7 research outputs found

    Potential applications of biosurfactants in animal production and meat research

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    Muscle foods are perishable products that are subject to several contaminations such as microbial and/or chemical (lipid and protein oxidation) alterations, which result in their deterioration and quality loss. Several processing strategies are used to preserve and improve the stability, shelf-life and quality of meat and meat products, from which natural preservative agents are gaining interest from both industrials and consumers as green and eco-friendly strategies. Among these natural preservatives, biosurfactants are emerging molecules. Their natural origin and biodegradability make them appealing for use in the food industry. In meat research, biosurfactants are of great interest as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents to reduce meat spoilage and wastage as well as for improving the shelf-life of the products. We aimed to discuss the potential applications of biosurfactants with a focus on their antimicrobial and antioxidant activity within the objectives of reducing meat quality deterioration and improving the image quality (acceptability by consumers) of meat and meat products. Additionally, further perspectives under the context of practical applications of biosurfactants in meat emulsification have been discussed, serving as a reference to feed knowledge gaps in this emerging topic of research. Further studies and evaluations of biosurfactants in meat research are needed to establish more evidence of their potential benefits, applicability and feasibility at a larger scale

    The Self-Assessment Scale of Cognitive Complaints in Schizophrenia: A validation study in Tunisian population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite a huge well-documented literature on cognitive deficits in schizophrenia, little is known about the own perception of patients regarding their cognitive functioning. The purpose of our study was to create a scale to collect subjective cognitive complaints of patients suffering from schizophrenia with Tunisian Arabic dialect as mother tongue and to proceed to a validation study of this scale.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The authors constructed the Self-Assessment Scale of Cognitive Complaints in Schizophrenia (SASCCS) based on a questionnaire covering five cognitive domains which are the most frequently reported in the literature to be impaired in schizophrenia. The scale consisted of 21 likert-type questions dealing with memory, attention, executive functions, language and praxia. In a second time, the authors proceeded to the study of psychometric qualities of the scale among 105 patients suffering from schizophrenia spectrum disorders (based on DSM- IV criteria). Patients were evaluated using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), the Global Assessment Functioning Scale (GAF scale) and the Calgary Depression Scale (CDS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The scale's reliability was proven to be good through Cronbach alpha coefficient equal to 0.85 and showing its good internal consistency. The intra-class correlation coefficient at 11 weeks was equal to 0.77 suggesting a good stability over time. Principal component analysis with Oblimin rotation was performed and yielded to six factors accounting for 58.28% of the total variance of the scale.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Given the good psychometric properties that have been revealed in this study, the SASCCS seems to be reliable to measure schizophrenic patients' perception of their own cognitive impairment. This kind of evaluation can't substitute for objective measures of cognitive performances in schizophrenia. The purpose of such an evaluation is to permit to the patient to express his own well-being and satisfaction of quality of life.</p

    Interactions cellules satellites gliales-propriocepteurs dans les ganglions rachidiens dorsaux

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    Les neurones propriocepteurs sont nécessaires au contrôle du mouvement et à la locomotion. Ils connectent les fuseaux musculaires et les tendons aux motoneurones de la moelle épinière pour informer le système nerveux central de l’état d’élongation et de contraction des muscles. Leurs corps cellulaires sont localisés dans les ganglions rachidiens dorsaux (GRD), où ils sont intimement entourés de cellules gliales GFAP-positives appelées cellules satellites gliales (CSG). Comme les astrocytes du système nerveux central, les CSG expriment à leur surface des récepteurs couplés aux protéines Gq (Gq RCPG) qui peuvent être activés par les neurotransmetteurs libérés par les corps cellulaires de neurones sensoriels du GRD. Les corps cellulaires des neurones sensoriels expriment aussi un certain nombre de récepteurs et transmetteurs. Ces caractéristiques, ainsi que la proximité physique entre les CSG et les neurones sensoriels a permis d’émettre l’hypothèse que les deux types cellulaires sont capables de communiquer. De récentes données de la littérature suggèrent que les CSG et les neurones sensoriels responsables de la détection de la douleur sont capables de dialoguer. Cependant, à notre connaissance, aucune donnée n’a permis jusqu’à présent de démontrer une interaction entre les CSG et les neurones propriocepteurs. Dans cette étude, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’activation des Gq RCPG des CSG permet la modulation de l’activité des propriocepteurs. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons utilisé des approches techniques complémentaires (imagerie calcique bi-photonique, immunohistochimie, biochimie et analyses comportementales) combinées à un outil chemogénétique puissant basé sur la technologie DREADD afin d’activer sélectivement la voie de signalisation Gq RCPG dans les CSG. Nous avons démontré dans une préparation de GRD intacte que les CSG sont capables de moduler l’activité des propriocepteurs via une signalisation purinergique. Pour tester la pertinence de cette communication, nous avons réalisé des expériences de comportement sensorimoteur et mis en évidence que l’activation des cellules gliales GFAP-positives induit des déficits sensorimoteurs. Déterminer si la modulation des propriocepteurs par les CSG affecte la transmission sensorimotrice a de profondes implications pour la compréhension du système sensorimoteur et de ses dérèglements.Proprioceptive neurons (one’s own neurons) are necessary for controlling motor control and locomotion. They arise from muscle spindles and tendons and synapse onto ventral horn motoneurons to deliver information about the length and contraction of muscles. Proprioceptor somata reside within the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and are tightly enwrapped in a thin sheath of GFAP-expressing glial cells, called satellite glial cells (SGCs). Interestingly, SGCs express a number of Gq protein- coupled receptors (Gq GPCRs), which can be activated by neurotransmitters released by sensory neuron somata. Sensory neuron somata also express a number of receptors and transmitters. Both the expression of receptors and the close contact between SGCs and sensory neurons led to the hypothesis that these two cell types communicate. There is emerging evidence that SGCs and nociceptive sensory neuron (pain-sensing neurons) somata can communicate. Furthermore, to date, there is no study conducted on SGC-proprioceptor interaction. We hypothesized that SGC Gq GPCR signaling induces the release of neuroactive molecules from SGCs, leading to the modulation of proprioceptor activity. The main goal of this project has been to test this hypothesis using complementary technical approaches (2-photon Ca2+ imaging, immunohistochemistry, biochemistry and behavior) combined with a powerful chemogenetic DREADD-based tool to activate SGC Gq GPCR activity. We have demonstrated ex vivo that SGCs modulate proprioceptive neuron activity through a purinergic pathway. In order to test the physiological relevance of this discovery in vivo, we performed sensorimotor behavioral experiments and have shown that activating GFAP-expressing glial cells induces sensorimotor deficits. Determining whether SGC-induced proprioceptor activity has profound implications in the understanding of sensorimotor functions in health and diseases

    Characterization of transgenic mouse lines for selectively targeting satellite glial cells and macrophages in dorsal root ganglia.

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    The importance of glial cells in the modulation of neuronal processes is now generally accepted. In particular, enormous progress in our understanding of astrocytes and microglia physiology in the central nervous system (CNS) has been made in recent years, due to the development of genetic and molecular toolkits. However, the roles of satellite glial cells (SGCs) and macrophages-the peripheral counterparts of astrocytes and microglia-remain poorly studied despite their involvement in debilitating conditions, such as pain. Here, we characterized in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs), different genetically-modified mouse lines previously used for studying astrocytes and microglia, with the goal to implement them for investigating DRG SGC and macrophage functions. Although SGCs and astrocytes share some molecular properties, most tested transgenic lines were found to not be suitable for studying selectively a large number of SGCs within DRGs. Nevertheless, we identified and validated two mouse lines: (i) a CreERT2 recombinase-based mouse line allowing transgene expression almost exclusively in SGCs and in the vast majority of SGCs, and (ii) a GFP-expressing line allowing the selective visualization of macrophages. In conclusion, among the tools available for exploring astrocyte functions, a few can be used for studying selectively a great proportion of SGCs. Thus, efforts remain to be made to characterize other available mouse lines as well as to develop, rigorously characterize and validate new molecular tools to investigate the roles of DRG SGCs, but also macrophages, in health and disease

    Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients admitted in Intensive care units of the Bilda University Hospital, in Algeria: Caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques des patients atteints de COVID-19 admis dans les unités de soins intensifs de l’hôpital universitaire de Blida- Algérie

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    Context and objective. First cases of COVID-19 were reported in March 2020 in Blida, the epicentre of the epidemic in the country. The present study aimed to describe the clinical features of COVID-19 patients in this setting.&nbsp;Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study including COVID-19 patients admitted for treatment of in Blida University Hospital from March 12th&nbsp;to May 9th, 2020. Parameters of interest were epidemiological, clinical and paraclinical (radiological and virological).&nbsp;Results. A total of 560 patients (348 from ICU, 62.1%) were enrolled Most of the patients (62%) were male, median age was 65 years [IQR 52.7-74.2]. More than half presented with comorbidity (55.4%). Main symptoms were dyspnea (78.8%), cough (78.0%) and fever (77.9%). Global mortality rate was 46.8%, with 70.4% in ICU patients.&nbsp;Conclusion. Male gender and advanced age with comorbidities were the main determinants of ICU admission and mortality, highlighting the need for targeted surveillance strategies. Contexte et objectif. En mars 2020, la nouvelle maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) est apparue à Blida, l’épicentre de l’épidémie dans le pays. L’objectif de l’étude était de décrire les caractéristiques cliniques des patients COVID-19.&nbsp;Méthodes. Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale portant sur des patients COVID-19 admis aux soins intensifs ou en Réanimation au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Blida, entre les 12 mars et 9 mai 2020. Les paramètres d’intérêts comprenaient les données épidémiologiques, cliniques et paracliniques (radiologiques, virologiques).&nbsp;Résultats. Au total, 560 patients étaient inclus (348 cas aux soins intensifs, soit 62,1 %). La plupart des patients (62 %) étaient de sexe masculin avec un âge médian de 65 ans [IQR 52,7-74,2]. Plus de la moitié présentaient une comorbidité (55,4 %). Les caractéristiques cliniques les plus signalées étaient la dyspnée (78,8 %), la toux (78,0 %) et la fièvre (77,9 %). Le taux de mortalité était de 46,8 % (dont 70,4 % aux soins intensifs).&nbsp;Conclusion. les patients à risque d’être hospitalisés dans les unités de soins intensifs sont des sujets âgés, de sexe masculin, présentant des comorbidités avec un risque élevé de mortalité dans les unités de soins intensifs, ce qui met l’accent sur la nécessité de limiter l’exposition de cette population vulnérable, leur prise en charge précoce et la surveillance vigilante pendant leur hospitalisation