12 research outputs found

    Os longs courts isolés en échographie (inquiétude justifiée ou non ?)

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    LYON1-BU Santé (693882101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Scombrotoxisme : expérience des centres antipoison de France de 2012 à 2021

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    International audienceScombroid Fish poisoning is observed after ingestion of fish mainly of the scombridae family. The flesh of usually edible fish such as tuna or mackerel can, under certain conditions, contain significant amounts of histamine generating a clinical picture which evokes anaphylaxis. The authors present the experience of the French Poison Control Centers over a decade (from 2012 to 2021 inclusive) concerning this frequent but often unrecognized poisoning: 173 meals concerning 543 patients were studied (47% individual poisonings and 53% collective poisonings ranging from 2 to 200 patients per meal). There is no real seasonality with cases observed throughout the year. The coastal French departments and Southern France seem more concerned, but the whole territory including overseas territories can be the scene of this type of poisoning. If the scombridea family is involved in the vast majority of cases (93% of meals and 95% of patients), it is possible to observe such poisonings with other fish families (7 toxic meals after ingestion of fish from the clupeidae family in the present case series). The clinical picture is characterized by a short time to onset, symptoms mimicking an allergy and good efficacy of antihistamine drugs. For only 3 out of 543 patients, a sign of severity (cardiovascular collapse) was reported. All the patients quickly recovered without sequelae, confirming that Scombroid Fish Poisoning is an intoxication with an impressive clinical picture, but without real management problem if the diagnosis is correctly made.Le scombrotoxisme est une intoxication observée après ingestion de chair de poisson mal conservée, le plus souvent de la famille des scombridés, d’où le nom du toxidrome. La chair de poissons habituellement comestibles comme les thons ou les maquereaux, peut, dans certaines conditions, contenir d’importantes quantités d’histamine générant un tableau clinique évoquant une anaphylaxie. Les auteurs présentent l’expérience des Centres Antipoison de France sur une décennie (de 2012 à 2021 inclus) concernant cette intoxication fréquente mais souvent méconnue : 173 repas concernant 543 patients ont été colligés (47 % d’intoxications individuelles et 53 % d’intoxications collectives allant de 2 à 200 patients par repas). Il n’existe pas de véritable saisonnalité avec des cas observés tout au long de l’année. Les départements côtiers et du sud de la France sont plus concernés, mais l’ensemble du territoire y compris l’outremer peut être le théâtre de ce type d’intoxication. Si la famille des scombridés est impliquée dans la très grande majorité des cas (93 % des repas et 95 % des patients), il est possible d’observer de telles intoxications avec d’autres familles (dans cette série, 7 repas toxiques après ingestion de poissons de la famille des clupéidés). Le tableau clinique est caractérisé par un délai d’apparition court, des symptômes mimant une allergie et une bonne efficacité des médicaments antihistaminiques. Pour seulement 3 patients sur 543, un signe de gravité (collapsus) a été rapporté. Tous les patients ont rapidement guéri sans séquelle, confirmant que le scombrotoxisme est une intoxication au tableau clinique impressionnant, mais ne posant pas de véritable problème de prise en charge si le diagnostic est correctement posé

    Women and health professionals’ perspectives on a conditional cash transfer programme to improve pregnancy follow-up: a qualitative analysis of the NAITRE randomised controlled study

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    Objectives Women of low socioeconomic status have been described as having suboptimal prenatal care, which in turn has been associated with poor pregnancy outcomes. Many types of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes have been developed, including programmes to improve prenatal care or smoking cessation during pregnancy, and their effects demonstrated. However, ethical critiques have included paternalism and lack of informed choice. Our objective was to determine if women and healthcare professionals (HPs) shared these concerns.Design Prospective qualitative research.Setting We included economically disadvantaged women, as defined by health insurance data, who participated in the French NAITRE randomised trial assessing a CCT programme during prenatal follow-up to improve pregnancy outcomes. The HP worked in some maternities participating in this trial.Participants 26 women, 14 who received CCT and 12 who did not, mostly unemployed (20/26), and - 7 HPs.Interventions We conducted a multicentre cross-sectional qualitative study among women and HPs who participated in the NAITRE Study to assess their views on CCT. The women were interviewed after childbirth.Results Women did not perceive CCT negatively. They did not mention feeling stigmatised. They described CCT as a significant source of aid for women with limited financial resources. HP described the CCT in less positive terms, for example, expressing concern about discussing cash transfer at their first medical consultation with women. Though they emphasised ethical concerns about the basis of the trial, they recognised the importance of evaluating CCT.Conclusions In France, a high-income country where prenatal follow-up is free, HPs were concerned that the CCT programme would change their relationship with patients and wondered if it was the best use of funding. However, women who received a cash incentive said they did not feel stigmatised and indicated that these payments helped them prepare for their baby’s birth.Trial registration number NCT0240285

    Rapid Improvement after Starting Elexacaftor–Tezacaftor–Ivacaftor in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Advanced Pulmonary Disease

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    International audienceRationale: Elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor is a CFTR (cystic fibrosis [CF] transmembrane conductance regulator) modulator combination, developed for patients with CF with at least one Phe508del mutation. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of elexacaftor-tezacaftor- ivacaftor in patients with CF and advanced respiratory disease. Methods: A prospective observational study, including all patients aged ⩾12 years and with a percent-predicted FEV1 (ppFEV1) <40 who initiated elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor from December 2019 to August 2020 in France was conducted. Clinical characteristics were collected at initiation and at 1 and 3 months. Safety and effectiveness were evaluated by September 2020. National-level transplantation and mortality figures for 2020 were obtained from the French CF and transplant centers and registries. Measurements and Main Results: Elexacaftor-tezacaftor- ivacaftor was initiated in 245 patients with a median (interquartile range) ppFEV1 = 29 (24-34). The mean (95% confidence interval) absolute increase in the ppFEV1 was +15.1 (+13.8 to +16.4; P < 0.0001), and the mean (95% confidence interval) in weight was +4.2 kg (+3.9 to +4.6; P < 0.0001). The number of patients requiring long-term oxygen, noninvasive ventilation, and/or enteral tube feeding decreased by 50%, 30%, and 50%, respectively (P < 0.01). Although 16 patients were on the transplant waiting list and 37 were undergoing transplantation evaluation at treatment initiation, only 2 received a transplant, and 1 died. By September 2020, only five patients were still on the transplantation path. Compared with the previous 2 years, a twofold decrease in the number of lung transplantations in patients with CF was observed in 2020, whereas the number of deaths without transplantation remained stable. Conclusions: In patients with advanced disease, elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor is associated with rapid clinical improvement, often leading to the indication for lung transplantation being suspended

    Characteristics, management, and outcomes of patients with left‐sided infective endocarditis complicated by heart failure: a substudy of the ESC‐EORP EURO‐ENDO (European infective endocarditis) registry

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    International audienc

    Correction to: Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry (Infection, (2022), 50, 5, (1191-1202), 10.1007/s15010-022-01792-0)

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    In this article the “EURO-ENDO Investigators group” member U. Y. Sinan was incorrectly written as U.S. Yasar. The original article has been corrected

    Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry

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    none912Purpose: High mortality and a limited performance of valvular surgery are typical features of infective endocarditis (IE) in octogenarians, even though surgical treatment is a major determinant of a successful outcome in IE. Methods: Data from the prospective multicentre ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry were used to assess the prognostic role of valvular surgery depending on age. Results: As compared to &lt; 80&nbsp;yo patients, ≥ 80&nbsp;yo had lower rates of theoretical indication for valvular surgery (49.1% vs. 60.3%, p &lt; 0.001), of surgery performed (37.0% vs. 75.5%, p &lt; 0.001), and a higher in-hospital (25.9% vs. 15.8%, p &lt; 0.001) and 1-year mortality (41.3% vs. 22.2%, p &lt; 0.001). By multivariable analysis, age per se was not predictive of 1-year mortality, but lack of surgical procedures when indicated was strongly predictive (HR 2.98 [2.43-3.66]). By propensity analysis, 304 ≥ 80&nbsp;yo were matched to 608 &lt; 80&nbsp;yo patients. Propensity analysis confirmed the lower rate of indication for valvular surgery (51.3% vs. 57.2%, p = 0.031) and of surgery performed (35.3% vs. 68.4%, p &lt; 0.0001) in ≥ 80&nbsp;yo. Overall mortality remained higher in ≥ 80&nbsp;yo (in-hospital: HR 1.50[1.06-2.13], p = 0.0210; 1-yr: HR 1.58[1.21-2.05], p = 0.0006), but was not different from that of &lt; 80&nbsp;yo among those who had surgery (in-hospital: 19.7% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.4236; 1-year: 27.3% vs. 25.5%, p = 0.7176). Conclusion: Although mortality rates are consistently higher in ≥ 80&nbsp;yo patients than in &lt; 80&nbsp;yo patients in the general population, mortality of surgery in ≥ 80&nbsp;yo is similar to &lt; 80&nbsp;yo after matching patients. These results confirm the importance of a better recognition of surgical indication and of an increased performance of surgery in ≥ 80&nbsp;yo patients.nonePazdernik, Michal; Iung, Bernard; Mutlu, Bulent; Alla, François; Riezebos, Robert; Kong, William; Nunes, Maria Carmo Pereira; Pierard, Luc; Srdanovic, Ilija; Yamada, Hirotsugu; De Martino, Andrea; Miglioranza, Marcelo Haertel; Magne, Julien; Piper, Cornelia; Laroche, Cécile; Maggioni, Aldo P; Lancellotti, Patrizio; Habib, Gilbert; Selton-Suty, Christine, EURO-ENDO Investigators group: R Ronderos, G Avegliano, P Fernandez Oses, E Filipini, I Granada, A Iribarren, M Mahia, F Nacinovich, S Ressi, R Obregon, M Bangher, J Dho, L Cartasegna, M L Plastino, V Novas, C Shigel, G Reyes, M De Santos, N Gastaldello, M Granillo Fernandez, M Potito, G Streitenberger, P Velazco, J H Casabé, C Cortes, E Guevara, F Salmo, M Seijo, F Weidinger, M Heger, R Brooks, C Stöllberger, C-Y Ho, L Perschy, L Puskas, G Goliasch, C Binder, R Rosenhek, M Schneider, M-P Winter, E Hoffer, M Melissopoulou, E Lecoq, D Legrand, S Jacquet, M Massoz, P Lancellotti, L Pierard, R Dulgheru, S Marchetta, C D Emal, C Oury, B Cosyns, S Droogmans, D Kerkhove, A Motoc, D Plein, B Roosens, L Soens, C Weytjens, I Lemoine, I Rodrigus, B Paelinck, B Amsel, P Unger, D Konopnicki, C Beauloye, A Pasquet, S Pierard, D Vancraeynest, J L Vanoverschelde, F Sinnaeve, J L Andrade, A C Tude Rodrigues, K Staszko, R Dos Santos Monteiro, M H Miglioranza, D L Shuha, M Alcantara, V Cravo, L Fazzio, A Felix, M Iso, C Musa, A P Siciliano, F Villaca Filho, J Braga, A Rodrigues, R Silva, F Vilela, D Rodrigues, L Silva, S Morhy, C Fischer, R Silva, M Vieira, T Afonso, J Abreu, S N Falcao, V Moises, A Gouvea, G João, F Mancuso, C Silva, A C Souza, C S Abboud, R Bellio de Mattos Barretto, A Ramos, R Arnoni, J E Assef, D J Della Togna, D Le Bihan, L Miglioli, A P Romero Oliveira, R Tadeu Magro Kroll, D Cortez, C L Gelape, M D C Peirira Nunes, T C De Abreu Ferrari, K-L Chan, K Hay, V Le, M Page, F Poulin, C Sauve, K Serri, C Mercure, J Beaudoin, P Pibarot, I Sebag, L Rudski, G Ricafort, B Barsic, V Krajinovic, M Vargovic, J Separovic-Hanzevacki, D Lovric, V Reskovic-Luksic, J Vincelj, S Jaksic Jurinjak, V Yiannikourides, M Ioannides, C Kyriakou, C Pofaides, V Masoura, K Yiangou, J Pudich, A Linhart, M Siranec, J Marek, K Blechova, M Kamenik, M Pazdernik, R Pelouch, Z Coufal, M Mikulica, M Griva, E Jancova, M Mikulcova, M Taborsky, J Precek, M Jecmenova, J Latal, J Widimsky, T Butta, S Machacek, R Vancata, J Spinar, M Holicka, F Pow Chon Long, N Anzules, A Bajana Carpio, G Largacha, E Penaherrera, D Moreira, E Mahfouz, E Elsafty, A Soliman, Y Zayed, J Aboulenein, M Abdel-Hay, A Almaghraby, M Abdelnaby, M Ahmed, B Hammad, Y Saleh, H Zahran, O Elgebaly, A Saad, M Ali, A Zeid, R El Sharkawy, M Meshaal, A Al Kholy, R Doss, D Osama, H Rizk, A Elmogy, M Mishriky, P Assayag, S El Hatimi, Saint- E Botelho-Nevers, S Campisi, J-F Fuzellier, A Gagneux-Brunon, R Pierrard, C Tulane, M Detoc, T Mehalla, D Boutoille, O Al Habash, N Asseray-Madani, C Biron, J Brochard, J Caillon, C Cueff, T Le Tourneau, A S Lecompte, R Lecomte, M Lefebvre, M M Magali Michel, S Pattier, S Delarue, M Le Bras, J Orain, J-F Faucher, V Aboyans, A Beeharry, H Durox, M Lacoste, J Magne, D Mohty, A David, V Pradel, V Sierra, A Neykova, B Bettayeb, S Elkentaoui, B Tzvetkov, G Landry, C Strady, K Ainine, S Baumard, C Brasselet, C Tassigny, V Valente-Pires, M Lefranc, B Hoen, B Lefevre, E Curlier, C Callier, N Fourcade, Y Jobic, S Ansard, R Le Berre, P Le Roux, F Le Ven, M-C Pouliquen, G Prat, F Bouchart, A Savoure, C Alarcon, C Chapuzet, I Gueit, C Tribouilloy, Y Bohbot, F Peugnet, M Gun, B Iung, X Duval, X Lescure, E Ilic-Habensus, N Sadoul, C Selton-Suty, F Alla, E Chevalier, F Goehringer, O Huttin, R Garcia, V Le Marcis, P Tattevin, E Donal, E Flecher, M Revest, G Habib, S Hubert, J-P Casalta, F Gouriet, F Arregle, S Cammilleri, L Tessonnier, A Riberi, C Chirouze, K Bouiller, A-S Brunel, D Fournier, L Hustache-Mathieu, T Klopfenstein, J Moreau, P Lim, L Oliver, J Ternacle, A Moussafeur, P Chavanet, L Piroth, M Buisson, S Mahy, C Martins, A Salmon-Rousseau, S Gohier, C Piper, J Börgermann, D Guckel, D Horstkotte, B Brockmeier, E Winkelmann, A Hagendorff, D Grey, G Nickenig, R Schueler, C Öztürk, E Stöhr, C Hamm, T Walther, R Brandt, A-C Frühauf, C T Hartung, C Hellner, C Wild, M Becker, S Hamada, W Kaestner, K Stangl, F Knebel, G Baldenhofer, A Brecht, H Dreger, C Isner, F Pfafflin, M Stegemann, R Zahn, B Fraiture, C Kilkowski, A-K Karcher, S Klinger, H Tolksdorf, D Tousoulis, C Aggeli, G Sarri, S Sideris, E Venieri, G Athanassopoulos, D Tsiapras, I Armenis, A Koutsiari, G Floros, C Grassos, S Dragasis, L Rallidis, C Varlamos, L Michalis, K Naka, A Bechlioulis, A Kotsia, L Lakkas, K Pappas, C Papadopoulos, S Kiokas, A Lioni, S Misailidou, J Barbetseas, M Bonou, C Kapelios, I Tomprou, K Zerva, A Manolis, E Hamodraka, D Athanasiou, G Haralambidis, L Poulimenos, H Samaras, A Nagy, A Bartykowszki, E Gara, S Sengupta, K Mungulmare, R Kasliwal, M Bansal, A Bhan, S Ranjan, M Kyavar, M Maleki, F Noohi Bezanjani, A Sadeghpour, A Alizadehasl, S Boudagh, A Ghavidel, P Moradnejad, H R Pasha, B Ghadrdoost, D Gilon, J Strahilevitz, S Israel, M Wanounou, C d'Agostino, P Colonna, L De Michele, F Fumarola, M Stante, N Marchionni, V Scheggi, B Alterini, S Del Pace, P Stefano, C Sparano, L P Badano, D Muraru, N Ruozi, R Tenaglia, U Limbruno, A Cresti, P Baratta, M Solari, C Giannattasio, A Moreo, B De Chiara, B Lopez Montero, F Musca, C A Orcese, F Panzeri, C F Russo, F Spano, O Alfieri, M De Bonis, E Agricola, E Busnardo, S Carletti, B Castiglioni, S Chiappetta, B Del Forno, D Ferrara, M Guffanti, G Iaci, E Lapenna, T Nisi, C Oltolini, U Pajoro, R Pasciuta, M Ripa, P Scarpellini, C Tassan Din, R Meneghin, D Schiavi, F Piscione, R Citro, R M Benvenga, L Greco, C Prota, I Radano, L Soriente, M Bellino, D Di Vece, F Santini, A Salsano, G M Olivieri, F Turrini, R Messora, S Tondi, A Olaru, V Agnoletto, L Grassi, C Leonardi, S Sansoni, S Del Ponte, G M Actis Dato, A De Martino, N Ohte, S Kikuchi, K Wakami, K Aonuma, Y Seo, T Ishizu, T Machino-Ohtsuka, M Yamamoto, N Iida, H Nakajima, Y Nakagawa, C Izumi, M Amano, M Miyake, K Takahashi, I Shiojima, Y Miyasaka, H Maeba, Y Suwa, N Taniguchi, S Tsujimoto, T Kitai, M Ota, S Yuda, S Sasaki, N Hagiwara, K Yamazaki, K Ashihara, K Arai, C Saitou, S Saitou, G Suzuki, Y Shibata, N Watanabe, S Nishino, K Ashikaga, N Kuriyama, K Mahara, K Abe, H Fujimaki, T Okubo, H Shitan, S Takanashi, M Terada, H Yamamoto, M Sata, H Yamada, K Kusunose, Y Saijo, H Seno, O Yuichiro, Y Sakata, H Mizuno, S Nakatani, T Onishi, K Sengoku, F Sera, S W Park, K Eun Kyoung, L Ga Yeon, J-W Hwang, C Jin-Oh, S-J Park, L Sang-Chol, C Sung-A, S Y Jang, D-H Kang, R Heo, S Lee, J-M Song, E Jung, J Plisiene, A Dambrauskaite, G Gruodyte, R Jonkaitiene, J Vaskelyte, V Mizariene, J Atkocaityte, R Zvirblyte, R Sow, A Codreanu, E C L De la Vega, C Michaux, T Staub, L Jacobs-Orazi, C Mallia Azzopardi, R G Xuereb, T Piscopo, D Borg, R Casha, J Farrugia, M Fenech, E Pllaha, C Vella, K Yamagata, L Grib, E Raevschi, A Grejdieru, G Balan, I Cardaniuc, L Cardaniuc, V Corcea, A Feodorovici, V Gaina, L Girbu, P Jimbei, D Kravcenco, E Panfile, E Prisacari, E Samohvalov, S Samohvalov, N Sceglova, I Benesco, V Marian, N Sumarga, M Mirocevic, B Bozovic, N Bulatovic, P Lakovic, L Music, J Roos-Hesselink, R Budde, T Gamela, A Wahadat, O Kamp, T Meijers, J P Van Melle, V M Deursen, H Crijns, S Bekkers, E Cheriex, M Gilbers, B Kietselaer, C Knackstedt, R Lorusso, S Schalla, S Streukens, S Chamuleau, M-J Cramer, A Teske, T Van der Spoel, A Wind, O Liesbek, J Lokhorst, H Van Heusden, W Tanis, I Van der Bilt, J Vriend, H De Lange-van Bruggen, E Karijodikoro, R Riezebos, E van Dongen, J Schoep, V Stolk, O Axler, F Baumann, S Lebras, T Edvardsen, J T Offstad, J O Beitnes, T Helle-Valle, H Skulstad, R Skardal, N Qamar, S Furnaz, B Ahmed, M H Butt, M F Khanzada, T Saghir, A Wahid, T Hryniewiecki, P Szymanski, K Marzec, M Misztal-Ogonowska, W Kosmala, M Przewlocka-Kosmala, A Rojek, K Woznicka, J Zachwyc, A Lisowska, M Kaminska, J Kasprzak, E Kowalczyk, D F Strzecka, P Wejner-Mik, M Trabulo, P Freitas, S Ranchordas, G Rodrigues, P Pinto, C Queiros, J Azevedo, L Marques, D Seabra, L Branco, J Abreu, M Cruz, A Galrinho, R Moreira, P Rio, A T Timoteo, M Selas, N M Cardim, V Carmelo, B Duque Neves, H Pereira, I Cruz, A Guerra, A Marques, I Pintassilgo, M C Tomescu, N-M Trofenciuc, M Andor, A Bordejevic, H S Branea, F Caruntu, L Cirin, I M Citu, C A Cotoraci, D Darabantiu, R Farcas, I Marincu, A Mavrea, M F Onel, T Parvanescu, D Pop, A L Pop-Moldovan, M I Puticiu, L A Velcean, A Ionac, D Cozma, C Mornos, F Goanta, I Popescu, R Beyer, R Mada, R Rancea, H Rosianu, R Tomoaia, C Stanescu, Z Kobalava, J Karaulova, E Kotova, A Milto, A Pisaryuk, N Povalyaev, M Sorokina, J Alrahimi, A Elshiekh, A Jamiel, A Ahmed, M Al-Mallah, N Attia, B Putnikovic, A Neskovic, A Dimic, B Ivanovic, S Matic, D Trifunovic, J Petrovic, D Kosevic, P Dabic, P Milojevic, I Petrovic, I Stojanovic, I Srdanovic, M Kovacevic, A Redzek, M Stefanovic, S Susak, L Velicki, A Vulin, T C Yeo, W K F Kong, K K Poh, I Vilacosta, M Abd El- Nasser, C Ferrera, C Olmos, F Calvo Iglesias, E Blanco-Gonzalez, M Bravo Amaro, A N Germinas, E Lopez-Rodriguez, J Lugo Adan, P Pazos-Lopez, M Pereira Loureiro, M T Perez, S Raposeiras-Roubin, S Rasheed Yas, M-M Suarez-Varela, F Vasallo Vidal, D Garcia-Dorado, A Sambola, N Fernandez-Hidalgo, T Gonzalez-Alujas, J Lozano, O Maisterra, N Pizzi, R Rios, P Tornos, A Bayes-Genis, L Pedro Botet, N Vallejo, E Berastegui, C Llibre, L Mateu, R Nunez, D Quesada, D Bosch Portell, J Aboal Vinas, X Albert Bertran, R Brugada Tarradellas, P Loma-Osorio Ricon, C Tiron de Llano, M A Arnau, A Bel, M Blanes, A Osa, M Anguita, F Carrasco, J Castillo, J L Zamorano, J L Moya Mur, M Alvaro, C Fernandez-Golfin, J M Monteagudo, E Navas Elorza, M C Farinas Alvarez, J Aguero Balbin, C Arminanzas, F Arnaiz de Las Revillas, A Arnaiz Garcia, M Cobo Belaustegui, M Fernandez Sampedro, M Gutierrez Cuadra, J F Gutierrez-Diez, J Zarauza, L Garcia Cuello, C Gonzalez Rico, R Rodriguez-Alvarez, J Goikoetxea, M Montejo, J Miro, M Almela, J Ambrosioni, C Falces, D Fuster, C Garcia-de-la-Maria, M Hernandez-Meneses, J Llopis, F Marco, A Moreno, E Quintana, E Sandoval, A Tellez, J M Tolosana, B Vidal, I Ruiz-Zamora, A Bardaji Ruiz, E Sanz Girgas, G Garcia-Pardo, M Guillen Marzo, A Rodriguez Oviedo, A Villares Jimenez, L Abid, R Hammami, S Kammoun, M S Mourali, F Mghaieth Zghal, M Ben Hlima, S Boudiche, S Ouali, L Zakhama, S Antit, I Slama, O Gulel, M Sahin, L E Sade, E Karacaglar, S Kucukoglu, O Cetinarslan, U S Yasar, U Canpolat, B Mutlu, H Atas, R Dervishova, C Ileri, H Zaky, J Alhashmi, F Baslib, J Tahir, P Zarger, S Woldman, L Menezes, C Primus, R Uppal, I Bvekerwa, B Chandrasekaran, A Kopanska, B Prendergast, S Cannata, J Chambers, J Hancock, J Klein, R Rajani, M P Ursi, R Dworakowski, A Fife, J Breeze, M Browne-Morgan, M Gunning, S Streather, F Asch, M Zemedkun, B Alyavi, J UzokovMichal, Pazdernik; Bernard, Iung; Bulent, Mutlu; François, Alla; Robert, Riezebos; William, Kong; Maria Carmo Pereira, Nunes; Luc, Pierard; Ilija, Srdanovic; Hirotsugu, Yamada; Andrea, De Martino; Marcelo Haertel, Miglioranza; Julien, Magne; Cornelia, Piper; Cécile, Laroche; Aldo P, Maggioni; Patrizio, Lancellotti; Gilbert, Habib; Christine, Selton-Suty; R Ronderos, EURO-ENDO Investigators group:; Avegliano, G; Fernandez Oses, P; Filipini, E; Granada, I; Iribarren, A; Mahia, M; Nacinovich, F; Ressi, S; Obregon, R; Bangher, M; Dho, J; Cartasegna, L; L Plastino, M; Novas, V; Shigel, C; Reyes, G; De Santos, M; Gastaldello, N; Granillo Fernandez, M; Potito, M; Streitenberger, G; Velazco, P; H Casabé, J; Cortes, C; Guevara, E; Salmo, F; Seijo, M; Weidinger, F; Heger, M; Brooks, R; Stöllberger, C; Ho, C-Y; Perschy, L; Puskas, L; Goliasch, G; Binder, C; Rosenhek, R; Schneider, M; Winter, M-P; Hoffer, E; Melissopoulou, M; Lecoq, E; Legrand, D; Jacquet, S; Massoz, M; Lancellotti, P; Pierard, L; Dulgheru, R; Marchetta, S; D Emal, C; Oury, C; Cosyns, B; Droogmans, S; Kerkhove, D; Motoc, A; Plein, D; Roosens, B; Soens, L; Weytjens, C; Lemoine, I; Rodrigus, I; Paelinck, B; Amsel, B; Unger, P; Konopnicki, D; Beauloye, C; Pasquet, A; Pierard, S; Vancraeynest, D; L Vanoverschelde, J; Sinnaeve, F; L Andrade, J; C Tude Rodrigues, A; Staszko, K; Dos Santos Monteiro, R; H Miglioranza, M; L Shuha, D; Alcantara, M; Cravo, V; Fazzio, L; Felix, A; Iso, M; Musa, C; P Siciliano, A; Villaca Filho, F; Braga, J; Rodrigues, A; Silva, R; Vilela, F; Rodrigues, D; Silva, L; Morhy, S; Fischer, C; Silva, R; Vieira, M; Afonso, T; Abreu, J; N Falcao, S; Moises, V; Gouvea, A; João, G; Mancuso, F; Silva, C; C Souza, A; S Abboud, C; Bellio de Mattos Barretto, R; Ramos, A; Arnoni, R; E Assef, J; J Della Togna, D; Le Bihan, D; Miglioli, L; P Romero Oliveira, A; Tadeu Magro Kroll, R; Cortez, D; L Gelape, C; C Peirira Nunes, M D; C De Abreu Ferrari, T; Chan, K-L; Hay, K; Le, V; Page, M; Poulin, F; Sauve, C; Serri, K; Mercure, C; Beaudoin, J; Pibarot, P; Sebag, I; Rudski, L; Ricafort, G; Barsic, B; Krajinovic, V; Vargovic, M; Separovic-Hanzevacki, J; Lovric, D; Reskovic-Luksic, V; Vincelj, J; Jaksic Jurinjak, S; Yiannikourides, V; Ioannides, M; Kyriakou, C; Pofaides, C; Masoura, V; Yiangou, K; Pudich, J; Linhart, A; Siranec, M; Marek, J; Blechova, K; Kamenik, M; Pazdernik, M; Pelouch, R; Coufal, Z; Mikulica, M; Griva, M; Jancova, E; Mikulcova, M; Taborsky, M; Precek, J; Jecmenova, M; Latal, J; Widimsky, J; Butta, T; Machacek, S; Vancata, R; Spinar, J; Holicka, M; Pow Chon Long, F; Anzules, N; Bajana Carpio, A; Largacha, G; Penaherrera, E; Moreira, D; Mahfouz, E; Elsafty, E; Soliman, A; Zayed, Y; Aboulenein, J; Abdel-Hay, M; Almaghraby, A; Abdelnaby, M; Ahmed, M; Hammad, B; Saleh, Y; Zahran, H; Elgebaly, O; Saad, A; Ali, M; Zeid, A; El Sharkawy, R; Meshaal, M; Al Kholy, A; Doss, R; Osama, D; Rizk, H; Elmogy, A; Mishriky, M; Assayag, P; El Hatimi, S; E Botelho-Nevers, Saint-; Campisi, S; Fuzellier, J-F; Gagneux-Brunon, A; Pierrard, R; Tulane, C; Detoc, M; Mehalla, T; Boutoille, D; Al Habash, O; Asseray-Madani, N; Biron, C; Brochard, J; Caillon, J; Cueff, C; Le Tourneau, T; S Lecompte, A; Lecomte, R; Lefebvre, M; M Magali Michel, M; Pattier, S; Delarue, S; Le Bras, M; Orain, J; Faucher, J-F; Aboyans, V; Beeharry, A; Durox, H; Lacoste, M; Magne, J; Mohty, D; David, A; Pradel, V; Sierra, V; Neykova, A; Bettayeb, B; Elkentaoui, S; Tzvetkov, B; Landry, G; Strady, C; Ainine, K; Baumard, S; Brasselet, C; Tassigny, C; Valente-Pires, V; Lefranc, M; Hoen, B; Lefevre, B; Curlier, E; Callier, C; Fourcade, N; Jobic, Y; Ansard, S; Le Berre, R; Le Roux, P; Le Ven, F; Pouliquen, M-C; Prat, G; Bouchart, F; Savoure, A; Alarcon, C; Chapuzet, C; Gueit, I; Tribouilloy, C; Bohbot, Y; Peugnet, F; Gun, M; Iung, B; Duval, X; Lescure, X; Ilic-Habensus, E; Sadoul, N; Selton-Suty, C; Alla, F; Chevalier, E; Goehringer, F; Huttin, O; Garcia, R; Le Marcis, V; Tattevin, P; Donal, E; Flecher, E; Revest, M; Habib, G; Hubert, S; Casalta, J-P; Gouriet, F; Arregle, F; Cammilleri, S; Tessonnier, L; Riberi, A; Chirouze, C; Bouiller, K; Brunel, A-S; Fournier, D; Hustache-Mathieu, L; Klopfenstein, T; Moreau, J; Lim, P; Oliver, L; Ternacle, J; Moussafeur, A; Chavanet, P; Piroth, L; Buisson, M; Mahy, S; Martins, C; Salmon-Rousseau, A; Gohier, S; Piper, C; Börgermann, J; Guckel, D; Horstkotte, D; Brockmeier, B; Winkelmann, E; Hagendorff, A; Grey, D; Nickenig, G; Schueler, R; Öztürk, C; Stöhr, E; Hamm, C; Walther, T; Brandt, R; Frühauf, A-C; T Hartung, C; Hellner, C; Wild, C; Becker, M; Hamada, S; Kaestner, W; Stangl, K; Knebel, F; Baldenhofer, G; Brecht, A; Dreger, H; Isner, C; Pfafflin, F; Stegemann, M; Zahn, R; Fraiture, B; Kilkowski, C; Karcher, A-K; Klinger, S; Tolksdorf, H; Tousoulis, D; Aggeli, C; Sarri, G; Sideris, S; Venieri, E; Athanassopoulos, G; Tsiapras, D; Armenis, I; Koutsiari, A; Floros, G; Grassos, C; Dragasis, S; Rallidis, L; Varlamos, C; Michalis, L; Naka, K; Bechlioulis, A; Kotsia, A; Lakkas, L; Pappas, K; Papadopoulos, C; Kiokas, S; Lioni, A; Misailidou, S; Barbetseas, J; Bonou, M; Kapelios, C; Tomprou, I; Zerva, K; Manolis, A; Hamodraka, E; Athanasiou, D; Haralambidis, G; Poulimenos, L; Samaras, H; Nagy, A; Bartykowszki, A; Gara, E; Sengupta, S; Mungulmare, K; Kasliwal, R; Bansal, M; Bhan, A; Ranjan, S; Kyavar, M; Maleki, M; Noohi Bezanjani, F; Sadeghpour, A; Alizadehasl, A; Boudagh, S; Ghavidel, A; Moradnejad, P; R Pasha, H; Ghadrdoost, B; Gilon, D; Strahilevitz, J; Israel, S; Wanounou, M; D'Agostino, C; Colonna, P; De Michele, L; Fumarola, F; Stante, M; Marchionni, N; Scheggi, V; Alterini, B; Del Pace, S; Stefano, P; Sparano, C; P Badano, L; Muraru, D; Ruozi, N; Tenaglia, R; Limbruno, U; Cresti, A; Baratta, P; Solari, M; Giannattasio, C; Moreo, A; De Chiara, B; Lopez Montero, B; Musca, F; A Orcese, C; Panzeri, F; F Russo, C; Spano, F; Alfieri, O; De Bonis, M; Agricola, E; Busnardo, E; Carletti, S; Castiglioni, B; Chiappetta, S; Del Forno, B; Ferrara, D; Guffanti, M; Iaci, G; Lapenna, E; Nisi, T; Oltolini, C; Pajoro, U; Pasciuta, R; Ripa, M; Scarpellini, P; Tassan Din, C; Meneghin, R; Schiavi, D; Piscione, F; Citro, R; M Benvenga, R; Greco, L; Prota, C; Radano, I; Soriente, L; Bellino, M; Di Vece, D; Santini, F; Salsano, A; M Olivieri, G; Turrini, F; Messora, R; Tondi, S; Olaru, A; Agnoletto, V; Grassi, L; Leonardi, C; Sansoni, S; Del Ponte, S; M Actis Dato, G; De Martino, A; Ohte, N; Kikuchi, S; Wakami, K; Aonuma, K; Seo, Y; Ishizu, T; Machino-Ohtsuka, T; Yamamoto, M; Iida, N; Nakajima, H; Nakagawa, Y; Izumi, C; Amano, M; Miyake, M; Takahashi, K; Shiojima, I; Miyasaka, Y; Maeba, H; Suwa, Y; Taniguchi, N; Tsujimoto, S; Kitai, T; Ota, M; Yuda, S; Sasaki, S; Hagiwara, N; Yamazaki, K; Ashihara, K; Arai, K; Saitou, C; Saitou, S; Suzuki, G; Shibata, Y; Watanabe, N; Nishino, S; Ashikaga, K; Kuriyama, N; Mahara, K; Abe, K; Fujimaki, H; Okubo, T; Shitan, H; Takanashi, S; Terada, M; Yamamoto, H; Sata, M; Yamada, H; Kusunose, K; Saijo, Y; Seno, H; Yuichiro, O; Sakata, Y; Mizuno, H; Nakatani, S; Onishi, T; Sengoku, K; Sera, F; W Park, S; Eun Kyoung, K; Ga Yeon, L; Hwang, J-W; Jin-Oh, C; Park, S-J; Sang-Chol, L; Sung-A, C; Y Jang, S; Kang, D-H; Heo, R; Lee, S; Song, J-M; Jung, E; Plisiene, J; Dambrauskaite, A; Gruodyte, G; Jonkaitiene, R; Vaskelyte, J; Mizariene, V; Atkocaityte, J; Zvirblyte, R; Sow, R; Codreanu, A; L De la Vega, E C; Michaux, C; Staub, T; Jacobs-Orazi, L; Mallia Azzopardi, C; G Xuereb, R; Piscopo, T; Borg, D; Casha, R; Farrugia, J; Fenech, M; Pllaha, E; Vella, C; Yamagata, K; Grib, L; Raevschi, E; Grejdieru, A; Balan, G; Cardaniuc, I; Cardaniuc, L; Corcea, V; Feodorovici, A; Gaina, V; Girbu, L; Jimbei, P; Kravcenco, D; Panfile, E; Prisacari, E; Samohvalov, E; Samohvalov, S; Sceglova, N; Benesco, I; Marian, V; Sumarga, N; Mirocevic, M; Bozovic, B; Bulatovic, N; Lakovic, P; Music, L; Roos-Hesselink, J; Budde, R; Gamela, T; Wahadat, A; Kamp, O; Meijers, T; P Van Melle, J; M Deursen, V; Crijns, H; Bekkers, S; Cheriex, E; Gilbers, M; Kietselaer, B; Knackstedt, C; Lorusso, R; Schalla, S; Streukens, S; Chamuleau, S; Cramer, M-J; Teske, A; Van der Spoel, T; Wind, A; Liesbek, O; Lokhorst, J; Van Heusden, H; Tanis, W; Van der Bilt, I; Vriend, J; De Lange-van Bruggen, H; Karijodikoro, E; Riezebos, R; van Dongen, E; Schoep, J; Stolk, V; Axler, O; Baumann, F; Lebras, S; Edvardsen, T; T Offstad, J; O Beitnes, J; Helle-Valle, T; Skulstad, H; Skardal, R; Qamar, N; Furnaz, S; Ahmed, B; H Butt, M; F Khanzada, M; Saghir, T; Wahid, A; Hryniewiecki, T; Szymanski, P; Marzec, K; Misztal-Ogonowska, M; Kosmala, W; Przewlocka-Kosmala, M; Rojek, A; Woznicka, K; Zachwyc, J; Lisowska, A; Kaminska, M; Kasprzak, J; Kowalczyk, E; F Strzecka, D; Wejner-Mik, P; Trabulo, M; Freitas, P; Ranchordas, S; Rodrigues, G; Pinto, P; Queiros, C; Azevedo, J; Marques, L; Seabra, D; Branco, L; Abreu, J; Cruz, M; Galrinho, A; Moreira, R; Rio, P; T Timoteo, A; Selas, M; M Cardim, N; Carmelo, V; Duque Neves, B; Pereira, H; Cruz, I; Guerra, A; Marques, A; Pintassilg

    Clinical presentation, aetiology and outcome of infective endocarditis. Results of the ESC-EORP EURO-ENDO (European infective endocarditis) registry: a prospective cohort study

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    The EURO-ENDO registry aimed to study the management and outcomes of patients with infective endocarditis (IE). AIMS: The EURO-ENDO registry aimed to study the management and outcomes of patients with infective endocarditis (IE). METHODS AND RESULTS: Prospective cohort of 3116 adult patients (2470 from Europe, 646 from non-ESC countries), admitted to 156 hospitals in 40 countries between January 2016 and March 2018 with a diagnosis of IE based on ESC 2015 diagnostic criteria. Clinical, biological, microbiological, and imaging [echocardiography, computed tomography (CT) scan, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT)] data were collected. Infective endocarditis was native (NVE) in 1764 (56.6%) patients, prosthetic (PVIE) in 939 (30.1%), and device-related (CDRIE) in 308 (9.9%). Infective endocarditis was community-acquired in 2046 (65.66%) patients. Microorganisms involved were staphylococci in 1085 (44.1%) patients, oral streptococci in 304 (12.3%), enterococci in 390 (15.8%), and Streptococcus gallolyticus in 162 (6.6%). 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography was performed in 518 (16.6%) patients and presented with cardiac uptake (major criterion) in 222 (42.9%) patients, with a better sensitivity in PVIE (66.8%) than in NVE (28.0%) and CDRIE (16.3%). Embolic events occurred in 20.6% of patients, and were significantly associated with tricuspid or pulmonary IE, presence of a vegetation and Staphylococcus aureus IE. According to ESC guidelines, cardiac surgery was indicated in 2160 (69.3%) patients, but finally performed in only 1596 (73.9%) of them. In-hospital death occurred in 532 (17.1%) patients and was more frequent in PVIE. Independent predictors of mortality were Charlson index, creatinine &gt; 2\u2009mg/dL, congestive heart failure, vegetation length &gt; 10 mm, cerebral complications, abscess, and failure to undertake surgery when indicated. CONCLUSION: Infective endocarditis is still a life-threatening disease with frequent lethal outcome despite profound changes in its clinical, microbiological, imaging, and therapeutic profiles

    Surgery and outcome of infective endocarditis in octogenarians: prospective data from the ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry

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    Purpose: High mortality and a limited performance of valvular surgery are typical features of infective endocarditis (IE) in octogenarians, even though surgical treatment is a major determinant of a successful outcome in IE. Methods: Data from the prospective multicentre ESC EORP EURO-ENDO registry were used to assess the prognostic role of valvular surgery depending on age. Results: As compared to < 80 yo patients, ≥ 80 yo had lower rates of theoretical indication for valvular surgery (49.1% vs. 60.3%, p < 0.001), of surgery performed (37.0% vs. 75.5%, p < 0.001), and a higher in-hospital (25.9% vs. 15.8%, p < 0.001) and 1-year mortality (41.3% vs. 22.2%, p < 0.001). By multivariable analysis, age per se was not predictive of 1-year mortality, but lack of surgical procedures when indicated was strongly predictive (HR 2.98 [2.43–3.66]). By propensity analysis, 304 ≥ 80 yo were matched to 608 < 80 yo patients. Propensity analysis confirmed the lower rate of indication for valvular surgery (51.3% vs. 57.2%, p = 0.031) and of surgery performed (35.3% vs. 68.4%, p < 0.0001) in ≥ 80 yo. Overall mortality remained higher in ≥ 80 yo (in-hospital: HR 1.50[1.06–2.13], p = 0.0210; 1-yr: HR 1.58[1.21–2.05], p = 0.0006), but was not different from that of < 80 yo among those who had surgery (in-hospital: 19.7% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.4236; 1-year: 27.3% vs. 25.5%, p = 0.7176). Conclusion: Although mortality rates are consistently higher in ≥ 80 yo patients than in < 80 yo patients in the general population, mortality of surgery in ≥ 80 yo is similar to < 80 yo after matching patients. These results confirm the importance of a better recognition of surgical indication and of an increased performance of surgery in ≥ 80 yo patients

    Socio-Economic Variations Determine the Clinical Presentation, Aetiology and Outcome of Infective Endocarditis: a Prospective Cohort Study from the ESC-EORP EURO-ENDO (European Infective Endocarditis) Registry

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    Background: Infective endocarditis (IE) is a life-threatening disease associated with high mortality and morbidity worldwide. We sought to determine how socio-economic factors might influence its epidemiology, clinical presentation, investigation and management, and outcome, in a large international multi-centre registry. Methods: The EurObservationalProgramme (EORP) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) EURO-ENDO registry comprises a prospective cohort of 3113 adult patients admitted for IE in 156 hospitals in 40 countries between January 2016 and March 2018. Patients were separated in 3 groups, according to World Bank economic stratification (Group 1 - high income [75.6%]; Group 2 - upper-middle income [15.4%]; Group 3 - lower-middle income [9.1%]). Results: Group 3 patients were younger (median age [IQR]: Group 1 - 66 [53-75] years; Group 2 - 57 [41-68] years; Group 3 - 33 [26-43] years; p&lt;0.001) with a higher frequency of smokers, intravenous drug use and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (all p&lt;0.001) and presented later (median [IQR) days since symptom onset: Group 1 - 12 [3-35]; Group 2 - 19 [6-54]; Group 3 - 31 [12-62]; p&lt;0.001) with a higher likelihood of developing congestive heart failure (13.6%; 11.1%; and 22.6%, respectively; p&lt;0.001) and persistent fever (9.8%; 14.2%; 27.9%; p&lt;0.001). Among 2157 (69.3%) patients with theoretical indication for cardiac surgery, surgery was performed less frequently in Group 3 patients (75.5%, 76.8% and 51.3%, respectively p&lt;0.001) who also demonstrated the highest mortality (15.0%, 23.0% and 23.7%, respectively; p&lt;0.001). Conclusions: Socio-economic factors influence the clinical profile of patients presenting with IE across the world. Despite younger age, patients from the poorest countries presented with more frequent complications and higher mortality associated with delayed diagnosis and lower use of surgery