508 research outputs found

    An assessment of counseling needs among international graduate students: implications for university students’ programmes and services

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    Interest in going abroad for studies is getting higher in Indonesia. But foreign students will find it even more problematic, because they face both the normal adjustment problems of studying in university plus adjustment problems of adapting to a different culture.Comparisons study between Malaysian and Indonesian Master Students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia used 80 students (Malaysian = 40, Indonesian = 40) showed that there is a significant difference in counseling needs between two groups (t = 1.954; p<0.05), but local group (Malaysian) counseling needs score was higher than Indonesian group. The well prepared mental set and social support came from Indonesian Students Organization might be potential resources that made adaptation of Indonesian students became easier. The competitive conditions in looking for jobs in Malaysian, the limitation of resources especially in social support, finance might cause the counseling needs in Malaysian students higher than Indonesian students. Both groups showed most needs for counseling in (1) finance, (2) general health, (3)study stress. These findings suggest that responsible consumerism; daily health management,time and stress management were important topics in university’s programmes and services for student


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    In this 20th century, technology development becomes very fast, includes internet. This condition gave easiest and fastest way to access any kind of information, including pornography. This research aimed to explore the corelation of attitude of adolescents to pornography in internet and their sexual behavior. Using 50 senior high school students which came to internet rental at the age of 15-19 years old, had chosed by incidental sampling, the results showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between attitudes of pornography in internet with sexual behovior of adolescents (r:0.371, and p:0.009). Sexual behovior was measured from behavior of awakening and exploration, autosexuality and heterosexuality that is including kissing necking petting, heavy petting, and copulation. From pornography in internet, adolescents only learn that sex is somehow more romantic or less wrong if it "just happens " and full of passion. By portraying spontaneous, unplanned genital intercourse as the ultimate pleasure, these programs model a behavior that puts teens at increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases or unplanned pregnancies. Community counseling approach gave complete and integrated intervention model to help adolescents. For community direct intervention, non traditional sex education for adolescents was designed as community-wide educational programs And for community indirect intervention, suggested government to make regulation for internet rental business. Individual, group and peer counseling for the direct clients intervention. And parents', teachers' developing program for indirect clients' intervention


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    Living in a hurry time, nowadays became a life style. In eating, people turn to instant food as a practice choice in preparing meals. In Indonesia, instant noodle is the most popular item in instant food On the other side, eating too much instant food is not a good choice for health, Health locus of control and health realistic optimism were assume to be the factors that related to instant noodle eating habit. Research have done in 180 subjects in different generations; teenagers (18-20 years old), young adult (21-39 years old) and middle adult (40-60 years old). It found that there was no influence from health locus of control to the instant noodle's eating habit (path coefficient 0.056, p=0.513) and there was no influence from health realistic optimism to the instant noodle's eating habit (-0.016, p=0.848). Using analysis varian it also found that there was a significant difference in intergenerational instant noodle's eating habit; the young groups tend to eat instant noodle more than the older groups. From this research found that personal factors contributes less than external factors. Instant noodle had the powerful attractiveness to people, especially for young people because of some characteristics such as fast and easy to cook, the full sensatio4 variety of flavors, economist price. For promoting health, this research suggest that internal health locus of control should be the focus of health education because it could lead to the selective eating behavior. Information of healthy food smart and easy cooking skills using fresh food should be given to young people

    Analisis Faktor Pembentuk Motivasi Bermain Game Online it Girl di Facebook pada Emerging Adulthood

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    Game online Girl adalah salah satu fitur game online di bidang fashion yang ditawarkan dalam jejaring sosial Facebook. Permainan ini dimainkan tentunya dengan tujuan untuk mencari kesenangan, namun ternyata juga terdapat dampak negatif. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor pembentuk motivasi individu untuk memainkan permainan ini, khususnya individu yang berada pada masa perkembangan emerging adulthood. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 130 orang subjek yang pernah ataupun masih memainkan game online It Girl di Facebook berusia 18-25 tahun dengan teknik incidental sampling. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik analisis faktor eksploratori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 26 faktor yang dirumuskan berdasarkan elisitasi teori dan wawancara responden, diketahui terdapat 6 faktor baru yang terbentuk. Keenam faktor yang memotivasi individu pada masa perkembangan emerging adulthood memainkan game online It Girl di Facebook adalah pencapaian dalam permainan (achievement), melarikan diri dari dunia nyata (escaping from reality), relasi sosial (affiliation), kekuasaan (power), self actualization dalam bidang fashion, serta pleasure seeking. Faktor yang tampil dominan sebagai prediktori motivasi bermain game ini pada emerging adulthood adalah kekuasaan dan untuk mendapatkan pengakuan diri, baik itu dari diri sendiri maupun orang lain

    Pembelajaran Operasi Pecahan Dengan Kartu Domino Pintar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikancarapenggunaan kartu domino pintar untuk melatih siswa menyelesaikan soal-soal operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan. Subjek penelitian tindakan kelas ini sebanyak 36 siswa kelas IV SDN Sukun 3 Malang. Data dikumpulkan melalui kegiatan observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar siswa pada materi operasi pecahan meningkat setelah berlatih menyelesaikan soal dengan kartu domino pintar. Siswa yang tuntas belajar pada siklus I sebanyak 69%, sedangkan pada siklus II sebanyak 77%. Kartu domino pintar terdiri atas 12 keping segitiga samasisi. Setiap keping dibagi menjadi 3 bidang dan setiap bidang berisi soal operasi pecahan atau kunci jawaban. Enam kartu masing-masing terdiri atas 2 bidang berisi soal dan 1 bidang berisi kunci jawaban. Enam kartu lainnya masing-masing terdiri atas 2 bidang berisi kunci jawaban dan 1 bidang berisi soal. Pembelajaran kartu domino pintar diawali dengan pembentukan kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok mendapatkan seperangkat kartu domino pintar untuk dipasangkan antara soal dan kunci jawaban. Pemain dianggap berhasil jika dapat merangkaikan semua kartu domino pintar


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui validitas, praktikabilitas, dan efektivitas e-LKPD yang dikembangkan menggunakan model ADDIE. Uji coba produk dikenakan pada siswa kelas VII A SMPN 2 Wagir. Uji validitas dilakukan oleh tiga validator, yaitu ahli dalam bidang media dan materi serta praktisi pembelajaran. Instrumen penelitian berupa: angket validasi, angket respon pengguna, dan tes. Data penelitian berupa penilaian validator, respon pengguna, nilai pretest dan posttest diolah mengunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif, sedangkan data berupa saran validator diolah dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) e-LKPD sangat valid dengan nilai sebesar 95,8% dari ahli materi, nilai sebesar 95,8% dari ahli media, dan nilai sebesar 93,3% dari ahli pembelajaran. (2) e-LKPD sangat praktis berdasarkan respon guru sebesar 93,8% dan respon siswa sebesar 86,9%. (3) e-LKPD efektif berdasarkan data hasil belajar siswa, yaitu hasil pretest sebesar 44,8% dan hasil posttest sebesar 72,4%. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa e-LKPD interaktif valid, praktis, dan efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran materi himpunan

    The Efficacy of Inactivated Oil Emulsion Newcastle Disease Vaccine

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    The preparation of an experimenta1 oi1 emulsion Newcastle disease vaccine is described and its efficacy was evaluated in broiler chickens. A plaque purified clone of Mukteswar strain of Newcastle disease virus designated UPM-AC/2 was used for the preparation of the vaccine. The virus had a titre of 10^11 fifty percent egg infective dose. The vaccine virus was inactivated with betapropiolac tone at a final concentration of 0.1 percent. The vaccine was prepared by mixing the antigen with variable concentration of Arlacel A and Tween 80. Two types of vaccines were prepared, a single oil emulsion and a double oil emulsion vaccine. Both vaccines were evaluated for their stability, viscosity emulsion type, safety and antibody response in chicken. The double emulsion vaccine containing 6% Arlacel A and 1.5% Tween 80 had low viscosity and was stable for at least 6 months at room temperature. The vaccine induced marked antibody response in chickens which were previously vaccinated with lentogenic live Newcastle disease vaccine. The vaccine was also evaluated for its efficacy in broiler chickens which had been previously vaccinated with live Newcastle disease vaccine. Broiler chickens which had been vaccinated when day old with the live Newcastle disease vaccine and revaccinated when 3 weeks and 8 weeks old with the emulsion vaccine were protected when challenged with a viscerotropic velogenic Newcastle disease virus. Between 90 to 100 percent of the vaccinated chickens were resistant to the challenge compared to 100% mortality in the non vaccinated control chickens


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    Pembelajaran statistik dianggap membosankan oleh sebagian besar siswa. Banyak siswa yang kurang memperhatikan dan terlibat dalam pembelajaran, sehingga prestasi belajar mereka rendah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tahap-tahap pembelajaran NHT dengan dukungan media power point pada materi statistik yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII. Penggumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Media power point digunakan untuk menjelaskan materi. Slide power point berisi teks, gambar, dan diagram meningkatkan perhatian siswa terhadap penjelasan guru, sehingga meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi. Pembelajaran NHT dilakukan secara berkelompok dan setiap anggota kelompok mendapatkan nomor kepala. Setiap kelompok menyelesaikan masalah dalam LKK melalui diskusi. Hasil penyelesaian masalah dipresentasikan oleh perwakilan kelompok yang dipilih secara acak melalui pengundian dengan dadu dan kartu undian. Pemilihan anggota kelompok secara acak mendorong siswa aktif mengikuti pembelajaran, sehingga memahami materi yang dipelajari. Hasil pembelajaran model NHT dengan media power point menunjukkan peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa. Pada siklus 1 terdapat 86,95% siswa tuntas belajar dan pada siklus II sebanyak 92% siswa tuntas belajar. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi alternatif model pembelajaran matematika yang meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dan berdampak meningkatkan prestasi belajar

    Aljabar: Analisis Penyelesaian Soal Peserta Didik Berdasarkan Tahapan Polya

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    Peserta didik sering mengalami kesalahan produral dan konsep ketika menyelesaikan soal cerita aljabar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan peserta didik sesuai indikator tahapan Polya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif. Peserta didik diberikan 3 soal cerita Aljabar selanjutnya pekerjaan peserta didik dianalisis. Peserta didik yang sudah mengerjakan secara benar tidak dianalisa sedangkan peserta didik yang masih mengerjakan salah dikelompokkan tipe kesalahannya sesuai dengan tahapan Polya. Peneliti setelah mengelompokkan tipe kesalahan selanjutnya memilih subjek wawancara.&nbsp; Subjek wawancara dalam penelitian ini dipilih berdasarkan indikator kesalahan sesuai tahapan Polya yang dilakukan peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1 subjek sudah mampu menyelesaikan soal dengan sangat baik dan benar yakni secara konsep maupun prosedural dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita aljabar, 4 subjek sudah mampu memahami konsep dan prosedural namun membutuhkan ketelitian dalam perhitungan operasi, dan ada 1 subjek yang masih kesulitan dalam memahami konsep dan mengimplementasikan soal cerita aljabar kedalam penyelesaian dengan baik dan benar

    Oil Rent and Economic Growth in Indonesia

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of direct and  indirect oil rents for Indonesia's economic growth through trade openness, human capital, quality of institutions and genuine savings. This study uses secondary data for the period 1980 to 2010, sourced from several institutions such as the BPS, World Bank, BP Migas, and the PRS Group. The method of analysis used in this research is the analysis of the path (path analysis), which assisted with the package SPSS version 16.00. In this study found that the oil rent has no direct negative effect on economic growth in Indonesia, and has an indirect negative effect on economic growth in Indonesia through the quality of institutions. From the research each oil rents increased by 1 point will cause a decrease in the quality of institutions in Indonesia by 0.6 points. And any increase or decrease in the quality of institutions by 1 point, would cause an increase or decrease in Indonesia's economic growth by 0.5 points. So the results of this study indicate that the quality of the institution serves as a transmission mechanism of the resource curse in Indonesia. This research also found that the oil rent significant positive effect of trade openness and trade openness significant negative effect on economic growth. So we can conclude that trade openness is not a transmission mechanism negative relationship between oil rents and economic growth in Indonesia. The results of this study support empirical research Rosser (2007) that Indonesia can avoid the resource curse in Indonesia and one way is to prevent the Dutch disease. The results of this study showed no evidence of a negative indirect effect of oil rents on economic growth through human capital and a genuine saving. Keywords: Oil Rent, Trade Openness, Human Capital, Quality Institution, Genuine Saving,   Dutch Disease, Resouces Curs