354 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerimaan User terhadap Penerapan Sistem Reservasi Tiketing Bus Antar Kota Antar Provinsi dengan Menggunakan SMS

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    Pelayanan pemesanan tiket saat ini memiliki dua cara, konsumen dapat membeli tiket melalui pemesanan tiket secara konvensional yaitu pembeli datang langsung ke loket – loket pejualan tiket, yang kedua konsumen dapat memesan tiket secara online melalui fasilitas internet. Saat ini sebagian besar masyarakat masih memilih dengan memesan tiket secara konvensional, hal ini dikarenakan tidak semua masyarakat yang ingin memesan tiket mempunyai fasilitas internet dirumahnya atau tidak adanya waktu untuk meluangkan waktu untuk pergi ke warung internet (warnet) untuk memesan tiket secara online, belum lagi ada kemungkinan masih adanya masyarakat yang belum memahami internet itu sendiri. Akan tetapi pemesanan tiket secara online ini dapat diatasi dengan adanya pemesanan tiket menggunakan fasilitas jaringan telepon seluler, seperti dikutip dari Asosiasi Telepon Seluler Indonesia (ATSI) tercatat pengguna telepon seluler hingga juni 2010 diperkirakan mencapai 180 juta pelanggan atau 80 % dari total penduduk Indonesia. Dengan adanya data tersebut memungkinkan terjadinya terobosan baru dalam pemesanan tiket dengan menggunakan fasilitas jaringan telepon seluler melalui sms (short message service) / pesan singkat. permasalahan yang sering muncul dalam proses reservasi tiket yang sedang berjalan saat ini yaitu menitik beratkan pada tingkat Kenyamanan, keamanan penumpang dalam memesan tiket serta mencari nilai lebih yang mungkin diperoleh penumpang. Dengan perkembangan teknolgi informasi dengan didukung semakin banyaknya pengguna telepon seluler maka dapat diberikan jawaban dari permasalahan tersebut yakni dengan menciptakan terobosan baru yaitu proses pemesanan tiket dengan menggunakan teknologi sms (short message service), dengan tekniki sms gateway diharapkan proses pemberian informasi perjalanan, harga tiket serta proses pemesanan tiket dapat dilakukan dengan otomatis dan tanpa batas

    Analisa dan Penerapan Algoritma Floyd Warshal untuk Optimalisasi Jalur Berbasis GPS

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    Makalah ini membuat tentang masalah dalam menentukan jalur terpendek atau terdekat menuju lokasi pelanggan yang memberikan keluhan, kemudian teknisi akan melakukan penugasan maintenance ke lokasi pelanggan. Dalam pelaksanaan penugasan manajemen perlu kontrol dan monitoring proses pelaksanaan penugasan oleh teknisi yang berada dilapangan. Pokok permasalahan dalam pengembangan ini adalah belum optimalnya penentuan jalur lokasi pelanggan yang membutuhkan maintenance secara cepat dan tepat. Algoritma yang digunakan dalam aplikasi adalah algoritma floyd-warshall. Pelaksanaan pengembangan ini menggunakan metode RUP (Rational Unified Process), adapun langkah-langkahnya : 1) Permulaan (inception), 2) Perluasan/Perencanaan (elaboration), 3) Konstruksi (construction), dan 4) Transisi (transition). Hasil pengembangan menunjukan bahwa : 1) Aplikasi yang dibuat sudah dapat menghasilkan solusi optimal dengan mendapatkan dan menentukan jalur terpendek menuju lokasi pelanggan bagi operasional maintenance oleh teknisi, 2) Aplikasi mampu memonitoring proses pelaksanaan penugasan, 3) Nilai jarak tempuh yang dihasilkan dari algoritma floyd-warshall dapat menghitung prediksi biaya pengeluaran bahan bakar kendaraan, dan 4) Hasil unjuk kerja aplikasi masuk dalam kategori “Sangat Layak”. Nilai persentase hasil pengujian pada aplikasi untuk setiap faktor yaitu : Functionality sebesar 88,8 %, Efficiency sebesar 86 %, dan Usability sebesar 83 %. Persentase total dari kualitas aplikasi adalah 86,2

    Mining Industrialization and Deagrarianization in Rural Community (a Case Study of Community Embalut and Bangunrejo, Tenggarong Seberang District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan)

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    East Kalimantan province has issued a mining license (IUP) reached 1,192 pieces, until August 2014. Kutai Kartanegara is a county that issued the largest IUP is 407 companies, which 218 companies have been involved in the production, while the remaining 189 are still in the exploratory stage. Embalut village and village Bangunrejo which become part of the administration Tenggarong Seberang Sub-District, Kutai Kartanegara, is a village that has more than 30 years was associated with the mining industry, PT. Kitadin. The results showed that: (1) the mining industrialization has changed the structure of land in the village Embalut and village Bangunrejo where land holdings in both villages have concentrated on coal mining companies. (2) mining Industrialization increasingly encourage people to work or livelihood in outside agriculture (deagrarianization). This study used qualitative methods, with in-depth interview techniques, group discussions, observation, and study of literature / documents

    Nanomagnetics with lasers

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    Both liquid and vapour phase pulsed laser deposition (PLD) techniques have been used to synthesize nanophase magnetic alloys of CoPt. While the liquid route results in soft phase (disordered fcc) nanoparticles of CoPt near equiatomic composition dispersed in a surfactant-polymer matrix, the conventional vapour phase PLD allows growth of high coercivity nanoscale structures of CoPt on (001) SrTiO3. The magnetization, M(T), dynamics of the colloidal particles is examined. Two distinct particle distributions are established from analysis of M(T) data, in conformity with results of electron microscopy. In vapour deposited films at low growth rate (~0.4 Å/s), morphology changes from a self-similar fractal to nanodots as the deposition temperature is raised from 700-800 °C. The large lattice mismatch between (001) SrTiO3 and the ac/bc plane of L10 ordered phase imparts tensile strain to the films whose morphological manifestations can be suppressed at high growth rates

    Pirolisis Biomassa Pelepah Sawit Menjadi Bio - Oil dengan Katalis Natural Zeolit Dealuminated (NZA)

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    Petroleum as a primary energy source at this time, increasingly limited supply. Beside the population growth will lead to the increasing need for petroleum. To overcome these problems needed alternative energy sources that can be updated is one of the bio-oil. Bio-oil produced by pyrolysis process using biomass with warming, in the absence of oxygen. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the catalyst on the yield of bio-oil produced, knowing the value of density, viscosity, acid number and flash point of bio-oil as well as knowing the chemical components of the bio-oil by GC-MS method. Pyrolysis uses palm frond as much as 50 grams along with 500 ml silinap with NZA catalysts variation of 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% w / w with a stirring speed of 300 rpm and a temperature of 320 Âș C for 120 minutes. In this penelitiam largest yield obtained on the catalyst NZA 3% variation of 44.4%. Characteristics of physical properties obtained are: density of 0.996 g / ml, 11.733 cSt viscosity, acid number 79.34 g NaOH / g sample, as well as the flash point 58 Âș C. The results of GC-MS analysis, the dominant chemical components in bio-oil are acetic acid (40.90%); methanol (9.60%); methyl ester (2.30%); phenol (32.88%); 2-furancarboxaldehyde (8.98%)

    The Advantage of Increased Resolution in the Study of Quasar Absorption Systems

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    We compare a new R = 120,000 spectrum of PG1634+706 (z_QSO = 1.337,m_V = 14.9) obtained with the HDS instrument on Subaru to a R = 45, 000 spectrum obtained previously with HIRES/Keck. In the strong MgII system at z = 0.9902 and the multiple cloud, weak MgII system at z = 1.0414, we find that at the higher resolution, additional components are resolved in a blended profile. We find that two single-cloud weak MgII absorbers were already resolved at R = 45,000, to have b = 2 - 4 km/s. The narrowest line that we measure in the R = 120, 000 spectrum is a component of the Galactic NaI absorption, with b = 0.90+/-0.20 km/s. We discuss expectations of similarly narrow lines in various applications, including studies of DLAs, the MgI phases of strong MgII absorbers, and high velocity clouds. By applying Voigt profile fitting to synthetic lines, we compare the consistency with which line profile parameters can be accurately recovered at R = 45,000 and R = 120,000. We estimate the improvement gained from superhigh resolution in resolving narrowly separated velocity components in absorption profiles. We also explore the influence of isotope line shifts and hyperfine splitting in measurements of line profile parameters, and the spectral resolution needed to identify these effects. Super high resolution spectra of quasars, which will be routinely possible with 20-meter class telescopes, will lead to greater sensitivity for absorption line surveys, and to determination of more accurate physical conditions for cold phases of gas in various environments.Comment: To appear in AJ. Paper with better resolution images available at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/anand/superhigh.AJ.pd

    Development of a method to identify change in the pattern of extreme streamflow events in future climate: Application on the Bhadra reservoir inflow in India

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    Study region: Bhadra basin (1968 km2), located in peninsular India, is considered for demonstration. Study focus: A general framework to assess the impact of climate change on the pattern of daily extreme streamflow events is proposed. Whereas, the impact is confirmed in the recent literature for most of the hydrologic variables at monthly/seasonal time scale, assessment and quantification at finer time scale, e.g. daily, is challenging. Complexity increases for the derived hydrologic variables, such as soil moisture and streamflow as compared to primary hydrologic variables, such as precipitation. The proposed general framework is demonstrated with the daily inflow to the Bhadra reservoir. Different statistical limits of extremes are defined and change in daily extreme pattern (number and magnitude) in the future (2006–2035) is assessed with respect to the baseline period (1971–2000). New hydrological insights for the region: Demonstration of the proposed methodology with the inflow to Bhadra reservoir reveals that the daily extreme events are expected to increase in number with the increase in the threshold of the extreme. For a particular threshold, the average magnitude of the extreme events in the future is found to be higher as compared to the baseline period. However, for monthly totals the case is not the same − it remains almost similar. The methodology, being general in nature, can be applied to other locations in order to assess the future change in streamflow and other derived variables

    Rapid flow fractionation of particles combining liquid and particulate dielectrophoresis

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    Rapid, size-based, deposition of particles from liquid suspension is accomplished using a nonuniform electric field created by coplanar microelectrode strips patterned on an insulating substrate. The scheme uses the dielectrophoretic force both to distribute aqueous liquid containing particles and, simultaneously, to separate the particles. Size-based separation is found within nanoliter droplets formed along the structure after voltage removal. Bioparticles or macromolecules of similar size can also be separated based on subtle differences in dielectric property, by controlling the frequency of the AC current supplied to the electrodes

    High precision quantum control of single donor spins in silicon

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    The Stark shift of the hyperfine coupling constant is investigated for a P donor in Si far below the ionization regime in the presence of interfaces using Tight-binding and Band Minima Basis approaches and compared to the recent precision measurements. The TB electronic structure calculations included over 3 million atoms. In contrast to previous effective mass based results, the quadratic Stark coefficient obtained from both theories agrees closely with the experiments. This work represents the most sensitive and precise comparison between theory and experiment for single donor spin control. It is also shown that there is a significant linear Stark effect for an impurity near the interface, whereas, far from the interface, the quadratic Stark effect dominates. Such precise control of single donor spin states is required particularly in quantum computing applications of single donor electronics, which forms the driving motivation of this work.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
