1,104 research outputs found

    Changes in brain metabolites measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy in antidepressant responders with comorbid major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder [Promjene razina moždanih metabolita mjerenih magnetskom rezonantnom spektroskopijom u ispitanika s komorbiditetom depresije i posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja koji su odgovorili na antidepresivno liječenje]

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    In a present pilot study, performed on 11 subjects, we studied proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) changes in early to intermediate (3-6 weeks) responders to antidepressant treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). All subjects had diagnosis of major recurrent depression comorbid to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Magnetic spectroscopy was done in the region of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on a 3T MRI-unit. Participants were selected out of the larger sample due to an early response to antidepressant treatment within 3–6 weeks, measured with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). We measured levels of neuronal marker N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), choline (CHO) and creatine (Cr). There was no difference in NAA/Cr ratios between the first and the second spectroscopic scans (p=0.751). However, CHO/Cr ratios showed increasing trend with mean value at the first scan of 1.09 (SD=0.22) while mean value at second scan was 1.25 (SD=0.24), displaying statically significant difference (p=0.015). In conclusion, significant increase in choline to creatine ratio from the first to the second spectroscopic scan during the antidepressant treatment, compared to almost identical values of NAA to creatine ratio, suggests increased turnover of cell membranes as a mechanism of the early response to the antidepressant drug therapy

    Increasing the Reliability and Availability of the Electric Motor Using Combined Static and Dynamic Diagnostics

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    The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of early diagnostics and assessment of the condition of the electric motor in increasing the reliability and availability of the plant. Electric motors are unavoidable elements in every production process. As the complexity of the process increases, the number of electric motors involved in it increases. By increasing the number of electric motors, the possibility of cancelling and interrupting production increases. It is therefore very important to monitor the situation and detect defects at an early stage so that timely repair or replacement can be planned, without affecting the production process. Modern diagnostic methods that can be used both during the operation of the electric motor, and with the dismounted and dismantled electric motor are presented in the paper. With good organization and testing schedule and a combination of static and dynamic diagnostic methods, the reliability and availability of the plant can be significantly increased. With increased reliability and availability, a reduction in maintenance costs is achieved. In this article, some examples from the author’s practice are given, when serious engine defects were discovered. These cases confirm the value of predictive testing to increase reliability of electric motor

    Strain Enhanced Superconductivity in Li-Doped Graphene

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    We present a new way to enhance the electron-phonon coupling constant and the critical superconducting temperature of graphene, significantly beyond all reported values. Using density functional theory, we explore the application effects of the tensile biaxial strain on the lithium intercalated graphene. Both effects together, the presence of adatom and the strain, trigger enhancement of critical temperature, up to 300\%, compared to non-strained lithium intercalated graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Slovenian, european and international standards for spatial data

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    This paper presents a twenty-year development and outcomes \ud of ISO technical committee (TC) 211 – Geographic \ud Information/Geomatics, which has developed around 66 \ud ISO standards, technical reports and amendments (group \ud with 191xx ISO number). Further development in the field \ud of geoinformation affects the continuation, maintenance and \ud updating of deliverables that is evident from the TC program \ud for the coming years. The planned output will be a set of \ud additional 24 new or revised ISO standards and technical \ud specifications. The impact of open standards (OGC) in \ud the domain of formal standardization is also outlined. \ud Furthermore, the paper describes the renewed activities of \ud CEN/TC 287 GI, which adopts ISO standards of TC 211 \ud as European standards (EN). Also the role of SIST/TC GIG \ud is presented that follows the activities of both the mentioned \ud technical committees and adopts adequate Slovenian \ud standards (SIST) and technical reports. Furthermore, the \ud conclusions include some considerations about the obstacles \ud and problems arising from the progress and non-acceptance \ud of the mentioned standardization in Sloveni


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    Razlozi učinkovitosti nacističke propagande

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    Rad se bazira na predstavljanju i analizi načina propagiranja nacističkog režima koji ga je građanima Njemačke trebao prikazati kao sasvim legitimnog i u pozitivnom smjeru usmjerenog načina vladanja i življenja. Definira propagandu, navodi što je manipulacija i što je to psihološki rat. Rad se osvrće ukratko na povijest Trećeg Reicha, proces dolaska nacista na vlast te kratki prikaz prvo napredovanja, a zatim polaganog gubitka teritorija i moći u Drugom svjetskom ratu. Predstavljajući načela propagande Adolfa Hitlera i njegovog bliskog suradnika i ministra propagande Joshepa Goebbelsa, u radu je prikazano na koje načine je ovaj dvojac doveo Nijemce pod svoju vlast. Nastoji se pokazati kako su ih oni opčinili idejom o velikoj državi Nijemaca arijevske rase, nadmoćnih i superiornih nad drugim narodima i rasama. Prikazuje se i kako je nacistička ideja prožela sve načine komunikacije i iskoristila i radio, i tisak, a ponajviše filmsku industriju kako bi zavladala masama. Prikazuju se posljedice koje je taj sustav ostavio na narod, te se iz svega navedenog izvlače razlozi zbog kojih je propaganda bila toliko uspješna i učinkovita

    Ilija Garašanin on Serbia's Statehood

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    A subject usually neglected in the historical work on Ilija Garašanin’s role as a statesman has been discussed. Attention has been drawn to the legal status of Serbia at the moment Garašanin entered civil service and how it changed during the thirty years of his political career (1837–67). The first part of the paper looks at his views against the background of three vitally important issues for Serbia’s legal status at the time: the constitutional issue, the issue of hereditary succession and the issue of internal independence. His views on the three issues reflect his understanding of the existing status of the Principality of Serbia. The second part of the paper looks at how he envisaged a future Serbian state. Its largest portion is naturally devoted to the ideas put forth in the Načertanije (1844), the first programme of nineteenth-century Serbia’s national and foreign policy. It also looks at Garašanin’s attempt, made through the Serbian representative at the Porte in the revolutionary year 1848, to achieve the reorganization of the Ottoman Empire into a dual monarchy with the Serbian United States (or a Serbian vice-kingdom) as a constituent state. Finally, attention has been paid to the creation of a Balkan alliance through agreements concluded by Balkan states

    Modern processes in the metropolitan area of Bratislava

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    Metropolitanizacija je proces formiranja gradske regije. Osim promjena u matičnim gradovima obuhvaća i sve promjene koje se pod utjecajem grada zbivaju u okolnim naseljima koja se na taj način transformiraju. Bratislava je zanimljiv primjer iz razloga što se nalazi na zapadnoj granici Slovačke te je razvoj grada i okolice djelomice uvjetovan upravo tom granicom s Austrijom, s obzirom na to da se grad morao orijentirati na razvoj prema istoku. Cilj rada je definirati određene karakteristike, procese i odnose unutar metropolitanskog područja Bratislave te analizirati pozitivne i negativne promjene u samom gradu i okolnim naseljima. U radu će se, uz relevantnu i stručnu literaturu, koristiti osnovne statističke metode, kartografski prikazi, metode deskripcije, indukcije, dedukcije te jednostavne ankete provedene na licu mjesta među slovačkim studentima u sklopu studentske razmjene (CEEPUS).Metropolitanization is the process of forming a city region. In addition to changes in the home cities, it covers all changes that are under the influence of the city in the surrounding settlements that are transformed. Bratislava is an interesting example because it is located on the western border of Slovakia, and the development of the city with its surroundings is partly conditioned by that border with Austria and because of that the city had to orient itself towards development towards the east. The purpose of the thesis is to define certain characteristics, processes, and relationships within the metropolitan area of Bratislava and to analyze the positive and negative changes in the city itself and the surrounding settlements. In addition to relevant and professional literature, the paper will use basic statistical methods, cartographic representations, descriptive methods, inductions, deductions, and simple on-site surveys among Slovak students as part of student exchange (CEEPUS)

    Tourist development of the City of Poreč

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    Predmet rada je analiza i razvoj turizma te njegov utjecaj na transformaciju Grada Poreča. Turizam na navedenom području ima dugu povijest te se analizira promjena strukturnih obilježja turizma od njegovih začetaka pa do danas pod utjecajem različitih društvenih i gospodarskih okolnosti. U istraživanju je korištena analiza relevantne literature, analiza podataka Državnog zavoda za statistiku o turizmu te GIS vizualizacija. Izračunati su i grafički prikazani pokazatelji turističke potražnje i ponude. Ciljevi rada su utvrditi faktore koji su utjecali na početak razvoja turizma, na sadašnji stupanj razvoja te analizirati strukturu turizma i ključne strateške dokumente koji se bave razvojem turizma na navedenom području. U prvom dijelu analiza je usmjerena na utvrđivanje faktora razvoja turizma na temelju kojih je prikazan njegov povijesni razvoj i trendovi od polovice 19. stoljeća pa do danas. U drugom dijelu rada analiziran je aktualni turistički razvoj, problemi razvoja te je naveden prijedlog budućeg razvoja koji usmjeren na problem sezonalnosti te na razvoj 5 temeljnih proizvoda koji bi obogatili turističku ponudu.This paper analyses development of tourism and its influence on the transformation of City of Poreč. Tourism in the investigated area has a long history and the analysis is focused on the change of tourism structural characteristics from their beginnings up to today under the influence of diverse social and economic circumstances. The analysis relies on relevant literature, Croatian Bureau of Statistics data on tourism and GIS visualisation. Indicators of tourism demand and supply were calculated and shown graphically. Purpose of this paper is to determine factors which influenced the initial tourism development, present level of development and to analyse tourism structure and key strategic documents which deal with tourism development in the observed area. The first part of this paper is focused on factors of tourism development which are responsible for tourism development since the second half of 19th century. The second part of this paper analyses current tourism development and its problems and it is followed by suggestions for future development of tourism, focusing particularly on the problem of seasonality and development of five basic tourist products which have the potential to enrich the tourist offer