5 research outputs found

    Environmental aspects of CNG vehicles

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřená na téma environmentální aspekty provozu vozů na CNG. Nejprve je představen zemní plyn jako palivo pro spalovací motory. Jsou zhodnoceny jeho výhody a nevýhody. Dále jsou popsány jednotlivé spalovací systémy a komponenty motoru na stlačený zemní plyn. Hlavní část práce je zaměřená na ekologii. Je popsán vliv na životní prostředí u spalování stlačeného zemního plynu v porovnání s konvenčními palivy. Toto porovnání je provedeno také podle objektivnější Well to Wheels analýzy.This bachelor‘s thesis is focused on matter of environmental aspects of cars powered by CNG. At first natural gas is introduced as a fuel for combustion engines. In the next step pros and cons are evaluated. Then there are described individual combustion systems and components of engine powered by natural gas. The main part of this thesis is focused on ecology. There is mentioned the impact on environment, comparing the impact of natural gas with other conventional fuels. This comparison is realised through the more objective Well to Wheels analysis as well.

    Production technology of a lifting equipment for tractor cooler

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem výrobní technologie pro zdvihací zařízení chladiče traktoru. Toto zařízení slouží k usnadnění montáže chladiče při výrobě traktoru. V první části jsou popsány druhy zdvihacích zařízení. V následujících kapitolách jsou navrženy výrobní technologie, stroje a nástroje pro výrobu dané součásti. Jsou navrženy materiály a výrobní postupy pro zhotovení zadané součásti. V závěru jsou pro navržený způsob výroby vypracovány technologické postupy, spočítána časová náročnost a provedeno technicko-ekonomické zhodnocení výroby.The thesis focuses on production technology of the lifting equipment for a tractor cooler. This device is used in order to ease the installation of a cooler during the manufacturing of a tractor. In the first chapter, various types of the lifting equipment are described. In the following chapters manufacturing methods, machines and tools for the production of the specific component are described. Furthermore, materials and manufacturing processes for the complementation of the specific component are proposed. In the conclusion, the methods for the manufacturing are suggested, the timescale is calculated and the technical-economical evaluation is performed.

    Ocular Drug Delivery

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    Ocular drug delivery has been a major challenge to pharmacologists and drug delivery scientists due to its unique anatomy and physiology. Static barriers (different layers of cornea, sclera, and retina including blood aqueous and blood–retinal barriers), dynamic barriers (choroidal and conjunctival blood flow, lymphatic clearance, and tear dilution), and efflux pumps in conjunction pose a significant challenge for delivery of a drug alone or in a dosage form, especially to the posterior segment. Identification of influx transporters on various ocular tissues and designing a transporter-targeted delivery of a parent drug has gathered momentum in recent years. Parallelly, colloidal dosage forms such as nanoparticles, nanomicelles, liposomes, and microemulsions have been widely explored to overcome various static and dynamic barriers. Novel drug delivery strategies such as bioadhesive gels and fibrin sealant-based approaches were developed to sustain drug levels at the target site. Designing noninvasive sustained drug delivery systems and exploring the feasibility of topical application to deliver drugs to the posterior segment may drastically improve drug delivery in the years to come. Current developments in the field of ophthalmic drug delivery promise a significant improvement in overcoming the challenges posed by various anterior and posterior segment diseases