704 research outputs found

    Conclusion: Popular Criminology Revisited

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    The concluding chapter discusses the significance of popular criminology, revisiting the key issues addressed in the different chapters of the book. It highlights the diversity of contemporary crime-and-deviance-related popular culture and provides an outlook for future research in the field

    Radio Properties of Low Redshift Broad Line Active Galactic Nuclei Including Extended Radio Sources

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    We present a study of the extended radio emission in a sample of 8434 low redshift (z < 0.35) broad line active galactic nuclei (AGN) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). To calculate the jet and lobe contributions to the total radio luminosity, we have taken the 846 radio core sources detected in our previous study of this sample and performed a systematic search in the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST) database for extended radio emission that is likely associated with the optical counterparts. We found 51 out of 846 radio core sources have extended emission (> 4" from the optical AGN) that is positively associated with the AGN, and we have identified an additional 12 AGN with extended radio emission but no detectable radio core emission. Among these 63 AGN, we found 6 giant radio galaxies (GRGs), with projected emission exceeding 750 kpc in length, and several other AGN with unusual radio morphologies also seen in higher redshift surveys. The optical spectra of many of the extended sources are similar to that of typical broad line radio galaxy spectra, having broad Hα\alpha emission lines with boxy profiles and large M_BH. With extended emission taken into account, we find strong evidence for a bimodal distribution in the radio-loudness parameter R, where the lower radio luminosity core-only sources appear as a population separate from the extended sources, with a dividing line at log(R) ≈1.75\approx 1.75. This dividing line ensures that these are indeed the most radio-loud AGN, which may have different or extreme physical conditions in their central engines when compared to the more numerous radio quiet AGN.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, accepted to A

    The development of structural adhesive systems suitable for use with liquid oxygen Annual summary report, 1 Jul. 1964 - 30 Jun. 1965

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    Preparation and testing of adhesive polyurethanes, polycarbonates, and other highy halogenated polymers for liquid oxygen compatibilit

    Spatially-Resolved Spectra of the "Teacup" AGN: Tracing the History of a Dying Quasar

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Galaxy Zoo project has revealed a number of spectacular galaxies possessing Extended Emission-Line Regions (EELRs), the most famous being Hanny's Voorwerp galaxy. We present another EELR object discovered in the SDSS endeavor: the Teacup Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), nicknamed for its EELR, which has a handle like structure protruding 15 kpc into the northeast quadrant of the galaxy. We analyze physical conditions of this galaxy with long-slit ground based spectroscopy from Lowell, Lick, and KPNO observatories. With the Lowell 1.8m Perkin's telescope we took multiple observations at different offset positions, allowing us to recover spatially resolved spectra across the galaxy. Line diagnostics indicate the ionized gas is photoionized primarily by the AGN. Additionally we are able to derive the hydrogen density from the [S II] 6716/6731 ratio. We generated two-component photoionization models for each spatially resolved Lowell spectrum. These models allow us to calculate the AGN bolometric luminosity seen by the gas at different radii from the nuclear center of the Teacup. Our results show a drop in bolometric luminosity by more than two orders of magnitude from the EELR to the nucleus, suggesting that the AGN has decreased in luminosity by this amount in a continuous fashion over 46,000 years, supporting the case for a dying AGN in this galaxy independent of any IR based evidence. We demonstrate that spatially resolved photoionization modeling could be applied to EELRs to investigate long time scale variability.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Progression of phosphine resistance in susceptible Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) populations under different immigration regimes and selection pressures

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    Insecticide resistance is an escalating global issue for a wide variety of agriculturally important pests. The genetic basis and biochemical mechanisms of resistance are well characterized in some systems, but little is known about the ecological aspects of insecticide resistance. We therefore designed a laboratory experiment to quantify the progression of phosphine resistance in Tribolium castaneum populations subject to different immigration regimes and selection pressures. Mated resistant females were added to originally susceptible populations under two distinct migration rates, and in addition, half of the populations in each migration treatment were exposed to selection pressures from phosphine fumigation. The progression of phosphine resistance was assessed by screening beetles for the resistance allele at rph2. Phosphine resistance increased slowly in the low migration treatment and in the absence of selection, as expected. But at the higher migration rate, the increase in frequency of the resistance allele was lower than predicted. These outcomes result from the high levels of polyandry known in T. castaneum females in the laboratory, because most of the Generation 1 offspring (86%) were heterozygous for the rph2 allele, probably because resistant immigrant females mated again on arrival. Phosphine resistance was not fixed by fumigation as predicted, perhaps because susceptible gametes and eggs survived fumigation within resistant females. In terms of phosphine resistance progression in populations exposed to selection, the effect of fumigation negated the difference in migration rates. These results demonstrate how species-specific traits relating to the mating system may shape the progression of insecticide resistance within populations, and they have broad implications for the management of phosphine resistance in T. castaneum in the field. ​We specify and discuss how these mating system attributes need to be accounted for when developing guidelines for resistance management

    Radio Properties of Low Redshift Broad Line Active Galactic Nuclei

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    The question as to whether the distribution of radio-loudness in active galactic nuclei (AGN) is actually bimodal has been discussed extensively in the literature. Futhermore, there have been claims that radio-loudness depends on black hole mass and Eddington ratio. We investigate these claims using the low redshift broad line AGN sample of Greene & Ho (2007), which consists of 8434 objects at z < 0.35 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Fourth Data Release (SDSS DR4). We obtained radio fluxes from the Very Large Array Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST) survey for the SDSS AGN. Out of the 8434 SDSS AGN, 821 have corresponding observed radio fluxes in the FIRST survey. We calculated the radio-loudness parameter (R) for all objects above the FIRST detection limit (1 mJy), and an upper limit to R for the undetected objects. Using these data, the question of radio bimodality is investigated for different subsets of the total sample. We find no clear demarcation between the radio-loud (RL, R > 10) and radio-quiet (RQ, R < 10) objects, but instead fill in a more radio-intermediate population in a continuous fashion for all subsamples. We find that 4.7% of the AGN in the flux-limited subsample are RL based on core radio emission alone. We calculate the radio-loud fraction (RLF) as both a function of black hole mass and Eddington ratio. The RLF decreases (from 13% to 2%) as Eddington ratio increases over 2.5 order of magnitude. The RLF is nearly constant (~5%) over 4 decades in black hole mass, except for an increase at masses greater than 10^8 solar masses. We find for the FIRST detected subsample that 367 of the RL AGN have black hole masses less than 10^8 solar masses, a large enough number to indicate that RL AGN are not a product of only the most massive black holes in the local universe.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, accepted to A

    Correspondence: Emails related to an DWC Information Brochure

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    Emailed related to planning the informational brochure. Includes mock up items and correspondence regarding brochure revisions

    Extreme lowering of deglacial seawater radiocarbon recorded by both epifaunal and infaunal benthic foraminifera in a wood-dated sediment core

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    For over a decade, oceanographers have debated the interpretation and reliability of sediment microfossil records indicating extremely low seawater radiocarbon (14C) during the last deglaciation – observations that suggest a major disruption in marine carbon cycling coincident with rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Possible flaws in these records include poor age model controls, utilization of mixed infaunal foraminifera species, and bioturbation. We have addressed these concerns using a glacial–interglacial record of epifaunal benthic foraminifera 14C on an ideal sedimentary age model (wood calibrated to atmosphere 14C). Our results affirm – with important caveats – the fidelity of these microfossil archives and confirm previous observations of highly depleted seawater 14C at intermediate depths in the deglacial northeast Pacific.</p

    Is the observed high-frequency radio luminosity distribution of QSOs bimodal?

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    The distribution of QSO radio luminosities has long been debated in the literature. Some argue that it is a bimodal distribution, implying that there are two separate QSO populations (normally referred to as 'radio-loud' and 'radio-quiet'), while others claim it forms a more continuous distribution characteristic of a single population. We use deep observations at 20 GHz to investigate whether the distribution is bimodal at high radio frequencies. Carrying out this study at high radio frequencies has an advantage over previous studies as the radio emission comes predominantly from the core of the AGN, hence probes the most recent activity. Studies carried out at lower frequencies are dominated by the large scale lobes where the emission is built up over longer timescales (10^7-10^8 yrs), thereby confusing the sample. Our sample comprises 874 X-ray selected QSOs that were observed as part of the 6dF Galaxy Survey. Of these, 40% were detected down to a 3 sigma detection limit of 0.2-0.5 mJy. No evidence of bimodality is seen in either the 20 GHz luminosity distribution or in the distribution of the R_20 parameter: the ratio of the radio to optical luminosities traditionally used to classify objects as being either radio-loud or radio-quiet. Previous results have claimed that at low radio luminosities, star formation processes can dominate the radio emission observed in QSOs. We attempt to investigate these claims by stacking the undetected sources at 20 GHz and discuss the limitations in carrying out this analysis. However, if the radio emission was solely due to star formation processes, we calculate that this corresponds to star formation rates ranging from ~10 solar masses/yr to ~2300 solar masses/yr.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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