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    Armazenamento otimizado de dados RDF em um SGBD relacional

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    Orientadora: Prof.a Dr.a Carmem Satie HaraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/01/2018Inclui referências: p. 57-58Resumo: A Web Semântica tem por objetivo tornar compreensíveis as informações disponíveis na Internet para as máquinas. O RDF é o modelo de dados padrão para a Web Semântica. Bases RDF são compostas por triplas (sujeito, predicado, objeto) e o SPARQL é a linguagem de consultas para RDF recomendado pelo W3C. Uma consulta define um padrão de triplas a ser encontrado na base de dados. Como o objeto de uma tripla pode ser o sujeito de outra, uma consulta SPARQL pode ser vista como a busca de um subgrafo no grafo que representa a base RDF. Dada a complexidade deste problema, a otimização do acesso às bases RDF é um desafio a ser enfrentado. Algumas abordagens têm surgido nesse contexto, representando os dados RDF em outros formatos, como, por exemplo, no modelo relacional. Nesse tipo de abordagem, os dados RDF são armazenados em um Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados Relacional(SBGDR). A forma direta de mapeamento de dados RDF para uma base relacional se dá por meio de uma tabela SPO, ou seja, com três atributos - sujeito, predicado e objeto. Porém, esse método em geral não possui bom desempenho, uma vez que toda a base é armazenada em uma única tabela e consultas nessa tabela que envolvem mais de um padrão de triplas implicam na execução de auto-junções. O Armazenamento Otimizado de Dados RDF em um SGBD Relacional - AORR, proposto nesta dissertação, surge como uma forma alternativa de armazenamento de dados RDF em um SGBDR. O intuito é que consultas sobre o AORR possuam desempenho superior às realizadas sobre as tabelas SPO oriundas da abordagem direta. Tal ganho do AORR deve-se, principalmente, à identificação de entidades com estruturas similares na base RDF e a geração de uma tabela para cada entidade no esquema relacional. Dessa forma é minimizado a quantidade de junções a serem executadas para o processamento de consultas. Consultas SPARQL podem ser realizadas sobre a base relacional gerada devido às tabelas de metadados que o AORR cria no processo de extração de esquema. As informações de mapeamento armazenada nas tabelas de metadado possibilitam a tradução de consultas SPARQL para SQL. Elas também permitem que o AORR dê suporte a atualizações incrementais da base. Os resultados dos experimentos mostram que as consultas realizadas sobre a base gerada pelo AORR apresentam melhor desempenho que uma abordagem alternativa baseada em tabelas de entidade para o armazenamento de dados RDF. Palavras-chave: RDF. SPARQL. Metadado. SGBDR.Abstract: The main goal of the Semantic Web is to make machines understand the information available on the Internet. RDF is the Semantic Web standard data model. RDF databases consist of triples (subject, predicate, object). The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) recommends SPARQL as the query language for RDF. A query in RDF involves searching for triple patterns in a database. Since the object of a triple can be the subject of another, SPARQL queries can interpreted as a problem of subgraph match on the graph representing an RDF database. Given the complexity of the problem, optimizing the access to RDF databases is a hard problem. One of the possible approaches to tackle this problem is to store RDF data in a different format, for example, the relational model. A direct mapping from RDF to the relational model stores the entire database in an SPO table (subject, predicate, object). However this mapping does not present a good performance because queries involving more than one triple pattern require auto-joins on this table. This dissertation proposes AORR (Armazenamento Otimizado de Dados RDF em um SGBD Relational) as an alternative approach to store RDF data in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). AORR identifies entities with similar structure in the RDF database and creates a table in the relational database for each entity. This table stores several predicates associated with the same subject and thus the amount of auto-joins to process queries is minimized. SPARQL queries can be translated to SQL on the resulting relacional database due metadata tables that AORR generates during the schema extraction process. These metadata tables also enables incremental updates of the database. The experimental results show that queries executed on AORR have better performance than an alternative approach based on entity tables for storing RDF data. Keywords: RDF. SPARQL. Metadata. RDBMS

    Reconstruindo a cidadania: Módulo Pintura Imobiliária e Moveleira

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: Tecnologia e ProduçãoUma das características do segmento da construção civil é empregar pessoas com baixo nível de escolaridade e de capacitação, possibilitando um rápido acesso ao trabalho de mão de obra, muitas vezes não qualificada. O objetivo do Projeto Reconstruindo a Cidadania é promover preparação e a capacitação, para as pessoas em vulnerabilidade social e/ou trabalhadores na construção civil, nas categorias profissionais pertinentes às equipes de obras, proporcionando oportunidades de integração e compreensão do ambiente de trabalho, para melhor inserção no meio social e do trabalho. O Módulo, intitulado Pintura Imobiliária e Moveleira, promove a capacitação para as atividades de pintura imobiliária e moveleir

    Efeitos de Sentidos sobre família no Estatuto da Família (PL 6.583/2013)

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    The Brazilian Proposed Bill No. 6.583/2013 Family Statute proposed a stabilization of families in traditionalist and conservative terms in face of contemporary changes considered problematic for some stakeholders. The objective of this study was to understand the effects of senses about family in the Family Statute Proposed Bill (PL 6.583/2013) from the discourse analysis of Michel Pêcheux. The main results highlighted the emphasis on gender binarism for the conceptualization of family configurations/dynamics considered normal and the lack of legal security for the implementation of rights for non-monogamous and non-heterosexual subjects and families’ models, contributing to the maintenance of social inequalities. These results highlight the importance of questioning the naturalizations of gender in institutional discourses (legislative or educational, or both) that interpellated the subjects intending to regulate the social relations.El Proyecto de Ley Nº 6.583/2013 de Estatuto de la Familia en Brasil proponía una estabilización de las familias en términos tradicionalistas y conservadores desde el punto de vista de la moral frente a los cambios contemporáneos considerados perturbadores por sectores específicos de la sociedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender los efectos de los sentidos sobre la familia en el Estatuto de la Familia (PL 6.583/2013) a partir del análisis del discurso de Michel Pêcheux. Los principales resultados destacaron el énfasis en el binarismo de género para la conceptualización de las configuraciones/dinámicas familiares consideradas normales y la falta de seguridad jurídica para la implementación de derechos para los sujetos y modelos de familia no monógamos y no heterosexuales, contribuyendo al mantenimiento de las desigualdades sociales. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de cuestionar las naturalizaciones del género en los discursos institucionales legislativos que interpelan a los sujetos y que pretenden regular los espacios y las relaciones socialesO Projeto de Lei nº 6.583/2013 propõe uma estabilização das famílias em termos tradicionalistas diante de mudanças contemporâneas consideradas disruptivas. O objetivo desse estudo foi compreender os efeitos de sentido sobre família no Estatuto da Família (PL 6.583/2013) a partir da Análise do Discurso de Michel Pêcheux. Os principais resultados destacam: ênfase no binarismo de gênero para as configurações/dinâmicas familiares e a manutenção das desiguais relações de poder pautados na suposição de direitos ilusoriamente universais. Esses resultados destacam a importância de questionar as naturalizações de gênero nos discursos organizacionais (legislativos ou educativos, ou ambos) que interpelam os sujeitos pretendendo regular os espaços sociais

    Fitness Cost of Imazamox Resistance in Wild Poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla L.)

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    Wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla L.) is a difficult-to-control weed in soybean production in Brazil that has developed resistance to herbicides, including acetolactate synthase inhibitors. We investigated the potential fitness cost associated to the Ser-653-Asn mutation that confers imazamox resistance in this weed. Plant height, leaf and stem dry weight, leaf area and seed production per plant as well as the growth indices of specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, relative growth rate and net assimilation in F2 homozygous resistant (R) and susceptible (S) wild poinsettia progenies were pairwise compared. S plants were superior in most of the traits studied. Plant heights for S and R biotypes, recorded at 95 days after planting (DAP), were 137 and 120 cm, respectively. Leaf areas were 742 and 1048 cm2 in the R and S biotypes, respectively. The dry weights of leaves and stems in the S plants were 30 and 35%, respectively, higher than in the R plants. In both biotypes, the leaves had a greater share in dry weight at early development stages, but from 50 DAP, the stem became the main contributor to the dry weight of the shoots. The R biotype produced 110 ± 4 seed plant−1, i.e., 12 ± 3% less seeds per plant than that of the S one (125 ± 7 seed plant−1). The growth indices leaf area ratio and specific leaf area were generally higher in the S biotype or similar between both biotypes; while the relative growth rate and net assimilation rate were punctually superior in the R biotype. These results demonstrate that the Ser-653-Asn mutation imposed a fitness cost in imazamox R wild poinsettia

    Stacked traits conferring multiple resistance to imazamox and glufosinate in soft wheat

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    BACKGROUND Conventional crossing of soft wheat cultivars resistant to imazamox and glufosinate resulted in two (Rados and Helter) lines resistant to both herbicides. Stacked traits conferring this dual herbicide resistance in these lines, compared with a susceptible (S) cultivar, were characterized. RESULTS Rados and Helter lines were ∼ 18‐fold more resistant (R) to glufosinate, and between 15.1 and 19.8‐fold more resistant to imazamox than the S cultivar. Resistance to glufosinate and imazamox decreased up to 12% and 50%, respectively, when the herbicides were applied sequentially. The basal activities of the acetolactate and glutamine synthases were similar between R and S plants. Rados and Helter lines were 11.7‐ and 17.7‐fold more resistant to imazamox than the S cultivar, due to the Ser653–Asn mutation in their imi‐ALS genes. R lines, susceptible to glufosinate at the target site level, showed lower ammonia accumulation evidencing the activity of the phosphinothricin acetyl transferase. Absorption and translocation patterns for 14C‐imazamox and 14C‐glufosinate were similar between R and S cultivars and so do not contribute to resistance. CONCLUSION Stacked traits conferring dual herbicide resistance to the lines Rados and Helter come from the resistant parents. These R lines are potential tools for weed management in wheat production, mainly via herbicide rotation. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industr

    First Report of Resistance to Glyphosate in Several Species of the Genus Echinochloa in Argentina

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    The genus Echinochloa consists of about 33 species worldwide; some of these are weeds that are very difficult to control in Argentina, and only E. colona was reported as resistant to glyphosate. The objective of this work is to determine if one or more populations of E. colona, E. crus-galli, E. oryzoides, and E. chacoensis are resistant to or less susceptible to glyphosate. Between 2015 and 2017, seeds of different Echinochloa populations were collected from the provinces of Córdoba, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, and Entre Ríos, all from fields with a history of at least 10 consecutive years of glyphosate application and complaints from farmers due to failures in control. With these populations, survival, dose–response, and shikimic acid quantification tests were carried out to determine their level of susceptibility to glyphosate. The results obtained allow us to report the first worldwide case of resistance to glyphosate in populations of E. crus-galli, E. oryzoides, and E. chacoensis and expand the information on E. colona

    Underlying Resistance Mechanisms in the Cynosurus echinatus Biotype to Acetyl CoA Carboxylase-Inhibiting Herbicides

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    Hedgehog dogtail (Cynosurus echinatus) is an annual grass, native to Europe, but also widely distributed in North and South America, South Africa and Australia. Two hedgehog dogtail biotypes, one diclofop-methyl (DM)-resistant and one DM-susceptible were studied in detail for experimental dose-response resistance mechanisms. Herbicide rates that inhibited shoot growth by 50% (GR50) were determined for DM, being the resistance factor (GR50R/GR50S) of 43.81. When amitrole (Cyt. P450 inhibitor) was applied before treatment with DM, the R biotype growth was significantly inhibited (GR50 of 1019.9 g ai ha-1) compared with the GR50 (1484.6 g ai ha-1) found for the R biotype without pretreatment with amitrole. However, GR50 values for S biotype do not vary with or without amitrole pretreatment. Dose-response experiments carried out to evaluate cross-resistance, showed resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP), cyclohexanodione (CHD) and phenylpyrazoline (PPZ) inhibiting herbicides. Both R and S biotypes had a similar 14C-DM uptake and translocation. The herbicide was poorly distributed among leaves, the rest of the shoot and roots with unappreciable acropetal and/or basipetal DM translocation at 96 HAT. The metabolism of 14C-DM, D-acid and D-conjugate metabolites were identified by thin-layer chromatography. The results showed that DM resistance in C. echinatus is likely due to enhanced herbicide metabolism, involving Cyt. P450 as was demonstrated by indirect assays (amitrole pretreatment). The ACCase in vitro assays showed that the target site was very sensitive to APP, CHD and PPZ herbicides in the C. echinatus S biotype, while the R biotype was insensitive to the previously mentioned herbicides. DNA sequencing studies confirmed that C. echinatus cross-resistance to ACCase inhibitors has been conferred by specific ACCase double point mutations Ile-2041-Asn and Cys-2088-Arg

    The intensity of non-target site mechanisms influences the level of resistance of sourgrass to glyphosate

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    Non-target site mechanisms are involved in the resistance of sourgrass (Digitaria insularis) to glyphosate. Studies on the 14C-glyphosate absorption and translocation as well as the detection of glyphosate and its metabolites in sourgrass plants were carried out under controlled conditions to investigate if the differential response of resistant sourgrass biotypes (R1 and R2) is derived from the intensity of non-target site mechanisms involved in the resistance to glyphosate. Different pattern of absorption was observed between S (susceptible) and R2 from 12 up to 48 hours after treatment with glyphosate (HAT), and between S and R1 just at 12 HAT. The initial difference in glyphosate absorption among the biotypes did not maintained at 96 HAT and afterwards. Smaller amount of herbicide left the treated leaf into the rest of shoot and roots in R2 (25%) than in S (58%) and R1 (52%). In addition, slight difference in glyphosate translocation was observed between S and R1. We found high percentage (81%) of glyphosate in the S biotype up to 168 HAT, while just 44% and 2% of glyphosate was recovered from R1 and R2 plant tissues. In addition, high percentage of glyphosate metabolites was found in R2 (98%) and R1 (56%) biotypes, while a very low percentage (11%) was found in the S biotype. As previous studies indicated resistant factors of 3.5 and 5.6 for R1 and R2, respectively, we conclude that the differential response of sourgrass biotypes is derived from the intensity of the non-target site mechanisms involved in the resistance to glyphosate