2,324 research outputs found

    Programmed learning, UNESCO and the attempts to change the curriculum in the Development Spain (1962-1974)

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    Este trabajo se centra en estudiar el origen y evolución de la enseñanza programada en España. Para ello, se presenta una interpretación que hace énfasis en la influencia que ejercieron los organismos internacionales en su implantación. En la primera parte del trabajo se explican sus inicios en relación al marco educativo abierto por la UNESCO. El artículo continúa con la explicación de las primeras críticas que se establecieron sobre este modelo curricular. Por otro lado, se intenta dar una explicación acerca de su rápido ocaso. Se concluye indicando la importancia de los factores sociales internacionales y locales a la hora de comprender la construcción histórica del currículum en la España desarrollista.This paper focuses on studying the origin and evolution of the programmed learning in Spain. For this, an interpretation about the influence exerted by the international governmental organization for its implantation is emphasizes. First, the paper explains its beginnings in relation to the educational framework opened by UNESCO. The article continues with the explanation of the first criticisms that were established on this curricular policy. Finally, an attempt is made to give an explanation about its rapid decline. It concludes by indicating the importance of international and local social factors in understanding the historical construction of the curriculum in the Development Spain.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto HAR2014-58685-R (I+D+i)peerReviewe

    Increasing Collaboration and Knowledge in School Communities to Enhance Outcomes for Autistic Students

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    Purpose This paper describes a case study of a developmental program evaluation on the Autism Community Toolkit, a collaborative skills training program for parents and school professionals. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the training on participants’ knowledge, competence and perceived collaboration; and potential improvements to the training program. Design/methodology/approach The program included multiple training sessions for families and school professionals, designed to educate participants on autism, evidence-based interventions and to increase home-school communication and collaboration. Data collection methods included pre- and post-measures and feedback forms. Findings Results indicated that the training program was beneficial for participants overall. Pre- and posttest measures indicated growth in knowledge and competency in autism interventions. While there were no statistically significant differences in the quantitative measure of collaboration, qualitative results suggest that participants reported increased collaboration posttraining. Practical implications Overall, the training program was effective, and the ongoing implementation assessment was conducive to continuous improvement. The authors also discuss difficulties with implementation and recommendations for future intervention implementation. Originality/value This case study provides practical information about creating, evaluating and improving a unique intervention designed to support school–home collaboration

    Teachers' concerns about pupils' mental health in a cross-sectional survey of a population sample of British schoolchildren.

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    BACKGROUND: Schools are becoming central to the identification and referral of children and young people with poor mental health. Understanding how well a teacher concern predicts mental disorder in a child or young person is important for mental health teams who need to respond to referrals. METHOD: This secondary analysis of the 2004 British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Survey used the first item of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Impact subscale to indicate concern about a child or young person's mental health. Mental disorder according to DSM IVR criteria was assessed using the multi-informant Development and Well-Being Assessment. We compared the proportion with and without mental disorder according to the presence or absence of teacher concern. RESULTS: Teacher concern was moderately predictive (49% with teacher concern had a disorder) and sensitive (teacher concern present among 56% with disorder), while lack of teacher concern was highly predictive (only 5% had disorder) and specific (94% no disorder). Teacher concern was associated with significantly poorer mental health (mean teacher SDQ total difficulty score 19.6, SD 5.6 with disorder, mean 15.0; SD 5.1 if no disorder) compared to children without teacher concern (mean 9.6, SD 5.5 with disorder, and 4.9; SD 4.3 if no disorder; F (3, 5,931) = 1527.228, p = .001). If both teacher and parents were concerned, the child or young person was much more likely to have a disorder. CONCLUSION: A lack of teacher concern can reassure mental health practitioners in the vast majority of cases. While teacher concern does identify those with poorer mental health, it is only moderately predictive of a disorder. When concerned about a child or young person, discussions with parents or others who know them may help teachers identify those who most need support. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: The emphasis on schools as a major setting to provide support and identify the need for referral to specialist mental health services means service commissioners, providers and practitioners could benefit from insight into how predictive a teacher's concern is of childhood mental health conditions and how this may vary with the type of disorder If teachers are not concerned about a child, practitioners can be reassured that there is unlikely to be a significant problem with their mental health, although this will be less certain in schools whose pupils are likely to have a higher than average levels of difficulty Teacher concerns do not necessarily differentiate between clinically impairing and mild/ moderate mental health difficulties, but do identify children in poorer mental health Asking for corroboration of concern from other sources increases the strength of the association to severe mental health disorders.Place2be Governments of England, Scotland, Wale


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    RÉSUMÉ: Dans cet article, nous présentons une enquête auprès des enfants qui portent sur la participation des enfants dans les fêtes populaires et les dates commémoratives. Nous avons analysé les points de vue et les voix des enfants au sujet de la fête de Saint Côme et Saint Damien, le Carnaval et la Semaine de l'enfance. Dans cet étude nous avons dialogué avec la sociologie de l'enfance et d'autres domaines des sciences humaines. Les données empiriques se composent de l'observation participante avec des notes sur le terrain et des interviews pour débattre avec les enfants sur leurs photographies. L'analyse, fondée sur les photographies et les commentaires des enfants ont permis de sélectionner les principales catégories que nous appelons "compositions photographiques des enfants." Ce sont : les actions et les comportements des adultes lors des fêtes et dans la recherche, les actions impliquant la consommation, les diversions, les jouets et les jeux, et la participation des enfants lors des fêtes et dans la recherche. Les photographies et les voix d'enfants expriment les différences dans leurs histoires personnelles, leur culture et leurs expériences et leurs relations avec leurs contextes. Nous avons analysé comment leur participation aux fêtes a été facilité ou inhibé par des conditions sociales et économiques, par des idéologies, par le niveau de développement social et leur bien-être et celui de leurs familles. Mots-clés: enfants, enfance, fêtes, compositions photographiquesNesse artigo apresentamos uma pesquisa com crianças que focalizou a participação infantil em festas populares e datas comemorativas. Analisamos os olhares e vozes das crianças acerca das festas de São Cosme e São Damião, Carnaval e Semana da Criança. No estudo da problemática dialogamos com a sociologia da infância e com outras áreas das ciências humanas.. O material empírico constituiu-se de anotações em diários de campo, entrevistas e fotografias produzidas pelas crianças. A análise com base nas fotografias e nos comentários das crianças possibilitou selecionar as principais categorias que denominamos “composições fotográficas das crianças”. São elas: as ações e comportamentos dos adultos nas festas e na pesquisa, ações que envolvem consumo, diversão, brinquedos e brincadeiras e a participação das crianças nas festas e na pesquisa. As fotografias e vozes das crianças expressam as diferenças de suas histórias pessoais, das suas culturas e experiências e relações com seus contextos. Percebemos o quanto sua participação nas festas foi facilitada ou inibida pelas condições econômicas e sociais, pelas ideologias, pelo nível de desenvolvimento social e o bem-estar delas próprias e de seus familiares. Palavras-chave: Crianças, infância, festas, composições fotográficas

    Understanding Unique Employability Skill Sets of Autistic Individuals: A Systematic Review

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    In recent years, several publications and media outlets have highlighted how the skills and interests of autistic individuals may benefit organizations. However, there is scant empirical research on the topic. The present study\u27s authors conducted a systematic review to find which potential employability skills, strengths, and interests of autistic individuals available research has highlighted. Data extraction methods identified 51 papers related to skills in this population. The skill sets autistic individuals may possess and the research behind these findings were organized, evaluated, and summarized. Based on these findings, investigators discuss implications for employment counseling and future research

    Identifying Critical Employability Skills for Employment Success of Autistic Individuals: A Content Analysis of Job Postings

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    This study aimed to examine the literature on the skill sets of autistic individuals and determine how these skills align with current and projected future labour market needs. Based on a literature review, researchers identified the following skill categories common to autistic individuals: visual skills, attention to detail and systemizing composite skills. Researchers then gathered aggregated data on occupations and industries from over 90 state and federal sources in the United States. Next, they collected data on the most in-demand jobs, their industries and relevant skills by analysing hundreds of millions of online job postings. The results indicate the most viable occupations aligned with each skill category. There is minimal available research using labour market data to generate special education goals and transition plans for autistic students. By providing educators and practitioners with critical information regarding viable employment pathways, all stakeholders can more effectively and equitably prepare autistic individuals for the 21st-century workforce

    Predicting the impact of feedback on matter clustering with machine learning in CAMELS

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    Extracting information from the total matter power spectrum with the precision needed for upcoming cosmological surveys requires unraveling the complex effects of galaxy formation processes on the distribution of matter. We investigate the impact of baryonic physics on matter clustering at z=0z=0 using a library of power spectra from the Cosmology and Astrophysics with MachinE Learning Simulations (CAMELS) project, containing thousands of (25h1Mpc)3(25\,h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})^3 volume realizations with varying cosmology, initial random field, stellar and AGN feedback strength and sub-grid model implementation methods. We show that baryonic physics affects matter clustering on scales k0.4hMpc1k \gtrsim 0.4\,h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1} and the magnitude of this effect is dependent on the details of the galaxy formation implementation and variations of cosmological and astrophysical parameters. Increasing AGN feedback strength decreases halo baryon fractions and yields stronger suppression of power relative to N-body simulations, while stronger stellar feedback often results in weaker effects by suppressing black hole growth and therefore the impact of AGN feedback. We find a broad correlation between mean baryon fraction of massive halos (M200c>1013.5M_{\rm 200c} > 10^{13.5}\,\Msun) and suppression of matter clustering but with significant scatter compared to previous work owing to wider exploration of feedback parameters and cosmic variance effects. We show that a random forest regressor trained on the baryon content and abundance of halos across the full mass range 1010Mhalo/10^{10} \leq M_\mathrm{halo}/\Msun<1015< 10^{15} can predict the effect of galaxy formation on the matter power spectrum on scales k=1.0k = 1.0--20.0\,hMpc1h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}

    Actitud de los profesores ante el uso de las TIC en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas

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    Introducción: El perfeccionamiento continuo del sistema educativo cubano, que tiene lugar en los últimos años, condiciona la necesidad de renovar, en el marco de los Centros de Educación Superior, los planes de estudios desde una perspectiva que responda a las exigencias asociadas al proceso de Universalización de la Educación que en ellos tiene lugar, lo cual implica que la universidad como institución social dirija su trabajo a alcanzar resultados prominentes; en la introducción, innovación y creación de tecnologías &nbsp;&nbsp;Objetivo: Valorar la actitud de los profesores ante el uso de la TIC en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas en el período de enero –mayo del 2019, para evaluar la actitud de los profesores, ante el uso que realizan de las TIC los profesores de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que los profesores de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas poseen una actitud excelente ante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la docencia de pregrado Conclusiones: Sin duda las nuevas tecnologías pueden suministrar medios para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje pero su utilización a favor o en contra de una sociedad más desarrollada, dependerá en gran medida de la actitud, de los profesores como guías principales del&nbsp; proces