99 research outputs found

    Desempenho da plataforma de inovação para o desenvolvimento da cadeia láctea em nível regional na Colômbia

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    Innovation platforms (IP) have become a recognized approach to analyze agricultural and agro-industrial value chains, since they allow the interpretation of broad factors that complement aspects of production, such as innovation capacities and systemic problems.  However, one of the important challenges of IP is also its analysis at various geographical scales. Therefore the goal is analyze innovation platform IP for the development of dairy activity performance at the regional level, in order to reveal restrictions, challenges and opportunities towards a greater understanding and strengthening the dairy chain in Colombia. Information was collected through a web survey to stakeholders, reaching the response of 40 of them. However, for actors mapping, two interviews were previously conducted with key actors in the region. Additionally, a complementary secondary information review was carried out. It was found that the institutional relationship as a systemic problem mainly limits the performance of the individual, organizational and political capacities of the actors. On the other hand, the local actors presence and regulations limit projection and network capacities, respectively. In turn, there are some differences between the self-assessment of capacities and the external assessment of an actor towards others, which may have implications for perceived legitimacy for certain institutional arrangements and governance of relationships. Finally the integrated framework of performance analysis of the IP for the development of the dairy chain at the regional level, reveals differences in the evaluation of the capacities of the actors, as well as the existence of systemic problems that limit the capacities of the actors in the individual, organization, projection, network and political levelsPlataformas de inovação (PI) vêm se tornando uma lente teórica reconhecida para a análise de cadeias de valor agrícolas e agroindustriais, permitindo a interpretação de fatores amplos que complementam aspectos produtivos, como capacidades de inovação de atores e problemas sistêmicos. No entanto, um dos desafios importantes para as PI seria a sua aplicação na análise em diferentes escalas geográficas. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o desempenho da plataforma de inovação PI para o desenvolvimento da atividade leiteira em nível regional, revelando restrições, desafios e oportunidades e favorecendo, de forma mais específica, a compreensão e o fortalecimento da cadeia leiteira colombiana. As informações utilizadas no estudo foram coletadas através de uma pesquisa via web com os atores interessados, a qual resultou em 40 respostas. Para mapeamento prévio, foram realizadas duas entrevistas com atores-chave da região. Também foi realizada uma revisão de informações complementares, de fontes secundárias. Descobriu-se a relação institucional como um problema sistêmico limitante do desempenho de capacidades individuais, organizacionais e políticas dos atores. Por outro lado, a presença de alguns atores assim como regulações normativas limitam eventuais capacidades de projeto e consequentemente a extensão da rede. O estudo evidencia diferenças entre resultados obtidos a partir da autoavaliação das capacidades e a sua avaliação externa (por pares), o que pode implicar na legitimação de determinados arranjos institucionais e na governança exercida nas relações. Finalmente, o quadro de análise de desempenho de PI para desenvolvimento da cadeia leiteira em nível regional revela diferenças na avaliação das capacidades dos atores, assim como a existência de problemas sistémicos que limitam estas capacidades em nível individual, organizacional, de projeto, de rede e político

    Trust networks and innovation dynamics of small farmers in Colombia: An approach from territorial system of agricultural innovation

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    This study addresses the concepts of territorial systems of agricultural innovation and social network analysis. The general purpose of this research was analyzing a relationship between trust networks (technical, strategic and normative) and the dynamics of technological diffusion and adoption by Hass avocado farmers in each territory. To this end, two rural municipalities were compared as case studies; where 94 farmers were interviewed. A database was obtained and analyzed using a social network approach by calculating network indicators, as well as the technology adoption index (TAI) for farmers. Correlation tests were also used to determine the effect of the farmers' trust networks on their own technology diffusion-adoption dynamics. Case studies showed that there are no significant differences in terms of technology adoption when comparing municipalities. However, the farmers' diffusion networks show different public-private actors, as well as different degrees of input centrality and intermediation in each municipality, where correlation was found only with normative trust networks in a municipality. The capture of specific information from a geographical space is steered by the approach of territorial systems of agricultural innovation, allowing for the development of increasingly accurate strategies and interventions. Highlights This study empirically demonstrated how both technology adoption by farmers and diffusion networks have different trends across geographical spaces. The capture of specific information from a geographical space is steered by the approach of territorial systems of agricultural innovation, allowing for the development of increasingly accurate strategies and interventions. Diffusion networks of farmers from each rural municipality were built upon different actors, several of which were different and had different input centrality indicators. These actors are quite important as they are cited as intermediation indicators and sources of learning, which means they are fundamental actors in promoting greater diffusion in each territory. Trust networks (technical, strategic and normative) were found to have a different influence in each rural municipality in relation to farmers' diffusion networks and the technology adoption index.This study addresses the concepts of territorial systems of agricultural innovation and social network analysis. The general purpose of this research was analyzing a relationship between trust networks (technical, strategic and normative) and the dynamics of technological diffusion and adoption by Hass avocado farmers in each territory. To this end, two rural municipalities were compared as case studies; where 94 farmers were interviewed. A database was obtained and analyzed using a social network approach by calculating network indicators, as well as the technology adoption index (TAI) for farmers. Correlation tests were also used to determine the effect of the farmers' trust networks on their own technology diffusion-adoption dynamics. Case studies showed that there are no significant differences in terms of technology adoption when comparing municipalities. However, the farmers' diffusion networks show different public-private actors, as well as different degrees of input centrality and intermediation in each municipality, where correlation was found only with normative trust networks in a municipality. The capture of specific information from a geographical space is steered by the approach of territorial systems of agricultural innovation, allowing for the development of increasingly accurate strategies and interventions. Highlights This study empirically demonstrated how both technology adoption by farmers and diffusion networks have different trends across geographical spaces. The capture of specific information from a geographical space is steered by the approach of territorial systems of agricultural innovation, allowing for the development of increasingly accurate strategies and interventions. Diffusion networks of farmers from each rural municipality were built upon different actors, several of which were different and had different input centrality indicators. These actors are quite important as they are cited as intermediation indicators and sources of learning, which means they are fundamental actors in promoting greater diffusion in each territory. Trust networks (technical, strategic and normative) were found to have a different influence in each rural municipality in relation to farmers' diffusion networks and the technology adoption index

    MatSWMM - An open-source toolbox for designing real-time control of urban drainage systems

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    This manuscript describes the MatSWMM toolbox, an open-source Matlab, Python, and LabVIEW-based software package for the analysis and design of real-time control (RTC) strategies in urban drainage systems (UDS). MatSWMM includes control-oriented models of UDS, and the storm water management model (SWMM) of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as systematic-system edition functionalities. Furthermore, MatSWMM is also provided with a population-dynamics-based controller for UDS with three of the fundamental dynamics, i.e., the Smith, projection, and replicator dynamics. The simulation algorithm, and a detailed description of the features of MatSWMM are presented in this manuscript in order to illustrate the capabilities that the tool has for educational and research purposes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Redes de información y sistemas de innovación agrícolas: hacia un nuevo enfoque de la extensión rural local

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    La extensión rural ha evolucionado desde enfoque lineal tradicional, hacia un modelo sistémico que involucra la participación de actores públicos y privados, configurando sistemas de innovación. En esta interacción sistémica se conforman estructuras de redes de información donde los productores establecen vínculos con diversos actores tanto locales como externos al territorio. A partir del análisis de estas redes, fue posible identificar actores clave, determinando los roles de promotor de innovaciones, líder de opinión, intermediario facilitador e intermediario bróker. La identificación de actores y su función, permite la implementación de un modelo de extensión rural a escala local

    Comparative analysis of agricultural development dynamics in South America in the period 1980-2010

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    El desarrollo agrícola de las naciones ha sido un foco de gran importancia y controversia, en particular por la forma en que se han orientado diversas políticas públicas en Suramérica, así como por los diversos enfoques, objetivos y alcances logrados. Dadas las particularidades específicas de los países y sus territorios rurales, y en vista de los resultados disímiles alcanzados en materia de crecimiento y desarrollo, este estudio pretende realizar un análisis comparativo del desarrollo agrícola de las naciones suramericanas, a partir del abordaje de diversos indicadores que permiten contribuir a interpretar la heterogeneidad en los resultados alcanzados en el sector. Se utilizó análisis multivariado de la varianza (MANOVA) y análisis de componentes principales. Se encontró diferencia altamente significativa entre países (p < 0,0001) en lo relacionado con los factores: proporción del área destinada a la agricultura, porcentaje de población rural y empleo generado en el sector rural. Se encontró que existe una brecha en los indicadores del desarrollo de la agricultura entre algunos países de Suramérica, destacándose Argentina y Paraguay como los que presentan un crecimiento significativo en el mayor número de indicadores.The agricultural development of each nation has been a focus of great importance and controversy, particularly because of the way several public policies have been oriented in South America, as well as the different approaches, objectives and outcomes achieved. According to the specific characteristics of countries and their rural territories, and because of the dissimilar results achieved in terms of growth and development, this study aims to provide a comparative analysis of agricultural development of South American nations from the approach to diverse indicators which contribute to interpret the heterogeneity in the results achieved in the sector. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and analysis of the main components was performed. Highly significant difference between countries (p < 0.0001) in relation to factors such as proportion of land in agricultural use, rural population and rural employment, was found. It was found that there is a gap in the agricultural development indicators between some South American countries, being Argentina and Paraguay those with a significant growth in the largest number of indicators

    Network analysis of knowledge building on rural extension in Colombia

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    Based on the analysis of scientific papers published on rural extension in Colombia since 2010, an interpretive descriptive study was conducted to identify the level of collaboration between authors and institutions in the creation, systematization and dissemination of knowledge in rural extension. Information was gathered from a search in bibliographic databases to identify papers published in rural extension. 50 papers were found. They were organized in a database, and using social network analysis, a review of relational structures and indicators derived from the scientific collaboration between the authors and institutions involved in the publication conducted. Authors from 28 different institutions have participated in the 50 papers identified, 70% of them have been published by researchers working in the same institution. The findings of this study support the conclusion that actors building knowledge on rural extension in Colombia have a limited intra and interinstitutional articulation, making it urgent to strength public policies and incentives to foster relationships between research groups and institutions

    Networking of differentially expressed genes in human cancer cells resistant to methotrexate

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    BACKGROUND: The need for an integrated view of data obtained from high-throughput technologies gave rise to network analyses. These are especially useful to rationalize how external perturbations propagate through the expression of genes. To address this issue in the case of drug resistance, we constructed biological association networks of genes differentially expressed in cell lines resistant to methotrexate (MTX). METHODS: Seven cell lines representative of different types of cancer, including colon cancer (HT29 and Caco2), breast cancer (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468), pancreatic cancer (MIA PaCa-2), erythroblastic leukemia (K562) and osteosarcoma (Saos-2), were used. The differential expression pattern between sensitive and MTX-resistant cells was determined by whole human genome microarrays and analyzed with the GeneSpring GX software package. Genes deregulated in common between the different cancer cell lines served to generate biological association networks using the Pathway Architect software. RESULTS: Dikkopf homolog-1 (DKK1) is a highly interconnected node in the network generated with genes in common between the two colon cancer cell lines, and functional validations of this target using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) showed a chemosensitization toward MTX. Members of the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A (UGT1A) family formed a network of genes differentially expressed in the two breast cancer cell lines. siRNA treatment against UGT1A also showed an increase in MTX sensitivity. Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (EEF1A1) was overexpressed among the pancreatic cancer, leukemia and osteosarcoma cell lines, and siRNA treatment against EEF1A1 produced a chemosensitization toward MTX. CONCLUSIONS: Biological association networks identified DKK1, UGT1As and EEF1A1 as important gene nodes in MTX-resistance. Treatments using siRNA technology against these three genes showed chemosensitization toward MTX

    Co-simulation for the design of controllers in urban drainage systems

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A co-simulation framework that uses two software tools (i.e., Matlab, Python or LabVIEW, and SWMM) is presented. The co-simulation is performed thanks to a tool that has been developed, and which is the main contribution of this work. This approach uses the storm water management model (SWMM), becoming a solution to the lack of tools to test controllers for urban drainage systems (UDS). Specifically, MatSWMM, an open source framework that can be used to this end, is presented. Additionally, in order to illustrate the features of the co-simulation methodology, some of the issues of using control-oriented models (COM) are pointed out and simulated with MatSWMM, through a simple case study. To this end, and as an illustrative example of the controllers that might be implemented with the proposed tool, a linear model of the system is built and a decentralized population dynamics-based controller is tested. The results obtained show the advantages of the co-simulation tool to evaluate the control performance of these systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Estudio de un brote poblacional de hepatitis A. Efectividad de la vacunación como medida de control

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    ResumenObjetivoDescribir un brote de hepatitis A en la ciudad de Albacete y valorar la efectividad de las medidas de control adoptadas.MétodosConstatada la existencia del brote, se establecieron las definiciones de caso. Se recogieron los datos clínicos y epidemiológicos de los casos mediante encuesta. Se describió la distribución temporoespacial, mediante la localización de los casos y la curva epidémica. Se pusieron en marcha, como medidas de control y prevención inmediatas, la administración de inmunoglobulina (IG) y educación sanitaria a la población en riesgo.ResultadosDesde enero de 2005 a enero de 2006 se declararon 62 casos. Los grupos de edad más afectados fueron los escolares y los adultos jóvenes. El mecanismo de transmisión fue de persona a persona. La curva epidémica presenta dos periodos. Las medidas de control iniciales fueron higiénicas y administración de IG a los contactos; en el segundo periodo se complementaron con la vacunación contra la hepatitis A, administrada a los alumnos de los centros de enseñanza de los dos barrios inicialmente implicados. La extensión del brote a los barrios colindantes y la alarma social que ocasionó hicieron que se ampliara la vacunación a los centros de enseñanza próximos a aquellos en que se habían detectado casos. Después de la última vacunación, en enero de 2006, no se notificó ningún caso.ConclusionesEl uso de la vacuna postexposición frente al virus de la hepatitis A en la población escolar y los adultos jóvenes parece ser una medida efectiva para el control de un brote.AbstractObjectiveTo describe an outbreak of hepatitis A in the city of Albacete (Spain) and to assess the effectiveness of the control measures implemented.MethodsWhen the outbreak was noted, definitions of a case were established. Clinical and epidemiological data were collected through a survey. The temporal-spatial distribution was identified through mapping and the epidemic curve. Health education and immunoglobulin (IG) administration were conducted as immediate prevention and control measures in the population at risk.ResultsFrom January 2005 to January 2006, 62 cases were reported. The most affected age groups were school children and young adults. Transmission was person to person. The epidemic curve was divided into two periods. Initial control measures consisted of hygiene measures and IG administration to contacts. In the second period, these measures were complemented with vaccination against hepatitis A in students of the school centers of the two neighborhoods initially involved. Due to public alarm and spread of the outbreak to adjacent neighborhoods, vaccination was extended to schools close to those where cases had been detected. No cases were notified after the last vaccination in January 2006.ConclusionsThe use of vaccination after exposure to the hepatitis A virus in young adults and the school population seems to be an effective outbreak control measure

    La justicia transicional en los acuerdos de la Habana

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    Respondiendo a la apuesta y al compromiso de EAFIT con el esfuerzo actual de terminación negociada del conflicto armado interno colombiano, desde septiembre del año pasado el Departamento de Gobierno y Ciencias Políticas de la Escuela de Humanidades de la Universidad emprendió el proyecto de publicación de una serie de Cuadernos de Trabajo como una aproximación académica y cívico-política preliminar al proceso de paz y a los acuerdos que en el transcurso del mismo han ido suscribiendo paulatinamente el Gobierno Nacional y la guerrilla de las FARC. A esta iniciativa ha querido contribuir la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad mediante la elaboración del Cuaderno de Trabajo relativo al “Acuerdo sobre las Víctimas del Conflicto” dado a conocer a la opinión pública el pasado mes de diciembre. Este acuerdo crea el así llamado “Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justicia, Reparación y No Repetición” (SIVJRNR) y ha sido considerado casi unánimemente como el punto de inflexión o de “no retorno” en el intento de alcanzar un acuerdo de paz definitivo dada la enorme dificultad que supuso convenir un sistema de justicia transicional. En sintonía con la finalidad que persigue el proyecto, los aportes realizados por los profesores de las distintas áreas de la Escuela que participaron en la confección de este Cuaderno, no sólo buscan contribuir con el análisis teórico y/o académico de los distintos componentes del sistema de justicia transicional pactado, sino también con la divulgación y la comprensión del mismo y de sus implicaciones tanto por parte de los distintos sectores de la sociedad como por parte de la población en general; así mismo, procuran establecer un canal de comunicación efectivo con quienes tienen en sus manos la implementación jurídica del acuerdo. Una vez más, agradecemos profundamente a la Asociación Nacional de Empresarios (Andi) y la Fundación para el Progreso de Antioquia (Proantioquia) por la colaboración y el apoyo ofrecidos para la realización del presente Cuaderno y para la satisfactoria materialización de este proyecto en su conjunto