320 research outputs found

    La oligarquía municipal de Granada en los albores del dominio castellano

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    Granada's Town Council did not become fully established until almost nine years after the Castilian conquest of the city and shortly after the conversion forced by the monarchs immediately after their crushing of the Moorish revolt in 1499. Since the fall of 1500, the municipal institution became the crucible for the encounter between the "cristianoviejos" (old Christians) and the Moorish elites. The merger of these two sectors took place, nevertheless, in the context of interoligarchic rivalries which became particularly tense from 1508 onwards. This context was marked by a división into factions and the strong political patronage led by the second count of Tendilla and the Gran Capitán until 1515. The study of these clashes is addressed in the last three sections of this paper. The first two are devoted to the analysis of the social profiles of the early municipal leaders of Granada together with the material bases that enabled their access to power at the time.El Ayuntamiento de Granada no se constituyó de manera definitiva hasta casi nueve años después de que se produjera la conquista castellana de la ciudad y al poco de la conversión forzosa que fue dictada por los reyes tras sofocar la revuelta mudéjar de 1499. A partir del otoño de 1500, la institución municipal fue el crisol en el que se fundieron las élites morisca y cristianovieja. Pero esa fusión se produjo en un contexto de rivalidades intraoligár-quicas, que fueron especialmente tensas a partir de 1508, en un contexto dominado por la actuación de bandos y clientelas políticas que, hasta 1515, estuvieron capitaneadas por el segundo conde de Tendilla y el Gran Capitán. El estudio de esos enfrentamientos se aborda en el último de los tres apartados de este trabajo. Los dos primeros se dedican al conocimiento de los perfiles sociales, las bases materiales y las formas en que accedieron al poder los primeros dirigentes municipales granadinos

    La escritura de la Historia y el optimismo humanista

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    Desde el incautamente profetizado final de la historia en 1989, y aun desde dos décadas antes, la historiografía ha sufrido los embates de la ola de irracionalismo, del declive de las ideologías y del resurgimiento de los fundamentalismos religiosos que acompañan a la actual aceleración de la historia, a resultas de lo cual se ha cuestionado también la función social del historiador. Frente a esas incertidumbres, que no son nuevas, el autor propone, en la línea de otros historiadores del siglo pasado y del presente, alternativas basadas en una reforma audaz de la enseñanza de la historia en la Universidad y una mayor atención a la divulgación del saber histórico que en ella se produce, sin dejar de ser consciente de las rutinas institucionales y los comportamientos sociales que las obstaculizan. Con todo, y desde la convicción marxista de que las sociedades son capaces de cambiar, el autor coincide con quienes consideran que el conocimiento de la historia es un instrumento insustituible para comprender y pensar el mundo y para afrontar el futuro con el optimismo humanista que acompañó a otros historiadores y pensadores dentro y fuera del marxismo.Ever since the end of History was carelessly prophesied in 1989 -and even a couple of decades before that- historiography has been under attack as a result of the wave of irrationalism, the decline of ideologies and the rise of religious fundamentalisms which underpin the current feeling of historical acceleration. The outcome of it all has been the questioning of the social role played by historians. In the face of such (otherwise not quite new) uncertainties, and in line with similar proposals made by historians in the last and in the present centuries, the author of this paper suggests alternatives based on a radical reform of the way in which History is taught in universities and a greater emphasis on the dissemination of historical learning produced in such institutions: all of which while remaining aware of the significance of institutional routines and of social patterns of conduct which may stand in the way of changes. Even so, and sharing the Marxist belief in societies' potential for change, the author agrees with those who believe that historical knowledge is an indispensable instrument in order to understand and 'think' the world, as well as to face the future with such humanistic optimism as inspired in the past the work of other historians and thinkers, both Marxist and non-Marxist

    Simultaneous accessory pathway and AV node mechanical block

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    We report a clinical case of a 22-year-old female referred to our institution due to palpitations and preexcitation. Her ECG suggested a right superior paraseptal accessory pathway (AP), which was localised during the electrophysiological study at the superior paraseptal region in close proximity to the His recordings. Reproducible orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia was induced by atrial pacing with extrastimuli. Cryo-mapping performed in the area of earliest atrial activation was not able to terminate the tachycardia. A second attempt, slightly more posterior, caused mechanical block of the AP, which rendered the tachycardia non-inducible. More pressure with the ablation catheter determined a Wenckebach type supra-hisian AV block, which was transient but reproducible. Given this finding no ablation was done. Simultaneous block to the AP and the atrioventricular node has rarely been reported using radiofrequency energy. However, to our knowledge this phenomenon has not been previously reported in large series using cryo-thermal energ

    Mindfulness-based emotional regulation for patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: A randomized pilot study of efficacy, applicability, and safety

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    The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions to reduce anxiety or improve quality of life (QoL) in patients with cardiac pathologies is well established. However, there is scarce information on the efficacy, applicability, and safety of these interventions in adult patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). In this study, we examined their efficacy on QoL, psychological and biomedical variables, as well as the applicability and safety of a mindfulness-based intervention in patients with an ICD. Methods: Ninety-six patients with an ICD were randomized into two intervention groups and a control group. The interventions involved training in mindfulness-based emotional regulation, either face-to- -face or using the “REM Volver a casa” mobile phone application (app). Results: The sample presented medium-high QoL baseline scores (mean: 68), low anxiety (6.84) and depression (3.89), average mindfulness disposition (128), and cardiological parameters similar to other ICD populations. After the intervention, no significant differences were found in the variables studied between the intervention and control groups. Retention was average (59%), and there were no adverse effects due to the intervention. Conclusions: After training in mindfulness-based emotional regulation (face-to-face or via app), no significant differences were found in the QoL or psychological or biomedical variables in patients with an ICD. The intervention proved to be safe, with 59% retentio

    Barcos y autocaravanas en el Bajo Guadiana. Reconocimiento secuencial de un paisaje fluvial

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    La comprensión de un paisaje es un recurso básico para su transformación (proyecto), pero su análisis e interpretación confluyen igualmente en su propia conceptualización. Las miradas sectoriales (desde la Arquitectura, en este caso) y sustentadas en la percepción y uso desde medios (de transporte y de vida) no convencionales (barcos y autocaravanas) pueden enriquecer la conformación conceptual del paisaje del Bajo Guadiana, de cara a su protección. En este marco se inscribe el planteamiento y desarrollo de un curso de Proyectos y Taller de Arquitectura, en torno al descriptor “Infraestructuras”, desarrollado en el curso 2017-18 en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla, conjuntamente con la Prof. Mabel Regidor. Los ejercicios se concretan en la recualificación de pequeños muelles de amarre existentes y unas reducidas áreas para autocaravanas en tres pequeños núcleos que jalonan la margen portuguesa (Foz de Odeleite, Guerreiros do Río y Laranjeiras), así como en el ámbito de articulación del Alcoutim histórico y de su expansión hacia el norte. Los ejercicios proyectuales (analíticos y sintéticos) tratan de asumir los valores de este excepcional paisaje (naturaleza antropizada, memoria y vocación) a través de ejercicios analíticos y propuestas de recualificación, vigentes y con voluntad integradora a un tiempo

    Crianza real y clientelismo nobiliario: los Bobadilla, una familia de la oligarquía granadina

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    The Bobadilla Family represents a wonderful example of the numerous bureaucratic families -in this case of judeoconverso origin- which increased in wealth and social standing under the auspices of the Crown during the reign of the Ferdinand and Isabella. From a prior position of local importance in Sego- via, the Bobadilla Family assisted in the conquest of the Grenadine Emirate and they received substantial mercedes in the form of land within the Grena¬dine Kingdom; these properties were further increased by means of purchases and usurpations. Along with their wealth, meticulously analyzed in this project, their social ascent was due to their cióse affiliation to the Counts of Tendilla, their relatives and protectors, with whom they collaborated in the difficult, but fruitful, governing of the recently-conquered territory.La familia Bobadilla representa un maravilloso ejemplo de las numerosas familias burocráticas -en este caso de origen judeoconverso- que se incrementaron en riqueza y posición social bajo los auspicios de la Corona durante el reinado de Fernando e Isabel. Desde una posición anterior de importancia local en Segovia, la familia Bobadilla asistió en la conquista del Emirato Granadino y recibió mercedes sustanciales en forma de tierras dentro del Reino de Grenada; estas propiedades se incrementaron aún más por medio de compras y usurpaciones. Junto a su riqueza, meticulosamente analizada en este proyecto, su ascenso social se debió a su cióse afiliación a los Condes de Tendilla, sus familiares y protectores, con quienes colaboraron en el difícil, pero fructífero, gobierno del territorio recién conquistado

    Three Realizations and Comparison of Hardware for Piezoresistive Tactile Sensors

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    Tactile sensors are basically arrays of force sensors that are intended to emulate the skin in applications such as assistive robotics. Local electronics are usually implemented to reduce errors and interference caused by long wires. Realizations based on standard microcontrollers, Programmable Systems on Chip (PSoCs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been proposed by the authors for the case of piezoresistive tactile sensors. The solution employing FPGAs is especially relevant since their performance is closer to that of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) than that of the other devices. This paper presents an implementation of such an idea for a specific sensor. For the purpose of comparison, the circuitry based on the other devices is also made for the same sensor. This paper discusses the implementation issues, provides details regarding the design of the hardware based on the three devices and compares them.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Government under contracts TEC2006-12376 and TEC2009-14446