207 research outputs found

    Is That Really Me?: Social Networking and the Right of Publicity

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    Social networking websites are ubiquitous in modern culture and popular with people of all ages and demographics. Operators of this kind of site, which consist largely of third party generated content, are immune from many types of civil liability for third party postings under the Communications Decency Act. However, the Act does not immunize these providers from intellectual property right infringements. Recent court decisions suggest that this immunity exception may extend not only to federal intellectual property rights, but state intellectual property rights like the right of publicity. This Note will evaluate the emerging circuit split regarding state intellectual property liability for interactive computer service providers. After determining that the existing statutory scheme does not immunize these providers from state intellectual property liability, this Note will examine the problematic implications of right of publicity liability for social networking sites. This Note will then suggest two Congressional responses to this problem. First, it will analyze the incentives created by the various types of intellectual property rights to suggest that Congress should explicitly immunize interactive computer service providers from right of publicity liability in order to consistently promote the Communications Decency Act\u27s policy goals. Second, Congress could establish a federal right of publicity in order to minimize problems of interactive computer service providers trying to comply with the law

    The Value of Collaboration: Raising Confidence and Skills in Information Literacy With First Year Initial Teacher Education Students.

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    This paper will focus on the increasing staff-student-librarian collaboration, and integration of information literacy (IL) teaching, within a Primary Initial Teacher Education undergraduate course. These developments arose from an action research project which started during the academic year 2010-11. The aim of the research was to evaluate the impact of the IL teaching upon students’ confidence in their abilities to find, select and use information. Results of the first research cycle (2010-11) indicated that overall, the teaching had a positive and desirable impact upon students' confidence. However, staff and student feedback suggested that mutual expectations, and the consistency and timing of support, were important factors in the development of students' IL skills. During the analysis of our initial findings, we will focus our discussion around two identified themes which relate to these issues – role and collaboration – and share our experiences from the second and third cycles of the research, which led to a transformation of IL teaching for our students in 2013-14. This paper charts our four-year journey, sharing the ideas and opportunities realised through the project and through increased collaboration as a teaching team and with our students. This paper is based on a presentation given at LILAC 2014

    Transmission routes maintaining a viral pathogen of steelhead trout within a complex multi-host assemblage

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    This is the first comprehensive region wide, spatially explicit epidemiologic analysis of surveillance data of the aquatic viral pathogen infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) infecting native salmonid fish. The pathogen has been documented in the freshwater ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest of North America since the 1950s, and the current report describes the disease ecology of IHNV during 2000-2012. Prevalence of IHNV infection in monitored salmonid host cohorts ranged from 8% to 30%, with the highest levels observed in juvenile steelhead trout. The spatial distribution of all IHNV-infected cohorts was concentrated in two sub-regions of the study area, where historic burden of the viral disease has been high. During the study period, prevalence levels fluctuated with a temporal peak in 2002. Virologic and genetic surveillance data were analyzed for evidence of three separate but not mutually exclusive transmission routes hypothesized to be maintaining IHNV in the freshwater ecosystem. Transmission between year classes of juvenile fish at individual sites (route 1) was supported at varying levels of certainty in 10%-55% of candidate cases, transmission between neighboring juvenile cohorts (route 2) was supported in 31%-78% of candidate cases, and transmission from adult fish returning to the same site as an infected juvenile cohort was supported in 26%-74% of candidate cases. The results of this study indicate that multiple specific transmission routes are acting to maintain IHNV in juvenile fish, providing concrete evidence that can be used to improve resource management. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that more sophisticated analysis of available spatio-temporal and genetic data is likely to yield greater insight in future studies

    Seeking support for abortion online: a qualitative study of women’s experiences

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    Introduction: Social support can mitigate the impact of stress and stigma before or after an abortion. However, stigma anticipation can limit access to in-person support. Informal online spaces can offer opportunities to address unmet support needs including supplementing in-person support lacking within stigmatised contexts. While earlier studies have explored content of posts comprising personal accounts of abortion, little is known about the nuances of how and to what end online spaces are navigated. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted remotely (online or by telephone) with 23 women living in Scotland (aged 20–54 years) recruited through social media and online advertisements. Reflexive thematic analysis was supported by NVivo12 software. Results: Key themes: obtaining support that was unavailable from in-person networks; preparation for abortion; reducing feelings of isolation. The majority of participants independently searched online for accounts of abortion, with only three receiving any signposting to specific resources. Without guidance, finding relevant, supportive content was not straightforward. The search process was additionally complicated by the prevalence of abortion stigma online, which generated an additional burden at a potentially challenging time. Those who received direction towards particular resources reported primarily positive online experiences. Conclusions: While online content could address perceived in-person support gaps, the process of finding supportive content without guidance can be complex. Online searching may also expose women to stigmatising material and interactions. Signposting by abortion services towards well-moderated and trustworthy online resources could be constructive in limiting exposure to stigma and misinformation, while allowing those seeking it to access better support

    Digital spatial profiling identifies molecular changes involved in development of colitis-associated colorectal cancer

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    ObjectiveChronic colonic inflammation seen in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC). Colitis-associated cancers (CAC) are molecularly different from sporadic CRC. This study aimed to evaluate spatially defined molecular changes associated with neoplastic progression to identify mechanisms of action and potential biomarkers for prognostication.DesignIBD patients who had undergone colectomy for treatment of their IBD or dysplasia were identified from an institutional database. Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded samples from areas of normal, inflamed, dysplastic and adenocarcinoma tissue were identified for digital spatial profiling using the Nanostring GeoMx™ Cancer Transcriptome Atlas. RNA expression and quantification of 1812 genes was measured and analysed in a spatial context to compare differences in gene expression.ResultsSixteen patients were included, nine patients had CAC, two had dysplasia only and five had colitis only. Significant, step-wise differences in gene expression were seen between tissue types, mainly involving progressive over-expression of collagen genes associated with stromal remodelling. Similarly, MYC over-expression was associated with neoplastic progression. Comparison of normal and inflamed tissue from patients who progressed to those who did not also showed significant differences in immune-related genes, including under-expression of thte chemokines CCL18, CCL25 and IL-R7, as well as CD3, CD6 and lysozyme. The known oncogene CD24 was significantly overexpressed.ConclusionBoth tissue types and patient groups are molecularly distinguishable on the basis of their gene expression patterns. Further prospective work is necessary to confirm these differences and establish their clinical significance and potential utility as biomarkers

    Clinical Educators’ Perceptions of Students Following a Simulation-Based Learning Program

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    Purpose: Clinical education is a key component of speech-language pathology university curriculum, whereby students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills learned in the classroom into a real workplace. However, more recently the availability of high quality, consistent clinical placements and learning experiences across the range of practice areas in the discipline is reducing. Therefore, alternative clinical learning opportunities that enable students to develop skills and competencies are being explored. Recently, replacing clinical time with a simulated learning program has been shown to achieve equivalent levels of clinical competency in speech pathology. However, it is unknown how simulation impacts on student learning in traditional clinical placements. Therefore, this research explored clinical educators’ perceptions of students undertaking clinical placements in their workplace immediately following a five-day simulation-based learning program related to the same area of practice. Method: Thirty-five clinical educators who supervised students in the workplace immediately after they completed the simulation program participated in semi-structured interviews. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative methods described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Result: The analysis identified four key themes related to the impact of students in the workplace, simulation priming students for learning, the importance of the transition from simulation-based learning to the workplace, and the role of simulation in clinical education programs. Conclusion: The use of simulation to support student learning and develop clinical skills and competencies in adult speech pathology practice is supported by workplace clinical educators. However, results of this study suggest that the simulation program needs to be embedded within the curriculum and clinical education program to enhance transition between learning experiences and maximize benefits of learning experiences in real workplace contexts

    “Same But Different”: The Role and Perceptions of the Simulation Clinical Educator

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    Simulated learning programs are an important component of allied health education. Although the role of simulation clinical educators has been highlighted as critical for student learning within simulation, their perceptions of their role have not yet been investigated. This study aimed to explore the experiences of simulation clinical educators. Participants were ten simulation clinical educators who had supported speech-language pathology students’ learning during a 5-day simulation program focussed on speech-language pathology practice with adult clients in acute hospital and rehabilitation settings. Educators participated in individual semi-structured interviews exploring their role and their perceptions of the simulation-based learning program. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Three inter-related themes emerged from participants’ views. The major theme of Unique teaching and learning environment incorporated five subthemes: focus on teaching; safe learning environment; authenticity and engagement; structure and intensity of learning, and; feedback opportunities. Two additional themes were identified: Clinical educator role same but different, and Simulation bridges the gap between theory and practice. This study offers new insights into simulation clinical educators’ perceptions of their role when supporting students within simulation and highlight the importance of harnessing the unique benefits of simulation as a teaching pedagogy to maximize its impacts on student learning and justify its costs

    The effects of a hot gaseous halo on disc thickening in galaxy minor mergers

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    We employ hydrodynamical simulations to study the effects of dissipational gas physics on the vertical heating and thickening of disc galaxies during minor mergers. For the first time we present a suite of simulations that includes a diffuse, rotating, cooling, hot gaseous halo, as predicted by cosmological hydrodynamical simulations as well as models of galaxy formation. We study the effect of this new gaseous component on the vertical structure of a Milky Way-like stellar disc during 1:10 and 1:5 mergers. For 1:10 mergers we find no increased final thin disc scale height compared to the isolated simulation, leading to the conclusion that thin discs can be present even after a 1:10 merger if a reasonable amount of hot gas is present. The reason for this is the accretion of new cold gas, leading to the formation of a massive new thin stellar disc that dominates the surface brightness profile. In a previous study, in which we included only cold gas in the disk, we showed that the presence of cold gas decreased the thickening by a minor merger relative to the no-gas case. Here, we show that the evolution of the scale height in the presences of a cooling hot halo is dominated by the formation of the new stellar disc. In this scenario, the thick disc is the old stellar disc that has been thickened in a minor merger at z>1, while the thin disc is the new stellar disc that reforms after this merger. In addition, we study the evolution of the scale height during a 1:5 merger and find that a thin disc can be present even after this merger, provided enough hot gas is available. The final scale height in our simulations depends on the mass of the hot gaseous halo, the efficiency of the winds and the merger mass ratio. We find post-merger values in the range 0.5<z0<1.0 kpc in good agreement with observational constraints by local galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRA
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