94 research outputs found

    Optimization of wavelength range and data interval in chemometric analysis of complex pharmaceutical mixtures

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    AbstractThe performance of different chemometric approaches was evaluated in the spectrophotometric determination of pharmaceutical mixtures characterized by having the amount of components with a very high ratio. Principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares with one dependent variable (PLS1) or multi-dependent variables (PLS2), and multivariate curve resolution (MCR) were applied to the spectral data of a ternary mixture containing paracetamol, sodium ascorbate and chlorpheniramine (150:140:1, m/m/m), and a quaternary mixture containing paracetamol, caffeine, phenylephrine and chlorpheniramine (125:6. 25:1.25:1, m/m/m/m). The UV spectra of the calibration samples in the range of 200–320nm were pre-treated by removing noise and useless data, and the wavelength regions having the most useful analytical information were selected using the regression coefficients calculated in the multivariate modeling. All the defined chemometric models were validated on external sample sets and then applied to commercial pharmaceutical formulations. Different data intervals, fixed at 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0point/nm, were tested to optimize the prediction ability of the models. The best results were obtained using the PLS1calibration models and the quantification of the species of a lower amount was significantly improved by adopting 0.5 data interval, which showed accuracy between 94.24% and 107.76%

    Honey, bee pollen and vegetable oil unsaponifiables in wound healing

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    We would like to remark on the mechanisms and therapeutic properties of honey, bee pollen and unsaponifiable fractions of vegetable oils in wound healing

    photodegradation of 1 4 dihydropyridine antihypertensive drugs an updated review

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    1, 4-dihydropyridine calcium channels blockers (DHPs) are the most commonly used antihypertensive drugs. Unfortunately, these compounds have a significant degradability to light. The oxidation to the pyridine derivative represents the first, and in many cases the only, step of the degradation mechanism. The photodegradation process causes the complete loss of pharmacological activity and may trigger the formation of single and superoxide oxygen species, potentially responsible for phototoxic reactions. Several analytical techniques have been proposed for DHP determination in the presence of their photoproducts. Nowadays, DHPs are all marketed in solid formulations, especially tablets, because photodegradation is particularly fast in solution. Various approaches aimed to protect molecular integrity and therapeutic activity of these drugs from the effects of light are currently studied. This review covers the studies over the last years about photodegradation of the DHPs and the approaches to obtain photostable formulations of these drugs

    Photosensitive drugs: a review on their photoprotection by liposomes and cyclodextrins.

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    Nowadays, an exciting challenge in the drug chemistry and technology research is represented by the development of methods aimed to protect molecular integrity and therapeutic activity of drugs from effects of light. The photostability characterization is ruled by ICH (The International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use), which releases details throughout basic protocols of stability tests to be performed on new medicinal products for human use. The definition of suitable photoprotective systems is fundamental for pharmaceutical manufacturing and for human healthy as well, since light exposure may affect either drugs or drug formulations giving rise even to allergenic or mutagenic by-products. Here, we summarize and discuss the recent studies on the formulation of photosensitive drugs into supramolecular systems, capable of entrapping the molecules in a hollow of their structure by weak noncovalent interactions and protecting them from light. The best known supramolecular matrices belong to the 'auto-assembled' structures, of which liposomes are the most representative, and the 'host-guest' systems, of which cyclodextrins represent the most common 'host' counterpart. A relevant number of papers concerning the use of both liposomes and cyclodextrins as photoprotection systems for drugs has been published over the last 20 years, demonstrating that this topic captures interest in an increasing number of researchers

    A Combined Nucleic Acid and Protein Analysis in Friedreich Ataxia: Implications for Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Clinical Trial Design

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    BACKGROUND: Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is the most common hereditary ataxia among caucasians. The molecular defect in FRDA is the trinucleotide GAA expansion in the first intron of the FXN gene, which encodes frataxin. No studies have yet reported frataxin protein and mRNA levels in a large cohort of FRDA patients, carriers and controls. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We enrolled 24 patients with classic FRDA phenotype (cFA), 6 late onset FRDA (LOFA), all homozygous for GAA expansion, 5 pFA cases who harbored the GAA expansion in compound heterozygosis with FXN point mutations (namely, p.I154F, c.482+3delA, p.R165P), 33 healthy expansion carriers, and 29 healthy controls. DNA was genotyped for GAA expansion, mRNA/FXN was quantified in real-time, and frataxin protein was measured using lateral-flow immunoassay in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Mean residual levels of frataxin, compared to controls, were 35.8%, 65.6%, 33%, and 68.7% in cFA, LOFA, pFA and healthy carriers, respectively. Comparison of both cFA and pFA with controls resulted in 100% sensitivity and specificity, but there was overlap between LOFA, carriers and controls. Frataxin levels correlated inversely with GAA1 and GAA2 expansions, and directly with age at onset. Messenger RNA expression was reduced to 19.4% in cFA, 50.4% in LOFA, 52.7% in pFA, 53.0% in carriers, as compared to controls (p<0.0001). mRNA levels proved to be diagnostic when comparing cFA with controls resulting in 100% sensitivity and specificity. In cFA and LOFA patients mRNA levels correlated directly with protein levels and age at onset, and inversely with GAA1 and GAA2. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: We report the first explorative study on combined frataxin and mRNA levels in PBMCs from a cohort of FRDA patients, carriers and healthy individuals. Lateral-flow immunoassay differentiated cFA and pFA patients from controls, whereas determination of mRNA in q-PCR was sensitive and specific only in cFA

    Guidelines for studying diverse types of compound weather and climate events

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    Compound weather and climate events are combinations of climate drivers and/or hazards that contribute to societal or environmental risk. Studying compound events often requires a multidisciplinary approach combining domain knowledge of the underlying processes with, for example, statistical methods and climate model outputs. Recently, to aid the development of research on compound events, four compound event types were introduced, namely (1) preconditioned, (2) multivariate, (3) temporally compounding, and (4) spatially compounding events. However, guidelines on how to study these types of events are still lacking. Here, we consider four case studies, each associated with a specific event type and a research question, to illustrate how the key elements of compound events (e.g., analytical tools and relevant physical effects) can be identified. These case studies show that (1) impacts on crops from hot and dry summers can be exacerbated by preconditioning effects of dry and bright springs. (2) Assessing compound coastal flooding in Perth (Australia) requires considering the dynamics of a non-stationary multivariate process. For instance, future mean sea-level rise will lead to the emergence of concurrent coastal and fluvial extremes, enhancing compound flooding risk. (3) In Portugal, deep-landslides are often caused by temporal clusters of moderate precipitation events. Finally, (4) crop yield failures in France and Germany are strongly correlated, threatening European food security through spatially compounding effects. These analyses allow for identifying general recommendations for studying compound events. Overall, our insights can serve as a blueprint for compound event analysis across disciplines and sectors

    Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias

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    Autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxias (ARCA) are a heterogeneous group of rare neurological disorders involving both central and peripheral nervous system, and in some case other systems and organs, and characterized by degeneration or abnormal development of cerebellum and spinal cord, autosomal recessive inheritance and, in most cases, early onset occurring before the age of 20 years. This group encompasses a large number of rare diseases, the most frequent in Caucasian population being Friedreich ataxia (estimated prevalence 2–4/100,000), ataxia-telangiectasia (1–2.5/100,000) and early onset cerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes (1/100,000). Other forms ARCA are much less common. Based on clinicogenetic criteria, five main types ARCA can be distinguished: congenital ataxias (developmental disorder), ataxias associated with metabolic disorders, ataxias with a DNA repair defect, degenerative ataxias, and ataxia associated with other features. These diseases are due to mutations in specific genes, some of which have been identified, such as frataxin in Friedreich ataxia, α-tocopherol transfer protein in ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED), aprataxin in ataxia with oculomotor apraxia (AOA1), and senataxin in ataxia with oculomotor apraxia (AOA2). Clinical diagnosis is confirmed by ancillary tests such as neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging, scanning), electrophysiological examination, and mutation analysis when the causative gene is identified. Correct clinical and genetic diagnosis is important for appropriate genetic counseling and prognosis and, in some instances, pharmacological treatment. Due to autosomal recessive inheritance, previous familial history of affected individuals is unlikely. For most ARCA there is no specific drug treatment except for coenzyme Q10 deficiency and abetalipoproteinemia
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