45 research outputs found


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    Musculoskeletal pain has been found to be a health problem for dental practitioners. If the disorders ignored, cumulative damage may result in lowered productivity and even early retirement, injury or disability. Reported prevalence musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) to the dental practitioners in Indonesia were not yet known for certain. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of MSD among dental practitioners in Malang, Indonesia and to identify the factors that affect the occurrence of MSD. The study design was a cross-sectional analysis. The participants were 95 general dentists in Malang-Indonesia who asked self-administrated filled out the questionnaire. The questionnaire contained inquiry about: age, gender, body mass index, the time-lapse as a dentist, working hours, number of patients, working with an assistant, exercises on the sidelines of working time, sports activity, working position and asking whether they were suffering from musculoskeletal disorders in the last 12 months. The data analyzed by descriptive and logistic regression. The results showed 58.9% dentists complaint musculoskeletal pain in the last 12 months. The common complaints felt by the participants were back pain 34.6%, shoulder 18,9% and neck 16.9%. The determinants factors statistically significant correlations on MSD were working hours per week, working position, and exercises on sidelines working time

    Phenotipical Characters of Melon (Cucumis melo L.) in Response to Karst Critical Land

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    Yogyakarta Agroecosystem has 158,600 ha of critical land spread over three zones. Two areas are Karst Land, located on Agroecosystem II includes Gunungsewu Hills, Gunungkidul and III covers Dlingo Bantul Hills and Sentolo Hills Kulon Progo Regency.. Karst Land is certainly provides stress to plants. These research purposes are examining the phenotype character of superior melon Cultivar TACAPA compare to parents and offsprings phenotypes. The phenotype characters are based on plant height, leaf number, time of melon flowering, water content of plants, and fruit and seed productivity. This experiment was done by Split Plot Design with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 kinds of treatment (control plant media, Gunungsewu, Dlingo, and Sentolo), 7 experimental units cultivars: TACAPA, TA, TP, PT, AT, Action 434, PI 371795), and 4 replications. Research result reveals that most of the phenotypic characters including plant height, number of leaves, fruit weight, and number of seeds produced have relatively no significant effect between treatment and control, while the phenotypic first time flowering time and water content of the plant, have a noticeable difference

    Knowledge, Dental Anxiety, and Patient Expectations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge, dental anxiety, and expectations regarding dental services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: The respondents were Indonesian citizens above 18 years old. An online Google survey was administered using a structured questionnaire with a snowball sampling technique. Survey items comprised knowledge related to COVID-19, dental anxiety assessed using the modified DAS (Dental Anxiety Scale) and expectations regarding dental services using four dimensions of dental service quality. All questionnaires were tested for reliability and indicated acceptable and good agreement. The data were analyzed descriptively. Results: A total of 553 responses were analysed. Most respondents were female (72.9%), 76.7% knew of recommendations to postpone dentist visits and 86.8% knew methods of preventing COVID-19 transmission. More than 70% of respondents knew the precaution procedures in the dental office during COVID-19, and only 27.9% had moderate-severe anxiety. Most respondents’ expectations regarding dental services during the pandemic era were related to the quality domain of reliability and responsiveness. Conclusion: Respondents knew about COVID-19 transmission and prevention, emergency conditions warranting a visit to the dentist and the procedures used at the dental office. Most respondents stated that they were not anxious about visiting a dentist during the pandemic. The respondents expect the dentist to provide sufficient information to improve oral health and treatment plan

    End Point Polymerase Chain Reaction for Porcine Detection on Food Product of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Canteen

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    Halal food means food that permitted under Islamic law and fulfills about requirements. The absence of information about halal food contained in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (UINSA) campus area causes related research to be carried out. This study aims to determine the porcine DNA contamination on food around UINSA area using molecular technology. Twenty two samples used were foods that contain meat and may contain pork obtained from canteens around UINSA area, analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. The analysis was started with DNA isolation of 22 food samples, electrophoresis, PCR, then visualization gel electrophoresis. Primer gene coding for cytochrome b (cyt b) which produces 149 bp of DNA fragments. The results showed that no porcine contamination in 22 food samples, while the positive control showed a band of 149 bp. End point PCR method potentially to detect porcine DNA contaminants in food products around UINSA. Therefore the food is halal and safe for consumption

    Comparison of DNA Isolation Results with Simple Methods and Kits in Samples of Psidium guajava Leaves

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    DNA isolation is one of a series of methods that must be carried out on the basic techniques of Molecular Biology Analysis. Especially PCR-based molecular marking techniques. Many ways are done in DNA isolation. This study discusses the comparison of the results of DNA isolation using two methods. Simple DNA isolation methods and using Kit. Samples of Psidium guajava leaves used were taken from 15 different locations used. In general, DNA isolation methods include three steps, namely destruction, precipitation, and purification. Simple DNA isolation is done with detergents, alcohol groups, which are commonly available in the laboratory. Methods of DNA isolation with KIT are carried out according to the Promega Universal Wizard KIT protocol. The comparison results are seen from spectrophotometric absorption Å230 nm, Å260 nm, Å280 nm, Å320 nm, ratio Å260/Å230, ratio Å260/Å280 to see DNA purity, protein concentration before purification step, and DNA concentration produced. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the results of DNA isolate spectrophotometry. However, the use of KIT with modified protocols is more recommended if researchers want to carry out DNA analysis more precisely and accurately.   Keywords: DNA isolation, spectrophotometry, DNA concentration and purit

    Sus sp. DNA Encoding cyt b Gene Detection Test on Meat Grinding Samples Using Conventional PCR

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    Micro-entrepreneurs with basic ingredients of processed meat such as meatball who do not have a meat grinder, generally using meat grinder at the public market. The problem that occurs is that there is no clear regulation from the Government regarding the guarantee of the halal meat grinding in the Regional Company. This needs to be enhanced as a study, considering that the grinding material does not only come from Halal substances. The purpose of this study was to test pig DNA in meat grinding samples at PD Pasar Surya Surabaya City by using the conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. DNA was isolated from 11 PD Pasar Surya meat grinding samples, then spectrophotometry was performed. Spectrophotometry results showed that all samples have high DNA concentrations. The primer used is the cyt b pig gene encoder. Predenaturation is performed at a temperature of 95°C-5 minutes, denaturation of 95°C-45 seconds, annealing 60°C-30 seconds, extension 72°C-40 seconds, and post extension 72°C-5 minutes. The results of PCR analysis were determined by the emergence of DNA bands of ± 149 bp as markers of pig DNA. The results showed negative on sample or no pig contamination in 11 samples tested. While the pig sample as positive control showed a band of ± 149 bp. These results prove that at 11 points of the location of meat grinding there is no contamination of pig DNA


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    Penelitian ini merupakan cross sectional study dengan metod.e survei. Pengarnbilan sampel diJaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2004. Dati 120 responden yang diarnbil dengan teknik multistage random sampling, basiJ dari penelitian ini menunjukkan tipe perilaku pembeJian terbanyak adaIah tipe rutin. Dengan uji chisquare didapatkan p > 0,05 (p = 0,057). lni berarti tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara perilaku pembelian pengglDl8 dan non penggWla Puskesmas Taman. Semua faktor karakteristik masyaraJeat berpengaruh terbadap perilaku pembeIiannya kecuali jenis kelamin. Ini disebabkan karena dengan uji regresi logistik multinomial hanya faktor jenis keJamin yang memptmyai p > 0,05 (p = 0,157). Sarana pelayanan kesehatan yang dipilih terbanyak adalah Puskesmas Taman yaitu sebesar 56,7 %. Adapun alasan utama masyarakat ketika memilih sarana pelayanan rawat jalan, sebagian besar pengguna Puskesmas Taman menjawab karena jaraknya dekat dengan kediaman mereka, sedangkan non pengguna terbanyak memilib karena keterampilan petugasny

    Optimization of RNA Extraction from Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus

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    RNA extraction is the critical initial stage in analyzing certain gene expressions, further analysis using Real Time PCR technology, and performing virus detection. However, the process of extracting RNA is often hampered by the risk of contamination, resulting in low concentrations of RNA and low purity of RNA. This is often an obstacle in extracting mosquito RNA especially detecting Dengue Virus (Den-V). Dengue virus (Den-V) can cause dangerous diseases in humans such as Dengue Fever (DHF) which is transmitted through the bites of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. This study aims to find out the effective steps for extracting RNA from Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. The method being compared is a commercial RNA extraction kit with modification (addition of β-mercaptoethanol) and without modification. The results showed that the best DNA concentration and purity were obtained in mosquito samples from modified process. The purity ratio of RNA extracted without modification was 1.971 (0.021 ± 0.800) while with modification it was 2.003 (0.011 ± 0.112). Aedes aegypti had a better average concentration of 7.146 µg/ml for unmodified RNA and 7.613 µg/ml for modified RNA. This research is expected to be a reference for further studies on viruses in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Seesaw Terhadap Kemampuan Bahasa Pada Anak Usia Dini

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan kemampuan bahasa anak usia dini dalam menggunakan aplikasi Seesaw. Seesaw adalah sebuah media digital pembelajaran yang memungkinkan setiap anak mampu mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa mereka. Menurut UU No, 20 Tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional bahwa anak usia dini adalah anak yang berumur 0 sampai 6 tahun. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah keterlambatan dalam pengumpulan tugas dan pemahaman anak terhadap kegiatan belajar. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus di kelas TK A PAUD YPJ Kuala Kencana. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan observasi dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi kasus. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah anak dapat mengembangkan kemampuan bahasanya dalam menggunakan keterampilan berkomunikasi, bernyanyi, menceritakan kembali, mengenal bunyi huruf, suku kata dan menyusun kalimat secara sederhana.Kata Kunci; aplikasi seesaw, kemampuan bahasa, anak usia dini Abstract This study aims to determine the development of early childhood language skills using the seesaw application. Seesaw is a digital learning media that allows every child to develop their language skills. According to Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system, early childhood is a child aged 0 to 6 years. The problems are delays in collecting assignments and children’s understanding of learning activities. This research uses qualitative research with case studies in the TKA PAUD YPJ Kuala Kencana class. The research technique used is interviews and observations using case study research methods. This study concludes that children can develop their language skills by using communication skills, singing, retelling, recognizing letter sounds and syllables, and compiling simple sentences. Keywords; seesaw application, language skills, early childhoo


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    Abstrak Softgellcandy adalah permen bertekstur lunak yang diproses dengan penambahan komponen hidrokoloid seperti agar, gum, pektin, pati, kaegenan, gelatin dan lain-lain yang digunakan untuk modifikasi tekstur sehingga menghasilkan produk yang kenyal. Sayangnya distribusi Softgellcandy di pasaran seringkali terlepas dari pengawasan lembaga berwenang. Banyak ditemukan bermacam merk Softgellcandy yang tidak berBPOM maupun tidak berlabel Halal. Gelatin menjadi titik kritis kehalalan Softgellcandy. Penelitian ini menguji 15 sampel Softgellcandy tak berlabel halal yang dijual bebas di Surabaya dengan primer pengkode fragmen DNA cytochrome b Babi. Metode yang digunakan adalah konvensional PCR pada suhu 98oC-2 menit; 95oC-30 detik; 61oC-30 detik; 72oC-40 detik; dan 72oC-3 menit, selama 30 siklus. Visualisasi hasil PCR menggunakan elektroforesis 2% gel agarosa menunjukkan dari 15 sampel, 8 sampel terindikasi kontaminan DNA babi ditandai dengan pita DNA sebesar ±149bp. Pemerintah perlu melakukan monitoring lebih ketat terkait peredaran produk makanan tak berlabel halal yang dijual bebas di pasaran, mengingat Halal menjadi issue yang sangat sensitif di negara dengan mayoritas penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia ini. Karena halal adalah suatu keharusan. Keywords: Softgellcandy, cyt b Babi, PC