254 research outputs found

    Rapid, multiplexed microfluidic phage display

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    The development of a method for high-throughput, automated proteomic screening could impact areas ranging from fundamental molecular interactions to the discovery of novel disease markers and therapeutic targets. Surface display techniques allow for efficient handling of large molecular libraries in small volumes. In particular, phage display has emerged as a powerful technology for selecting peptides and proteins with enhanced, target-specific binding affinities. Yet, the process becomes cumbersome and time-consuming when multiple targets are involved.Here we demonstrate for the first time a microfluidic chip capable of identifying high affinity phage displayed peptides for multiple targets in just a single round and without the need for bacterial infection. The chip is shown to be able to yield well-established control consensus sequences while simultaneously identifying new sequences for clinically important targets. Indeed, the confined parameters of the device allow not only for highly controlled assay conditions but also introduce a significant time-reduction to the phage display process. We anticipate that this easily-fabricated, disposable device has the potential to impact areas ranging from fundamental studies of protein, peptide, and molecular interactions, to applications such as fully automated proteomic screening

    Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition: Where we are and the Outlook for the Future

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    Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a technique for the fabrication of thin films of polymeric materials, which has successfully overcome some of the issues faced by wet chemical fabrication and other deposition methods. There are many hybrid techniques, which arise from CVD and are constantly evolving in order to modify the properties of the fabricated thin films. Amongst them, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is a technique that can extend the applicability of the method for various precursors, reactive organic and inorganic materials as well as inert materials. Organic/inorganic monomers, which are used as precursors in the PECVD technique, undergo disintegration and radical polymerization while exposed to a high-energy plasma stream, followed by thin film deposition. In this chapter, we have provided a summary of the history, various characteristics as well as the main applications of PECVD. By demonstrating the advantages and disadvantages of PECVD, we have provided a comparison of this technique with other techniques. PECVD, like any other techniques, still suffers from some restrictions, such as selection of appropriate monomers, or suitable inlet instrument. However, the remarkable properties of this technique and variety of possible applications make it an area of interest for researchers, and offers potential for many future developments

    Large scale exploitation of the Unicorn leatherjacket by multiday trawlers

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    Aluterus monoceros commonly known as the Unicorn leatherjacket or filefishes were exploited by multiday trawlers in Karnataka, but catch volumes were always low. However since mid-April 2015, large quantities were landed both at Mangalore and Malpe Fishing Harbours. The fish has limited preference in local markets but fetches a very good price in other domestic markets and the fishers were happy with the unusual catches

    Binding of Solvated Peptide (EPLQLKM) With a Graphene Sheet Via Simulated Coarse-Grained Approach

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    Binding of a solvated peptide A1 (1E 2P 3L 4Q 5L 6K 7M) with a graphene sheet is studied by a coarse-grained computer simulation involving input from three independent simulated interaction potentials in hierarchy. A number of local and global physical quantities such as energy, mobility, and binding profiles and radius of gyration of peptides are examined as a function of temperature (T). Quantitative differences (e.g., the extent of binding within a temperature range) and qualitative similarities are observed in results from three simulated potentials. Differences in variations of both local and global physical quantities suggest a need for such analysis with multiple inputs in assessing the reliability of both quantitative and qualitative observations. While all three potentials indicate binding at low T and unbinding at high T, the extent of binding of peptide with the temperature differs. Unlike un-solvated peptides (with little variation in binding among residues), solvation accentuates the differences in residue binding. As a result the binding of solvated peptide at low temperatures is found to be anchored by three residues, 1E, 4Q, and 6K (different from that with the un-solvated peptide). Binding to unbinding transition can be described by the variation of the transverse (with respect to graphene sheet) component of the radius of gyration of the peptide (a potential order parameter) as a function of temperature


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    Silicon containing fertilizer “Siliplant” and mineral fertilizers are established to influence ornamental traits of lawn herbage. Increased projective covering of lawn herbage – meadow grass and red fes-cue – is marked with the preparation “Siliplant” and mineral fertilizers applied, particularly with their joint application. In the first and second years of research in dry and excessively humid vegetation periods the optimal results were obtained through the joint treatment with mineral fertilizers and the preparation “Siliplant”: the projective covering increased in the year of sowing by averaged 27.5 % in meadow grass and 25 % in red fescue versus the control, in the second year the covering went up by averaged 19.7 and 8.44 %, respectively. Mineral fertilizers applied increased the projective covering in the year of sowing on average by 22.5 % in meadow grass and by 20 % in red fescue, in the second year they did by 14.7 % and 6.25 %, respectively. The treatment with the silicon-containing preparation “Siliplant” increased the projective covering in the year of sowing by averaged 15 % in meadow grass and by 7.5 % in red fescue; in the second vegetation period the averaged effect of the treatment was by 6.58 and 1.51 % higher, respectively.Установлено влияние кремнийсодержащего удобрения «Силиплант» и минеральных удобрений на декоративные качества газонного травостоя. Отмечено увеличение проективного покрытия газонных травостоев мятлика лугового и овсяницы красной при применении препарата «Силиплант» и минеральных удобрений, особенно при их совместном использовании. В  первый и второй годы исследований при засушливом и избыточно влажном вегетационном периоде оптимальные результаты получены при применении минеральных удобрений совместно с препаратом «Силиплант»: проективное покрытие увеличивалось в год посева в среднем на 27,5% у мятлика лугового и на 25% у овсяницы красной по отношению к контролю, во второй год – на 19,7 и 8,44% соответственно. Применение минеральных удобрений увеличивало проективное покрытие в год посева в среднем на 22,5% у мятлика лугового и на 20% у овсяницы красной, во второй год на 14,7 и 6,25% соответственно. Применение кремнийсодержащего препарата «Силиплант» увеличивало проективное покрытие в год посева в среднем на 15% у мятлика лугового и на 7,5% у овсяницы красной; во втором вегетационном периоде на 6,58 и на 1,51% соответственно

    Monitoring Deformation in Graphene Through Hyperspectral Synchrotron Spectroscopy to Inform Fabrication

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    The promise from graphene to produce devices with high mobilities and detectors with fast response times is truncated in practice by strain and deformation originating during growth and subsequent processing. This work describes effects from graphene growth, multiple layer transfer, and substrate termination on out of plane deformation, critical to device performance. Synchrotron spectroscopy data was acquired with a state-of-the-art hyperspectral large-area detector to describe growth and processing with molecular sensitivity at wafer length scales. A study of methodologies used in data analysis discouraged dichroic ratio approaches in favor of orbital vector approximations and data mining algorithms. Orbital vector methods provide a physical insight into mobility-detrimental rippling by identifying ripple frequency as main actor, rather than intensity; which was confirmed by data mining algorithms, and in good agreement with electron scattering theories of corrugation in graphene. This work paves the way to efficient information from mechanical properties in graphene in a high throughput mode throughout growth and processing in a materials by design approach

    Changes in reflectin protein phosphorylation are associated with dynamic iridescence in squid

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of The Royal Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of The Royal Society Interface 6 (2010): 549-560, doi:10.1098/rsif.2009.0299.Many cephalopods exhibit remarkable dermal iridescence, a component of their complex, dynamic camouflage and communication. In the species Euprymna scolopes, the light-organ iridescence is static and is due to reflectin protein-based platelets assembled into lamellar thin-film reflectors called iridosomes, contained within iridescent cells called iridocytes. Squid in the family Loliginidae appear to be unique in that the dermis possesses a dynamic iridescent component, with reflective, colored structures that are assembled and disassembled under the control of the muscarinic cholinergic system and the associated neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Mathger et al. 2004). Here we present the sequences and characterization of three new members of the reflectin family associated with the dynamically changeable iridescence in Loligo and not found in static Euprymna iridophores. In addition, we show that application of genistein, a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, suppresses acetylcholine- and calcium-induced iridescence in Loligo. We further demonstrate that two of these novel reflectins are extensively phosphorylated in concert with the activation of iridescence by exogenous acetylcholine. This phosphorylation and the correlated iridescence can be blocked with genistein. Our results suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation of reflectin proteins is involved in the regulation of dynamic iridescence in Loligo.We gratefully acknowledge support from Anteon contract F33615-03-D-5408 to the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA and grant # W911NF-06-1-0285 from the Army Research Office to D.E.M

    Biofunctionalized Zinc Oxide Field Effect Transistors for Selective Sensing of Riboflavin with Current Modulation

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    Zinc oxide field effect transistors (ZnO-FET), covalently functionalized with single stranded DNA aptamers, provide a highly selective platform for label-free small molecule sensing. The nanostructured surface morphology of ZnO provides high sensitivity and room temperature deposition allows for a wide array of substrate types. Herein we demonstrate the selective detection of riboflavin down to the pM level in aqueous solution using the negative electrical current response of the ZnO-FET by covalently attaching a riboflavin binding aptamer to the surface. The response of the biofunctionalized ZnO-FET was tuned by attaching a redox tag (ferrocene) to the 3′ terminus of the aptamer, resulting in positive current modulation upon exposure to riboflavin down to pM levels