498 research outputs found

    A decomposition method for finding optimal container stowage plans

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    In transportation of goods in large container ships, shipping industries need to minimize the time spent at ports to load/unload containers. An optimal stowage of containers on board minimizes unnecessary unloading/reloading movements, while satisfying many operational constraints. We address the basic container stowage planning problem (CSPP). Different heuristics and formulations have been proposed for the CSPP, but finding an optimal stowage plan remains an open problem even for small-sized instances. We introduce a novel formulation that decomposes CSPPs into two sets of decision variables: the first defining how single container stacks evolve over time and the second modeling port-dependent constraints. Its linear relaxation is solved through stabilized column generation and with different heuristic and exact pricing algorithms. The lower bound achieved is then used to find an optimal stowage plan by solving a mixed-integer programming model. The proposed solution method outperforms the methods from the literature and can solve to optimality instances with up to 10 ports and 5,000 containers in a few minutes of computing time

    Ductile fracture nucleation ahead of sharp cracks

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    Improving Rigid 3-D Calibration for Robotic Surgery

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    Autonomy is the next frontier of research in robotic surgery and its aim is to improve the quality of surgical procedures in the next future. One fundamental requirement for autonomy is advanced perception capability through vision sensors. In this article, we propose a novel calibration technique for a surgical scenario with a da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) robot. Camera and robotic arms calibration are necessary to precise position and emulate expert surgeon. The novel calibration technique is tailored for RGB-D cameras. Different tests performed on relevant use cases prove that we significantly improve precision and accuracy with respect to state of the art solutions for similar devices on a surgical-size setups. Moreover, our calibration method can be easily extended to standard surgical endoscope used in real surgical scenario

    Estimation of emission rate from experimental data

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    The estimation of the source pollutant strength is a relevant issue for atmospheric environment. This characterizes an inverse problem in the atmospheric pollution dispersion studies. In the inverse analysis, a time-dependent pollutant source is considered, where the location of such source term is assumed known. The inverse problem is formulated as a non-linear optimization approach, whose objective function is given by the least-square difference between the measured and simulated by the mathematical model, pollutant concentration, associated with a regularization operator. The forward problem is addressed by a Lagrangian model, and a quasi-Newton method is employed for minimizing the objective function. The second-order Tikhonov regularization is applied and the regularization parameter is computed by using the L-curve scheme. The inverse-problem methodology is verified with data from the tracer Copenhagen experiment

    Estimativa do coeficiente de cultura (kc) para um sistema de rotação de culturas de trigo e soja.

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    O coeficiente de cultura (KC) é a razão entre a evapotranspiração real (ET) de uma cultura e a evapotranspiração de referência (Eto), definida pelas características que distinguem a evapotranspiração da superfície cultivada da superfície de referência

    The Complexity of Flow Expansion and Electrical Flow Expansion

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    FlowExpansion is a network design problem, in which the input consists of a flow network and a set of candidate edges, which may be added to the network. Adding a candidate incurs given costs. The goal is to determine the cheapest set of candidate edges that, if added, allow the demands to be satisfied. FlowExpansion is a variant of the Minimum-Cost Flow problem with non-linear edge costs. We study FlowExpansion for both graph-theoretical and electrical flow networks. In the latter case this problem is also known as the Transmission Network Expansion Planning problem. We give a structured view over the complexity of the variants of FlowExpansion that arise from restricting, e.g., the graph classes, the capacities, or the number of sources and sinks. Our goal is to determine which restrictions have a crucial impact on the computational complexity. The results in this paper range from polynomial-time algorithms for the more restricted variants over NP-hardness proofs to proofs that certain variants are NP-hard to approximate even within a logarithmic factor of the optimal solution

    Dinâmica da assimilação primária bruta da soja no sul do Brasil.

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    O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores agrícolas do mundo. Com isto, uma vasta área do território brasileiro é coberto por culturas que influenciam diretamente no balanço anual de carbono entre a superfície terrestre e a atmosfera

    Response to measles, mumps and rubella (Mmr) vaccine in transfusion-dependent patients

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    Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) still determine significant morbidity and mortality, although a highly effective vaccine is available. Postponing the MMR vaccination until 6 months after the last red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is recommended, but this delay is incompatible with chronic transfusions. The present study aimed at investigating the impact of blood transfusions on the immunogenicity of the MMR vaccine. In this observational study, a group of 45 transfusion-dependent (TD) patients was compared to 24 non-transfusion-dependent (NTD) patients. Immunity to measles was achieved in 35 (78%) TD and 21 (88%) NTD subjects (p = 0.7), to mumps in 36 (80%) TD and 21 (88%) NTD subjects (p = 0.99), and to rubella in 40 (89%) TD and 23 (96%) NTD subjects (p = 0.99). No significant difference was observed in the number of non-immune individuals or those with doubtful protection between the two groups (p > 0.05). The mean IgG value, assayed in 50 pre-storage leukoreduced RBC units, was 0.075 ± 0.064 mg/mL, ten times lower than the level assumed in blood units and considered detrimental to the immune response in TD patients. This work shows a favorable response to MMR vaccination in TD and NTDT patients and paves the way for further larger studies assessing the impact of chronic transfusions on vaccine response

    Evapotranspiração de cultura e real nas culturas de soja e trigo no sul do Brasil.

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    A evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) representa a máxima perda de água que certa cultura sofre em dado estádio de desenvolvimento quando não há restrição de água no solo