62 research outputs found

    Computer Application of Principal Component Analysis to Boundary Identification and Well-to-Well Correlation

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    Many studies have employed automated procedures in well-log interpretation to aid the identification of formation boundaries, and perform cross-correlation between formations in different boreholes. These investigations have demonstrated the use of only one well-log variable, usually resistivity or Gamma Ray logs in the process. In conventional well-log interpretation, different well-log variables or a group of variables are used for different tasks. This project makes use of principal components and spectral analysis as the basis for well-log interpretation, including automatic formation boundary identification and cross-correlation using the first principal component of well-log variables. By transforming a set of well-log data using principal components analysis a single new variable is extracted from the first principal component scores which accounts for a significant amount of the variation within the original data. A further improvement in the results is obtained by passing the data through a moving filter to reduce noise. Boundary identification is performed by generalized distance (D2 ) method. Cross-correlation between the filtered principal components of two boreholes is then made by matching each formation of one borehole with a part of another. Both the stretch factor which accounts for thickening or thinning between sequences and the relative vertical displacement of the formation are calculated. This requires the calculation of the power spectra, derived form the fast Fourier transform of the principal component data, with high pass filtering using the derivative filter to obtain the appropriate resolution. This new technique was applied on model and real well-log data from five boreholes in the Attahaddy field, Libya. Although the Attahaddy field is structurally complex, the method was found to be reliable at predicting both the geological boundaries of the different formations, and the correlation of formations between boreholes. The distinctive value of this new approach is in its application of the first principal component of the original well-log variables. Such application has many advantages over the previous studies. PCAXCOR is a new computer program written in F77 to perform all the necessary computation for boundary identification and well-to-well correlation based on principal component analysis. Graphical output of the results uses a number of new functions in the S language


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    ABSTRAK KONSEP BIOLOGICAL ASSETS DALAM PANDANGAN PETANI KELAPA PADA DESA WONOSARI (Sebuah Pendekatan Etnografi) OLEH: AULIA RAHUMA NIM.11970322911 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab tiga permasalahan yang dirumuskan oleh penulis. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Desa Wonosari, Kecamatan Pelangiran, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan Etnografi oleh Spradley (1997) dengan 9 langkah metode pengumpulan data dan berdasarkan teori PSAK 69. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: Menurut pandangan petani kelapa mengenai biological assets mereka sudah mengetahui bahwa kelapa memiliki aset atau pendapatan bagi mereka, namun mereka hanya mampu untuk memproduksi buah kelapanya saja untuk dijual karena dirasakan untuk memanfaatkan batang kelapa, daun kelapa, air kelapa, dan lain-lain, memerlukan biaya, waktu dan transportasi yang memadai. Hambatan atau kesulitan yang dialami petani kelapa ada empat macam (Musim hujan, Musim kemarau, hama, dan hewan pemakan tanaman). Petani kelapa di desa Wonosari sudah mulai membuat catatan yang memisahkan antara pendapatan dari biological assets dengan pendapatan lainnya. Kata kunci : Biological Assets, Perkebunan Kelapa, Etnograf

    Runtuhnya Kejayaan Kesultanan Turki Utsmani Menurut Teori Filsafat Sejarah Malik Bennabi

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    The second peak of Muslim glory occurred during the reign of three great empires: the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Sultanates in India (Muhammad, 2015). During the reign of Murad I (3rd Ottoman Sultan) 761 AH/359 AD-789 AH/1389 AD, in 2018 he further expanded his territory to the European continent and strengthened internal security. At that time the Ottoman Turks were a nation that dynamic and has extensive knowledge supported by the Sultanate which has a strong army to expand its territory. The greatest success was that the Ottoman Turks managed to occupy the most strategic area, namely Constantinople, which was a strategic area for trade at that time which was located on land between the continents of Asia and Europe. This article aims to examine the cycle of collapse of the Ottoman Empire according to Malik Bennabi's philosophical theory of history. The method used by the author in this article is the historical research method. The historical method used in this article consists of four stages, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation and writing. The results of this research can be concluded that the factors causing the collapse of the Ottoman Turks are in line with Malik Bennabi's theory of civilization which states that the Islamic Ummah experienced modeling because it did not always renew its civilization. At that time, Ottoman TĂĽrkiye was satisfied with its glory and was seen as an Empire that was feared by the nation. The reforms that the Sultan wanted to carry out in the military sector at that time were rejected by the imperial army. Thoughts that were not developed and tended to be primitive and satisfied with the achievements that had been achieved were what brought weakness to various aspects of the Ottoman Empire

    Peran Manusia Dalam Sejarah Menurut Pandangan Dan Teori Ali Syariati

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    Ali syari'ati, seorang cendekiawan muslim iran terkemuka, menawarkan presektif unik dan kritis tentang peran manusia dalam sejrah. Dia mengemukakan teori filsafat sejarah yang komprehensif yang menekankan peran aktif manusia dalam membentuk sejarah. Teorinya didasarkan pada beberapa pilar utama yaitu: penciptjaan dan kebebasan manusia : manusia bukan hanya korban atau penonton pasif dalam sejarah, melainkan agen aktif yang memiliki kemampuan untuk membentuk dan mengubah sejarah. Kemampuan ini berasal dari kebebasan dan kreativitas yang dianugrahkan Tuhan kepada manusia. Sejarah sebagai arena perjuangan : sejarah bukan hanya catatan peristiwa melainkan arena perjuangan antara kekuatan berpikir,eksploitasi, dan ketidakadilan, sedangkan disislain terdapat kekuatan kedamaian, keadilan, dan kesetaraan. Manusia memiliki tanggung jawab moral untuk terlibat dalam perjuangan ini untuk mencapai masyarakat yang lebih baik. Peran Agama: Agama, menurut Syari'ati, dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi dan motivasi bagi manusia dalam perjuangan mereka untuk keadilan dan pengampunan. Dia mengkritik interpretasi agama yang statis dan dogmatis, dan menekankan peran agama dalam mendorong perubahan sosial yang positif. Penggerak Perubahan Melalui Dialektika: Syari'ati melihat sejarah sebagai proses dialektis, di mana konflik dan konflik mendorong perubahan. Melalui proses ini, manusia dapat mencapai kemajuan dan mewujudkan potensi penuh mereka. Iman dan Aksi yang Saling Menguatkan : Bagi Syari'ati, iman dan perjuangan berjalan seiring. Iman memberikan kekuatan dan tekad bagi manusia untuk memperjuangkan keadilan, dan perjuangan itu sendiri memperkuat iman mereka. Iman tanpa aksi adalah sia-sia, dan aksi tanpa iman adalah buta arah. Teori Syari'ati tentang peran manusia dalam sejarah telah menerima berbagai kritik, termasuk kekurangan dasar empiris, keterbatasan yang berlebihan, dan potensi yang dibahas. Terlepas dari kritik tersebut, teorinya menawarkan perspektif yang unik dan inspiratif. Dia menekankan tanggung jawab manusia untuk terlibat aktif dalam membentuk sejarah mereka sendiri dan memperjuangkan masyarakat yang lebih adil dan manusiawi

    Semantically-enhanced image tagging system

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    In multimedia databases, data are images, audio, video, texts, etc. Research interests in these types of databases have increased in the last decade or so, especially with the advent of the Internet and Semantic Web. Fundamental research issues vary from unified data modelling, retrieval of data items and dynamic nature of updates. The thesis builds on findings in Semantic Web and retrieval techniques and explores novel tagging methods for identifying data items. Tagging systems have become popular which enable the users to add tags to Internet resources such as images, video and audio to make them more manageable. Collaborative tagging is concerned with the relationship between people and resources. Most of these resources have metadata in machine processable format and enable users to use free- text keywords (so-called tags) as search techniques. This research references some tagging systems, e.g. Flicker, delicious and myweb2.0. The limitation with such techniques includes polysemy (one word and different meaning), synonymy (different words and one meaning), different lexical forms (singular, plural, and conjugated words) and misspelling errors or alternate spellings. The work presented in this thesis introduces semantic characterization of web resources that describes the structure and organization of tagging, aiming to extend the existing Multimedia Query using similarity measures to cater for collaborative tagging. In addition, we discuss the semantic difficulties of tagging systems, suggesting improvements in their accuracies. The scope of our work is classified as follows: (i) Increase the accuracy and confidence of multimedia tagging systems. (ii) Increase the similarity measures of images by integrating varieties of measures. To address the first shortcoming, we use the WordNet based on a tagging system for social sharing and retrieval of images as a semantic lingual ontology resource. For the second shortcoming we use the similarity measures in different ways to recognise the multimedia tagging system. Fundamental to our work is the novel information model that we have constructed for our computation. This is based on the fact that an image is a rich object that can be characterised and formulated in n-dimensions, each dimension contains valuable information that will help in increasing the accuracy of the search. For example an image of a tree in a forest contains more information than an image of the same tree but in a different environment. In this thesis we characterise a data item (an image) by a primary description, followed by n-secondary descriptions. As n increases, the accuracy of the search improves. We give various techniques to analyse data and its associated query. To increase the accuracy of the tagging system we have performed different experiments on many images using similarity measures and various techniques from VoI (Value of Information). The findings have shown the linkage/integration between similarity measures and that VoI improves searches and helps/guides a tagger in choosing the most adequate of tags

    Comparison Between Atmospheric Turbidity Coefficients of Desert and Temperate Climates

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    Knowledge of the solar radiation available on the earth’s surface is essential for the development of solar energy devices and for estimating of their performance efficiencies. For this purpose it is helpful to study the attenuation of direct normal irradiance by the atmosphere, in terms of fundamental quantities, including optical thickness, relative optical air mass, water vapor content, and aerosol amount. In the present article, we will not deal with cloudy atmospheres because of their great variability in space and time, but will focus our attention on atmospheres characterized by the complete absence of condensed water. The objectives of this article are to report data on aerosol optical depth and atmospheric turbidity coefficients for a desert climate, and to compare them with those of a temperate climate. Aerosol optical depth, the Linke turbidity factor, TL, and ngström turbidity coefficients, _, are calculated from measurements of broadband filters at Helwan, Egypt, which has a desert climate. A linear regression model is to be determined between the Linke factor and the ngström turbidity coefficient. This relation is compared with similar relations reported for a temperate climate [Prague, Czech Republic]. This comparison is made to determine whether a universal relation exists between these two important coefficients, or whether the relation is location dependent

    A Study into Teaching English Grammar with Reference to Tripoli University

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    This study examined teachers and learners’ beliefs about teaching English grammar at Tripoli University. It explored the role of grammar in this context and the optimal method or approach of teaching grammar in such a context. The present investigation aimed at identifying the causes behind the learners’ difficulties in using their knowledge of grammar to communicate effectively and the challenges, which confront the lecturers when dealing with grammar instruction. Grammar teaching has been and continues to be a source of controversy, and heated debate, which has led many second language researchers to rethink the status of grammar in language learning and teaching. Grammar has often generated conflicting views. Thornbury (2009) argues that no other issue has preoccupied theorists and practitioners as much as the grammar debate which has brought about a split of views, specifically into those who claim that grammar should not be taught at all, and others who believe that grammar should be given a central role in English language teaching . In order to achieve reliable and valid results, this research employed a mixed methods approach, since relying on one single research approach and strategy could reduce the effectiveness of this study. The underpinning philosophy identifying this study is positivism because of the large amount of quantitative data. The justification for combining a quantitative and qualitative research approach is related to the purpose of the study, the nature of the problem and research questions. Accordingly, quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire involving students at the English language department at Tripoli University. This was supported by qualitative data collected by using semi- structured interviews for lecturers teaching grammar at the English department. The findings of this study showed that students and lecturers at Tripoli University valued the role of grammar instruction and that it should be recognised in all the different skills. The findings also revealed that the participants were unhappy with the way grammar is taught in lectures. They also suggested that further research be conducted in all the different teaching skills. This study is pertinent because it has academic value. It has added to the literature on the importance of English grammar and contribute to the ongoing debate of whether grammar should be taught or acquired. In addition, it will benefit the students and lecturers in developing communicative competence by enhancing grammar teaching. It will raise awareness about the challenges of teaching English grammar in Libya and benefit future researchers interested in the teaching of grammar

    Changes in education and culture have an impact on the livelihood system in the Saribu Rumah Gadang areaSouth Solok Regency

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    This research is motivated by the interest of the author in looking at the changes in the livelihood system that exist in the community in the Thousand Gadang Houses of South Solok Regency. The approach that the researchers used in this study was a qualitative approach. This article will describe the changes that have taken place in the livelihood system after becoming Saribu Rumah Gadang area. The theory used in this study is structuration theory by Anthony Giddens. According to the Giddens the agent is able to make changes with the power he has. The structure can also affect the agent so that duality occurs. The results of the study indicate that there was a change in the livelihood system for women. Characterized by changing the livelihoods of women from farming to making crafts and selling local souvenirs. Keywords: Livelihood Changes, Agriculture, Crafts
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