11 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Dekomposisi Ammonium Carbamate pada Tekanan Tinggi di Pabrik Urea

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    Urea acts as a nitrogen-based fertilizer to boost crop production and prevent a worldwide hunger crisis. Considering ways to make urea production in existing plants more environmentally friendly, a detailed study has been conducted on the high-pressure stripper, in which the equipment uses intensive energy to decompose ammonium carbamate. The mathematical model was prepared using the two-film theory. The UNIQUAC and Redlich-Kwong equations of state have been used to express nonideality in the NH3-CO2-H2O-urea system under high pressure and temperature circumstances. Due to the lack of transport properties in extreme conditions, the properties were estimated using a theoretical method. The present study obtained the mass-transfer coefficient in dimensionless form  and . Moreover, the heat-transfer coefficient was calculated using the Chilton-Colburn analogy. The proposed model result matches what is expected with the commercial plant data. Furthermore, with less than 5% relative deviations, the model deserves significant consideration for any practical use in high-pressure stripper simulatio

    Pemodelan Dekomposisi Ammonium Carbamate pada Tekanan Tinggi di Pabrik Urea

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    Urea acts as a nitrogen-based fertilizer to boost crop production and prevent a worldwide hunger crisis. Considering ways to make urea production in existing plants more environmentally friendly, a detailed study has been conducted on the high-pressure stripper, in which the equipment uses intensive energy to decompose ammonium carbamate. The mathematical model was prepared using the two-film theory. The UNIQUAC and Redlich-Kwong equations of state have been used to express nonideality in the NH3-CO2-H2O-urea system under high pressure and temperature circumstances. Due to the lack of transport properties in extreme conditions, the properties were estimated using a theoretical method. The present study obtained the mass-transfer coefficient in dimensionless form  and . Moreover, the heat-transfer coefficient was calculated using the Chilton-Colburn analogy. The proposed model result matches what is expected with the commercial plant data. Furthermore, with less than 5% relative deviations, the model deserves significant consideration for any practical use in high-pressure stripper simulatio


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh perencanaan anggaran, pelaksanaan anggaran,pelaporan anggaran, dan evaluasi kinerja terhadap akuntabillitas kinerja Pemerintah Kabupaten Alor.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dengan teknik analisisdata menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, terdapatpengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Perencanaan Anggaran, Pelaporan/Pertanggungjawaban Anggaran,Evaluasi Kinerja terhadap Akuntabilitas Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Alor, Sementara variabelPelaksanaan Anggaran tidak berpengaruh

    Penerjemahan Karya Fiksi

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    Prototipe Robot Kapal Pengukur Tingkat PH dan Turbiditas Air Berbasis Metode Modified Fuzzy

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    The quality of lake or pond water is usually determined through testing of several water samples in the laboratory. This certainly takes time especially when the place of measurement is wide enough. This research designed a water quality gauge control based on the Modified Fuzzy method and equipped with pH sensors and turbidity sensors to measure the potential of Hydrogen (pH) and turbidity of water. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) on a laptop was used to control the ship manually and display the measurement results. Wireless control through Bluetooth communication was used to set up the two DC motor as the driving force of the ship. The modified Fuzzy method was used to divide water quality into 3 categories that are good, not good, and poor. The test results proved that every command on the GUI can be run by the ship and the measurement results can be displayed directly to the user. The maximum distance measurement using Bluetooth was 28 meters. The pH sensors and turbidity sensors were able to measure at any specified location point. The pH value of lake water was measured at each point varies from 6.5 to 8, while the measured turbidity values ranged from 5 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) to 49 NTU

    Penerjemahan Karya Fiksi

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    ii, 752 hlm.; 21 x 15 c

    Penentuan Ambang Batas Curah Hujan untuk Prediksi Kejadian Longsor di DAS Citarum

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    Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Citarum merupakan sumber penghidupan bagi masyarakat sekitar. Akan tetapi DAS Citarum bisa mertjadi sumber bencana bagi masyarakat sekitar diantaranya adalah longsor. Longsor yaitu straw bentuk pemindahan massa lanah (erosi) dimana pemindahan tanahnya terjadi pada pada waklu tertentu atau secara tiba-tiba dalanz volume yang besar. Dari tahun 1990 sampai 2009 terdapat sekitar 100 kejadian'longsor di DAS Citarum, denganfrektiensi bervariasi. Kejadian longsor pada suant desa teriadi kali sebanyak 82 desa, terjadi 2 kali sebanyak 15 desa, terjadi 3 kali sebanyak 2 desa dan terjadi 4 kali terjadi hanya pada I desa. Kejadian longsor dapat dipenganthi oleh kondisi curah Wan pada suatu daerah tenentu. Dengan mengastunsikan kondisi penggunaan lahan tidak berubah, penghitungan ambang batas curah hujan sebagai pemicu terbesar potensi longsor dapat diperoleh dari histori kejadian longsor dan curah hujan yang terjadi pada wilayah tersebut. Kemzulian data-data tersebut diolah sehingga di peroleh nilai ambang batas curah hitjan. thank wilayah DAS eitarunz diperoleh nilai ambang batas curah hzzjan dalam penentuan potensi longsor dengan minus = -0.2653P2 + 30.816. Diastimsikan kondisi penggunaan lahan tidak beruhah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk nzenentukan ambang batas curah hirjan dalam memprediksi kemungkinan terjadinya longsor di DAS Citarum. Citarum watershed is a source of livelihood for local people. However, Citarum watershed might be a source of disaster for the people around them are landslides. Landslides are a form of mass transfer of soil (erosion) where the transfer of land occurs at a particular lime or suddenly in great volume. From 1990 to 2010 there were about 100 landslides in the watershed events Citarum, with varying frequency. Landslide incident occurred hi a village one time as many as 82 villages, there were 2 times as many as 15 villages, there were 3 times as much as 2 villages and occur 4 times occur only in one village. Landslide occurrence can be influenced by rainfall conditions in a particular area. By assuming the condition of land use does not change, counting the rainfall thresholds to trigger the greatest potential for landslides can be obtainedfrom the history of landslides and rainfall events that occurred in the region. Then the data is processed so that the obtained threshold values of rainfall. For the DAS Citarum obtained threshold values of rainfall in determining the potential of landslides by the formula Pr = -0.2653P2 + 30.816. Assumed conditions of land use has not changed. This study aims to determine the rainfall threshold in predicting the likelihood of landslides in DAS Citarum.Hlm. 65-7

    Pengamatan Awan Dan Variasi Cuaca Harian Menggunakan Transportable X-Band Radar

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    Weather observation campaign using Transportable X-band radar has been done during March 13 to 19, 2013 around Bandung, West Java. The observation for detecting cloud expansion has been done through two fundamental methods of radar scanning, there were Plan Position Indicator (PPI) and Range Height Indicator (RHI). The results showed cloudexpansion over Bandung area especially during March 14 to 18, 2013. The result from PPI scan at 3 km, so called Constant Altitude Plan Polar Position (CAPPI) observation depicted that convective activity reach its maximum at 09 UTC. RHI observation scan showed cloud expansion that growth reach over 10 km. The diurnal variation that described fromobservation data indicated that cloud expansions over Bandung area were generally influenced by the orographic topography around the locationHal. 217-22

    The morphology and filtration performances of poly(ether sulfone) membrane fabricated from different polymer solution

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    The performance of membrane filtrations are mostly determined by pore structure of the fabricated membrane. Selection of polymer and solvent in membrane preparation are influence the morphology of fabricated membrane. The present work discusses the morphology of PES membrane fabricated from different polymer system with constant preparation condition. Polymer system consists of 15 wt% of polyethersulfone (PES) and 85 wt% of solvents. The homogeneous solution includes of PES-dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), PES-dimethylformamide (DMF), and PES-N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP). The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the types of solvent on the formed membrane morphology. Phase inversion technique is used to solidify the flat sheet membrane in deionized water as a coagulation bath. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the morphology of membrane. A dead-end ultrafiltration module was carried out to observe the filtration performance of the fabricated membrane. It is proved that the different membrane solution affect the membrane structure in term of skin layer, macrovoid, and support layer. Furthermore, the changing of the membrane structure affected the pure water permeability (PWP). It is found that the highest PWP was reached up to 4.52 L/m2.hr.atm using PES-DMSO system