and severity of pressure ulcers in critical care patients. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental, before-and-after study that was conducted in a medical-surgical intensive care unit. Consecutive patients who had received mechanical ventilation for ≥ 96 hours were included. A "Process Improvement" team designed a multifaceted interventional process that consisted of an educational session, a pressure ulcer checklist, a smartphone application for lesion monitoring and decision-making, and a "family prevention bundle". Results: Fifty-five patients were included in Pre-I group, and 69 were included in the Post-I group, and the incidence of pressure ulcers in these groups was 41 (75%) and 37 (54%), respectively. The median time for pressure ulcers to develop was 4.5 [4 - 5] days in the Pre-I group and 9 [6 - 20] days in the Post-I group after admission for each period. The incidence of advanced-grade pressure ulcers was 27 (49%) in the Pre-I group and 7 (10%) in the Post-I group, and finally, the presence of pressure ulcers at discharge was 38 (69%) and 18 (26%), respectively (p < 0.05 for all comparisons). Family participation totaled 9% in the Pre-I group and increased to 57% in the Post-I group (p < 0.05). A logistic regression model was used to analyze the predictors of advanced-grade pressure ulcers. The duration of mechanical ventilation and the presence of organ failure were positively associated with the development of pressure ulcers, while the multifaceted intervention program acted as a protective factor. Conclusion: A quality program based on both a smartphone application and family participation can reduce the incidence and severity of pressure ulcers in patients on prolonged acute mechanical ventilation.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Assessment of Pablo de Olavide University's Alignment with the 2030 Agenda. A Diagnosis from Seville, Spain

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    Document compiled by staff from Pablo de Olavide University of Seville (UPO), with technical assistance from Periferia Consultoría Social. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.Versión española del documento en: https://dx.doi.org/10.46661/rio.20230630_1Recognizing the crucial role of universities in implementing the 2030 Agenda, the Pablo de Olavide University (UPO) has conducted a comprehensive assessment to evaluate its alignment and contribution towards achieving the Targets defined within the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2030 Agenda presents a dual mandate for universities. Firstly, they are tasked with integrating the SDGs into their educational and research programs. Secondly, they are expected to act as catalysts for societal transformation and promote a governance model in higher education that aligns with the Agenda's objectives. In light of these responsibilities, UPO has recognized the need to equip itself with the necessary tools to effectively assess the fulfillment of these mandates. This accountability is crucial for demonstrating UPO's commitment to the SDGs and for enhancing the effectiveness of its actions within the framework of the Agenda. This document provides a summary of the process undertaken by UPO, in collaboration with Periferia Social Consulting, between November 2022 and May 2023. The objective was to design a set of indicators that can measure UPO's contribution to the 2030 Agenda. The first section describes the methodology and various phases involved in the process. Following that, the document presents the system of indicators developed and provides information on UPO's contribution to the 2030 Agenda for the academic year 2021-2022. In the annexes, two posters are included, displaying the complete set of indicators and the measurements made for the 2021-2022 academic year.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Diagnóstico sobre alineamiento de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla con la Agenda 2030

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    Documento elaborado por el Grupo Interno de la UPO, con la asistencia técnica de Periferia Consultoría Social, y la financiación de la Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional.Versión inglesa del documento en: https://dx.doi.org/10.46661/rio.20230718_1Consciente del papel clave que juegan la universidades en la implementación de la Agenda 2030, la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) plantea realizar un diagnóstico para conocer el grado de alineamiento y contribución a la consecución de las metas englobadas en los 17 ODS que conforman dicha Agenda. La Agenda 2030 marca un doble mandato a las Universidades; por un lado, incorporar los ODS en el ámbito de la formación y la investigación y por otro, como agente transformador de la sociedad y modelo de gobernanza en Educación Superior. En este sentido, la UPO necesita dotarse de las herramientas necesarias con las que poder determinar cómo se están cumpliendo efectivamente estos mandatos, con la finalidad tanto de rendir cuentas sobre su contribución al cumplimiento de los ODS y de mejorar la eficacia de sus actuaciones en el marco de dicha Agenda. Este documento es un resumen del proceso que desde la UPO con el apoyo de Periferia Consultoría Social se ha llevado a cabo entre los meses de noviembre 2022 y mayo 2023 para la construcción de un Sistema de Indicadores que permite medir la contribución de la UPO a la Agenda 2030. En un primer apartado, se describe la metodología y distintas fases llevadas a cabo; a continuación, se presenta el sistema de indicadores construido y la información sobre la contribución de la UPO a la Agenda 2030 para el curso 2021-2022. En anexos, se pueden encontrar las fichas metodológicas de cada uno de los indicadores que conforman el sistema; así como, dos poster donde visualizar el conjunto de indicadores y la medición realizada para el curso 2021-2022.Universidad Pablo de Olavid