338 research outputs found


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    Na hierarquia motora, os primeiros movimentos do ser humano são reflexos e ocorrem nos seis primeiros meses de vida. Durante o período lactente, também ocorre a manifestação dos movimentos automáticos e, a partir dos 18 meses iniciam as etapas simbólicas, onde a criança manifesta com mais clareza a linguagem, através da elaboração das frases e da expressão corporal, o mundo práxico. O movimento práxico é considerado elaborado e sofisticado, pois depende da participação dos órgãos do sentido, da atividade cortical e do sistema límbico. Através da linguagem, influenciada por fatores biológicos e ambientais, é possível representar as complexas abstrações que são o fundamento da sociedade atual. O desenvolvimento motor representa uma sequência regular e constante do calendário neuroevolutivo. Quando um indivíduo manifesta uma perturbação motora, busca-se a origem do problema, a qual, na infância, se caracteriza, principalmente, por déficits compreendidos em três grandes áreas: coordenação; propriocepção e percepção. Neste sentido, é essencial a avaliação e o acompanhamento das crianças, a fim de identificar riscos, alterações e atrasos motores, possibilitando o planejamento de futuras intervenções. As dispraxias são transtornos do desenvolvimento, com alterações motoras em uma ou mais áreas, podendo ser classificadas em primárias ou secundárias, destacando que os primeiros sinais de alerta muitas vezes só serão observados em idade escolar, sendo de grande importância o olhar atento dos profissionais da educação. Para identificar estes sinais de alerta, podem ser utilizados protocolos de avaliação do desenvolvimento, como a Escala de Desenvolvimento Motor – EDM.Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento motor. Dispraxias. Educação infantil.

    Gross motor function in patients with cerebral palsy in rehabilitation process with virtual reality

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    Purpose: To verify whether there is a correlation between the variables of the interventions with Virtual Reality (VR) and if there is an influence (positive or negative) on motor function in people with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Methods: A systematic search was completed in PubMed; Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo and, Scholar Google (up to page 25). Applying selection criteria, 17 articles were selected. From the articles found, 145 individuals were analyzed concerning intervention variables. VR tools were classified as specific and non-specific. Statistical analysis determined variables' behavior through tests of multivariate analysis and the coefficient of correlation. Results: Non-specific hardware for rehabilitation programs presented better results and statistical results suggests a significant correlation between session time and improvement of motor function, pointing that sessions between 45 and 50 minutes are more efficient. Conclusions: Type of hardware and intervention time are significant when planning interventions for people with CP

    Contribuições do programa residência pedagógica da Universidade Estadual do Ceará na formação de professores da educação básica

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    This paper is a result of a research which had as the general goal to understand the contributions of the Pedagogical Residence Program at Universidade Estadual do Ceará in basic education teacher’s development. The methodological approach was qualitative, a case study through documental analysis, application of a form and semi structured interviews with undergraduate Letras, Pedagogy and Biological Science students from Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Only interview data is presented here and the discussions go towards teaching formation, teaching identity and teaching profession. The results indicated that the Program presents, to the teachers to be, a bigger permanence and learning in school environment and also an integration between university and school, which contributes to the teacher’s formation and the strengthen of the theory and practice articulation. The results pointed out a   certain naiveness in the speech, which attribute an applicationist and redeeming view to the Program, demanding more criticism and reflection.Este artículo es resultado de la investigación que tuvo como objetivo general comprender las contribuciones del Programa de Residencia Pedagógica en la formación de profesores de la Educación Básica. El abordaje metodológico fue el cualitativo, tipo estudio de caso, con la realización de análisis documental, aplicación de cuestionario y entrevistas semiestructuradas con estudiantes de los cursos de Letras/Portugués, Pedagogía y Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidade Estadual do Ceará y, en este texto, son presentados, solamente, los datos expresos en las entrevistas. Las discusiones de la investigación se volvieron para la formación docente, identidad y profesión docente. Los resultados indicaron que el Programa presenta, para estudiantes, mayor permanencia y aprendizaje en el ambiente de la escuela e integración entre universidad y escuela, contribuyéndose para el proceso de formación docente y fortalecimiento de la articulación entre teoría y práctica. Se apunta una cierta ingenuidad en los posicionamientos de los estudiantes, que atribuyen una visión aplicada y redentora al Programa, exigiendo más crítica y reflexividad.  Este artigo é resultado de pesquisa que teve como objetivo geral compreender as contribuições do Programa de Residência Pedagógica na formação dos professores da Educação Básica. A abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa, tipo estudo de caso, com a realização de análise documental, aplicação de questionário e entrevistas semiestruturadas com licenciandos dos cursos de Letras/Português, Pedagogia e Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, e, neste texto, são apresentados, somente, os dados expressos nas entrevistas. As discussões da investigação voltaram-se para formação docente, identidade docente e profissão docente. Os resultados indicaram que o Programa apresenta, para os licenciandos, uma maior permanência e aprendizagem no ambiente da escola e integração entre universidade e escola, contribuindo para o processo de formação docente e fortalecimento da articulação entre teoria e prática. Aponta-se uma certa ingenuidade nos posicionamentos dos estudantes, que atribuem uma visão aplicacionista e redentora ao Programa, exigindo uma maior crítica e reflexividade

    O ensino da filosofia de Platão através da obra Admirável Mundo Novo, de Aldous Huxley: educação, cidadania e a defesa da estabilidade social

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor o ensino da filosofia de Platão (427 - 347 a.C.), na escola, enfocando-se A República, através da análise da obra de ficção científica Admirável Mundo Novo, de Aldous Huxley, com ênfase na relação entre as ideias e valores difundidos pela educação e os contextos sociais revelados nas referidas obras. O clássico de Huxley pode estimular e ser um instrumento importante na introdução ao pensamento de Platão, fornecendo subsídios para a reflexão sobre determinados meios pelos quais certas ideias e valores relacionados ao conceito de cidadania contribuem para a estabilidade social, legitimando formas de dominação através da divisão social do trabalho. Dessa forma, a análise da obra de Huxley pode proporcionar aos alunos uma leitura crítica da filosofia platônica

    Unveiling patterns of viral pathogen infection in free-ranging carnivores of northern Portugal using a complementary methodological approach

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    Pathogen surveillance in free-ranging carnivores presents challenges due to their low densitie and secretive nature. We combined molecular and serological assays to investigate infections by viral pathogens (Canine parvovirus (CPV), Canine distemper virus (CDV) and Canine coronavirus (CCoV)) in Portuguese carnivores (Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Lutra lutra, Martes foina, M. martes, Meles meles, and Genetta genetta) over a period of 16 years. Additionally we explored spatio-temporal patterns of virus occurrence in Canis lupus. Our study identified CPV DNA in all carnivore species with an overall prevalence of 91.9 %. CPV was detected in all sampled years and seasons in Canis lupus, supporting its enzootic nature. CDV RNA was mainly detected in the Canidae family, with viral nucleic acid recorded between 2005 and 2008 with a peak prevalence of 67 % among the wolf population, followed by a sharp decline, suggesting an epizootic behaviour of the virus. Antibodies show that mustelids and viverrids were often exposed to CDV. CCoV was first recorded by molecular methods in wolf samples in 2002, remaining in the wolf populations with marked fluctuations over time. The dual serological and molecular approach provided important epidemiological data on pathogens of wild carnivores in Portugal. These programmes should also include monitoring of other potential reservoir hosts such as domestic cats and dogs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Postural changes in women with chronic pelvic pain: a case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a lower abdominal pain lasting at least 6 months, occurring continuously or intermittently and not associated exclusively with menstruation or intercourse. Although the musculoskeletal system has been found to be involved in CPP, few studies have assessed the contribution of posture in women with CPP. We aimed to determine if the frequency of postural changes was higher in women with CPP than healthy subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case-control study included 108 women with CPP of more than 6 months' duration (CPP group) who consecutively attended at the Hospital of the University of São Paulo and 48 healthy female volunteers (control group). Postural assessment was noninvasive and performed in the standing position, with the reference points of Kendall used as normal parameters. Factors associated with CPP were assessed by logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Logistic regression showed that the independent factors associated with CPP were postural changes in the cervical spine (OR 4.1; 95% CI 1.6–10.7; p < 0.01) and scapulae (OR 2.9; 95% CI 1.1–7.6; p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Musculoskeletal changes were associated with CPP in 34% of women. These findings suggest that a more detailed assessment of women with CPP is necessary for better diagnosis and for more effective treatment.</p

    Effects of Whole-Body Vibration in Hematobiochemical and Hemogasometric Parameters in Adult and Elderly Healthy Dogs

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    Background: Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) consists of mechanical vibration stimuli produced that propagate throughout the body by increasing the gravitational load. The WBV can increase muscle mass in dogs with muscular atrophy. As Whole-body vibration (WBV) can be used as exercise modality with no impact on the joints, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of single session of WBV in hematobiochemical and hemogasometric parameters in adult and elderly healthy dogs. Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen clinically healthy, neutered crossbreed male dogs, non-athlete were selected. The dogs were divided into two groups of seven dogs, according to the age group: Group I - adult dogs (GI): age between 12.0 and 84.0 months old; Group II - elderly dogs (GII): age above 84.0 months old. All dogs were submitted to a single session WBV by using a vibrating platform that delivered a vortex wave circulation as mechanical vibration. The WBV protocol used was 30 Hz frequency (3.10 mm peak displacement; 11.16 m/s2 peak acceleration; 0.29 m/s velocity), then 50 Hz (3.98 mm peak displacement; 39.75 m/s2 peak acceleration; 0.62 m/s velocity), and lastly 30 Hz (3.10 mm peak displacement; 11.16 m/s2 peak acceleration; 0.29 m/s velocity) for 5-min between de frequencies. The hematobiochemical and hemagasometric parameters were evaluated at 1-min before the WBV session (1PRE), 1-min after the WBV session (1POST), 120-min (120POST) and 24 hours after the WBV session (24hPOST). The dogs accepted well the vibration stimulus, however, elderly dogs weighting above 30 kg were more likely to sit down with increased frequency from 30 to 50 Hz. No variations of food and water intakes and gastrointestinal changes were observed after the WBV session. Hemoglobin values showed significant decrease (P = 0.0312) between 1PRE and 1POST in elderly dogs. A significant decrease (P = 0.0453) was observed in alanine aminotransferase values between 120POST and 14hPOST in adult dogs. Creatinine values had a statically decrease (P = 0.0173) between 1PRE and 24hPOST in adult dogs. However, these values remained within the reference range for dogs. Discussion: According to the literature, there are no studies related to the effects of WBV in haematobiochemical and hemogasometric parameters in adult and elderly dogs. No deleterious effects regarding to a single session of WBV were observed, however harmful effects were observed in human patients. The elderly dogs with body mass above 30 kg tried to sit during the increased frequency from 30 to 50 Hz, which was associated with the pressure exerted in their paws. No significant differences were observed in erythrogram and leukogram parameters except for hemoglobin values. Significant decline was observed in hemoglobin values in adult Beagle dogs; and were associated with hemolysis. The significant decrease in alanine aminotransferase and creatinine values did not have clinical significance. No significant alterations were identified in hemogasometric parameters but slight increase in pH values was observed in horses subjected to a 60 km run, and was associated to the loss of Cl ions in sweat. The single session of WBV by using a vibrating platform that delivered a vortex wave circulation, at 30 and 50 Hz frequencies for 5 min did not induced significant changes in hematobiochemical and hemogasometric parameters in adults and elderly healthy dogs