1,526 research outputs found

    Acompañamiento profesional a la empresa de producción avícola Kakaraka SAS localizada en Rionegro Antioquia.

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    La pasantía desarrollada en la empresa avícola Kakaraka S.A.S., inmersa en el ámbito de la producción de gallinas ponedoras, permitió adquirir una gran variedad de conocimientos y logros los cuales fueron posibles gracias al cumplimiento de objetivos como el apoyo en el establecimiento de procedimientos productivos, la revisión en el cumplimiento del plan de disposición de residuos orgánicos y el análisis económico de la producción de huevos, acoplando no sólo el componente teórico sino alcanzando un nexo con la realidad productiva. Estos objetivos fueron cumplidos por medio de actividades como el mantenimiento/alistamiento de galpones, cuidado de las pollitas, estimulación en consumo de agua/alimento, etc. Un tema importante en esta pasantía fue la evaluación del sistema linfoide de las aves para probar la efectividad de una nueva vacuna donde se evidenció que esta tenía el efecto deseado, a pesar de lo anterior hubo fluctuaciones en cuanto al tamaño del bazo donde en teoría este órgano pesa 0,5g la primera semana no concordando con el peso de bazo obtenido en la empresa “< 0.5g”. Por otra parte, se intervino en el plan de disposición de residuos orgánicos, del cual se concluye que la empresa cuenta con un proceso estandarizado acorde a la norma, Adicionalmente se evidencia que la actividad económica relacionada con la producción de huevo está en su mayoría determinada por el costo alimenticio y que se cumple con el objetivo de apoyar eficientemente el establecimiento en procesos productivos. Se recomienda un seguimiento/acompañamiento detallado en los procesos de disposición de residuos orgánicos, panta de agua y formatos POES.Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro -- Facultad de Ingenierías y Ciencias Agropecuarias -- ZootecniaThe internship developed in the poultry company Kakaraka S.A.S., immersed in the field of production of laying hens, allowed the acquisition of a wide variety of knowledge and achievements which were possible thanks to the fulfillment of objectives such as support in the establishment of production procedures, the review in compliance with the organic waste disposal plan and the economic analysis of egg production, coupling not only the theoretical component but also reaching a link with productive reality. These objectives were met through activities such as house maintenance/readiness, pullet care, stimulation of water/feed consumption, etc. An important topic in this internship was the evaluation of the lymphoid system of birds to test the effectiveness of a new vaccine where it was evidenced that it had the desired effect, despite the above there were fluctuations in the size of the spleen where in theory this The organ weighs 0.5g the first week, not agreeing with the weight of the spleen obtained in the company "<0.5g". On the other hand, the organic waste disposal plan was intervened, from which it is concluded that the company has a standardized process in accordance with the norm. Additionally, it is evident that the economic activity related to egg production is mostly determined for the food cost and that the objective of efficiently supporting the establishment in production processes is met. Detailed follow-up/accompaniment is recommended in the organic waste disposal processes, water plant and POES formats

    Linear active disturbance rejection control of the hovercraft vessel model

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    A linearizing robust dynamic output feedback control scheme is proposed for earth coordinate position variables trajectory tracking tasks in a hovercraft vessel model. The controller design is carried out using only position and orientation measurements. A highly simplified model obtained from flatness considerations is proposed which vastly simplifies the controller design task. Only the order of integration of the input-to-flat output subsystems, along with the associated input matrix gain, is retained in the simplified model. All the unknown additive nonlinearities and exogenous perturbations are lumped into an absolutely bounded, unstructured, vector of time signals whose components may be locally on-line estimated by means of a high gain Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) observer. GPI observers are the dual counterpart of GPI controllers providing accurate simultaneous estimation of each flat output associated phase variables and of the exogenous and endogenous perturbation inputs. These observers exhibit remarkably convenient self-updating internal models of the unknown disturbance input vector components. These two key pieces of on-line information are used in the proposed feedback controller to conform an active disturbance rejection, or disturbance accommodation, control scheme. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed design method

    Control of a DC motor using algebraic derivative estimation with real time experiments

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    This paper presents an experimental control scheme for DC motors which combines an overlapping implementation of the algebraic derivative estimation method and a disturbance estimator based on the aforementioned algebraic derivative method. The methodology only requires the measurement of the angular position of the motor and the voltage input to the motor. The main advantages of the proposed approach are: it is independent of the motor’s initial conditions, the methodology is robust to Coulomb friction effects, it does not require any statistical knowledge of the noises that corrupt the data, the derivative estimation process does not require initial conditions or dependence between the system input and output, and the algorithm is computed on-line and in real time. The effectiveness of the proposed controller has been verified by means of computer simulations and it has also been experimentally implemented on a laboratory prototype with excellent results in both, stabilization and trajectory tracking tasks

    Análise dos níveis de resiliência de acordo com o gênero e os fatores de educação em escolares

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue el analizar la relación entre los componentes personales de resiliencia con diferentes categorías del Ámbito Educativo, como son: el tipo de centro, el género y si el alumno es o no repetidor. En este sentido, este estudio de carácter descriptivo y transversal conto con una muestra constituida por 234 escolares de sexto de Primaria del tercer ciclo de diferentes colegios ubicados en la capital de Granada. Los participantes han sido escolares de entre 11 y 13 años; a quienes se ha aplicado la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor y Davidson; CD-RISC (2003), y se ha evaluado con las distintas variables, a través de una Hoja de Auto-registro. Los resultados concretaron que los niños presentaron más capacidades resilientes que las niñas las cuales presentaban una menor puntuación. Asimismo, los escolares obtuvieron mayor valoración en la categoría de Control, mientras que la dimensión de la Espiritualidad, concretó la menor de las puntuaciones. Como conclusión, se demuestra la variabilidad de la resiliencia en función del género y el rendimiento académico, mostrándose a los no repetidores más fuertes en aptitudes resilientes y la importancia de implementar intervenciones prácticas donde la resiliencia se trabaje desde el centro educativo.El objetivo de esta investigación fue el analizar la relación entre los componentes personales de resiliencia con diferentes categorías del Ámbito Educativo, como son: el tipo de centro, el género y si el alumno es o no repetidor. En este sentido, este estudio de carácter descriptivo y transversal conto con una muestra constituida por 234 escolares de sexto de Primaria del tercer ciclo de diferentes colegios ubicados en la capital de Granada. Los participantes han sido escolares de entre 11 y 13 años; a quienes se ha aplicado la Escala de Resiliencia de Connor y Davidson; CD-RISC (2003), y se ha evaluado con las distintas variables, a través de una Hoja de Auto-registro. Los resultados concretaron que los niños presentaron más capacidades resilientes que las niñas las cuales presentaban una menor puntuación. Asimismo, los escolares obtuvieron mayor valoración en la categoría de Control, mientras que la dimensión de la Espiritualidad, concretó la menor de las puntuaciones. Como conclusión, se demuestra la variabilidad de la resiliencia en función del género y el rendimiento académico, mostrándose a los no repetidores más fuertes en aptitudes resilientes y la importancia de implementar intervenciones prácticas donde la resiliencia se trabaje desde el centro educativo.The aim of this research was to analyze the relationship between the personal components of resilience with different categories of the Educational Area, such as: the type of center, the gender and whether or not the student is a repeater. In this sense, this descriptive and cross-sectional study counted on a sample constituted by 234 sixth grade primary school students from different schools located in the capital of Granada. The participants were schoolchildren between 11 and 13 years old; to whom the Resilience Scale of Connor and Davidson has been applied; CD-RISC (2003), and has been evaluated with the different variables, through a Self-record Sheet. Results showed that children had more resilient capacities than girls who had a lower score. Likewise, the students obtained greater value in the category of Adaptations to Stressful Situations, while the dimension of Spirituality, specified the lowest of the scores. In conclusion, it demonstrates the variability of resilience in terms of gender and academic performance, showing the strongest non-repeaters in resilient skills and the importance of implementing practical interventions where resilience is worked from the school.The aim of this research was to analyze the relationship between the personal components of resilience with different categories of the Educational Area, such as: the type of center, the gender and whether or not the student is a repeater. In this sense, this descriptive and cross-sectional study counted on a sample constituted by 234 sixth grade primary school students from different schools located in the capital of Granada. The participants were schoolchildren between 11 and 13 years old; to whom the Resilience Scale of Connor and Davidson has been applied; CD-RISC (2003), and has been evaluated with the different variables, through a Self-record Sheet. Results showed that children had more resilient capacities than girls who had a lower score. Likewise, the students obtained greater value in the category of Adaptations to Stressful Situations, while the dimension of Spirituality, specified the lowest of the scores. In conclusion, it demonstrates the variability of resilience in terms of gender and academic performance, showing the strongest non-repeaters in resilient skills and the importance of implementing practical interventions where resilience is worked from the school.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a relação entre os fatores pessoais de resiliência com diferentes variáveis da Área Educacional, tais como: gênero, tipo de centro e se o aluno é ou não repetidor. Nesse sentido, este estudo descritivo e transversal contou com uma amostra constituída por 234 estudantes do ensino médio de sexta série de diferentes escolas localizadas na capital de Granada. Meninos e meninas entre 11 e 13 anos; a quem a Escala de Resiliência de Connor e Davidson foi aplicada; CD-RISC (2003), e foi avaliada com as diferentes variáveis, através de uma folha de registro automático. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças tinham mais capacidades resilientes do que as meninas que tinham uma pontuação menor. Da mesma forma, os alunos obtiveram maior valor na categoria de Adaptações a Situações Estressantes, enquanto a dimensão de Espiritualidade, especificou o menor dos escores. Em conclusão, demonstra a variabilidade da resiliência em termos de gênero e desempenho acadêmico, mostrando os não-repetidores mais fortes em habilidades resilientes e a importância de implementar intervenções práticas onde a resiliência é trabalhada da escola.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a relação entre os fatores pessoais de resiliência com diferentes variáveis da Área Educacional, tais como: gênero, tipo de centro e se o aluno é ou não repetidor. Nesse sentido, este estudo descritivo e transversal contou com uma amostra constituída por 234 estudantes do ensino médio de sexta série de diferentes escolas localizadas na capital de Granada. Meninos e meninas entre 11 e 13 anos; a quem a Escala de Resiliência de Connor e Davidson foi aplicada; CD-RISC (2003), e foi avaliada com as diferentes variáveis, através de uma folha de registro automático. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças tinham mais capacidades resilientes do que as meninas que tinham uma pontuação menor. Da mesma forma, os alunos obtiveram maior valor na categoria de Adaptações a Situações Estressantes, enquanto a dimensão de Espiritualidade, especificou o menor dos escores. Em conclusão, demonstra a variabilidade da resiliência em termos de gênero e desempenho acadêmico, mostrando os não-repetidores mais fortes em habilidades resilientes e a importância de implementar intervenções práticas onde a resiliência é trabalhada da escola

    Robust control of underactuated wheeled mobile manipulators using GPI disturbance observers

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    This article describes the design of a linear observer–linear controller-based robust output feedback scheme for output reference trajectory tracking tasks in the case of nonlinear, multivariable, nonholonomic underactuated mobile manipulators. The proposed linear feedback scheme is based on the use of a classical linear feedback controller and suitably extended, high-gain, linear Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) observers, thus aiding the linear feedback controllers to provide an accurate simultaneous estimation of each flat output associated phase variables and of the exogenous and perturbation inputs. This information is used in the proposed feedback controller in (a) approximate, yet close, cancelations, as lumped unstructured time-varying terms, of the influence of the highly coupled nonlinearities, and (b) the devising of proper linear output feedback control laws based on the approximate estimates of the string of phase variables associated with the flat outputs simultaneously provided by the disturbance observers. Simulations reveal the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Performance optimization in switched reluctance motor drives

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    In this paper, switched reluctance motors (SRM) are proposed as an alternative for electric power assisted steering (EPAS) applications. A prototype machine has been developed as very attractive design for a steering electric motor, both from a cost and size perspective. A fourphase 8/6 SRM drive is designed for a rack type EPAS which should provide a maximum force of 10 kN. Two-dimension finite element analysis is used to validate the design

    Non-volant mammals in a protected area on the Central Andes of Colombia: new records for the Caldas department and the Chinchiná River basin

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    The Chinchiná River basin is located on the western slope of the Colombian Central Andes.  This basin provides ecosystem services such as water provision for &amp;gt;500,000 people, but has suffered considerable ecosystem degradation, and the information on its biodiversity is limited.  We inventoried the non-volant mammals in the Caldas’ Central Hydroelectric (CHEC) Reserve in the Chinchiná River basin, in the Caldas department. We detected 18 species of mammals, present the first record of Puma yagouaroundi for the high Chinchiná River basin,  the first record of Leopardus wi­edii for the basin and a new altitudinal record of this felid for the Colombian Central Andes, and we also report a melanistic individual of Leopardus tigrinus. We also provide the first record of Conepatus semistriatus for Caldas department. We highlight the importance of preserving forests on the Chinchiná River basin such as the CHEC Reserve, since they made serve to connect Andean forest with paramo areas on the National Natural Park Los Nevados, adding possible habitat for movements of Puma concolor and other mammals

    Men's triathlon correlation between stages and final result in the London 2012 Olympic Games

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    Introduction: Triathlon is a sport that combines three different disciplines. The most widespread triathlon is the Olympic modality, which is used in the Olympic Games, consisting of swimming 1.5 km, cycling 40 km and running 10 km. Aims: To determine the influence of the duration and order of the different stages on the final result of the men’s triathlon race in London 2012 Olympic Games. Method: Data from 54 athletes who finished was analysed. Results and conclusions: The final result is not determined neither by the order of the stages, nor by their duration, the least influential discipline being Bike without correlation with result; however being the most time consuming, 53.76%; the most influential stage was Run with rs = 0.913; and p = 0.000; and R2 =0 .833, with 28.93% duration

    Alternativas para el calentamiento de moldes en procesos de fundición por gravedad en aleaciones de aluminio-silicio

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    Tras una breve introducción en el capítulo 1 sobre el contexto, objetivos y alcance de este proyecto el lector podrá encontrar el contenido de este proyecto dividido en cuatro partes:A lo largo del capítulo 2 se describe cualitativamente y se comenta fundamentos básicos sobre los procesos de fundición junto con todos los componentes y utillajes más importantes y básicos en fundiciones de aluminio. Asimismo, se profundizará levemente en el proceso de calentamiento del molde (tema esencial para el desarrollo de este proyecto), los parámetros más importantes durante el calentamiento y la metodología a seguir para poder analizar cuantitativamente los parámetros comentados previamente. Una vez desarrollada la metodología de análisis, en el capítulo 3 se aplica el planteamiento propuesto en el capítulo anterior y se desarrolla más ampliamente todos los cálculos y resultados, a fin de conocer valores de eficiencia y calor transmitido entre otros. Finalmente, tras tener una estimación de los valores más representativos del proceso de calentamiento, se propondrán 3 alternativas distintas con respecto a la actual.Finalmente, a lo largo del capítulo 4 se concluye desarrollando dos partes: por un lado, las conclusiones obtenidas del análisis realizado en el capítulo anterior y posibles mejoras que se pueden realizar a la hora de implementar un cálculo más preciso con respecto del realizado. Por otro lado, se realiza un pequeña discusión comparativa entre los 3 métodos y el actual, concluyendo al final con el método alternativo más adecuado.<br /

    Modeling and maps generation from the spatial behavior of Sporisorium reilianum ((Kühn) Langdon y Fullerton) in Mexico State, México

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    El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de modelizar la distribución espacial del carbón de la espiga del maíz causada por Sporisorium reilianum durante 2006 en el Estado de México y su visualización a través de la generación mapas de densidad. El muestreo se realizó en 100 parcelas georreferenciadas por cada localidad analizada. La incidencia de la enfermedad (porcentaje de plantas enfermas) se determinó al establecer cinco puntos parcela, en cada punto se contabilizaron 100 plantas. Se realizó el análisis geoestadístico para estimar el semivariograma experimental, una vez obtenido, se ajustó a un modelo teórico (esférico, exponencial o gaussiano) a través de los programas Variowin 2.2., su ajuste se validó a través de la validación cruzada. Posteriormente, se elaboraron mapas de agregación de la enfermedad con el método de interpolación geoestadística o krigeado. Los resultados indicaron que la enfermedad se presentó en 20 localidades de 19 municipios del Estado de México; todas las localidades presentaron un comportamiento espacial agregado de la enfermedad, 16 localidades se ajustaron al modelo esférico, dos al modelo exponencial y dos localidades se ajustaron al modelo gaussiano. En todos los modelos se lograron establecer mapas de agregación que permitirá adecuar las acciones de manejo en términos de puntos o sitios específicos.This study was done with the purpose of modeling the spatial distribution of the head smut in maize, caused by the Sporisorium reilianum in 2006 in the Mexico State, and its visualization through the elaboration of density maps. The sampling was made in 100 parcels, which were georeferenced by location. The incidence of the disease was by establishing five points in each plot of maize. In each point 100 plants were counted by row. The plants with symptoms of this disease were registered. A geoestatistic analysis was done to estimate the experimental semivariograms once done; it was adjusted to a theoretical model (Spherical, exponential o Gaussian) through the VarioWin 2.2 program. Its adjustment was proved through the crossed validation. Subsequently aggregation maps of the disease were done through the geostatistic interpolation method or kriging. The results show that the disease was presented in 20 locations in 19 counties in the State of Mexico. All the locations presented a cluster spatial behavior of this disease. Moreover 16 locations were adjusted to the spherical model, two the exponential model and another two to the Gaussian model. In all models it was achieved to establish aggregation mapswhich will allow to adequate the management actionin the required points.Fil: Ramírez, José Francisco. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Ciencias AgrícolasFil: González, Andrés. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Ciencias AgrícolasFil: Sánchez, Jesús Ricardo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Ciencias AgrícolasFil: León, Carlos de. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Ciencias Agrícola