6,936 research outputs found

    The Use of Renewable and Alternative Fuel in the Heavy Clay Industry

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    Abstract The heavy clay industry brick is in many countries a very important economic factor with far reaching financial and environmental impacts. In the industrialized countries the use of alternative fuels in the heavy clay industry is rather limited.The European brick industries common current research activity is mainly focused on synthgas from waste streams. In-house research activity by single brick companies does, at least in Europe, not take place at the moment. The situation in the developing and industrializing countries is far different: The use of alternative,fossil and renewable, fuels in these countries is still wide spread. The use of such fuels does sometimes have severe negative impacts on the environment. This paper gives an overview of the use of various renewable and alternative fuels in the heavy clay industry in several countries and the environmental and financial impacts these fuels have or might have on the operation of a typical installation in various parts of the world (Maghreb, Europe, USA, Australia,India, Vietnam). Two examples in which alternative fuels have been or are used, one in an industrializing and one in an industrialized country, are briefly presented. A comparative product life cycle analysis, LCA, is presented

    Innovative Biogas Multi-Stage Biogas Plant and Novel Analytical System

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    AbstractThe here presented applied research and development project is targeted to the development and application of new and improved techniques in plant design, performance analysis and process control. Hereto following the required steps are illustrated and the goals are outlined. The project covers the development of a previously patented anaerobic digestion process, adaption of flow cytometry as an analytical instrument and investigation of innovative ways of disposal of solid fermentation wastes. The preliminary experiences with a newly built research plant employing a novel anaerobic biogas digestion technique are discussed. In this paper the first outcomes concerning the construction and operation are discussed. A novel method of disposal of the fermentation wastes is also discussed and first results are shown

    FLARE: A Framework for the Finite Element Simulation of Electromagnetic Interference on Buried Metallic Pipelines

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    The functionality of buried metallic pipelines can be compromised by the electrical lines that share the same right-of-way. Given the considerable size of shared corridors, computer simulation is an important tool for performing risk assessment and mitigation design. In this work, we introduce an open-source computational framework for the analysis of electromagnetic interference on large earth-return structures. The developed framework is based on FLARE-an efficient finite element solver developed by the authors in MATLAB((R)). FLARE includes solvers for problems involving static electric and magnetic fields, and DC and time-harmonic AC currents. Quasi-magnetostatic transient problems can be studied through time-marching or-for linear problems-with an efficient inverse-Laplace approach. In this work, we succinctly describe the optimization of time-critical operations in FLARE, as well as the implementation of a transient solver with automatic time-stepping. We validate the numerical results obtained with FLARE via a comparison with the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics((R)). We then use the validated time-marching analysis results to test the accuracy and efficiency of three numerical inverse-Laplace algorithms. The test problem considered is the assessment of the inductive coupling between a 500 kV transmission line and a metallic pipeline buried in the soil

    Measurement of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations with a High-Density Detector

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    We propose an experiment to test the hypothesis that the reported anomaly on atmospheric neutrino fluxes is due to nu_mu nu_x oscillations. It will rely both on a disappearance technique, exploiting the method of the dependence of the event rate on L/E, which was recently shown to be effective for detection of neutrino oscillation and measurement of the oscillation parameters, and on an appearance technique, looking for an excess of muon-less events at high energy produced by upward-going tau neutrinos. The detector will consist of iron planes interleaved by limited streamer tubes. The total mass will be about 30 kt. The possibility of recuperating most of the instrumentation from existing detectors allows to avoid R&D phases and to reduce construction time. In four years of data taking, this experiment will be sensitive to oscillations nu_mu nu_x with Delta m^2 > 10^-4 eV^2 and a mixing near to maximal, and answer the question whether nu_x is a sterile or a tau neutrino

    Municipal Solid Waste treatment by integrated solutions: energy and environmental balances

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    This paper reports a comparison between two scenarios developed in order to manage the municipal solid waste in an area in the North part of Italy. In the proposed scenarios various technological solutions, regarding the selective collection, the energy recovery and the modality of final disposal were taken into account. The comparison was done considering both mass/energy and environmental balance, trying to focus the most suitable solution. The experience can be completed with other scenarios containing different technical solution intermediate between the two considered in this study

    Incidentally discovered pheochromocytoma and aldosterone-producing adenoma in the same adrenal gland

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    Simultaneous occurrence of pheochromocytoma and aldosterone-producing adrenocortical tumor has been rarely reported in patients with symptoms or findings suggestive for both neoplasms. Herein, we report and discuss on a challenging case of synchronous pheochromocytoma and aldosterone-producing adenoma incidentally detected in the same adrenal gland and documented by biochemical studies and pathological examination

    Renal vein obstruction and orthostatic proteinuria: a review

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    Objectives. The cause of orthostatic proteinuria is not clear but may often relate to obstruction of the left renal vein in the fork between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery (= renal nutcracker). However, reports dealing with proteinuria only marginally refer to this possible cause of orthostatic proteinuria. We analysed the corresponding literature. Results. Five reports addressed the frequency of renal nutcracker in 229 subjects with orthostatic proteinuria. Their age ranged between 5.2 and 17years (female-to-male ratio: 0.96:1.00). Imaging studies demonstrated renal nutcracker in 156 (68%) subjects. Renal nutcracker was also demonstrated in 9 anecdotal reports for a total of 53 subjects with postural proteinuria. Very recently, 13 Italian subjects with orthostatic proteinuria associated with renal nutcracker were reassessed 6years after the initial diagnosis: in nine subjects, both orthostatic proteinuria and renal nutcracker had disappeared; in three, both orthostatic proteinuria and renal nutcracker had persisted; and in one, orthostatic proteinuria had persisted unassociated with renal nutcracker. Conclusions. These data provide substantial support for renal nutcracker as a common cause of orthostatic proteinuri

    Claimed Co-ethnics and Kin-State Citizenship in Southeastern Europe

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    The paper introduces the often neglected concept of 'claimed co-ethnics' in the analysis of citizenship policies. It argues that this is an interstitial category that further complicates the triadic nexus between national minorities, nationalising states and kin-states. The 'claimed co-ethnics' are defined as people who are recognised by the citizenship (or ethnizenship) conferring state as belonging to its main ethnic group, although they themselves do not embrace that definition. In addition to bringing the issue of claimed co-ethnics into focus, the paper elucidates how citizenship policies can affect groups that challenge the exact fit between ethnicity and nation, showing how national governments through particular citizenship policies and categorisation practices engage in the construction of these groups. The paper shows that the triadic nexus framework, which has had a strong influence on citizenship and minorities scholarship, needs to be revised to include unidirectional relations between the elements of the triadic nexus. The paper is based on the comparison between the cases of ethnic Vlachs (in the context of Albania and Greece) and Bunjevci (in the context of Serbia and Croatia).European Commission - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7

    Imaging of lumpectomy surface with large field-of-view confocal laser scanning microscope for intraoperative margin assessment - POLARHIS study

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    Introduction: Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) in case of breast cancer and/or in-situ-carcinoma lesions (DCIS) intends to completely remove breast cancer while saving healthy tissue as much as possible to achieve better aesthetic and psychological outcomes for the patient. Such modality should result in postoperative tumor-free margins of the surgical resection in order to carry on with the next therapeutical steps of the patient care. However, 10–40% of patients undergo more than one procedure to achieve acceptable cancer-negative margins. A 2nd operation or further operation (re-operation) has physical, psychological, and economic consequences. It also delays the administration of adjuvant therapy, and has been associated with an elevated risk of local and distant disease relapse. In addition, a high re-operation rate can have significant economic effects - both for the service provider and for the payer. A more efficient intraoperative assessment of the margin may address these issues. Recently, a large field-of-view confocal laser scanning microscope designed to allow real-time intraoperative margin assessment has arrived on the market - the Histolog Scanner. In this paper, we present the first evaluation of lumpectomy margins assessment with this new device. Materials and methods: 40 consecutive patients undergoing BCS with invasive and/or DCIS were included. The whole surface of the surgical specimens was imaged right after the operation using the Histolog Scanner (HLS). The assessment of all the specimen margins was performed intraoperatively according to the standard-of-care of the center which consists of combined ultrasound (IOUS) and/or conventional specimen radiography (CSR), and gross surgical inspection. Margin assessment on HLS images was blindly performed after the surgery by 5 surgeons and one pathologist. The capabilities to correctly determine margin status in HLS images was compared to the final histopathological assessment. Furthermore, the potential reduction of positive-margin and re-operation rates by utilization of the HLS were extrapolated. Results: The study population included 7/40 patients with DCIS (17.5%), 17/40 patients with DCIS and invasive ductal cancer (IDC NST) (42.5%), 10/40 patients with IDC NST (25%), 4/40 with invasive lobular cancer (ILC) (10%), and 1/40 patients with a mix of IDC NST, DCIS, and ILC. Clinical routine resulted in 13 patients with positive margins identified by final histopathological assessment, resulting in 12 re-operations (30% re-operation rate). Amongst these 12 patients, 10 had DCIS components involved in their margin, confirming the importance of improving the detection accuracy of this specific lesion. Surgeons, who were given a short familiarization on HLS images, and a pathologist were able to detect positive margins in 4/12 and 7/12 patients (33% and 58%), respectively, that were missed by the intraoperative standard of care. In addition, a retrospective analysis of the HLS images revealed that cancer lesions can be identified in 9/12 (75%) patients with positive margins. Conclusion: The present study presents that breast cancer can be detected by surgeons and pathologists in HLS images of lumpectomy margins leading to a potential reduction of 30% and 75% of the re-operations. The Histolog Scanner is easily inserted into the clinical workflow and has the potential to improve the intraoperative standard-of-care for the assessment of breast conserving treatments. In addition, it has the potential to increase oncological safety and cosmetics by avoiding subsequent resections and can also have a significant positive economic effect for service providers and cost bearers. The data presented in this study will have to be further confirmed in a prospective phase–III–trial
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