11 research outputs found

    PMO Typologies and Functions: A Systematic Review

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    In order to contribute to the development of knowledge about PMO, a systematic review has been conducted using several search engines. Based on specific criterion, several articles were selected for analysis. The thematic analysis method has been used to analyze and synthesize all the data collected. The results of this study have allowed to draw a time line evolution of PMO along with the main periods that characterize it. Moreover, it showed the existence of multiple forms of PMO that could be implemented by organizations and that can be associated to specific functions. It is a clear indication of the existence of diversified opinions about PMO in terms of typologies and functions. Each organization must focus much more on determining the role that the PMO will play and try to adapt its functions and responsibilities to fulfill its needs and be able to ensure positive impact. Simply put, in order to participate in performance improvement, the PMO implementation must be done with a perfect consideration of the organization characteristics

    Technostress: A Concept Analysis

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an integral part of modern society, transforming the way people work, communicate, and live. However, the pervasive use of technology has also given rise to a new phenomenon known as "technostress", which refers to the negative effects and stressors that arise from the use of technology in various domains of life, including the workplace. Despite the growing recognition of technostress as a significant issue, the literature on this topic remains fragmented and lacks comprehensive evaluations. Therefore, this article aims to provide a thorough and comprehensive literature review of technostress in the workplace. Using keywords such as "techno-stress", "technostress", and "Technology Related Stress", we conducted a systematic review of four major electronic databases, including Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), and Cairn. The review revealed that technostress is a multidimensional construct that encompasses various cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses to technology use in the workplace. The review also discuss theoretical models of technostress, and highlighted the physiological side of technostress, including its impact on physical health.  In addition to the negative effects, the review also discussed inhibitors or coping mechanisms that individuals and organizations may employ to mitigate technostress. The findings of this literature review provide insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to further investigate and address the challenges posed by technostress in the workplace.   Keywords: technostress definition, technostress theoretical models, physiological face of technostress, technostress assessment, technostress inhibitors. JEL Classification: I1 Paper type: Theoretical Research Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an integral part of modern society, transforming the way people work, communicate, and live. However, the pervasive use of technology has also given rise to a new phenomenon known as "technostress", which refers to the negative effects and stressors that arise from the use of technology in various domains of life, including the workplace. Despite the growing recognition of technostress as a significant issue, the literature on this topic remains fragmented and lacks comprehensive evaluations. Therefore, this article aims to provide a thorough and comprehensive literature review of technostress in the workplace. Using keywords such as "techno-stress", "technostress", and "Technology Related Stress", we conducted a systematic review of four major electronic databases, including Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), and Cairn. The review revealed that technostress is a multidimensional construct that encompasses various cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses to technology use in the workplace. The review also discuss theoretical models of technostress, and highlighted the physiological side of technostress, including its impact on physical health.  In addition to the negative effects, the review also discussed inhibitors or coping mechanisms that individuals and organizations may employ to mitigate technostress. The findings of this literature review provide insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to further investigate and address the challenges posed by technostress in the workplace.   Keywords: technostress definition, technostress theoretical models, physiological face of technostress, technostress assessment, technostress inhibitors. JEL Classification: I1 Paper type: Theoretical Research&nbsp

    PMO within Moroccan Organizations: Towards a Synthetic Model of Implementation

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    The Project Management Office (PMO) is an emerging organizational structure that contributes to the improvement of both project and organizational performances, and project management maturity. Like worldwide, the PMO implementation represents a major challenge for Moroccan organizations due to several factors.. In order to explore the different aspects of PMO implementation, we adopted a qualitative approach based on conducting a set of interviews with PMO managers and experts who have implemented or have been part of a team in charge of implementing PMO. The results of the study have shown that this implementation goes through some generic steps in most cases, and the roles and functions assigned to the PMO are generally identical within the host organizations. One of the main factors influencing the PMO implementation is the top management support, seen through the organizational positioning and decision-making authority granted to the PMO. Moreover, the organizational culture and the degree of openness to innovations are determining factors too. Overall, the main challenges in PMO implementation remain change management and the maintenance of an ongoing support over time

    Modèle Conceptuel de la relation entre le TQM, l’Orientation Marché et la performance des hôtels

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    Abordant le manque dans les investigations portant sur la contribution du TQM dans l’adoption d’une culture organisationnelle orientée marché, notre recherche se propose d’étudier l’impact du Total Quality Management sur l’adoption du comportement orienté marché, ainsi que l’influence de cette relation sur la performance des hôtels. L’objectif de cet article est de présenter un nouveau cadre conceptuel intégrant les éléments constitutifs du modèle EFQM du TQM en tant que facteurs antécédents d’une intelligence marché. L’étude permettra d’enrichir la littérature existante sur les antécédents et les conséquences de l’Orientation marché en particulier dans des économies émergentes comme le Maroc, qui n’ont pas encore été explorées

    Sur la detection et l'estimation de certains signaux dans un bruit de Ornstein-Uhlenbeck

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    SIGLEINIST T 76165 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc