1,510 research outputs found

    Adaption of Pseudomonas ogarae F113 to the rhizosphere environment—The AmrZ-FleQ Hub

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    Motility and biofilm formation are two crucial traits in the process of rhizosphere colonization by pseudomonads. The regulation of both traits requires a complex signaling network that is coordinated by the AmrZ-FleQ hub. In this review, we describe the role of this hub in the adaption to the rhizosphere. The study of the direct regulon of AmrZ and the phenotypic analyses of an amrZ mutant in Pseudomonas ogarae F113 has shown that this protein plays a crucial role in the regulation of several cellular functions, including motility, biofilm formation, iron homeostasis, and bis-(3′-5′)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) turnover, controlling the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. On the other hand, FleQ is the master regulator of flagellar synthesis in P. ogarae F113 and other pseudomonads, but its implication in the regulation of multiple traits related with environmental adaption has been shown. Genomic scale studies (ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq) have shown that in P. ogarae F113, AmrZ and FleQ are general transcription factors that regulate multiple traits. It has also been shown that there is a common regulon shared by the two transcription factors. Moreover, these studies have shown that AmrZ and FleQ form a regulatory hub that inversely regulate traits such as motility, extracellular matrix component production, and iron homeostasis. The messenger molecule c-di-GMP plays an essential role in this hub since its production is regulated by AmrZ and it is sensed by FleQ and required for its regulatory role. This regulatory hub is functional both in culture and in the rhizosphere, indicating that the AmrZ-FleQ hub is a main player of P. ogarae F113 adaption to the rhizosphere environmentWork related to environmental adaption of pseudomonads in the authors’ laboratory is currently funded by a Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FEDER/EU Grant PID2021-125070OB-I0

    EuroEco (European Health Economic Trial on Home Monitoring in ICD Patients): a provider perspective in five European countries on costs and net financial impact of follow-up with or without remote monitoring

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    Aim: Remote follow-up (FU) of implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICDs) allows for fewer in-office visits in combination with earlier detection of relevant findings. Its implementation requires investment and reorganization of care. Providers (physicians or hospitals) are unsure about the financial impact. The primary end-point of this randomized prospective multicentre health economic trial was the total FU-related cost for providers, comparing Home Monitoring facilitated FU (HM ON) to regular in-office FU (HM OFF) during the first 2 years after ICD implantation. Also the net financial impact on providers (taking national reimbursement into account) and costs from a healthcare payer perspective were evaluated. Methods and results: Atotal of 312 patients with VVI-or DDD-ICD implants from 17 centres in six EU countries were randomised to HMON or OFF, of which 303 were eligible for data analysis. For all contacts (in-office, calendar-or alert-triggered web-based review, discussions, calls) time-expenditure was tracked. Country-specific cost parameters were used to convert resource use into monetary values. Remote FU equipment itself was not included in the cost calculations. Given only two patients from Finland (one in each group) a monetary valuation analysis was not performed for Finland. Average age was 62.4 +/- 13.1 years, 81% were male, 39% received a DDD system, and 51% had a prophylactic ICD. Resource use with HM ON was clearly different: less FU visits (3.79 +/- 1.67 vs. 5.53 +/- 2.32; P < 0.001) despite a small increase of unscheduled visits (0.95 +/- 1.50 vs. 0.62 +/- 1.25; P < 0.005), more non-office-based contacts (1.95+3.29 vs. 1.01 +/- 2.64; P < 0.001), more Internet sessions (11.02 +/- 15.28 vs. 0.06 +/- 0.31; P < 0.001) and more in-clinic discussions (1.84 +/- 4.20 vs. 1.28 +/- 2.92; P < 0.03), but with numerically fewer hospitalizations (0.67 +/- 1.18 vs. 0.85 +/- 1.43, P = 0.23) and shorter length-of-stay (6.31 +/- 15.5 vs. 8.26 +/- 18.6; P = 0.27), although not significant. For the whole study population, the total FU cost for providers was not different for HM ON vs. OFF [mean (95% CI): (sic)204 169-238) vs. (sic)213 (182-243); range for difference ((sic)-36 to 54), NS]. From a payer perspective, FU-related costs were similar while the total cost per patient (including other physician visits, examinations, and hospitalizations) was numerically (but not significantly) lower. There was no difference in the net financial impact on providers [profit of (sic)408 (327-489) vs. (sic)400 (345-455); range for difference ((sic)-104 to 88), NS], but there was heterogeneity among countries, with less profit for providers in the absence of specific remote FU reimbursement (Belgium, Spain, and the Netherlands) and maintained or increased profit in cases where such reimbursement exists (Germany and UK). Quality of life (SF-36) was not different. Conclusion: For all the patients as a whole, FU-related costs for providers are not different for remote FU vs. purely in-office FU, despite reorganized care. However, disparity in the impact on provider budget among different countries illustrates the need for proper reimbursement to ensure effective remote FU implementation

    Regulation of extracellular matrix components byAmrZ is mediated by c‑di‑GMP in Pseudomonas ogarae F113

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    The AmrZ/FleQ hub has been identified as a central node in the regulation of environmental adaption in the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium and model for rhizosphere colonization Pseudomonas ogarae F113. AmrZ is involved in the regulation of motility, biofilm formation, and bis-(3′-5′)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) turnover, among others, in this bacterium. The mutants in amrZ have a pleiotropic phenotype with distinguishable colony morphology, reduced biofilm formation, increased motility, and are severely impaired in competitive rhizosphere colonization. Here, RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR gene expression analyses revealed that AmrZ regulates many genes related to the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) components at the transcriptional level. Furthermore, overproduction of c-di-GMP in an amrZ mutant, by ectopic production of the Caulobacter crescentus constitutive diguanylate cyclase PleD*, resulted in increased expression of many genes implicated in the synthesis of ECM components. The overproduction of c-di-GMP in the amrZ mutant also suppressed the biofilm formation and motility phenotypes, but not the defect in competitive rhizosphere colonization. These results indicate that although biofilm formation and motility are mainly regulated indirectly by AmrZ, through the modulation of c-di-GMP levels, the implication of AmrZ in rhizosphere competitive colonization occurs in a c-di-GMP-independent manne

    Transcriptomic analysis of pseudomonas ogarae F113 reveals the antagonistic roles of AmrZ and FleQ during rhizosphere adaption

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    Rhizosphere colonization by bacteria involves molecular and cellular mechanisms, such as motility and chemotaxis, biofilm formation, metabolic versatility, or biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, among others. Nonetheless, there is limited knowledge concerning the main regulatory factors that drive the rhizosphere colonization process. Here we show the importance of the AmrZ and FleQ transcription factors for adaption in the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) and rhizosphere colonization model Pseudomonas ogarae F113. RNA-Seq analyses of P. ogarae F113 grown in liquid cultures either in exponential and stationary growth phase, and rhizosphere conditions, revealed that rhizosphere is a key driver of global changes in gene expression in this bacterium. Regarding the genetic background, this work has revealed that a mutation in fleQ causes considerably more alterations in the gene expression profile of this bacterium than a mutation in amrZ under rhizosphere conditions. The functional analysis has revealed that in P. ogarae F113, the transcription factors AmrZ and FleQ regulate genes involved in diverse bacterial functions. Notably, in the rhizosphere, these transcription factors antagonistically regulate genes related to motility, biofilm formation, nitrogen, sulfur, and amino acid metabolism, transport, signalling, and secretion, especially the type VI secretion systems. These results define the regulon of two important bifunctional transcriptional regulators in pseudomonads during the process of rhizosphere colonization

    Calidad del registro poblacional de cáncer de Barranquilla según los datos consignados de cáncer de mama, próstata, cérvix, pulmón y colon, durante el periodo 2008-2012

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    Los registros poblacionales de cáncer son herramientas utilizadas para la consignación y organización de los datos de cáncer de pacientes de un grupo poblacional en específico. Conociendo que los registros poblacionales de cáncer proporcionan información vital para la planificación, la prevención y el tratamiento del cáncer, la información generada por ellos debe ser integral, válida y comparable. Este estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal, utilizando los datos consignados en el Registro Poblacional de Cáncer de Barranquilla, ubicado en Soledad, Atlántico, pretende determinar la calidad del Registro Poblacional de Cáncer de Barranquilla según los datos de los tumores con las 5 principales localizaciones (mama, próstata, cérvix, pulmón y colon), durante el periodo 2008-2012. Evaluando diferentes variables como la comparabilidad, exhaustividad y validez del registro es posible concluir, de manera general, que el registro en estudio provee información comparable, confiable y válida acerca del comportamiento epidemiológico de las 5 localizaciones principales de cáncer (mama, próstata, cérvix, pulmón y colon) en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Se determina que la calidad de los datos del Registro Poblacional de Cáncer de Barranquilla es adecuada, considerando la infraestructura, las capacidades locales, los recursos disponibles y el tiempo de funcionamiento del registro. Es importante aclarar que debido al inicio de la cuarentena implementada como medida preventiva en medio de la pandemia por el virus SARS-CoV-2 no se pudo realizar visitas a los centros asistenciales por lo que no fue posible evaluar todos los datos que en un principio se tenía pensado incluir dentro del estudio.PregradoMedic

    An Orphan VrgG Auxiliary Module Related to the Type VI Secretion Systems from Pseudomonas ogarae F113 Mediates Bacterial Killing

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    The model rhizobacterium Pseudomonas ogarae F113, a relevant plant growth-promoting bacterium, encodes three different Type VI secretion systems (T6SS) in its genome. In silico analysis of its genome revealed the presence of a genetic auxiliary module containing a gene encoding an orphan VgrG protein (VgrG5a) that is not genetically linked to any T6SS structural cluster, but is associated with genes encoding putative T6SS-related proteins: a possible adaptor Tap protein, followed by a putative effector, Tfe8, and its putative cognate immunity protein, Tfi8. The bioinformatic analysis of the VgrG5a auxiliary module has revealed that this cluster is only present in several subgroups of the P. fluorescens complex of species. An analysis of the mutants affecting the vgrG5a and tfe8 genes has shown that the module is involved in bacterial killing. To test whether Tfe8/Tfi8 constitute an effector–immunity pair, the genes encoding Tfe8 and Tfi8 were cloned and expressed in E. coli, showing that the ectopic expression of tfe8 affected growth. The growth defect was suppressed by tfi8 ectopic expression. These results indicate that Tfe8 is a bacterial killing effector, while Tfi8 is its cognate immunity protein. The Tfe8 protein sequence presents homology to the proteins of the MATE family involved in drug extrusion. The Tfe8 effector is a membrane protein with 10 to 12 transmembrane domains that could destabilize the membranes of target cells by the formation of pores, revealing the importance of these effectors for bacterial interaction. Tfe8 represents a novel type of a T6SS effector present in pseudomonadsThis work has been funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grant FEDER/EU Grant PID2021-125070OB-I00. DV was granted by the FPI-UAM program (SFPI/2021-00458

    Analysis of the biodegradative and adaptive potential of the novel polychlorinated biphenyl degrader Rhodococcus sp. WAY2 revealed by its complete genome sequence

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    The complete genome sequence of Rhodococcus sp. WAY2 (WAY2) consists of a circular chromosome, three linear replicons and a small circular plasmid. The linear replicons contain typical actinobacterial invertron-type telomeres with the central CGTXCGC motif. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene along with phylogenomic analysis based on the genome-togenome blast distance phylogeny (GBDP) algorithm and digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) with other Rhodococcus type strains resulted in a clear differentiation of WAY2, which is likely a new species. The genome of WAY2 contains five distinct clusters of bph, etb and nah genes, putatively involved in the degradation of several aromatic compounds. These clusters are distributed throughout the linear plasmids. The high sequence homology of the ring-hydroxylating subunits of these systems with other known enzymes has allowed us to model the range of aromatic substrates they could degrade. Further functional characterization revealed that WAY2 was able to grow with biphenyl, naphthalene and xylene as sole carbon and energy sources, and could oxidize multiple aromatic compounds, including ethylbenzene, phenanthrene, dibenzofuran and toluene. In addition, WAY2 was able to co-metabolize 23 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners, consistent with the five different ring-hydroxylating systems encoded by its genome. WAY2 could also use n-alkanes of various chain-lengths as a sole carbon source, probably due to the presence of alkB and ladA gene copies, which are only found in its chromosome. These results show that WAY2 has a potential to be used for the biodegradation of multiple organic compoundsThis research was funded by GREENER-H2020 (EU), grant number 826312, and MICINN/FEDER EU, grant number RTI2018-0933991- B-I00. D.G.-S. was supported by a MECD FPU fellowship program, grant number FPU14/03965. P.S.-L. was supported by the MICINN FPU fellowship program, grant number FPU18/02169. E.B.-R. was supported by the MECD FPU fellowship program, grant number FPU16/05513. J.S., T.C. and O.U. acknowledge Czech Science Foundation grant number 17–00227S, which enabled PCB co-metabolism experiments to be undertake

    Classification of Isolates from the Pseudomonas fluorescens Complex into Phylogenomic Groups Based in Group-Specific Markers.

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    The Pseudomonas fluorescens complex of species includes plant-associated bacteria with potential biotechnological applications in agriculture and environmental protection. Many of these bacteria can promote plant growth by different means, including modification of plant hormonal balance and biocontrol. The P. fluorescens group is currently divided into eight major subgroups in which these properties and many other ecophysiological traits are phylogenetically distributed. Therefore, a rapid phylogroup assignment for a particular isolate could be useful to simplify the screening of putative inoculants. By using comparative genomics on 71 P. fluorescens genomes, we have identified nine markers which allow classification of any isolate into these eight subgroups, by a presence/absence PCR test. Nine primer pairs were developed for the amplification of these markers. The specificity and sensitivity of these primer pairs were assessed on 28 field isolates, environmental samples from soil and rhizosphere and tested by in silico PCR on 421 genomes. Phylogenomic analysis validated the results: the PCR-based system for classification of P. fluorescens isolates has a 98.34% of accuracy and it could be used as a rapid and simple assay to evaluate the potential of any P. fluorescens complex strain.Research was funded by grant BIO2015-64480R from MINECO/FEDER EU. DGS was granted by FPU fellowship program (FPU14/03965) from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Spai

    Role of extracellular matrix components in biofilm formation and adaptation of Pseudomonas ogarae F113 to the rhizosphere environment

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    Regulating the transition of bacteria from motile to sessile lifestyles is crucial for their ability to compete effectively in the rhizosphere environment. Pseudomonas are known to rely on extracellular matrix (ECM) components for microcolony and biofilm formation, allowing them to adapt to a sessile lifestyle. Pseudomonas ogarae F113 possesses eight gene clusters responsible for the production of ECM components. These gene clusters are tightly regulated by AmrZ, a major transcriptional regulator that influences the cellular levels of c-di-GMP. The AmrZ-mediated transcriptional regulation of ECM components is primarily mediated by the signaling molecule c-di-GMP and the flagella master regulator FleQ. To investigate the functional role of these ECM components in P. ogarae F113, we performed phenotypic analyses using mutants in genes encoding these ECM components. These analyses included assessments of colony morphology, dye-staining, static attachment to abiotic surfaces, dynamic biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces, swimming motility, and competitive colonization assays of the rhizosphere. Our results revealed that alginate and PNAG polysaccharides, along with PsmE and the fimbrial low molecular weight protein/tight adherence (Flp/Tad) pilus, are the major ECM components contributing to biofilm formation. Additionally, we found that the majority of these components and MapA are needed for a competitive colonization of the rhizosphere in P. ogarae F113