141 research outputs found

    IGR J18483-0311: a new intermediate supergiant fast X-ray transient

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    IGR J18483-0311 is a high-mass X-ray binary recently discovered by INTEGRAL. Its periodic fast X-ray transient activity and its position in the Corbet diagram - although ambiguous - led to the conclusion that the source was a likely Be/X-ray binary (BeXB), even if a supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) nature could not be excluded. We aimed at identifying the companion star of IGR J18483-0311 to discriminate between the BeXB and the SFXT nature of the source. Optical and near-infrared photometry, as well as near-infrared spectroscopy of the companion star were performed to identify its spectral type. We also assembled and fitted its broad-band spectral energy distribution to derive its physical parameters. We show that the companion star of IGR J18483-0311 is an early-B supergiant, likely a B0.5Ia, and that its distance is about 3-4 kpc. The early-B supergiant nature of its companion star, as well as its fast X-ray transient activity point towards an SFXT nature of IGR J18483-0311. Nevertheless, the long duration and the periodicity of its outbursts, as well as its high level of quiescence, are consistent with IGR J18483-0311 being an intermediate SFXT, in between classical supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) characterised by small and circular orbits, and classical SFXTs with large and eccentric orbits.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, accepted in A&

    The not-so-massive black hole in the microquasar GRS1915+105

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    We present a new dynamical study of the black hole X-ray transient GRS1915+105 making use of near-infrared spectroscopy obtained with X-shooter at the VLT. We detect a large number of donor star absorption features across a wide range of wavelengths spanning the H and K bands. Our 24 epochs covering a baseline of over 1 year permit us to determine a new binary ephemeris including a refined orbital period of P=33.85 +/- 0.16 d. The donor star radial velocity curves deliver a significantly improved determination of the donor semi-amplitude which is both accurate (K_2=126 +/- 1 km/s) and robust against choice of donor star template and spectral features used. We furthermore constrain the donor star's rotational broadening to vsini=21 +/-4 km/s, delivering a binary mass ratio of q=0.042 +/- 0.024. If we combine these new constraints with distance and inclination estimates derived from modelling the radio emission, a black hole mass of M_BH=10.1 +/- 0.6 M_sun is inferred, paired with an evolved mass donor of M_2=0.47 +/- 0.27 M_sun. Our analysis suggests a more typical black hole mass for GRS1915+105 rather than the unusually high values derived in the pioneering dynamical study by Greiner et al. (2001). Our data demonstrate that high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of obscured accreting binaries can deliver dynamical mass determinations with a precision on par with optical studies

    Unveiling the nature of IGR J16283-4838

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    Context. One of the most striking discoveries of the INTEGRAL observatory is the existence of a previously unknown population of X-ray sources in the inner arms of the Galaxy. The investigations of the optical/NIR counterparts of some of them have provided evidence that they are highly absorbed high mass X-ray binaries hosting supergiants. Aims. We aim to identify the optical/NIR counterpart of one of the newly discovered INTEGRAL sources, IGR J16283-4838, and determine the nature of this system. Methods. We present optical and NIR observations of the field of IGR J16283-4838, and use the astrometry and photometry of the sources within it to identify its counterpart. We obtain its NIR spectrum, and its optical/NIR spectral energy distribution by means of broadband photometry. We search for the intrinsic polarization of its light, and its short and long-term photometric variability. Results. We demonstrate that this source is a highly absorbed HMXB located beyond the Galactic center, and that it may be surrounded by a variable circumstellar medium.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Monitoring Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients with Swift. Rise to the outburst in IGR J16479-4514

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    IGR J16479-4514 is a Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient (SFXT), a new class of High Mass X-ray Binaries, whose number is rapidly growing thanks to the observations of the Galactic plane performed with the INTEGRAL satellite. IGR J16479-4514 has been regularly monitored with Swift/XRT since November 2007, to study the quiescent emission, the outburst properties and their recurrence. A new bright outburst, reaching fluxes above 10−9^{-9} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}, was caught by the Swift/BAT. Swift immediately re-pointed at the target with the narrow-field instruments so that, for the first time, an outburst from a SFXT where a periodicity in the outburst recurrence is unknown could be observed simultaneously in the 0.2--150 keV energy band. The X-ray emission is highly variable and spans almost four orders of magnitude in count rate during the Swift/XRT observations covering a few days before and after the bright peak. The X-ray spectrum in outburst is hard and highly absorbed. The power-law fit resulted in a photon index of 0.98±0.07\pm{0.07}, and in an absorbing column density of ∼5×1022\sim5\times10^{22} cm−2^{-2}. These observations demonstrate that in this source (similarly to what was observed during the 2007 outburst from the periodic SFXT IGR J11215-5952), the accretion phase lasts much longer than a few hours.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astrophysical Journal Letters. 5 pages, 4 figure

    IGRJ16479-4514: the first eclipsing supergiant fast X-ray transient?

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    Supergiant fast X-ray transients are a new class of high mass X-ray binaries recently discovered with INTEGRAL. Hours long outbursts from these sources have been observed on numerous occasions at luminosities of ~1E36-1E37 erg/s, whereas their low level activity at ~1E32-1E34 erg/s has not been deeply investigated yet due to the paucity of long pointed observations with high sensitivity X-ray telescopes. Here we report on the first long (~32 ks) pointed XMM-Newton observation of IGR J16479-4514, a member of this new class. This observation was carried out in March 2008, shortly after an outburst from this source, with the main goal of investigating its low level emission and physical mechanisms that drive the source activity. Results from the timing, spectral and spatial analysis of the EPIC-PN XMM-Newton observation show that the X-ray source IGRJ16479-4514 underwent an episode of sudden obscuration, possibly an X-ray eclipse by the supergiant companion. We also found evidence for a soft X-ray extended halo around the source that is most readily interpreted as due to scattering by dust along the line of sight to IGRJ16479-4514. We discuss this result in the context of the gated accretion scenarios that have been proposed to interpret the behaviour of supergiant fast X-ray transient.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS letter. 6 pages and 5 figures. We updated one reference and the acknowledgment

    Swift follow-up observations of 17 INTEGRAL sources of uncertain or unknown nature

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    (abridged) We analysed data from observations of 17 INTEGRAL sources made with the Swift satellite. We refine the position of the hard X-ray sources to an accuracy of a few arcsec. We then browsed the online catalogs (e.g., NED, SIMBAD, 2MASS, 2MASX, USNO) to search for counterparts at other wavelengths. We also made use of the X-ray spectral parameters to try to identify the nature of those sources. We provide the X-ray position with arcsec accuracy, identify possible infrared and optical counterparts (when found), give the magnitudes in those bands and in the optical and UV as seen with the Swift/UVOT telescope when observations are available. We confirm the previously suggested associations and source types for IGR J03532-6829, J05346-5759, J10101-5654, J13000+2529, J13020-6359, J15479-4529, J18214-1318, and J23206+6431. We identify IGR J09025-6814 as an AGN for the first time, and we suggest that it may be a Seyfert 2. We suggest that IGR J05319-6601, J16287-5021, J17353-3539 and J17476-2253 are X-ray binaries, with J05319-6601 being located in the LMC and the other three possibly being HMXBs in our Galaxy. For IGR J15161-3827 and J20286+2544, we find several possible X-ray counterparts in the IBIS error region, and we discuss which, if any, are the likely counterparts. Both are likely AGNs, although the latter could be a blend of two AGNs. For IGR J03184-0014 and J19267+1325, we find X-ray sources slightly outside the IBIS error circle. In the former, we do not favour an association of the Swift and INTEGRAL source, while it is very likely that IGR J19267+1325 and the Swift source are the same.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    X-ray Pulsations from the region of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J17544-2619

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    Phase-targeted RXTE observations have allowed us to detect a transient 71.49 \pm 0.02 s signal that is most likely to be originating from the supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J17544-2619. The phase-folded light curve shows a possible double-peaked structure with a pulsed flux of ~4.8*10^-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1 (3-10 keV). Assuming the signal to indicate the spin period of the neutron star in the system, the provisional location of IGR J17544-2619 on the Corbet diagram places the system within the classical wind-fed supergiant XRB region. Such a result illustrates the growing trend of supergiant fast X-ray transients to span across both of the original classes of HMXB in Porb - Pspin space.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics main journa
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