792 research outputs found

    Legal Patterns of Global Governance: Participatory Transnational Governance

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    Multilevel trade governance and transnational social regulation put democratic self-regulation under stress. A growing number of supra- and transnational norms, rules, and regulations on trade, environmental issues, or any other field of regulation, prove that we are facing another great transformation, the transformation of international relations and intergovernmental politics into law-generating fora, with government and private networks and a number of court-like institutions as central actors. This process of transnational juridification limits parliamentary rooms for manoeuvre and comprehensively alienates many citizens submitted to transnational regulation from this process. This contribution attempts to clarify the mechanisms at work. In a second step it seeks to identify possible concepts that could grasp this transformation, and confronts them again with the problem of self-government. In a bow to the particularities of the transnational sphere, it tries to resist the methodological nation-state trap. Instead, it supports a constitutionalization of participative structures in global administrative governance. The outline, degree, and limits of such a concept are not self-explaining. The EU and its attempts to integrate civic participation, thus, may illustrate concrete outlines of such a project. This reconstruction allows for concluding observations on global structures and the constitutionalization of participatory transnational governance on a global scale

    El futuro del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos : ¿hacia el protocolo 15?

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    En este trabajo, vamos a analizar, en primer lugar, las soluciones propuestas por el Protocolo 14, para pasar luego, primero, al estudio de la posición rusa, que bloquea la entrada en vigor del Protocolo, y, después, de las propuestas lanzadas por el Grupo de Sabios. Aunque el análisis se centrará fundamentalmente en el Protocolo 14, siendo la sección 11 la parte fundamental de este trabajo, no hemos querido dejar de hacer unas referencias breves a algún aspecto relevante de la cuestión según las perspectivas española, alemana y de la Unión Europea. No obstante estas secciones -111, IV Y V-son necesariamente breves. El trabajo se cerrará con una reflexión sobre las medidas que serían necesarias para superar la crisis del Sistema Europeo de Derechos Humanos, de manera que éste resultara reforzado, medidas que se podrían recoger también en un futuro Protocolo 15

    Operator splittings and spatial approximations for evolution equations

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    The convergence of various operator splitting procedures, such as the sequential, the Strang and the weighted splitting, is investigated in the presence of a spatial approximation. To this end a variant of Chernoff's product formula is proved. The methods are applied to abstract partial delay differential equations.Comment: to appear in J. Evol. Equations. Reviewers comments are incorporate


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    Gobernanza es un término puente. Conecta una perspectiva proveniente de la ciencia política –gobernanza entendida como una teoría avanzada del gobierno y la regulación- y una proveniente de la ciencia jurídica –gobernanza por y a través de estructuras de regulación-. Representa un cambio estructural en el ejercicio del poder público, no en el sentido de un debilitamiento, sino en el sentido de un cambio de forma. De esta manera, la gobernanza amplía el espectro de las estructuras de regulación sin reemplazar las formas tradicionales de gobierno. Es una técnica complementaria que existe de manera paralela a las técnicas verticales (top-down) tradicionales de administración y regulación. El giro hacia la gobernanza, tanto en el derecho como en la ciencia política, plantea serios problemas como las tendencias a la desformalización del derecho, la creciente despolitización de las estructuras creadoras de derecho y la privatización de la regulación que pone en peligro la implementación de objetivos públicos.Palabras clave: Gobernanza, gobernanza global, regulación, despolitización, democracia.Abstract: Governance is a bridge term. It connects a perspective from political sciences - Governance as an advanced theory of governing and regulating – and a perspective from legal science - Governance by and through regulatory structures. It represents a structural change in the execution of public power, not in the sense of a decline, but in the sense of a change in the mode. In this regard Governance broadens the spectrum of regulatory structures without replacing traditional ways of governing; it is a complimentary technique which exists parallel to the traditional techniques of top-down administration and regulation. The turn to governance in law and politics raises serious concerns: about trends towards a de-formalization of law, about a growing de-politicization of law-making structures, and about a privatization of regulation that endangers the implementation of public goals.Keywords: Governance, global governance, regulation, de-politicization, democracy


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    La voz analiza el surgimiento y evolución del concepto de interlegalidad, exponiendo de manera general los principales elementos que integran tanto este concepto como el de pluralismo jurídico. De igual manera se estudian los problemas y límites que dichos conceptos presentan, así como los debates que en torno a ellos se han planteado. Palabras clave: Interlegalidad, pluralismo jurídico, jerarquía jurídica, derecho, entrelazamiento de órdenes jurídicosAbstract: This article analyzes the emergence and evolution of the concept of interlegality, delineating the main elements of this concept, as well as the concept of legal pluralism. Likewise, the article studies the difficulties and limits of the analyzed concepts and the debates their use has generated. Keywords: Interlegality, legal pluralism, legal hierarchy, law, intertwinement of legal orders

    Dynamic Integration of Generalized Cues for Person Tracking

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    Loss of autophagy protein ATG5 impairs cardiac capacity in mice and humans through diminishing mitochondrial abundance and disrupting Ca2+Ca^{\text{2+}} cycling

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    Aims Autophagy protects against the development of cardiac hypertrophy and failure. While aberrant Ca2+ handling promotes myocardial remodelling and contributes to contractile dysfunction, the role of autophagy in maintaining Ca2+ homeostasis remains elusive. Here, we examined whether Atg5 deficiency-mediated autophagy promotes early changes in subcellular Ca2+ handling in ventricular cardiomyocytes, and whether those alterations associate with compromised cardiac reserve capacity, which commonly precedes the onset of heart failure. Methods and results RT–qPCR and immunoblotting demonstrated reduced Atg5 gene and protein expression and decreased abundancy of autophagy markers in hypertrophied and failing human hearts. The function of ATG5 was examined using cardiomyocyte-specific Atg5-knockout mice (Atg5−/−). Before manifesting cardiac dysfunction, Atg5−/− mice showed compromised cardiac reserve in response to β-adrenergic stimulation. Consequently, effort intolerance and maximal oxygen consumption were reduced during treadmill-based exercise tolerance testing. Mechanistically, cellular imaging revealed that Atg5 deprivation did not alter spatial and functional organization of intracellular Ca2+ stores or affect Ca2+ cycling in response to slow pacing or upon acute isoprenaline administration. However, high-frequency stimulation exposed stunted amplitude of Ca2+ transients, augmented nucleoplasmic Ca2+ load, and increased CaMKII activity, especially in the nuclear region of hypertrophied Atg5−/− cardiomyocytes. These changes in Ca2+ cycling were recapitulated in hypertrophied human cardiomyocytes. Finally, ultrastructural analysis revealed accumulation of mitochondria with reduced volume and size distribution, meanwhile functional measurements showed impaired redox balance in Atg5−/− cardiomyocytes, implying energetic unsustainability due to overcompensation of single mitochondria, particularly under increased workload. Conclusion Loss of cardiac Atg5-dependent autophagy reduces mitochondrial abundance and causes subtle alterations in subcellular Ca2+ cycling upon increased workload in mice. Autophagy-related impairment of Ca2+ handling is progressively worsened by β-adrenergic signalling in ventricular cardiomyocytes, thereby leading to energetic exhaustion and compromised cardiac reserve
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