1,707 research outputs found

    The use of histological analysis for the detection of somatic embryos in sugarcane

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    The aim of this study was to establish an in vitro system for the induction, maturation and regeneration of somatic embryo in sugarcane from buds of cultivar RB 867515. Embryogenic calluses were obtained on semi-solid MS medium supplemented with 4.42 mg L-1 2,4-D. After four weeks of culture of explants on the callus induction medium, globular structures were obtained. At the end of 20 days in maturation medium, somatic embryos were observed. Histological analysis showed somatic embryos with caulinarand root apex, protodermal tissue, and the vascular system, which  apparently has no connection with the vascular tissue explant that gave rise to it confirming the presence of the somatic embryo. The embryos were transferred to regeneration medium containing 1 mg L-1 GA3 and BAP, and after 1 to 2 weeks of culture, green points were observed, indicating the beginning of the formation of shoots. Key words: Saccharum spp, bud culture, 2.4-D, morphogenetic pathway, embryogenesis, plant regeneration

    Zootherapeutics utilized by residents of the community Poço Dantas, Crato-CE, Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Animals have been used as a source of medicine in Brazil since ancient times, and have played a significant role in healing practices. Specifically in Northeast Brazil, zootherapy is a very common practice, and together with medicinal plants, it plays an important role as a therapeutic alternative. In the state of Ceara, no works have been carried out on rural communities with regard to use of zootherapeutics, even though the practice of zootherapy is common in this region. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the use of medicinal animals in a rural community (Poco Dantas) in the municipality of Crato, Ceara, Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The field survey was carried out from October 2008 to January 2009 by conducting interviews using structured questionnaires with 72 people (33 men and 39 women), who provided information on animal species used as remedies, body parts used to prepare the remedies, and ailments for which the remedies were prescribed. We calculated the informant consensus factor (ICF) to determine the consensus over which species are effective for particular ailments, as well as the species use value (UV) to determine the extent of utilization of each species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 29 species, distributed in 17 families were categorized as having some medicinal property. The taxa most represented were: mammals (9), insects (7), reptiles and birds (4). <it>Progne chalybea</it>, a species not previously recorded as being of medicinal use, was cited in the present work, where it is utilized in the treatment of alcoholism. The animals are used in the treatment of 34 diseases or symptoms, where sore throat, inflammations and cough are the ailments with the greatest number of citations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data show that zootherapy represents an important therapeutic alternative for the inhabitants of the community. New studies on medicinal fauna should be conducted with the aim of determining the exploitation level of the species utilized, promoting sustainable development of medicinal species that are eventually threatened, and preserving and disseminating the knowledge developed by traditional individuals of the community.</p

    Apoptosis of non-parasitized red blood cells in malaria: a putative mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of anaemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Severe anaemia is a common complication of <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>malaria in hyperendemic regions. Premature elimination of non-parasitized red blood cells (nRBC) has been considered as one mechanism involved in the genesis of severe malaria anaemia. It has been reported that apoptosis can occur in RBC and, consequently, this cell death process could contribute to anaemia. This study was performed to evaluate the susceptibility of nRBC to apoptosis in a malaria anaemia murine model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Balb/c mice were intraperitonially inoculated with 1 × 10<sup>6 </sup><it>P. yoelii </it>17XL parasitized RBC (pRBC) and, then, parasitaemia and anaemia were monitored. Apoptosis in both pRBC and nRBC was assessed during early and late phases of infection by flow cytometry using Syto 16 and annexin V-PE double staining and forward scatter measurement.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As expected, experimental infection of Balb/c mice with <it>Plasmodium yoelii </it>17XL parasites was characterized by progressive increase of parasitaemia and acute anaemia, leading to death. Flow cytometry analysis showed that a number of pRBC was in the apoptotic process. It was noteworthy that the increase of nRBC apoptosis levels occurred in the late phase of infection, when anaemia degree was notably accentuated, while no significant alteration was observed in the early phase.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The increased levels of nRBC apoptosis herein firstly reported, in malaria infection could represent a putative mechanism worsening the severity of malarial anaemia.</p

    Chiral Cilia orientation in the left-right organizer

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    Chirality is a property of asymmetry between an object and its mirror image. Most biomolecules and many cell types are chiral. In the left-right organizer (LRO), cilia-driven flows transfer such chirality to the body scale. However, the existence of cellular chirality within tissues remains unknown. Here, we investigate this question in Kupffer’s vesicle (KV), the zebrafish LRO. Quantitative live imaging reveals that cilia populating the KV display asymmetric orientation between the right and left sides, resulting in a chiral structure, which is different from the chiral cilia rotation. This KV chirality establishment is dynamic and depends on planar cell polarity. While its impact on left-right (LR) symmetry breaking remains unclear, we show that this asymmetry does not depend on the LR signaling pathway or flow. This work identifies a different type of tissue asymmetry and sheds light on chirality genesis in developing tissues

    Hiperplasia y quiste prostático en perro

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an important disease in the clinic of small animals, with high occurrence in older dogs and not castrated animals. This condition of the sex gland has been subject of several studies, trying to clarify pathogenesis and medical or surgical alternatives for prevention and treatment. Is considered that most cases of this disease are undiagnosed due to subclinical manifestation. Another important focus is the similarity of prostate disorders of dogs and humans, therefore studies may favor the application of certain techniques of diagnosis or treatment in these species. The objective of this study is to present a case of prostatic hyperplasia and cyst in a dog, clinical approach, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment, based on the available scientific literature, as well as its evolution and medical follow-up.La hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) es una enfermedad importante en la clínica de pequeños animales, de alta incidencia en perros viejos y animales no castrados. Esta condición de la glándula sexual ha sido objeto de varios estudios, tratando de aclarar su patogenia y proponer nuevas alternativas para la prevención y el tratamiento, sean estos médicos o quirúrgicos. Se considera que la mayoría de los casos de esta enfermedad están sin diagnosticar debido a la manifestación subclínica. Otro foco importante es la similitud de trastornos de la próstata de los perros y los humanos, por lo tanto, los estudios pueden favorecer la aplicación de ciertas técnicas de diagnóstico o tratamiento en estas especies. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un caso de hiperplasia prostática y quiste en un perro, su enfoque clínico, el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico y quirúrgico, basado en la literatura científica disponible, así como su evolución y seguimiento médico

    Partitioning optimization of proteins from Zea mays malt in ATPS PEG 6000/CaCl2

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    This work aimed to establish the relationship between the compositions and pH of ATPS PEG 6000/CaCl2 and the proteins partition from maize malt and also to simplify the process optimization in ATPS for a statistical model, established by response surface methodology (RSM). Results showed that these were no influence of pH on the phase diagrams and on the composition of tie line length of PEG 6000/CaCl2 ATPS. SRM analyses showed that elevated pH and larger tie line length were the best conditions for recovering of maize malt proteins. The maximum partition coefficient by PEG 6000/CaCl2 ATPS was about 4.2 and was achieved in ATPS in a single purification step. The theoretical maximum partition coefficient was between 4.1-4.3. The process was very suitable for continuous aqueous two phase purification due to the stability of proteins (e.g. alpha and beta-amylases) and could increase their content into middle.50355756

    Post-emergence selectivity of metribuzin to carrot.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of the herbicide metribuzin to carrot plants as a function of genotype, dose, and plant growth stage at the time of application. Two experiments were carried out, one in a greenhouse and another in the field

    Environmental health : reflexions of the Brazilian Association of Post-Graduation in Collective Health - ABRASCO

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    O Brasil, apesar de sua extraordinária biodiversidade e do enorme potencial instalado para desenvolver ações integradas na temática do ambiente, não tem dado, do ponto de vista programático, a prioridade que o tema ambiente merece. A Associação Brasileira de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva-ABRASCO reconheceu a importância de organizar um Grupo Temático “Saúde e Ambiente” para, de maneira mais organizada, participar da luta pelo desenvolvimento sustentável, através da ação política no campo da saúde coletiva, em busca de ambientes saudáveis e da promoção da saúde. O objetivo principal deste Grupo Temático-GT foi contribuir para que o tema da saúde ambiental seja internalizado no campo da Saúde Coletiva. Método: O Grupo escolheu três eixos para discussão em uma oficina do V Congresso Brasileiro de Epidemiologia, em Curitiba, no ano de 2002. O resultado resultado do debate ocorrido foi apresentado segundo três eixos: identificação do campo teórico-conceitual em Saúde Ambiente; a política de saúde e ambiente; o caminho metodológico. A conclusão foi apresentada no formato de uma agenda do GT para o biênio 2002-2004. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTNot with standing its extraordinary biodiversity and enormous installed potential to develop actions integrated in to the topic of environmental health, Brazil has not given the environmental the priority the subject deserves from the programmatic, point of view. The Brazilian Association of Post-Graduation in Collective Health - ABRASCO recognized the importance of organizing a Thematic Group “Health and Environment” in order to, in a more organized fashion, participate in the struggle for sustainable development, through political action in collective health, oriented to wards health environments and health promotion. The main objective of this Thematic Group was to facilitate the subject of the environmental health to be internalized in to the field of the Collective Health. Method: The theme was debated in a workshop during the V Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology in Curitiba, in 2002. Results were presented according to three axes: 1- Identification of the theoretical-conceptual field in Environmental Health; 2- the politics of health and environment; 3- methodological route. The general conclusion was presented as an agenda for ABRASCO’s Thematic Group in Environmental Health for the biennial 2002-2004

    Graphene plasmonics

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    Two rich and vibrant fields of investigation, graphene physics and plasmonics, strongly overlap. Not only does graphene possess intrinsic plasmons that are tunable and adjustable, but a combination of graphene with noble-metal nanostructures promises a variety of exciting applications for conventional plasmonics. The versatility of graphene means that graphene-based plasmonics may enable the manufacture of novel optical devices working in different frequency ranges, from terahertz to the visible, with extremely high speed, low driving voltage, low power consumption and compact sizes. Here we review the field emerging at the intersection of graphene physics and plasmonics.Comment: Review article; 12 pages, 6 figures, 99 references (final version available only at publisher's web site