16 research outputs found

    The Implementation Of Risk Management In The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources' New Electricity Connection Assistance Program

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    One of the government's programs aimed at improving access to electricity for the community to achieve a national electrification ratio of 100%, conducted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, is the New Electricity Connection Assistance Program (NECAP). NECAP is a government initiative to equalize access to electricity throughout the archipelago to enhance electrification ratios and provide electricity to low-income households. NECAP covers the installation of electrical power, installation costs, Certification of Operation Eligibility (SLO) costs, new connection costs to PT PLN (Persero), and the initial purchase of electricity tokens. Risk management is required to identify and manage risks in order to achieve these objectives. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the implementation of risk management in the NECAP program. The method used in this research is interviews with individuals directly involved in the NECAP program. The results of this research include a list of risks and how risk management is implemented in the NECAP program


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    Writing is a creative process that is carried out by using written language to convey information from the writer to the reader. Narrative essay is a discourse or essay that aims to tell or narrate an event or events from time to time. This ability is an important ability because it is a person's ability to understand the results of his own writing. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability to write narrative essays in class IV students, to find out the difficulties of students in developing the ability to write narrative essays in class IV students, to describe solutions to overcome difficulties in writing narrative essays in class IV students. This study used descriptive qualitative research subjects 22 students of class IV. The data collection techniques used in this study were documentation study guidelines and interview guidelines. The results of the study showed that fourth grade students had different abilities from one student to another. Based on the aspects contained in writing narrative essays, the highest student ability can be seen in the background aspect and the content of the idea. Aspects of plot, content organization, choice of words or diction and narrative text structure are sufficient aspects. While the character aspect as well as spelling and punctuation are the lowest aspects of students in writing narrative essays. Factors of student difficulty, namely the lack of motivation and understanding of students in writing narrative essays and less interesting learning. The solution that is applied to overcome the difficulties of writing narrative essays is to provide motivation about the importance of writing narrative essays and invite students to practice writing narrative essays properly and correctly and use teaching materials that have been made creatively for students to attract students' attention to be able to receive learning material well good


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    Writing is a creative process that is carried out by using written language to convey information from the writer to the reader. Narrative essay is a discourse or essay that aims to tell or narrate an event or events from time to time. This ability is an important ability because it is a person's ability to understand the results of his own writing. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability to write narrative essays in class IV students, to find out the difficulties of students in developing the ability to write narrative essays in class IV students, to describe solutions to overcome difficulties in writing narrative essays in class IV students. This study used descriptive qualitative research subjects 22 students of class IV. The data collection techniques used in this study were documentation study guidelines and interview guidelines. The results of the study showed that fourth grade students had different abilities from one student to another. Based on the aspects contained in writing narrative essays, the highest student ability can be seen in the background aspect and the content of the idea. Aspects of plot, content organization, choice of words or diction and narrative text structure are sufficient aspects. While the character aspect as well as spelling and punctuation are the lowest aspects of students in writing narrative essays. Factors of student difficulty, namely the lack of motivation and understanding of students in writing narrative essays and less interesting learning. The solution that is applied to overcome the difficulties of writing narrative essays is to provide motivation about the importance of writing narrative essays and invite students to practice writing narrative essays properly and correctly and use teaching materials that have been made creatively for students to attract students' attention to be able to receive learning material well good


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    The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the role of government leadership in realizing dynamic regional governance, which is one of the analytical and critical reviews of the City Government of Depok. The research method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with a number of informants related to the research problem as well as secondary data collection from various literature that supports the research. The results of this study explain that the role of government leadership in terms of the aspects of interpersonal roles, informational roles and decision-making in realizing a dynamic regional government that has been implemented although not yet optimal and some that must be considered and improved, Depok City government leadership must develop sustainable/sustainable leadership, empowerment, develop a culture of innovation and transformational leadership that can redirect and integrate planning, programs and policies so that Depok City becomes a City efficient and independent. Planning and budgeting must be consistent and gender-based in meeting the basic needs of society, not based on fav sectoral oritism.ABSTRAKSITujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis peran kepemimpinan pemerintahandalam mewujudkan pemerintahan daerah yang dinamis merupakan salah satu tinjauan analitis dankritis di Pemerintah Kota Depok.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif denganpendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara secara mendalamterhadap sejumlah informan yang terkait dengan permasalahan penelitian juga pengumpulan datasecara sekunder dari berbagai literatur yang mendukung pada penelitian.Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa peran kepemimpinan pemerintahan yang ditinjaudari aspek peran antar pribadi, peran informasional dan pengambilan keputusan dalam mewujudkanpemerintahan daerah yang dinamis sudah terimplementasikan walaupun belum optimal danbeberapa yang harus menjadi perhatian dan ditingkatkan,Kepemimpinan pemerintahan Kota Depok harus mengembangkan kepemimpinanberkelanjutan/berkesinambungan, pemberdayaan, mengembangkan budaya inovasi dankepemimpinan transformasional yang dapat mengarahkan dan memadukan kembali antaraperencanaan, program dan kebijakan sehingga Kota Depok menjadi Kota efisien dan mandiri.Perencanaan dan penganggaran harus konsisten dan berbasis gender dalam memenuhi kebutuhandasar masyarakat, tidak berdasarkan favoritisme sektoral

    E-Government Optimization Strategy at The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration

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    This paper focuses on the e-Government optimization at The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration as eGovernment has become one of the strategic issues of Bureaucratic Reform. This study aims to identify the aspects of an organization’s environment, to analyze, and formulate strategies for e-government optimization. Evaluation tools use the design-reality gap analysis through seven dimensions of ITPOSMO to assess the level of eGovernment implementation success and identified the critical success and failure factors. Strategy formulation techniques are using three stages of the strategy formulation analytical framework. Results from this study, by measuring the design-reality gap across seven dimensions show eGovernment project is likely to partially fail unless action is taken to correct the gap. Using three stages of the strategy formulation analytical framework defines four strategy recommendations: forward integration, related diversification, backward integration, and product development. Findings from this research will serve to reduce the risks that may affect e-governance success in The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration

    The Role of e-Government to Improve the Implementation of Merit System in Indonesian Local Goverments

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    Digitalization has had an impact on changing various aspects of life, including the public sector. One of the adoptions of the use of information technology is carried out in the management of civil servants. This study aims to determine the role of e-government in improving the merit system in local government, with the locus of research in the Bali provincial government. This research uses a qualitative approach. The collection was conducted through interviews with the provincial governments of Bali, Indonesia, and studies of related documents. The results showed that the implementation of digital governance can improve the implementation of the merit system in local governments in Indonesia. The procurement of civil servants through an online selection mechanism has proven to cut the gap in the occurrence of nepotism in the procurement of civil servants. The quality of civil servants selected through the online selection mechanism is considered more competent. Information technology-based performance appraisals also make performance appraisals more transparent. The information technology-based competency development mechanism provides wider opportunities for employees to participate in competency development. Evaluation of competency development can be carried out directly by agencies through information technology. The personnel management information system, based on information technology, helps the implementation of the merit system. Through the integration of data and staffing processes, civil servant management based on the merit system is easier to do. Keywords: digitalization, digital governance, meritocrarcy, e-governmen

    Utilizing e-learning and user loyalty with user satisfaction as mediating variable in public sector context

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    The advent of information technology has caused people to consider how they can make effective and efficient decisions in various activities. The implementation of information technology systems is expected to be advantageous in facilitating these activities because such systems can provide decision-making support and contribute to the success of endeavors in areas such as business, economic, social politics, and education. One common tool used in learning systems is e-learning applications. This research aims to analyze the effect of e-learning on user loyalty with user satisfaction. This research, conducted in Jakarta, is explanatory in nature, targeting individuals who have utilized e-learning applications in their activities, particularly in the field of public sector activities, with a sample size of 163 public sector employees. Data was collected through online questionnaires, and hypothesis testing was conducted through the PLS-SEM method. The results indicate that service quality and perceived value have positive impacts on user satisfaction, which in turn, positively influences user loyalty


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    Purpose of this research study was to analyze the implementation of zambak modular system in physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts in one of bilingual school in Bandung. This research study was conducted in one of bilingual school that use special module in the teaching and learning process. Zambak modular system is an unique module because this module provide many things that needed in the teaching and learning process. To make the research study success, the method that appropriate used in data processing is qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative descriptive research is used to analyze the phenomenon in a condition with natural setting. This research was conducted in 8th grade students of junior high school. The researchers try to find out all of the implementation of zambak modular system in teaching and learning process. The triangulation data make the data collection accurately. The result of this research is the implementation of zambak modular system are describe in two ways, firstly is describe by content organization and the secondly describe by learning cycle. The result of the content organization and the learning cycle was the implementation of zambak modular system in the physical and chemical changes and the evidence of chemical reaction concepts were systematically and the pattern of learning cycle was consist of three phase are exploration, concept development, and concept application phase. The using of content organization and learning cycle can endorse the implementation of zambak modular system organize well. In this research, the researcher tries to develop the implementation of module for junior high school. So, the future could be a consideration to improve short comings of the existing module presence. Keywords: Zambak modular system, qualitative descriptive, content organization, learning cycle. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi dari zambak modular system di dalam topic perubahan fisika dan kimia serta dalam topic pembuktian reaksi kimia di salah satu sekolah bilingual di Bandung. Zambak modular system merupakan modul yang sangat unik karena modul ini menyediakan beberapa kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adala qualitatif deskriptif. Qualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis fenomena yang terjadi dalam keaadan asli tanpa interfensi dari peneliti. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap siswa smp kelas 8. Di dalam skripsi ini, peneliti mencoba untuk mencari tahu bagaiman implementasi dari zambak modular system dalam proses belajar mengajar di salah satu sekolah bilingual di Bandung. Dalam proses pengolahan data dilakukan proses data triangulasi untuk membuat data yang diteliti lebih akurat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi dari zambak modular system digambarkan dalam dua cara yaitu pertama dengan menggunakan content organization dan kedua dengan menggunakan learning cycle. Hasil dari content organization dan learning cycle adalah implementasi dari zambak modular system dalam topik perubahan fisiska dan kimia serta dalam topi pembuktian reaksi kimia adalah sistematik yakni digunakan untuk membantu seluruh bagian proses belajar mengajar dan dimulai dari bagian materi yang mudah hingga komplex sedangkan pola learning cycle terdiri tiga fase yaitu fasde explorasi, pengembangan konsep, dan fase aplikasi. Penggunaan content organization dan learning cycle dapat membantu implementasi dari zambak modular system berjalan dengan baik. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba untuk mengembangkan implementasi dari zambak modular system untuk smp, supaya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa smp di masa yang akan datang. Kata kunci: Zambak modular system, qualitative descriptive, content organization, learning cycle

    Inovasi E-Government Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah

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    The implementation of e-government in DKI Jakarta Province has begun since 2001 which then gave rise to the concept of Jakarta Smart City public services. One of the uses of this concept is in regional development planning of DKI Jakarta Province through the e-musrenbang application. The research method used in this study a qualitative approach. Data collection through interviews and reviewing document. Based on the results of the analysis and research conducted, it can be concluded that the implementation of e-musrenbang in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Especially in the Kebon Kacang Kelurahan Office as a whole has been going well (effectively) and has been able to accommodate the aspirations of the community even though there are still shortcomings in the implementation process. In an effort to optimize the implementation of electronic development planning meetings or e-musrenbang at the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, the process of input, output and outcome should be considered more and further policies are needed for the Provincial Regulation of DKI Jakarta Province Number 14 of 2011 concerning Planning, Development and Integrated Budgeting, can be in the form of Regulations or Decrees of Governors governing the e-musrenbang system.Penerapan e-government di Provinsi DKI Jakarta sudah dimulai sejak tahun 2001 yang kemudian melahirkan sebuah konsep pelayanan publik Jakarta Smart City. Salah satu penggunaan konsep ini adalah dalam perencanaan pembangunan daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta melalui aplikasi emusrenbang. Metode dalam penelitian ini kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan penelitian yang dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan e-musrenbang pada Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Khususnya di Kantor Kelurahan Kebon Kacang secara keseluruhan sudah berjalan baik (efektif) dan mampu menampung aspirasi masyarakat walaupun masih terdapat kekurangan pada proses pelaksanaannya. Dalam upaya mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan e-musrenbang Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta maka, proses input, output dan outcome harus menjadi perhatian yang lebih dan diperlukan kebijakan lanjutan atas Peraturan Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 14 Tahun 2011 tentang Sistem Perencanaan, Pembangunan dan Penganggaran Terpadu, dapat berupa Peraturan ataupun Keputusan Gubernur yang mengatur mengenai sistem e-musrenbang

    Analysis of Output Costs Standard in The Framework of Performance-Based Budgeting

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    This study aims to formulate the Special Output Cost Standards for the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Commission (CEC). The Special Output Cost Standards calculations are carried out using the Activity Based Costing (ABC) approach. This method is used because it is activity-based so it can be applied to public organizations and the values are more accurate. This study applies a qualitative descriptive method to explain the object of research qualitatively. Data were collected in three ways: interviews, observation, and document analysis. The locus of research is the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the CEC, because it does not yet have a Special Output Cost Standards and the type of output can represent the duties of the CEC. The ABC method requires an analysis of business processes in order to effectively identify the activities required in achieving the output. The resulting Special Output Cost Standards is expected to be the best cost standard that can be implemented. The results of research on activities within the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring found 4 outputs whose cost calculations have a little difference between the calculations of the ABC method and the realization of the previous 3 years, namely Registration of LHKPN, Examination of LHKPN, Determination of Gratuity Status and Carrying Out of The Study. These four outputs can be interpreted as having activities that tend to be the same each year, so it is necessary to propose their stipulation as Special Output Cost Standards.