33 research outputs found


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    Surgical treatment protocols for rare types of clefts do not exist, especially when they are associated with severe anomalies of the brain and face. Surgical treatment of a newborn with holoprosencephaly, premaxillary agenesis and median cleft lip is a big challenge for the surgeon. The complete lack of bone in the nasal bones and premaxilla make surgical therapy almost impossible. The role of pre-surgical orthodontic therapy plays a major role in creating the conditions for surgical repair of cleft-damaged parts of the face.Case presentation. The paper presents presurgical orthodontic therapy in a newborn with a median cleft lip using the RBJ stimulator. Conclusion. The use of stimulators of a specific construction in the therapy of rare clefts is the method of choice

    Procena prediktivne uloge prezentujućih simptoma i postavljanje dijagnoze idiopatske intrakranijalne hipertenzije, tok i ishod bolesti

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    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is a rare disease characterized by increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in the absence of any other detectable cause. Clinical presentation of IIH is variable, with the most frequent finding of papilledema and headache. Other symptoms include transient visual obscurations (TVO), blurred vision, double vision due to sixth nerve palsy, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, neck pain, disturbed concentration and memory impairment. The diagnostic value of this variety of presenting symptoms and clinical findings has been scarcely investigated. Current diagnostic criteria for IIH are not based on clinical presentation of the disease, and unlike former criteria do not include specific symptoms of raised ICP. Low prevalence of IIH results in insufficient data regarding the course and long-term outcome of the disease. Objectives: The main aims of the study are to a) characterize the presenting symptoms and signs of IIH defined according to the existing diagnostic criteria, b) analyze the correlation of presenting symptoms and signs with the results of diagnostic procedures: ICP measurement, presence of papilledema, and neuroimaging markers of raised intracranial pressure c) investigate the correlation of presenting symptoms and signs with the course and disease outcome. Methods: This cohort study was conducted in two tertiary centers: Neurology Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia and the Danish Headache Center-Rigshospitalet, Glostrup. The study included 286 patients that were consecutively referred by attending neurologist and ophthalmologist for the evaluation of possible IIH from January 2007 to March 2016. The study was conducted in two phases. At first, clinical data were prospectively collected from all study participants in order to evaluate the presenting symptoms and signs of IIH...Idiopatska intrakranijalna hiprtenzija (IIH) je retko oboljenje koje karakteriše povišen intrakranijalni pritisak (IKP) bez jasno detektabilnog uzroka. Kliničko ispoljavanje IIH je varijabilno a bolest se najčešće manifestuje glavoboljom i edemom papile optičkog živca. Ostale simptome čine tranzitorne vizuelne opskuracije (TVO), zamagljen vid, duple slike usled lezije VI kranijalnog živca, zujanje u ušima, vrtoglavica, mučnina, bol u vratu, teškoće sa pamćenjem i koncentracijom. Dijagnostički značaj različitih prezentujućih simptoma i znakova bolesti nije dovoljno ispitan. Aktuelni dijagnostički kriterijumi za IIH nisu bazirani na kliničkoj prezentaciji bolesti, i za razliku od prethodnih ne zahtevaju postojanje simptomatologije povišenog IKP. Imajući u vidu nisku prevalenciju IIH, u literaturi nema dovoljno podataka o toku i dugoročnom ishodu bolesti. Ciljevi: Ciljevi istraživanja su a) utvrđivanje prezentujućih simptoma i znakova bolesti kod osoba kod kojih je dijagnoza IIH postavljena prema aktuelnim dijagnostičkim kriterijumima, b) uvrđivanje korelacije prezentujućih simptoma i znakova IIH sa rezultatima dijagnostičkih procedura: vrednostima IKP, prisustvom edema papile optičkog živca i neuroradiološkim znacima intrakranijalne hipertenzije, c) utvrđivanje korelacije prezentujućih simptoma i znakova IIH sa kliničkim tokom i ishodom bolesti. Metodologija: Ova kohortna studija je sprovedena u dva tercijarna centra: Klinici za neurologiju Kliničkog centra Srbije u Beogradu i Danskom centru za glavobolje bolnice Rigshospitalet, u Glostrupu. U istraživanje je uključeno 286 bolesnika koji su konsekutivno upućivani od strane neurologa ili oftalmologa pod sumnjom na IIH u periodu od januara 2007. do marta 2016. godine. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u dve faze. U prvoj fazi su klinički podaci prospektivno prikupljani od svih ispitanika sa ciljem da se ustanove prezentujući simptomi i znaci IIH..

    Елементи популарне културе у одабраним делима Вирџиније Вулф Элементы популярной культуры в избранных произведениях Вирджинии Вульф

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    The goal of this research is to analyze elements of popular culture in three chosen works of Virginia Woolf which were being written by her in approximately the same time over the span of several years, from the year 1928 until 1931. The writings in question are the two novels Orlando: A Biography and The Waves, and a critical essay A Room of One’s Own. The hypothesis of this academic research is that the majority of the discovered elements of popular culture would be connected to the position of women in a white, patriarchal, capitalist society as the disempowered and subordinated class of said society. The method of the research has been analyzing the elements of popular culture in the texts by comparing popular culture to other cultures such as folk, mass or dominant culture and later applying said findings throughout the texts. In the very first analyzed text, namely Orlando: A Biography, it becomes apparent that the elements of popular culture denoting women as the subordinated and disempowered class of society are greater in number than the rest of the elements such as clothes or popular alcoholic beverages. This continues to be the case throughout the rest of the research and thus the hypothesis has been proven. These results suggest that this particular element of popular culture is predominant in the works of Virginia Woolf. In conclusion, this should be taken into account when reading the author’s texts in correlation with popular culture.Циљ овог истраживања је анализирање елемената популарне културе у три изабрана дела Вирџиније Вулф које је писала у приближно исто време у распону од 1928. до 1931. године. Дела која улазе у опус истраживања су два романа Орландо: биографија и Таласи, као и критички есеј Сопствена соба. Хипотеза овог академског истраживачког рада је да ће већина елемената популарне културе бити повезана са положајем жена у белачком, патријархалном, капиталистичком друштву као обеснажене и потчињене класе тог друштва. Метод истраживања је био анализирање елемената популарне културе у овим текстовима тако што се елементи популарне културе упоређују са другим културама попут фолк културе, културе масе или доминантне културе, а касније се ови налази примењују кроз даљу анализу текстова. У првом анализираном тексту, наиме Орландо: биографија, постаје јасно да су елементи популарне културе који означавају жене као потчињену и обеснажену класу друштва присутнији од осталих елемената као што су одећа или популарна алкохолна пића. Ово се наставља кроз цело истраживање и стога је хипотеза доказана. Резултати сугеришу да је управо овај елемент популарне културе најзаступљенији у делима Вирџиније Вулф. Намеће се закључак да ово треба узети у обзир када се ауторкини текстови читају у светлу популарне културе

    Migraine with aura detection and subtype classification using machine learning algorithms and morphometric magnetic resonance imaging data

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    IntroductionMigraine with aura (MwA) is a neurological condition manifested in moderate to severe headaches associated with transient visual and somatosensory symptoms, as well as higher cortical dysfunctions. Considering that about 5% of the world’s population suffers from this condition and manifestation could be abundant and characterized by various symptoms, it is of great importance to focus on finding new and advanced techniques for the detection of different phenotypes, which in turn, can allow better diagnosis, classification, and biomarker validation, resulting in tailored treatments of MwA patients.MethodsThis research aimed to test different machine learning techniques to distinguish healthy people from those suffering from MwA, as well as people with simple MwA and those experiencing complex MwA. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) post-processed data (cortical thickness, cortical surface area, cortical volume, cortical mean Gaussian curvature, and cortical folding index) was collected from 78 subjects [46 MwA patients (22 simple MwA and 24 complex MwA) and 32 healthy controls] with 340 different features used for the algorithm training.ResultsThe results show that an algorithm based on post-processed MRI data yields a high classification accuracy (97%) of MwA patients and precise distinction between simple MwA and complex MwA with an accuracy of 98%. Additionally, the sets of features relevant to the classification were identified. The feature importance ranking indicates the thickness of the left temporal pole, right lingual gyrus, and left pars opercularis as the most prominent markers for MwA classification, while the thickness of left pericalcarine gyrus and left pars opercularis are proposed as the two most important features for the simple and complex MwA classification.DiscussionThis method shows significant potential in the validation of MwA diagnosis and subtype classification, which can tackle and challenge the current treatments of MwA

    Theoretical understandings of the concept of a 'public servant' towards a common definition

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    The public law theorists have been attempting to determine the meaning of the concept of 'public servant' on the basis of various criteria. The existing theoretical views often reflect the dynamics of administrative development of individual countries, which directly affects the status and the role of a public servant. Given the lack of a 'universal definition', the objective of this paper is to point to the diverse theoretical definitions of the notion of the public servants, which are often associated with the role and characteristics of an individual country's public administration, legal tradition, and political and social system. Notwithstanding the existing theoretical differences, the paper also aims to establish the common and essential elements of the concept of a public servant, which transcend the national differences. Although the theoretical concept of the public servants offered by legal science often relies on a definition of positive law, the divergences of scientific opinions keep shaping the normative reality as well

    Alignment of the Serbian civil service legislation with the EU accession requirements

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    The objective of the paper is to assess the degree of alignment of key aspects of the Serbian civil service legislation with the EU accession requirements. As Serbia aspires to become the EU member state, it is important that its civil service legislation is aligned the EU accession requirements, which should ensure civil service effectiveness during the negotiation process and subsequently within the EU system. Special attention in the paper is paid to the assessment of civil service professional development rules and practices, which include civil servants training, performance appraisal and promotion. The authors argue that the Serbian civil service legislation which governs professional development is still not fully aligned with the EU accession standards. In spite of the fact that the normative-legal framework mainly reflects the EU requirements, its level of implementation and effectiveness is not satisfactory. The authors conclude that additional legal and socio-political changes need to take place in order to achieve progress in this area

    Jačanje kapaciteta policije u procesu evropskih integracija

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    In order to be able to take on obligations from the EU membership, countries which are preparing to become the EU member states need to have adequate institutional capacities, which include modern human resource management systems. Further strengthening of institutional capacities at all administrative levels is also important for the Republic of Serbia, especially of its judicial and police structures in order to apply instruments of the Chapter 24, acquiscommunautaire – Justice, Freedom and Security. This paper analyses implementation of measures aimed at professionalization of the Serbian police and strengthening its structural and operational capacities. Authors analyze provisions of the new Law on Police which create conditions for establishing the new civil service system and modern concept of human resource management in police, reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more precise definition of police authorities, measures and acts and introduction of stricter measures for suppression of corruption in the Ministry and strengthening of professional integrity of employees. The implementation of the modern concept of human resource management facilitates protection of the citizens’ rights and freedoms, strengthening of legal security of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and enhancement of police operation

    Segmental cavernous carotid ectasia in a patient with cluster-like headache

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    Introduction Cluster headache (CH) is a primary headache with severe, unilateral periorbital or temporal pain lasting 15–180min, accompanied with various cranial autonomic features. A diagnosis of cluster-like headache can be made whenever underlying cause of CLH is present. Methods and results We report a case where an ectatic cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery triggered CHL, most probably due to compression of the ophthalmic nerve within cavernous sinus. The pathological substrate of a vessel ectasia is degeneration of the tunica intima as a consequence of atherosclerosis and hypertension. On the other hand, cavernous sinus is unique space where parasympathetic, sympathetic and nociceptive fibers are in intimate relationship which is of great importance for understanding of CH pathophysiology. Conclusion Magnetic resonance imaging and MR angiography are mandatory imaging tools used for precise localization of pathological changes in the cavernous sinus, especially in the group of secondary headaches attributed to vascular disorders

    Gender (In)Equality in Policing: The Perception of Montenegrin Police Officers

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    This paper aims to analyse the Montenegrin police officers’ perception of gender equality. The findings are based on comprehensive empirical research of the perception of both male and female police officers in Montenegro, carried out in May 2020 in the form of an online questionnaire survey, and the collected data was subsequently analysed using statistical methods. The research results have indicated the key challenges faced by women in the Montenegrin police force: the perception that women should primarily perform administrative rather than managerial jobs, insufficient opportunities for career advancement, poor attitudes of executives towards women, and incidents of sexual harassment. The paper also attempts to shed light on a broader social context and the status of women in the police force by demonstrating that the inequality of women in the Montenegrin police force can be attributed at least in part to a deeprooted perception of the traditional patriarchal role of women in the family and in society

    Clinical and echocardiographic predictors of the anterior mitral leaflet repair failure

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    Background: Anterior mitral leaflet prolapse repair is a highly effective procedure, but despite excellent operative results still has an inferior long‐term durability when compared to posterior leaflet repair. Methods: We analysed mitral repair durability in 74 consecutive patients operated for anterior leaflet prolapse between 2010 and 2021. Their pre‐ and postoperative clinical, echocardiographic data and repair durability as well, were compared with 74 randomly assigned posterior leaflet prolapse patients who underwent valve repair during the same period. Results: While groups were of similar age, patients with anterior leaflet prolapse had an inferior preoperative status in terms of functional reserve, atrial fibrillation, operative risk, ejection fraction and had more dilated left heart chambers as well. 1, 5, and 10‐year freedom from repair failure was 87.1 ± 4.6%, 79.8 ± 6.5% and 50.7 ± 12.5% in the anterior, and 98.5 ± 1.5% respectively in the posterior leaflet group. Atrial fibrilation (hazard ratio [HR] 5.365; 95%; confidence interval [CI] 1.093–26.324 p = .038) and left ventricle end‐systolic diameter (HR 1.160 95%; CI 1.037–1.299 p = .010) independently predicted anterior leaflet repair failure. Receiver Operating Curve analysis established left ventricle end‐systolic diameter ≤42 mm as a cut‐off value associated with improved anterior leaflet repair durability. Accordingly, 10‐year repair durability in a subset of patients, with preserved left ventricle end‐systolic diameter (≤42 mm) was 86.4 ± 7.8%. Conclusion: Better long‐term repair durability in patients with anterior mitral leaflet prolapse and preserved sinus rhytm and left‐ventricle diameters justifies early reconstructive approach