351 research outputs found

    Modalization in the Political Column of Tempo Magazine

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    The study focuses on analyzing the use of modalization in the Political Column of Tempo Magazine. The objectives were to find out the type of modalization and to describe the use of modalization in the Political Column of Tempo magazine. The data were taken from Political Column of Tempo magazine published in June and July 2017. The source of data was Political Column in Tempo magazine. The data analysis applied descriptive qualitative research. There were 135 clauses which contained Modalization from political columns. There were two type of modalization used in the Political column namely, Probability and Usuality. The dominant type of Modalization used in Political text was Probability 97,7% then Usuality 2,93%. The probability itself was realized by modal auxiliaries and modal adjunct. The modal auxiliary which expressed the use of probability in the text was should. The value of the modalization itself was realized by medium value. The use of modalization expressed the attitude of the writer toward the proposition. The use of medium value showed the prediction of the writer about what would happen in the future and expressed the stance of the writer for what he said

    Kelayakan Teoritis Bahan Ajar Biologi Berbasis Ctl Materi Sistem Indera Kelas XI SMA

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    Teaching materials on the topic of Sensory System that used in the school only focus on the mastery of concepts,not build students’ attitudes and skill processes. The purpose of this research were to produce a worthy biological teaching material for Senior High School students on the topic of Sensory System usingContextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach which is proper if observed from the theoretical advisability. This research was a developmental research which was done using 4D model. This research’s target was teaching materials of biology based on CTL in Sensory System topic. The research result showed that the advisability of teaching materials which is obtained consist of the CTL component, content , language, and the presentation got average worthiness value about 3,5 – 4 valid to very valid criteria. Keywords: teaching material, Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), Sensory System &nbsp

    The Extension of Geographical Indication Protection: Necessary for Developing Country

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    This paper analyses the need of extension of Geographical Indication (GI) protection since the current protection under Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is insufficient to cover all products as a result of discriminatory provisions in TRIPS regulating a greater protection to wines and spirits only and different level of GI protection under Article 22 and Article 23 TRIPS. This paper then assumes that the extensive GI protection for all products should be supported because it would give greater benefits particularly to developing countries such as prevent the free riding, attract regional investment and obtain market power. Perlindungan Indikasi Geografis (IG) perlu diperluas tidak hanya pada produk tertentu seperti wines danspiritskarena perlindungan IG diatur di dalam TRIPS tidak cukup memberikan perlindungan kepada semua produk sebagai akibat perbedaan pengaturan di TRIPS yang memberikan perlindungan lebih kepada wines danspirits saja dan adanya perbedaan tingkat perlindungan pada Pasal 22 dan 23 TRIPS. Perluasan perlindungan IG harus didukung karena akan memberikan manfaat khususnya kepada negara berkembang. Perluasan perlindungan IG dapat melarang pemboncengan reputasi, menarik investasi dan meningkatkan kekuatan produk negara berkembang di pasaran

    Desain Prototipe Aplikasi Sistem Monitoring Browser Ponsel Anak Untuk Menerapkan Internet Sehat Dengan Kontrol Orang Tua

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    The use of the internet among children currently have become a trend, even many parents already gives android phones to children in doing everyday communication. It is so impacting to the child in the utilization of internet technologies that are less healthy as get data and information through browsing the internet without monitoring parents so children easily get words or information that is not feasible is consumed by the child. This research aims to design a monitoring system of the mobile browser app to implement a healthy internet parental control method using prototype. The results of such research in the form of a draft application monitoring these children which can be used to monitor the activities of internet browsing on mobile child online on the android platform with automatic notification to send a message to parents and parents can give a response or reply directly when the child was trying to do internet browsing activity that is not healthy

    Private Practice Midwives Motivation in Signing Delivaery Assurance of Memorandum of Understanding in Semarang City

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    Backgrounds: Jampersal is a government program that has been implemented in the city of Semarang since 2011. Private Practice Midwives (BPS) is one of the spearheads health services for mothers and children who are implementing jampersal if BPS is doing jampersal agreement with DKK. The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation of Midwives in Private Practice jampersal signing of cooperation agreements in Semarang in 2011, according to Maslows theory. Methods: This research is a qualitative descriptive approach. Informants are 8 people BPS research in health Puskesmas Pegandan and Puskesmas Tlogosari Wetan. Analysis of data using Content Analysis. Results: The survey results revealed that motivation BPS in signing a cooperation agreement jampersal, the factor of self-actualization needs as a form of devotion to the community BPS and compliance with government regulations, while BPS did not follow the trend jampersal because replacement costs are too little and feeling uncomfortable if signed jampersal must abide by the rules jampersal, difficult claims mechanism, and the number of consumed time to claim they were reluctant to follow jampersal, Conclussion: BPS does not follow jampersal likely still make physiological and safety as motivation, while CBS that follows jampersal tend to make self-actualization motivation as with participation in the signing jampersal Suggestions: Motivation of the DKK and IBI is necessary to encourage BPS follow jampersal, not a threat but growing awareness of the importance of BPS jampersal as a form of devotion to the community and the government

    Kepastian Hukum Jangka Waktu Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu Bagi Tenaga Kerja Asing di Indonesia

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    ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is right at our door, which will make ASEAN as one single market and production base. On of its five cores is the free flow of skilled labor, which means that Indonesia might be flooded with foreign workers as the AEC starts. A strong regulation which could provides legal certainty is urgently needed regarding this matter. Therefore this research will try to describe and analyse about the legal certainty of two regulations related to the span of the working contract of foreign worker in Indonesia. This research is using normative method to analyse the legal issue, which is conflict of norms, between Indonesia Labor Act number 13 year 2003 and Ministerial Regulation number 12 year 2013 regarding Procedures for the Use of Foreign Labor. Due to the conflict of norms, there are no legal certainty, which could lead to dualism of law. Thus the Ministerial Regulation number 12 year 2013 regarding Procedures for the Use of Foreign Labor should be put aside. The span of the working contract of foreign worker should be based on Indonesia Labor Act number 13 year 2003. Key words: legal certainty, working contract, foreign labor Abstrak Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) akan segera diberlakukan, dimana ASEAN akan bertransformasi menjadi sebuah pasar tunggal sekaligus basis produksi. Salah satu elemen utama dari pemberlakuan MEA adalah adanya aliran bebas tenaga kerja terampil, yang berarti bahwa Indonesia harus bersiap-siap untuk serbuan tenaga kerja asing. Peraturan yang tegas dan mampu memberikan kepastian hukum benar-benar dibutuhkan terkait dengan serbuan tenaga kerja asing ini. Penelitian ini akan mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa menganalisa mengenai kepastian hukum jangka waktu perjanjian kerja waktu tertentu bagi tenaga kerja asing di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, dimana legal issue yang diangkat adalah pertentangan peraturan yang ada dalam Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan dan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 12 Tahun 2013 tentang Tata Cara Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing. Pertentangan peraturan tersebut menyebabkan adanya ketidakpastian hukum yang dapat mengakibatkan dualisme hukum. Peraturan menteri Nomor 12 Tahun 2013 tentang Tata Cara Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing harus dikesampingkan demi terwujudnya kepastian hukum. Jangka waktu perjanjian kerja tertentu bagi tenaga kerja asing harusnya didasarkan pada Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Kata kunci: Kepastian hukum, perjanjian kerja, tenaga kerja asin

    Dakwah Retoris Dalam Karya Sastra Novel “Habibie & Ainun” Karya Bj. Habibie

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    There should be at least four rethorical principles in conducting da'wah. The first principle is an emotional appeal, which means a kind of touching da'wah communication that involves emotions, expectation and affection of the mad'u. Secondly, the da'i (preacher) should use persuasive and gently ways as well as clear and understandable languages. Thirdly, he should understand the condition of community so his da'wah could become soothing. The last principle is enabling to give strong arguments. The novel might become a medium to deliver the messages of da'wah. The novel of Habibie & Ainun does not only a philological and romance novel, but also a kind of cultural, political and da'wah novel. Its feature is not only in using rhetorical language, but indeed it was also written based on personal stories including his life experiences and love story of a religious man that tremendously inspires the readers. In this novel, the rhetorical da'wah is expressed in various ways following the context of life journey as well as the writer's mood and passion namely kinds of persuasive and touching da'wah, contextual da'wah, and argumentative rethorical da'wah.***Prinsip Retorika dalam berdakwah paling tidak mengandung empat hal: emotional appeals (imbauan emosional) yakni sebuah tindak komunikasi dakwah yang menyentuh hati sasaran dakwah, melibatkan emosi, harapan dan kasih sayang;menggunakan bahasapersuasive, lemah lembut, jelas, dan mudah dipahami; memahami kondisi masyarakat sehingga mengarah pada dakwah yang menyejukkan hati; dan disertai dengan argumentasi yang kuat. Novel dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan dakwah.Novel Habibie & Ainun, bukan hanya novel sastra dan novel cinta, tetapi juga novel budaya, politik dan novel dakwah.Dan keistimewaan Novel Habibie & Ainun ini disamping bahasanya yang retoris, adalah lebih dari sekedar sebuah cerita, novel ini ditulis oleh pengarangnya berdasarkan kisah pribadi, apa yang terjadi dalam hidupnya, sebuah kisah cinta insan beriman yang memberi insprirasi yang luar biasa bagi pembaca. Dakwah retoris dalamnovel ini terpancar dalam berbagai bentuk mengiringi situasi perjalanan hidup, kejiwaan dan emosi sang penulis, ada dakwah retoris menyentuh hati, persuasive, memperhatikan kondisi sasaran dakwah hingga retorika argumentatif

    Leaching of Oil from Tuna Fish Liver by Using Solvent of Methyl-Ethyl Ketone

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    Research of oil leaching from Tuna Fish Liver has been carried out by extracting of tuna fish liver in soxhlet by using methyl-ethyl ketone as solvent. Liver of fresh tuna fish is blended, put into soxhlet, and extracted at temperatures of 60oC, 65oC, 70oC, 75oC, and 80oC. After obtaining the oil, separation between solvent and oil is carried out by distillation. Oil obtained is analyzed by testing the yield, acid number, Iodine value, viscosity, and its impurities content. Yield obtained is influenced by temperature and time of leaching. Both variables indicates that the higher the variables, the more fish liver oil obtained. Maximum yield obtained is 25.552% at operating condition of leaching temperature 80oC, and leaching duration of 5 hours

    Peran Digital Marketing bagi Pelaku UMKM di Kota Medan

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    Digital marketing plays an important role for SMEs in Medan City. Digital marketing is a marketing technique that utilizes social media networks such as marketplaces to increase the productivity of MSME actors in the city of Medan. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent of the role of digital marketing for SMEs in Medan City. This study uses a qualitative method with data collection through a literature study taken from previous research. The careful results obtained by MSME actors in Medan City do not fully understand the world of digital marketing, therefore it is necessary for the Medan City Government and the Cooperative Service to provide training or socialization regarding the importance of the role of digital marketing for MSME actors in Medan City to be able to compete at home and abroa


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    Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penggunaan alih kode  dalam ruangan kelas yang terjadi antara guru dan siswa. Sistem dalam alih kode tersebut adalah tentang tipe dan fungsi serta apakah alih kode tersebut layak digunakan dalam interaksi kelas atau tidak. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas sebelas di SMA Negeri 2 Palu yang terdiri dari 40 orang siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan enam kali pertemuan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa kelas XI MIA 2 dan XI MIA 6 yang dipilh secara acak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan 3 tipe dan 5 fungsi penggunaan alih kode yang dilakukan melalui percakapan antara guru dan siswa. Tipe tersebut adalah penanda kode, kode penegas antarkalimat, dan kelanjutan dengan pembicara sebelumnya. Fungsi alih kode dalam penelitian ini ditemukan ada lima yakni sebagai pengalih topik, pemberi petunjuk, penerjemah, penggabungan kosakata, dan pengulangan kata. Selain itu  ditemukan pula  yakni, pertama, dalam kebiasaaan menggunakan  satu bahasa atau alih kode dalam pengajaran, terdapat 41% siswa yang sangat setuju diajarkan dalam satu bahasa dapat  membawa manfaat bagi mereka. Kedua,   alih kode dan efeknya bagi pengguna bahasa pertama dan bahasa kedua, 58% sangat tidak setuju jika menggabungkan dua bahasa dapat melemahkan bahasa Indonesia mereka. Ketiga, alih kode dan efeknya bagi guru dan siswa, 64% siswa lebih menghargai guru yang mengajar dalam dua bahasa yakni bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Keempat,  alih kode dan pengaruhnya dalam pelaksaan ujian, 47% siswa tidak setuju jika guru hanya mengajar  dalam bahasa Indonesia dapat memengaruhi kelulusan mereka dalam ujian, namun 35%  setuju jika guru mengajar dalam bahasa Indonesia mereka akan dapat lulus. Dari hal tersebut, diindikasi bahwa alih kode dalam interaksi kelas dapat membuat siswa lebih fokus dalam menerima pelajaran. Hal tersebut kwerena penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris dapat membuat mereka lebih mengerti arti yang dimaksud