13 research outputs found

    Concebir lo socio-ambiental

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    En base al estudio empírico de los discursos de desarrollo presentes en actores clave del Gran Concepción, Chile, este artículo plantea algunos lineamientos teóricos a partir del mismo. Se distinguen dos temas centrales a la hora de hablar del par desarrollo-sustentabilidad: el poder de las representaciones sociales y la interrogante acerca del nivel de representatividad de las decisiones que se toman en relación a estos asuntos. Esto conecta las temáticas ambientales con una demanda de ciudadanía y con la pregunta acerca de las prioridades sociales que como país aceptamos.S’inspirant d’une étude empirique des discours du développement présents chez les acteurs clefs de la Grande Concepción, Chili, cet article propose certains axes théoriques. Deux thèmes centraux sont distingués lorsqu’il est question du duo développement-durabilité : le pouvoir des représentations sociales et la question relative au niveau de représentativité des décisions prises en la matière. Cela relie les thématiques environnementales à la demande de la citoyenneté et la question relative aux priorités sociales que nous acceptons en tant que pays.Based on empirical study of the currently development discourses held by key-actors in the Gran Concepción, Chile, this article raises up some theoretical implications according to its results. There are two main issues when we talk about the couple if terms development-sustainability: the power of social representations and the opening question about the representativity on decisions regarding development and sustainability. This connects environmental issues with a claim of citizenship and with the social priorities that we –as a country- accept.Com base no estudo empírico dos discursos do desenvolvimento atualmente detidos por actores-chave no Gran Concepción, Chile, este artigo levanta algumas implicações teóricas de acordo com seus resultados. Há duas questões principais quando falamos sobre o casal desenvolvimento-sustentabilidade: o poder das representações sociais ea questão de abertura sobre a representatividade nas decisões sobre desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade. Esto liga questões ambientais com uma reivindicação da cidadania e a pergunta sobre as prioridades sociais que o país acepta

    Discursive synergies for a 'Great Transformation' towards sustainability : pragmatic contributions to a necessary dialogue between human development, degrowth, and buen vivir

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552There is a growing awareness that a whole-societal " Great Transformation " of Polanyian scale is needed to bring global developmental trajectories in line with ecological imperatives. The mainstream Sustainable Development discourse, however, insists in upholding the myth of compatibility of current growth-based trajectories with biophysical planetary boundaries. This article explores potentially fertile complementarities among trendy discourses challenging conventional notions of (un)sustainable development - Human Development, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir - and outlines pathways for their realization. Human Development presents relative transfor-mative strengths in political terms, while Degrowth holds keys to unlocking unsustainable material-structural entrenchments of contemporary socioeconomic arrangements, and Buen Vivir offers a space of cultural alterity and critique of the Euro-Atlantic cultural constellation. The weaknesses or blind spots ('Achilles heels') of each discourse can be compensated through the strengths of the other ones, creating a dialogical virtuous circle that would open pathways towards a global new " Great Transformation ". As one of the main existing platforms for pluralist and strong-sustainability discussions, Ecological Economics is in a privileged position to deliberately foster such strategic discursive dialogue. A pathway towards such dialogue is illuminated through a model identifying and articulating key discursive docking points

    The transition to a post-growth society: the case of Bhutan

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    The degrowth movement is a theoretical and practical response to the current multi-fold crisis (Rockstrom et al. 2009; Millenium Development Goals 2000; D'Alisa et al. 2015). While its framework describes a strategy for the industrialised world to downscaling production and consumption to attain an "optimal scale" of the economic system, its goal is applicable world-wide, as it aims to create a post-growth society based on the material sufficiency (Trainer 2012; Alexander 2015), internal well-being and ecological sustainability (Latouche 2010; Alexander 2013; D'Alisa et al. 2015). In an attempt to explore the policy strategies that facilitate the transition towards a post-growth society, this research aims to answer the following question: What are the policy strategies used by Bhutan to transition to a post-growth society and what lessons can be drawn from this experience? Bhutan is a worthwhile study case as it is a pioneer post-growth initiative led by the state. The research developed a framework of the policy strategies drawn upon the degrowth literature, which was used for exploring the Bhutanese case. The results show that Bhutan is currently using a wide range of strategies depicted by the literature and is very strong in the strategies related to ecological integrity and the creation of post-growth indicators of progress. The advantages and disadvantages of a transition led by the state are outlined as well as the pitfalls that the country is facing to implement a post-growth society. The Bhutanese experience sheds light about successful strategies that can be used to transition to post-growth society and shows that an alternative path of development is possible in practice

    Concebir lo socio-ambiental: representación y representatividad en los discursos sobre el desarrollo

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    Decision-Making and Informal Political Institutions in Chilean Sub-National Public Investment

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Literature on informal political institutions has focused on the national level, disregarding sub-national contexts where one can expect increased informality. This article analyzes locally allocated Chilean public investment to understand how informal institutions affect regional development and local democracy. Based on 59 interviews with key stakeholders and national authorities, this research analyses the flow of the decision-making process on funds for regional investment. The results show that local bureaucrats introduce innovations to cope with the weaknesses of formal decision-making regulations, and that these may become informal institutions that complement or accommodate the process to obtain the outcomes expected under the formal rule

    Discursive synergies for a 'Great Transformation' towards sustainability : pragmatic contributions to a necessary dialogue between human development, degrowth, and buen vivir

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552There is a growing awareness that a whole-societal " Great Transformation " of Polanyian scale is needed to bring global developmental trajectories in line with ecological imperatives. The mainstream Sustainable Development discourse, however, insists in upholding the myth of compatibility of current growth-based trajectories with biophysical planetary boundaries. This article explores potentially fertile complementarities among trendy discourses challenging conventional notions of (un)sustainable development - Human Development, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir - and outlines pathways for their realization. Human Development presents relative transfor-mative strengths in political terms, while Degrowth holds keys to unlocking unsustainable material-structural entrenchments of contemporary socioeconomic arrangements, and Buen Vivir offers a space of cultural alterity and critique of the Euro-Atlantic cultural constellation. The weaknesses or blind spots ('Achilles heels') of each discourse can be compensated through the strengths of the other ones, creating a dialogical virtuous circle that would open pathways towards a global new " Great Transformation ". As one of the main existing platforms for pluralist and strong-sustainability discussions, Ecological Economics is in a privileged position to deliberately foster such strategic discursive dialogue. A pathway towards such dialogue is illuminated through a model identifying and articulating key discursive docking points

    La Política: deliberación, técnica y movimiento

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    La racionalidad técnica y el pensamiento experto aparecen hoy como el principal instrumento para legitimar la toma de decisiones en el campo de la política. El proceso de racionalización de todas las esferas de la vida que anunciara hace poco más de un siglo Max Weber, encuentra en la política contemporánea, un territorio fértil para su reproducción. Las democracias latinoamericanas no están exentas de esta dinámica de reducción de lo político a lo técnico, que traduce los conflictos inherentes a la construcción del espacio público, en problemas contingentes sobre la definición del instrumento apropiado. Esta arremetida de la técnica en el espacio público, pospone el enfrentamiento de acciones y discursos que buscan apropiarse y reconstruir lo público, a favor de una ecuación primaria orientada a depurar un espacio inmunizado ante la controversia. La arremetida de la técnica nos pone así frente al confinamiento de la política a una pura cuestión de medios, no ya de fines. Y es que la reducción de la política a lo técnico implica excluir a los fines de toda discusión. El fin para la técnica no es un problema sino un principio que de facto neutraliza la acción y prefigura el discurso